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Attendance Report November 1

Sunday School 103

First Focus
Worship 132
Wednesday Night 136

First Baptist Church, Hamilton, Texas

Our Tithes and Offerings....
Advancing the Gospel
Gifts to the Budget
Vol. 32, No. 38 November 4, 2009
October 25 4,451.00
November 1 3,185. 00
Average Weekly Needs 5,350.48
FBC Revitalization 240.00
Shoes for Orphan Souls 60.00
Wednesday Night Meals 148.00

Total Gifts November 1 $3,633.00

Sunday Personnel November 8

Kevin Craig, Billy Donahoo, David Holley,
Cody Lee, Shelly Lengefeld, Shirley Wilson

Dale Caraway, Jimmie Edwards
E-mail Address

Darla Cole, Clydell Massingill

Rev. Eric Coleman, Minister to Youth

Church Nursery
Jacob Sensenig, Minister of Music
Church Office - 254/386-8141

Bridget Bruce, Lesli Jester

2-3 Year Olds
LaShea Bruce, Alathia Morgan November 22
Rev. Keith Felton, Pastor

Children’s Church The youth of our community will go around collecting canned food supplies for
First Baptist Church

Hamilton, TX 76531

Aubry Gates, Elizabeth Marquess United Care. We ask that you will participate in this wonderful ministry. All you
220 S. Bell Street

have to do is buy canned goods and place them outside your door, on the front
P.O. Box 673

porch, on November 22 and our volunteers will be by between 2-4 P.M. to collect
the donations. The day will conclude at St. John Lutheran Church where we will
Deacons on Call for November
David Courtney - Team Leader
have food set up for our volunteers. Let Eric know if you would like to be part of
Cody Catoe, Jimmie Edwards, Don Haile this great ministry.
From the Shepherd’s Shop‹
Shop‹ Life of the Church LOOK OUT!... A N NO U N C E M E N T S
by Pastor Keith Felton Sunday, November 8 Here They Come!
Sunday School 9:45 am
Worship 11:00 am
Children’s Church for Pre-K thru K 11:00 am FOR
I want to thank all of those who led in worship this past With the fall quickly rushing upon us, we are now looking forward to
Community Youth Advocacy Meeting 2:00 pm some very special activities that take place at FBC. Last Friday ORPHAN SOULS
Sunday: Gram Short, Bill & Pat Gillham, Peter Elkins, Portico 6:00 pm night we concluded our 5th Quarter concert series with an awesome
and Susan Tober. We are blessed to have folks who can Monday, November 9 performance by Await the Day!! We had an awesome time and the November 1 - December 1
step up in the absence of regular leadership and do a Handbell Choir Rehearsal 5:30 pm band really enjoyed being able to come and minister to our students.
fine job leading our worship service. I was especially Wednesday, November 11 Now with 5th quarter completed, we are looking forward to another
thankful for Gram who shared a very difficult opportunity to serve our community. New Shoes are good for the soul…
Nursing Home Ministry 10:00 am
testimony. I believe God will do incredible things in Wednesday Night Fellowship Meal 5:15 pm First, this Sunday afternoon starting at 2pm we will host an Yours and theirs.
the lives of those who heard it. Almost nothing sparks Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 6:00 pm informational meeting for creating a Community-wide Youth
growth more in a church than when the members feel Children’s Music & Missions 6:00 pm Advocacy Group in Hamilton. This group will allow us as a
comfortable sharing their stories with one another. community of youth workers and pastors to collaborate and share Thank you...
Ekklesia - Youth 6:00 pm
ideas regarding youth ministry. This group will also help alleviate
Sanctuary Choir Practice 7:00 pm
I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween this past the problems that arise due to over scheduling events on the same FB C, the Choir and Sunday school classes,
Thursday, November 12 day and to help provide assistance in the planning and carrying out
weekend. I was reminded in my PhD seminar for the Ladies Crafts 9:00 am of some bigger events that we perform. I pray that you will become Thanks for your thoughts, prayers, visits and
fall just how important this time of year is for Christian AA Meeting 8:00 pm involved in this group. We are asking that all the youth workers and generosity during m y illness. G od bless you all.
history and my prayer is that we will think of the pastors try to make this event. I am very excited about this new
following event every Halloween… ground we are breaking in youth ministry for our students. Thank you and love,
The day before the Feast of All Saints in 1517, a 33 ♫ MUSIC MINISTRY ♫ Allow me to provide just a couple of examples of this
partnership working together. This year our 5th Quarter activities
M ark G iles
year old monk named Martin Luther posted 95 Theses have received the direct help from St. John Lutheran Church and
on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg. The the First United Methodist Church. Both churches provided food for
door functioned as a bulletin board for all kinds of our students and volunteers to help with security. This is just one
announcements related to church and academic affairs.
Luther called for a “disputation on the power and
HE IS BORN! example of our community coming together to help share the burden
of ministry. Secondly, the band that was able to come and lead our WEDNESDAY Night Meal
efficacy of indulgences out of love and zeal for truth December 13, 2009 students in worship for ‘Fields of Faith’ last month was sponsored by November 11
and the desire to bring it to light.” These indulgences these same churches. Through the faithful giving of these churches Sloppy Joes and Trimmings
6:30 P.M. and our partnership we were able to offset the entire cost of the
had become instruments for granting forgiveness of band. These are just a couple of examples of how this new group
sins. Indulgences were issued by executive papal order This year’s Christmas program will be on will impact our student ministry. We are also looking forward to the
and they were meant to commute the penitent sinner’s
work to satisfy for sins. Specific payments were
Sunday evening December 13th at 6:30 P.M. annual canned food drive which will take place on Nov. 22 from
2-5pm. Start purchasing a few extra canned goods next time you 2009 BIBLE 365
determined by the church for individuals to avoid and will include music by the Sanctuary are at the grocery store and place them on your front porch Day 302 - Isaiah 37:1-38:22, Galatians 6:1-18,
punishment in all sorts of spiritual matters. Choir, Children’s Choirs, and the Chandler November 22 for us to collect for United Care. Last year we Psalm 65:1-13, Proverbs 23:24
Craig Handbell Choir. At Christmas, we received a trailer bed full of donations and we pray this year will be
even better!! Please let Eric Coleman know if you would like to help
Day 303 - Isaiah 39:1-41:16, Ephesians 1:1-23,
Luther opposed the practice of indulgences and his 95 celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior and Psalm 66:1-20, Proverbs 23:25-28
with this ministry, as we need trucks, trailers, and drivers to help
Theses stated reasons to do away with it. This ignited a Day 304 - Isaiah 41:17-43:13, Ephesians 2:1-23,
revolution for change in the church. By 1520, Luther
this year we will use music to examine and with the collection process. Thank you again for your faithful
celebrate the light of Christ coming forth into support of our student ministry endeavors!! This ministry can only Psalm 67:1-7, Proverbs 23:29-35
declared that baptism and clinging to the divine happen with your help and support! Day 305 - Isaiah 43:14-45:10 , Ephesians 4:1-16,
promise of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ the darkness. Please put this date on your Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 24:1-2
alone, who by his life, death, and resurrection set calendar, you will not want to miss it! In His Grip, Day 306 - Isaiah 45:11-48, Ephesians 4:1=1-16,
humankind free from all punishment for sin was all “In Him was life, and that life was the light of Eric Coleman Psalm 68:19-35, Proverbs 24:3-4
that was needed. The Reformation was born on the eve Day 307 - Isaiah 48:12-50:11, Ephesians 4:17-32,
of what we know as Halloween and the practice of our
men. The light shines in the darkness, but the PORTICO – Sunday Nov. 8th 6pm – Stacy and Keith Reich’s
darkness has not understood it” - John 1: 4-5 House Psalm 69:1-18, Proverbs 24:5-6
faith as Baptist Christians is directly related and Day 308 - Isaiah 51:1-53:12, Ephesians 5:1-33,
indebted to brave reformers such as Luther. Psalm 69:19-36, Proverbs 24:7
Jacob Sensenig

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