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When we plant a plant, we always use water t water !t !n r"er t #rw
well. $re%er !n #er&!nat!n# pr'ess ( that plant, we nee" &re water )e'ause
!t !s %ery !&prtant . But !n real!ty s&et!&e the peple thrw the rest "eter#ent t
the plant an" the #rwth )etween plant watere" )y water !s "!((erent w!th plant
watere" )y rest "eter#ent. Plant watere" )y water #rw well )ut plant watere" )y
rest "eter#ent " nt #rw well. T *nw &re a)ut the !n(luen'e ( "eter#ent !n
#er&!nat!n pr'ess ( #reen pea, s we " th!s e+per!&ent
What !s the !n(luen'e ( "eter#ent !n #er&!nat!n pr'ess ( #reen pea-
Knw!n# a)ut the !n(luen'e ( "eter#ent !n #er&!nat!n pr'ess ( #reen
A. Ger&!nat!n
Ger&!nat!n !s the pr'ess !n wh!'h a plant r (un#us e&er#es (r& a see" r
spre an" )e#!ns #rwth. The &st '&&n e+a&ple ( #er&!nat!n !s the sprut!n#
( a see"l!n# (r& a see" ( an an#!sper& r #y&nsper&. Hwe%er the #rwth ( a
sprel!n# (r& a spre, (r e+a&ple the #rwth ( hyphae (r& (un#al spres, !s als
#er&!nat!n. In a &re #eneral sense, #er&!nat!n 'an !&ply anyth!n# e+pan"!n# !nt
#reater )e!n# (r& a s&all e+!sten'e r #er&.0
Requirements for seed germination
.ee" #er&!nat!n "epen"s n )th !nternal an" e+ternal 'n"!t!ns. The &st
!&prtant !nternal (a'trs !n'lu"e te&perature, water, +y#en an" s&et!&es l!#ht r
"ar*ness.1ar!us plants re2u!re "!((erent %ar!a)les (r su''ess(ul see" #er&!nat!n,
(ten th!s "epen"s n the !n"!%!"ual see" %ar!ety an" !s 'lsely l!n*e" t the
e'l#!'al 'n"!t!ns ( a plant3s natural ha)!tat. 4r s&e see"s, the!r (uture
#er&!nat!n respnse !s a((e'te" )y en%!rn&ental 'n"!t!ns "ur!n# see" (r&at!n5
&st (ten these respnses are types ( see" "r&an'y.
Water 6 !s re2u!re" (r #er&!nat!n. $ature see"s are (ten e+tre&ely "ry an"
nee" t ta*e !n s!#n!(!'ant a&unts ( water, relat!%e t the "ry we!#ht ( the see",
)e(re 'ellular &eta)l!s& an" #rwth 'an resu&e. $st see"s nee" enu#h water t
&!sten the see"s )ut nt enu#h t sa* the&. The upta*e ( water )y see"s !s 'alle"
!&)!)!t!n, wh!'h lea"s t the swell!n# an" the )rea*!n# ( the see" 'at. When see"s
are (r&e", &st plants stre a (" reser%e w!th the see", su'h as star'h, prte!ns, r
!ls. Th!s (" reser%e pr%!"es nur!sh&ent t the #rw!n# e&)ry. When the see"
!&)!)es water, hy"rlyt!' en7y&es are a't!%ate" wh!'h )rea* "wn these stre" ("
resur'es !nt &eta)l!'ally use(ul 'he&!'als. A(ter the see"l!n# e&er#es (r& the
see" 'at an" starts #rw!n# rts an" lea%es, the see"l!n#3s (" reser%es are
typ!'ally e+hauste"5 at th!s p!nt phtsynthes!s pr%!"es the ener#y nee"e" (r
'nt!nue" #rwth an" the see"l!n# nw re2u!res a 'nt!nuus supply ( water,
nutr!ents, an" l!#ht.
Oxygen 6 !s re2u!re" )y the #er&!nat!n# see" (r &eta)l!s&.890 O+y#en !s
use" !n aer)!' resp!rat!n, the &a!n sur'e ( the see"l!n#3s ener#y unt!l !t #rws
lea%es. O+y#en !s an at&spher!' #as that !s (un" !n s!l pre spa'es5 !( a see" !s
)ur!e" t "eeply w!th!n the s!l r the s!l !s waterl##e", the see" 'an )e +y#en
star%e". .&e see"s ha%e !&per&ea)le see" 'ats that pre%ent +y#en (r& enter!n#
the see", 'aus!n# a type ( phys!'al "r&an'y wh!'h !s )r*en when the see" 'at !s
wrn away enu#h t allw #as e+'han#e an" water upta*e (r& the en%!rn&ent.
Temperature 6 a((e'ts 'ellular &eta)l!' an" #rwth rates. .ee"s (r&
"!((erent spe'!es an" e%en see"s (r& the sa&e plant #er&!nate %er a w!"e ran#e (
te&peratures. .ee"s (ten ha%e a te&perature ran#e w!th!n wh!'h they w!ll #er&!nate,
an" they w!ll nt " s a)%e r )elw th!s ran#e. $any see"s #er&!nate at
te&peratures sl!#htly a)%e r&6te&perature :;6<= 4 >?:6@A CB, wh!le thers
#er&!nate Cust a)%e (ree7!n# an" thers #er&!nate nly !n respnse t alternat!ns !n
te&perature )etween war& an" 'l. .&e see"s #er&!nate when the s!l !s 'l @D6
A; 4 >6@ 6 A CB, an" s&e when the s!l !s war& <:6E; 4 >@A69@ CB. .&e see"s
re2u!re e+psure t 'l" te&peratures >%ernal!7at!nB t )rea* "r&an'y. .ee"s !n a
"r&ant state w!ll nt #er&!nate e%en !( 'n"!t!ns are (a%ra)le. .ee"s that are
"epen"ent n te&perature t en" "r&an'y ha%e a type ( phys!l#!'al "r&an'y.
4r e+a&ple, see"s re2u!r!n# the 'l" ( w!nter are !nh!)!te" (r& #er&!nat!n# unt!l
they ta*e !n water !n the (all an" e+per!en'e 'ler te&peratures. 4ur "e#rees
Cels!us !s 'l enu#h t en" "r&an'y (r &st 'l "r&ant see"s, )ut s&e
#rups, espe'!ally w!th!n the (a&!ly Ranun'ula'eae an" thers, nee" 'n"!t!ns
'ler than 6= C. .&e see"s w!ll nly #er&!nate a(ter ht te&peratures "ur!n# a
(rest (!re wh!'h 'ra'*s the!r see" 'ats5 th!s !s a type ( phys!'al "r&an'y.
Light or darkness 6 'an )e an en%!rn&ental tr!##er (r #er&!nat!n an" !s a
type ( phys!l#!'al "r&an'y. $st see"s are nt a((e'te" )y l!#ht r "ar*ness, )ut
&any see"s, !n'lu"!n# spe'!es (un" !n (rest sett!n#s, w!ll nt #er&!nate unt!l an
pen!n# !n the 'anpy allws su((!'!ent l!#ht (r #rwth ( the see"l!n#.
.'ar!(!'at!n &!&!'s natural pr'esses that wea*en the see" 'at )e(re
#er&!nat!n. In nature, s&e see"s re2u!re part!'ular 'n"!t!ns t #er&!nate, su'h as
the heat ( a (!re >e.#., &any Austral!an nat!%e plantsB, r sa*!n# !n a )"y ( water
(r a ln# per!" ( t!&e. Others nee" t )e passe" thru#h an an!&al3s "!#est!%e tra't
t wea*en the see" 'at enu#h t allw the see"l!n# t e&er#e.8@0

Germination rate
In a#r!'ulture an" #ar"en!n#, the #er&!nat!n rate "es'r!)es hw &any see"s
( a part!'ular plant spe'!es, %ar!ety r see"lt are l!*ely t #er&!nate. It !s usually
e+presse" as a per'enta#e, e.#., an D=F #er&!nat!n rate !n"!'ates that a)ut D= ut (
?;; see"s w!ll pr)a)ly #er&!nate un"er prper 'n"!t!ns. The #er&!nat!n rate !s
use(ul (r 'al'ulat!n# the see" re2u!re&ents (r a #!%en area r "es!re" nu&)er (
a. Dicot germination
The part ( the plant that (!rst e&er#es (r& the see" !s the e&)ryn!'
rt, ter&e" the ra"!'le r pr!&ary rt. It allws the see"l!n# t )e'&e
an'hre" !n the #run" an" start a)sr)!n# water. A(ter the rt a)sr)s
water, an e&)ryn!' sht e&er#es (r& the see". Th!s sht '&pr!ses three
&a!n partsG the 'tyle"ns >see" lea%esB, the se't!n ( sht )elw the
'tyle"ns >hyp'tylB, an" the se't!n ( sht a)%e the 'tyle"ns
>ep!'tylB. The way the sht e&er#es "!((ers a&n# plant #rups.
1. Epigeous
In ep!#eus >r ep!#ealB #er&!nat!n, the hyp'tyl eln#ates an"
(r&s a h*, pull!n# rather than push!n# the 'tyle"ns an" ap!'al
&er!ste& thru#h the s!l. On'e !t rea'hes the sur(a'e, !t stra!#htens an"
pulls the 'tyle"ns an" sht t!p ( the #rw!n# see"l!n#s !nt the a!r.
Beans, ta&ar!n", an" papaya are e+a&ples ( plants that #er&!nate th!s
. !ypogeous
Anther way ( #er&!nat!n !s hyp#eus >r hyp#ealB, where the
ep!'tyl eln#ates an" (r&s the h*. In th!s type ( #er&!nat!n, the
'tyle"ns stay un"er#run" where they e%entually "e'&pse. Peas, (r
e+a&ple, #er&!nate th!s way. Ger&!nat!n starts w!th ne t!ny see"l!n#
wh!'h )e#!ns t sprut.
"onocot germination
In &n't see"s, the e&)ry3s ra"!'le an" 'tyle"n are '%ere" )y a
'lerh!7a an" 'lept!le, respe't!%ely. The 'lerh!7a !s the (!rst part t #rw
ut ( the see", (llwe" )y the ra"!'le. The 'lept!le !s then pushe" up
thru#h the #run" unt!l !t rea'hes the sur(a'e. There, !t stps eln#at!n# an"
the (!rst lea%es e&er#e.
1. #recocious germination
Wh!le nt a 'lass ( #er&!nat!n, pre''!us #er&!nat!n
re(ers t see" #er&!nat!n )e(re the (ru!t has release" see". The
see"s ( the #reen apple '&&nly #er&!nate !n th!s &anner.

B. Deter#ent
A "eter#ent !s a &ater!al use" (r 'lean!n#. The ter& !s s&et!&es use" t
"!((erent!ate )etween sap an" ther sur(a'tants use" (r 'lean!n#.
Deter#ents, espe'!ally thse &a"e (r use w!th water, (ten !n'lu"e "!((erent
'&pnents su'h asG
$urfactants t 3'ut3 >e&uls!(yB #rease an" t wet sur(a'es
%&rasi'e t s'ur
$u&stances to modify p! r t a((e't per(r&an'e r sta)!l!ty ( ther
!n#re"!ents, a'!"s (r "es'al!n# r 'aust!'s t )rea* "wn r#an!'
Water softeners t 'untera't the e((e't ( Hhar"nessH !ns n ther
oxidants (oxidi)ers* (r )lea'h!n#, "!s!n(e't!n, an" )rea*!n# "wn
r#an!' '&pun"s
Nn6sur(a'tant &ater!als that *eep "!rt !n suspens!n
En)ymes t "!#est prte!ns, (ats, r 'ar)hy"rates !n sta!ns r t &"!(y
(a)r!' (eel
+ngredients that modify the foaming properties ( the 'lean!n#
sur(a'tants, t e!ther sta)!l!7e r 'untera't (a&
+ngredients to increase or decrease the 'iscosity of the so,ution, r t
*eep ther !n#re"!ents !n slut!n, !n a "eter#ent suppl!e" as a water
slut!n r #el
In#re"!ents that affect aesthetic properties ( the !te& t )e 'leane", r
( the "eter#ent !tsel( )e(re r "ur!n# use, su'h as pt!'al )r!#hteners,
(a)r!' s(teners, 'lrs, per(u&es, et'.
In#re"!ents su'h as corrosion inhi&itors t 'untera't "a&a#e t
e2u!p&ent w!th wh!'h the "eter#ent !s use"
In#re"!ents t reduce harm or produce &enefits to skin, when the
"eter#ent !s use" )y )are han" n !nan!&ate )Ce'ts r use" t 'lean s*!n
#reser'ati'es t pre%ent sp!la#e ( ther !n#re"!ents
.&et!&es &ater!als &re '&pl!'ate" than &ere &!+tures ( '&pun"s
are sa!" t )e "eter#ent. 4r !nstan'e, 'erta!n ("s su'h as 'elery are sa!" t )e
"eter#ent r "eters!%e t teeth
%. E-#ER+"E.T DE$+G.
/. E01+#"E.T %.D "%TER+%L$
Na&e Juant!ty
Analyt!'al )alan'e ?
Plast!' #lass <
Bla'* plast!' )a# <
Ruler ?
,a)el paper ?A
$easure #lass ?
Water As nee"e"
Deter#ent pw"er ? #ra&
Threa" As nee"e"
2. 3%R+%/LE %RE 1$ED
Cntrl %ar!a)le G Pla'e , *!n" ( #reen peas ,
In"epen"ent %ar!a)le G Cn'entrat!n ( "eter#ent
Depen"ent %ar!a)le G he!#ht ( #rwth
?. Prepar!n# "eter#ent slut!n ?;;F5 =;F5 @=F5 ?@,=F 5 :.@=F 5 9,?F an"
a2ua"es. .a%!n# thse slut!n an" #!%e the la)els.
@. Prepar!n# < plast!' #lasses an" #!%e the la)el. Enter!n# t!ssues as nee"e" !n
ea'h #lass.
9. Enter!n# #reen peas !nt a )wl ( water. Thrw!n# the (lat!n# #reen
A. Ta*!n# the ?; #reen peas . Enter!n# !t !n ea'h 'n'entrat!n slut!n (r =
=. Ta*!n# up the #reen peas an" put !t n the t!ssues apprpr!ate w!th the
:. Wett!n# !t w!th apprpr!ate slut!n.
<. A"Cust!n# the #reen peas s the h!lu& ps!t!n !s !n "wnwar".
D. C%er!n# !t w!th )la'* plast!' )a# an" ta*!n# !t !nt "ar* pla'e.
E. O)ser%!n# !ts #rwth e%ery"ay unt!l the =
?;. $a*!n# #raph!' ( a%era#e #rwth.
%. D%T%
Deter#ent Cn'entrat!n
4!rst Day
? ?9 : ?A @; ; ; ?@
@ ?9 ?= ?A ?A ; ?A ?;
9 = ?? ?: ?= ; ?: ;
A ?; ?: ?; ?? ; ; =
= ?; ?A D ; ; ?? ;
: < @9 ?? ; ; ?; 9
< ?: D ?; ?= = ?? ;
D ?= ?A D ?; 9 ?A ?A
E ; ?D ?D = = = ?9
?; ; ?E D : @ ?A ?<
.u& DE ?AA ?;< E: ?= E= <A
A%era#e D.E ?A.A ?;.< E.: ?.= E.= <.A
Deter#ent Cn'entrat!n
.e'n" Day
? 9= @; @= @< = ; 9;
@ A= 9; @A @; D ?D @=
9 @@ @= 9= @? < 9; :
A ?D @E @; ?< ?; = ?@
= @: @< ?D = E ?9 =
: @= A; @9 ; D ?= ?=
< A@ @? @; @@ ?= ?< =
D 9< 9? ?< ?< ?@ @9 9;
E @; 9= ?= ?@ @; ?; @<
?; ?; @; ?D ?9 ?; @= A=
.u& @D; @<D @?= ?=A ?;A ?=: @;;
A%era#e @D @<.D @?.= ?=.A ?;.A ?=.: @;
N. Deter#ent Cn'entrat!n
Th!r" Day
?;;F =;F @=F ?@.=F. :.@=F 9.?F Cntrl
>&&B >&&B >&&B >&&B >&&B >&&B >&&B
? =; A; <= := == <; :=
@ AA == <A == =D A; <;
9 9; :; D; =; A= <@ =;
A A9 A< := =9 A9 == <=
= A< 9= :< A; =; D= <D
: 9D A= :9 A= AA 9= ==
< 9= 9E AD AA 9= := =<
D 9; 9A =; :D 9; 99 A=
E A< A? A= =9 A? := A;
?; 9@ A@ =A AA 9< := 9;
.u& 9E: A9D :@? =?< A9D =D= =:=
A%era#e 9E.: A9.D :@.? =?.< A9.D =D.= =:.=
Deter#ent Cn'entrat!n
4urth Day
? <; E; E= ?=< ?== ?9; ?=;
@ :< :9 E; =; ?A= ?:= ?==
9 := <; :< =< ?9= ??= ?<;
A == <A =< := ?9E ?;; ?:=
= 9= << <9 E< ?:; ?9= ?<<
: A; <= ?A9 ?;; ?A; ?A; ?A;
< :9 D= :; ?;< =9 ?=? :;
D D; == := ??; :; ?=9 ?@;
E =< A= == <D == ?=; ?=9
?; =; =@ <= E@ ?;= ?A< ?:<
.u& =D@ :D: D=; E?9 ??A< ?9D: ?A=<
A%era#e =D.@ :D.: D= E?.9 ??A.< ?9D.: ?A=.<
Deter#ent Cn'entrat!n
4!(th Day
? ??; ?9; ?:= ?:@ ?<; ?D= ?E;
@ ??9 ?@; ?:9 ?<; ?:= ?D; ?D;
9 ?;E ??; ?:@ ?:= ?=; ?:; ?D=
A E= E= ?:; ?=; ?<= ?<: ?<=
= D< ?;; ?=; ?== ??; ?=< ?:;
: := ??= ?A; E= ?;; ?== ?:=
< :; D; ?AD ??; ?9; ?<? ?<9
D == <; ?;; ?9; ?=< ?D@ ?9;
1 2 3 4 5
E =; :; D; ?A; ?:D ?=; ?:9
?; A; <= =; ?@; ?:9 ?:= ?<@
.u& <DA E== ?9?D ?9E< ?ADD ?:D? ?:E9
A%era#e <D.A E=.= ?9?.D ?9E.< ?AD.D ?:D.? ?:E.9
B. ANA,/.I.
4r& the "ata a)%e we 'an see that the ten"en'y ( #rwth ( #reen peas !n ea'h
'n'entrat!n !s !n'rease. But the spee" ( the #rwth ( ea'h 'n'entrat!n !s "!((erent.
In the (!rst "ay, the a%era#e #rwth ( ?;;F5 =;F5 @=F5 ?@.=F5 :.@=F5 9.?F an"
;F respe't!%ely are D.E 5 ?A.A 5 ?;.< 5 E.= 5 ?.=5 E.= 5 <.A !n &&. . the #rwth (
=;F 'n'entrat!n !s (ast than the ther. In the =;F an" @= F 'n'entrat!n all
#reen peas #rw , )ut the ther s&e #reen peas st!ll "es nt #rw. In the ?;;F
'n'entrat!n @ #reen peas "es nt #rw , !n ?@.= F there are @ #reen peas , !n
:.@=F there are = #reen peas, !n 9. F 'n'entrat!n there !s ne an" !n ;F
'n'entrat!n there are 9 #reen peas. It "esnt apprpr!ate w!th the thery that
the #rwth !n 'ntrl 'n"!t!n !s slwer than the ther. It happens )e'ause (
s&e (a'trs that the !nten'!ty !n #!%!n# water !n ea'h 'n'entrat!n !s "!((erent
an" the 2ual!ty ( ea'h #reen pea !s "!((erent..
In the se'n" "ay, the a%era#e #rwth ( ?;;F5 =;F5 @=F5 ?@.=F5 :.@=F5 9.?F
an" ;F respe't!%ely are @D 5 @<.D 5 @?.= 5 ?=.A 5 ?;.A 5 ?=.: 5 @; !n &&. . the
#rwth ( ?;;F 'n'entrat!n !s (ast than the ther. In the ?;;F , =;F , @= F ,
:.@=F an" 'ntrl 'n'entrat!n all #reen peas #rw , )ut the ther s&e #reen
peas st!ll "es nt #rw. Bth !n ?@.=F an" 9.? F, there !s ne #reen pea " nt
#rw. It "es nt apprpr!ate w!th the thery that the #rwth !n 'ntrl 'n"!t!n
!s slwer than the ther. It happens )e'ause ( s&e (a'trs that the !nten'!ty !n
#!%!n# water !n ea'h 'n'entrat!n !s "!((erent an" the 2ual!ty ( ea'h #reen pea !s
In the th!r" "ay, the a%era#e #rwth ( ?;;F5 =;F5 @=F5 ?@.=F5 :.@=F5 9.?F
an" ;F respe't!%ely are 9E.: 5 A9.D 5 :@.? 5 =?.< 5 A9.D 5 =D.= 5 =:.= !n &&. . the
#rwth ( @=F 'n'entrat!n !s (ast than the ther. All #reen peas #rw. It "es
nt apprpr!ate w!th the thery that the #rwth !n 'ntrl 'n"!t!n !s slwer than
the ther. It happens )e'ause ( s&e (a'trs that the !nten'!ty !n #!%!n# water !n
ea'h 'n'entrat!n !s "!((erent an" the 2ual!ty ( ea'h #reen pea !s "!((erent..
In the (urth "ay, the a%era#e #rwth ( ?;;F5 =;F5 @=F5 ?@.=F5 :.@=F5 9.?F
an" ;F respe't!%ely are =D.@ 5 :D.: 5 D= 5 E?.9 5 ??A.< 5 ?9D.: 5 ?A=.< !n &&. .
the #rwth ( ;F 'n'entrat!n !s (ast than the ther. All #reen peas #rw. It
apprpr!ates w!th the thery that the #rwth !n 'ntrl 'n"!t!n !s (aster than the
ther. . " w!th the ther 'n'entrat!n that the ten"en'y ( #rwth !s "e'rease
as !n'reas!n# 'n'entrat!n ( "eter#ent.
In the (!(th "ay, the a%era#e #rwth ( ?;;F5 =;F5 @=F5 ?@.=F5 :.@=F5 9.?F
an" ;F respe't!%ely are <D.A 5 E=.= 5 ?9?.D 5 ?9E.< 5 ?AD.D 5 ?:D.? 5 ?:E.9 !n &&.
. the #rwth ( ;F 'n'entrat!n !s (ast than the ther. All #reen peas #rw. It
apprpr!ates w!th the thery that the #rwth !n 'ntrl 'n"!t!n !s (aster than the
ther. . " w!th the ther 'n'entrat!n that the ten"en'y ( #rwth !s "e'rease
as !n'reas!n# 'n'entrat!n ( "eter#ent.
4r& the "ata an" the #raph!' we 'an analy7e that the #rwth ( #reen pea !n (!rst
unt!l th!r" "ay !s nt !n sta)le 'n"!t!n )ut a(ter (urth an" (!(th "ay, the #rwth )e'&e
sta)le a#a!n. Th!s "eter#ent a%!" the pr'ess ( a)sr)!n# enu#h water !n #er&!nat!n
pr'ess , s the a)!l!ty ( #reen pea !n transprt!n# nutr!ent !s "e'rease t. Deter#ents
'nta!n a 'he&!'al *nwn as sur(a'tant, wh!'h !s a su)stan'e that re"u'es the sur(a'e
tens!n ( a l!2u!" that !t !s "!ssl%e" !n. Th!s helps the "eter#ent t penetrate an" 'lean !n
a )etter way.
Bes!"e that, the 'lur ( the lea( !s nt #reen )ut yellw. It happens )e'ause
th!s pr'ess happens !n "ar* pla'e > et!las! B, s the au*s!n hr&ne wr*
e((e't!(ely . As the e((e't the l!#ht ener#y t " phtsynthes!s pr'ess !s t l!ttle s
the 'lr ( lea( !s pale yellw an" the #rwth !s (ast than !n the l!#ht pla'e
The result !n (!rst unt!l th!r" "ay, the result !s nt apprpr!ate w!th the thery
wh!le !n (urth an" (!(th "ay are apprpr!ate w!th the thery. It happens )e'ause the
!nten'!ty !n a""!n# slut!n !s "!((erent s !t &a*e the t!ssue !n #lass )e'&e rather "ry.
As the e((e't the slut!n that a)sr)e" )y the #reen peas are "e'rease. . the #rwth !s
slwer. Bes!"e that , the 2ual!ty ( ea'h #reen peas !n ea'h 'nsentrat!n !s "!((erent ea'h
ther althu#h when we "ye !t !n the water !s "ye".
The (un't!n ( 'ntrl slut!n !s (r '&parat!n ( thers slut!n #rwth. I(
there are s&e #reen peas are "ea" r nt #rw, !t !s !n(luen'e" )y the 2ual!ty ( the
#reen peas !ts sel(. In th!s e+per!&ent we 'lse !t w!th )la'* plast!' !n r"er t the l!#ht "
nt enter. . the #er&!nat!n pr'ess 'an run (aster . th!s 'n"!t!n !s na&e" et!las!.
The #rwth ( #reen peas are "e'reas!n# as !n'reas!n# the 'n'entrat!n ( the
There are s&e (a'tr !n #er&!nat!n pr'ess G "ar*ness , water , +y#en an"
The (ast #rwth ( #reen peas !n "ar*ness happens )e'ause au*s!n hr&ne that
wr* e((e't!%ely !n "ar*
Deter#ent &a*e the a)!l!ty ( transprt!n# nutr!ent ( the #reen peas !s "e'rease

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