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Fantasy Adventure


Rules Compendium

Table des matires
Action Resolution ............................................................ 4
Assets .............................................................................. 4
Attributes ........................................................................ 5
Big Damn Hero Dice ........................................................ 5
Using Big Damn Hero Dice .......................................... 5
Big Damn Jinx .............................................................. 5
Loosing Big Damn Hero Dice ....................................... 5
Botches............................................................................ 6
Callbacks.......................................................................... 6
Character Advancement ................................................. 6
Character Creation .......................................................... 7
Complications.................................................................. 8
Dice Pool ......................................................................... 8
Dice Rating ...................................................................... 9
Attributes .................................................................... 9
Mental ..................................................................... 9
Physical.................................................................... 9
Social ....................................................................... 9
Skill Ratings ............................................................... 10
Distinctions ................................................................... 10
Flashbacks ..................................................................... 10
Jinx ................................................................................ 10
Lending a Skill Die ......................................................... 11
Limited Actions ............................................................. 11
Opportunities ................................................................ 11
Plot Points ..................................................................... 12
Recovery Roll................................................................. 12
Scale Die ........................................................................ 13
Skills .............................................................................. 13
List of skills ................................................................ 13
Specialties ..................................................................... 14
Taken Out ...................................................................... 15
Avoid being taken out ............................................... 15
Coming back .............................................................. 15
Timed Actions ............................................................... 15
Triggers.......................................................................... 15
Trigger Creation ........................................................ 16
Common Trigger Benefits: .................................... 16
Uncommon Trigger Benefits: ................................ 16
Common Trigger Drawbacks: ................................ 17
Uncommon Trigger Drawbacks: ............................ 17

Action Resolution
Heres how an action resolution goes:
The Opposition of the action sets the stakes by
rolling their Dice Pool.
The Initiator of the action assemble and rolls
her Dice Pool.
If the Initiator beats the Opposition the
intended Action succeed. If the result is a tie or
lower than the action failed.
If the difference between the two result is more than
five than the player could win/loose a Big Damn Hero
Based on the action, someone could be Taken Out, a
Complication can be weaken/remove, an Asset created
or simply the action succeeded/failed.
Assets represents important items, locations,
relationships, etc.
By spending a Plot Point, a player can creates a D6
Some Triggers can allows to create D8 Assets for
different cots.
An Asset last for the scene, but his lifespan can be
extended to last for an entire Quest by spending
another Plot Point.
Attributes represents the basic abilities of characters to
perform any act. Each character as the same three
attributes, Mental, Physical and Social.
One of them is always included in the players Dice
Big Damn Hero Dice
When you perform an Action and your result beats the
opposition by 5 or more, thats an extraordinary
In addition of getting what you want, you receives a Big
Damn Hero Dice equals to the highest rolling dice in
your opposition dice pool.
Using Big Damn Hero Dice
Unlike other traits, Big Damn Hero Dice, can be added
after you finished rolling your normal Dice Pool.
To use a Big Damn Hero Dice, you must spend a Plot
Point then you roll it and add its value to your result.
Big Damn Jinx
If your Big Damn Hero Dice result in a Jinx, you can
remove it from your pool instead of suffering the Jinx.
Loosing Big Damn Hero Dice
You can lose a Big Damn Hero Dice if you fail by 5 or
more an action. But the GM can remove only Big Damn
Hero Dice that are smaller or equal to the highest
rolling die from the opposition pool.
When all your dice come up Jinxes you got a botch.
Your total is 0. Not only will your opponent beat you in
your Action. The GM will give you a free Complication
that starts a d6 and step up once for every additional
jinx. You dont even get a Plot Point.
If you have some Adventures on your Adventure Log,
you can make an in character reference to them you
can use that callback as a Plot Point.
You cannot reference an Adventure you used for
character advancement.
Use can reference as many past Adventure as you can,
but only once each during the current Adventure.
Character Advancement
To improve your character you must spend past
Adventures to do so.
For 1 Adventure you can:
Turn an Asset from that Adventure into a
Signature Asset
Switch out a Distinction for a new Distinction
Add a Signature Asset Trigger
Add a new skill Specialty
For 2 Adventure you can:
Step up a D6 Signature Asset to a D8
Unlock a new Distinction Trigger
Step up a Skill from D4 to D6
For 3 Adventures you can:
Step up a Skill from a D6 or higher
Step up one Attribute and step back another
But you must respect these limits:
Signature Assets at D6 can have only 1 trigger
Signature Assets at D8 and Distinctions can
have up to 2 triggers
Signature Assets cannot be stepped up beyond
Attributes and Skills cannot be stepped up
beyond D12

Character Creation
1. Use one of the following Attributes Array
a. D8, D8, D8
b. D6, D8, D10
2. Choose three Distinction
a. One representing your Class
b. One representing your Background
c. One representing you Personality
3. Choose 2 Distinction Triggers
4. Step Up Skills
a. Choose three skills at d10
b. Choose three skills at d8
c. Choose three skills at d6
d. Let the 11 other skills at d4
5. Choose Signatures Assets and Specialties
a. You have five point for Signatures
Assets and Specialties
b. A Specialty and a D6 Signature Asset
cost one point
c. For two points you can pick a D8
Signature Asset
Complications represent troubles character encounters
during and Adventure.
Complication are used by the character opposition in
their dice pool.
You can receives a Complication when you roll a Jinx,
when you avoid being Taken Out, when activating
Triggers, etc.
Complication disappear when they dont make sense
anymore in the narrative, if you succeed a Recovery
Roll or if they are Step down past D6.
Dice Pool
Dice pool are made of the dice of each applicable Traits
Player Dice Pool will always have:
One Attribute die
One Skill die
And may have:
One Specialty die (always D6)
One Distinction die (always D8)
Any Assets or Signature Assets die in their favor
Any Complication die in their favor
Any helping character Skill die
Dice present in a Pool can me modified by Triggers.
After you rolled the dice, remove any Jinx and add up
the two highest rolled dice together.
Dice Rating
d6: Average reasoning, logic, and awareness.
d8: Better than average capacity for reason and
d10: Higher-level logic and quickness of thought.

d6: Strictly routine level of fitness, agility, and health.
d8: Athletic levels of strength, speed, or endurance.
d10: Potentially record-setting levels of physical

d6: Nothing remarkable when it comes to interpersonal
d8: Outgoing, expressive, or otherwise socially adept.
d10: Highly magnetic, personable, or gifted with a
forceful personality.

Skill Ratings
d4: Untrained. You have no idea what youre doing,
but youll try anyway.
d6: Competent. Youve had sufficient training to get
d8: Expert. Your talents are second nature to you.
d10: Master. Youre one of the best in your field, and
those who share your passion know it, too.
d12: Grandmaster. Youre so good at what you do,
youve got a reputation as the best in the world.
Distinctions are Traits that define you Characters
personality, role and background.
Whenever a Distinction applies positively to a roll, you
add a D8 to your Dice Pool.
Distinction can have up to three Triggers, one of them is
always the following:
If this Distinction works against you, add a D4 to your
Dice Pool and gain 1 Plot Point.
Whenever you create an Asset that implies previous
experiences (Ex: Creating an I Know a guy Asset) the
GM can ask you to narrate how it came to be.
The GM might give you a Plot Point by doing so.
Whenever you roll a die and it end up a one, you jinxed.
That die is set aside and doesnt count toward your total.
The GM can use that Jinx to create or step up a
Complication by one step per Jinx in your roll, but youll
receive a Plot Point, unless all your dice are jinx, in that
case you have a Botch.
Lending a Skill Die
If a character wants to help out another ones Action he
can do so by lending a Skill die.
You can only lend Skill die, not other traits, and you
must explain how that skills will help in the general task
The aided Character add the lend Skill die to her Dice
If the aided Character suffers any Complications from
her Action, the lending Character suffers them too.
Limited Actions
If you are Taken Out, but still in the scene. You can still
perform Actions, but they cost you a Plot Point just to
pick up the dice.
If the GM roll Jinxes, you can take that Opportunity to
Step Back any Complication.
You must spend a Plot Point and provide some
narrative to explain why the Complication Step back
Plot Points
Plot Points are an in game currency that give Players
some narrative power.
Players can use a Plot Point to:
Keep an additional die from your dice pool in a
total after your roll
Activate a Distinction trigger (when required)
Create an Asset at a D6 that lasts until the end
of the scene
Make an existing Asset last until the end of the
Roll a Big Damn Hero Die and add it to your
total after you roll
Stay in the fight when a high stakes roll results
in you being Taken Out
Players begin the Episode with one Plot Point but gain
more of them when:
You activate a Distinction trigger, such as rolling
a Distinction as a D4 instead of a D8
The GM buys a Complication after youve rolled
a jinx
The GM decides you deserve one for great play,
a snappy one-liner, interesting Flashback, or a
scene description that impresses your party.
Recovery Roll
To get rid of a Complication, you can attempt to make a
Recovery Roll.
Explain how your action will lessen/remove the
Complication and roll against the Complication and a
Difficulty Die.
If you succeed, the Complication is gone, if not the
Complication Step back.
If you roll Jinxes, on a successful roll, the GM may
introduce a new one as usual.
If you roll Jinxes on a failed roll, the Complication Step
Up by one step per Jinx and the GM doesnt have to pay
you any Plot Point.
Scale Die
If one side of a conflict clearly outweigh the other one,
they add a Scale Die D8 to their Dice Pool and get to
add a third die to their Total.
Skills are Traits that represent a Character ability to
perform certain actions. The bigger the Die Rating the
better the Character is to perform the task. Characters
has at least a D4 in every Skills.
List of skills
Craft: Build, create, and assemble items from scratch.
Drive: Operate vehicles, including wagons, boats and
flying ship.
Fight: Attack with your weapons or fists in close
Fix: Patch up and repair objects with working,
replaceable parts.
Focus: Concentrate on a subject to steel your will,
intimidate, or find a new solution.
Influence: Persuade others to do, think, act, or feel the
way you want them to.
Know (Specialty): Represents general knowledge about
the world. When you train it you receive a free
Labor: Lift, push, dig, pull, and haul in tasks that require
manual labor.
Move: Run, sprint, jump, climb trees.
Notice: Spot someone or something out of the ordinary.
Operate: Use mechanical and magical devices.
Perform: Act or put on a big show to impress or
Ride: Riding mounts (flying, land and nautical ones).
Shoot: Fire guns, bow, and ballista.
Sneak: Camouflage yourself and sneak past opponents.
Survive: Endure less-than-ideal conditions and live to
tell the tale.
Throw: Toss things like a grenade or throw opponents
across the room.
Treat: Heal folks by treating injuries or counseling them.
Trick: Spin a yarn or con an opponent. Also covers
sleight of hand.
Specialties represents an aspect of a Skill that a
character is particularly good at.
When a specialty comes up you add a D6 to your Dice
Taken Out
When a Character is Taken Out, she is out of the scene.
A Character can be Taken Out by Stepping Up a
complication past D12 or as a result of a High Stakes
A Taken out Character can still perform Limited Actions.
Avoid being taken out
A Character can avoid being taken out by a High Stake
Action by spending a Plot Point and taking a
Complication equals to the highest rolled dice for her
Coming back
A Character that was taken out by a High Stakes conflict
returns at the beginning of the next scene.
If you were taken out by a complication, you must
recover from it before you can recover.
Timed Actions
In Time Actions, time is measured and counted down in
beats. Each roll takes a beat. The GM specify up front
how may beats are available.
Triggers are special abilities that allow a character to
bend the rules.
Only Distinctions and Signature Assets can have
triggers. Distinctions can have up to three triggers, but
they all have the default use this as a d4 and gain a
Plot Point trigger. D6 Signature Assets can one trigger
and D8 Signature Assets two.
Trigger Creation
A trigger always have a drawback and a benefit in
addition to a catchy name.
Common Trigger Benefits:
Earn a Plot Point
Step up beneficial die
Double beneficial die
Step back a non-beneficial die
Introduce a non-dice related story detail
Rename a Complication
Re-roll a single die after a failed roll
Create a D8 Asset

Uncommon Trigger Benefits:
Use a skill instead of an other
Remove a die from the opposition pool (Asset,
Signature Asset, Complication)
Give a Plop Point to another character
Add a beat in a Time Action
Avoid being Taken Out
Re-roll any 1s
Gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to a Skill
Pass off Complication
Take out an additional Minor Character
Give a die to another character
Change a Complication into an Asset
Create a D6 Asset that last until the end of the
Create a Specialty

Common Trigger Drawbacks:
Spend a Plot Point
Step back a beneficial Die
Choose to do something risky or complicated
Take or step up a broad Complication
Take a specific d8 Complication.

Uncommon Trigger Drawbacks:
Remove a die from your pool (Asset, Signature
Asset, Complication)
Replace a skill die with d4
Both 1s and 2s count as jinxes on the roll
Specific circumstance (Takeout Minor Character,
Someone fail a roll, Take a complication, create an
asset, roll exactly 3 jinxes)
Start every Episode with a D6 complication
Change an Asset into a Complication

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