Worksheet 7forces of Attraction and VSEPR Theory

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Cape Chemistry Unit 1 Worksheet Date ...

Exercise 1
Draw dot-and-cross diagrams for the formation of:
(a) Magnesium oxide from magnesium atoms and oxygen atoms;
(b) Calcium fluoride and calcium atoms and fluorine atoms
Dot- and- cross diagrams are most often used to describe molecules and ions whose structures conform to the octet rule.
However, not all ions have such structures, as you see in the next exercise.
Exercise !
(a) "rite down electron configuration# in s# $# d# f notation# using a notable gas core where a$$ro$riate for the
following ions:
(i) %
(i') Ca
('ii) (e
(ii) %
(') *n
('iii) Cd
(iii) +n
('i) Mn
(ix) ,a
(b) Excluding %
# which is uni-ue# use the answers to (a) to identify three commonly occurring arrangements for
outer shell electrons in addition to the .stable octet/
(c) +i
# C
# 1
and 3
are all isoelectronic with the noble gas neon# ie they ha'e the same electron configurations
"hy# therefore# do they not ha'e stable existence4
Exercise )
Do you ex$ect the radius of (a) a sodium ion# 5a
and (b) a chlorine ion# Cl
# to be greater or smaller than the radius of the
$arent atom4 Ex$lain your answer
Exercise 0
(a) (ind an electron density ma$ of sodium chloride
(b) 6oo7 at the electron densities# es$ecially near the nuclei# to decide which are the chloride ions
(c) Does the ma$ show $recisely the boundaries between chloride ions and sodium ions
(d) 8se a ruler and the ma$ scale to obtain a$$roximate 'alue for the radii of sodium ions and chloride ions
Exercise 2
(a) "hy is ionic bonding referred to as .non-directional/4
(b) "hy is it misleading to refer to a .molecule of sodium chloride/4
Exercise 9
%ow do the following sim$le $ro$ortions hel$ us to recogni:e ionic com$ounds4
(a) %ardness;
(b) Melting;
(c) +olubility in water;
(d) ;ction of electricity on
(i) <he molten substance (or melt)
(ii) ;n a-ueous solution
Towards Improved Science Education in Guyana Adapted from ILPAC S4
=n each case suggest# with reasons# how useful the $ro$erty might be in a sim$le test to decide whether a substance is
Exercise >
Draw dot-and-cross diagrams and structural formulae for the following molecules:
(a) %! (d) C%0 (g) C!%0
(b) %= (e) %!? (h) C%Cl)
(c) 5%) (f) C?! (i) (!?
Exercise @
(a) %ow many electrons are associated with the outer shell of each atom in the molecules in Exercise >4
(b) Aou ha'e learned in your $re-; le'el course that hydrogen has a .'alency/ or .combining $ower/ of 1# oxygen !#
carbon 0 Ex$lain these 'alues in terms of your answer to $art (a)
Exercise B
; dati'e bond differs from a co'alent bond in only one res$ect "hat is this4
Exercise 1C
Draw dot-and-cross diagrams and structural formulae for the following molecules and ions =n the structural formulae use
an arrow to re$resent a dati'e bond
(a) 5%0
(ie 5%) lin7ed with %
(b) %5?) (%?5?!)
(c) C?
(d) 5!? (55?)
Exercise 11
Draw dot-and-cross diagrams for beryllium chloride# boron fluoride and aluminum chloride (;lCl)) %ow many outer-
shell electrons are there around the central atoms4
Exercise 1!
Draw the structural formulae of:
(a) <he long chain molecule found in solid beryllium chloride;
(b) <he 3e!Cl0 molecule found in gaseous beryllium chloride below 9CC
(c) <he ;l!Cl9 molecule found in the 'a$our at low tem$eratures;
(d) <he molecule formed by combination between ammonia and boron trifluoride
Exercise 1)
Draw dot-and-cross formulae and count the electrons round the central atoms of the following;
(a) 1(2 (b) +(9 (c) 1Cl9
; final exam$le is xenon tetrafluoride De(0 (Aou ha'e# no doubt# heard that the hea'ier noble gases do form a few
com$ounds) <he molecule has two non-bonding electrons <ry drawing its dot and cross diagram
Towards Improved Science Education in Guyana Adapted from ILPAC S4
+%;1E+ ?( M?6EC86E+
Exercise 10
(a) %ow many molecules of bonding electrons are there in a molecule of beryllium hydride# 3e%!4
(b) =f the electron $airs re$el each other so that they occu$y regions of s$ace as far a$art as $ossible# what sha$e must
the molecule ha'e4
Exercise 12
"hat sha$e would you ex$ect for the following molecules4 Ex$lain your answer
(a) C?! (b) %C5
Exercise 19
<he molecule of methanol (formaldehyde) is trigonal $lanar# and the molecule of ethane is based on a trigonal $lanar
arrangement around each carbon atom
Draw diagrams here
Ex$lain why the bonds around each carbon atom are in a trigonal $lanar arrangement
5ote that e-ual bond angles of 1!C
are only found in symmetrical molecules# such as 3()# where all the bonds are
identical "here the bonds are not identical# the re$ulsi'e forces are not identical either =n the absence of other factors# a
double bond would re$el the two single bonds rather more than they re$el each other %ence the % E C E % bond angle is
less than 1!C
in ethene
=n methanol# howe'er# another factor is $resent ?xygen has such an affinity for electrons that the electron $airs in the
double bond are drawn away from the carbon# thus reducing the re$ulsi'e forces between double and single bonds <he
net result is an % E C E % bond angle is greater than 1!C

Exercise 1>
(a) %ow many $airs of bonding electrons are there in a molecule of methane# C%04
(b) 3y considering re$ulsion of electron $airs# what sha$e do you ex$ect for the C%04 =f you cannot answer this# try the
balloon modeling exercise which follows this exercise
(c) 3y considering bond angles# show that electron $air re$ulsion would not gi'e the s-uare $lanar sha$e of the dot-and-
cross diagram below
D C DF %
(d) +tate whether you ex$ect the following molecules and ions to ha'e an identical sha$e or a 'ery similar sha$e to the
C%0 molecule ,i'e reasons
(i) 5%0
(ii) 1?Cl) (iii) +iCl0
Towards Improved Science Education in Guyana Adapted from ILPAC S4
(i') +?0

Exercise 1@
"hat are the 'alues of the bond angles in the molecule 1(24
Exercise 1B
"hat are the 'alues of bond angles in the molecule +(94
Exercise !C
(a) Draw a dot-and-cross diagram of the ammonia molecule# and count the $airs of electrons surrounding the nitrogen
(b) =n which directions (from the 5 atom) would you ex$ect to find the electron $airs (or regions of the greatest charge
(c) "hat sha$e is outlined by the four atoms in the molecule4
Exercise !1
<he three % E 5 E % bond angles in the ammonia molecule are found to be identical at 1C>
Ex$lain the difference
between this angle and the tetrahedral angle
Exercise !!
6ist the following electron $air re$ulsions in order of increasing magnitude (ie $ut the wea7est re$ulsion at the to$ of
the list)
(a) 3onding $airGbonding $air
(b) 3onding $airGnon-bonding $air
(c) 5on-bonding $airGnon-bonding $air
Exercise !!
(a) Draw a dot-and-cross diagram of a water molecule
(b) Draw the sha$e of a water molecule# showing how it fits into a tetrahedron
(c) 8se your answer to the $re'ious exercise to $redict a$$roximately the % E ? E % bond angle
Exercise !)
Ex$lain why the molecule of xenon tetrafluoride# De(0# is s-uare $lanar in sha$e
Towards Improved Science Education in Guyana Adapted from ILPAC S4

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