All Things Current - May 7, 2014

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All Things Current: What you'll find in your May 7, 2014, edition

Plans are moving forward for a mixed-use housing and hotel complex across from the ashington
!onvention !enter and the newl" opened Marriott Mar#uis$ %all editions&
The prospective developer of 'eorgetown(s )lexander Memorial *aptist !hurch has +ac,ed off on
plans to +uild a new house on the western side of the church propert"$ %'eorgetown !urrent-
Dupont !urrent- .ogg" *ottom !urrent&
) /0-unit luxur" condo pro1ect proposed for 2304-2305 6hode 7sland )ve$ needs its pro1ecting +a"
either redesigned or removed- the 8istoric Preservation 6eview *oard has told developers$
%Dupont !urrent- .ogg" *ottom !urrent&
:chool ithout alls principal 6ichard Trogisch said this wee, that he supports adding a
neigh+orhood high school to his pre-;-through-eighth-grade .rancis-:tevens campus$ %all editions&
) ma1or sewage spill last wee, continues to impact the D$!$ stretch of the !apital !rescent Trail- as
the cit" wor,s on cleanup efforts$ %all editions&
Lafa"ette Par, in !hev" !hase is slated for <2$= million in pla"ground upgrades$ *ut at a design
charette last wee,- residents had even more on their mind> a new recreation center$ %Northwest
!urrent- 'eorgetown !urrent- Dupont !urrent&
:mart growth advocates are still waiting for the D$!$ government to commit to +us-onl" lanes and
other pu+lic transit reforms the" favor for 2?th :treet$ %all editions&
Metro is loo,ing into eliminating several +us stops along isconsin )venue that serve the /@s
routes in an effort to speed travel times$ %Northwest !urrent- Dupont !urrent- .ogg" *ottom
!it" light pollution is hindering the a+ilit" of 9$:$ Naval O+servator" scientists to see the stars-
according to a recent stud" conducted for the federal agenc"$ %all editions&
The new *read .urst +a,er" in Van Ness is spar,ing hopes that it will ma,e the neigh+orhood
around it more vi+rant$ %all editions&
The D$!$ Office of 8uman 6ights is encouraging restaurants to create an inclusive atmosphere for
people with disa+ilities$ %all editions&
Experts and advocates are calling on the District to create a food polic" office and director to help it
+ecome the healthiest cit" in the countr"$ %all editions&
) five-+edroom .orest 8ills home with Tudor st"le- a lush garden and a wooded hillside setting is
on the mar,et for <0-/4=-@@@$ %all editions&
OP7N7ON %all editions&
Editorial> The D$!$ !ouncil(s role as a chec, on ma"oral power must not +e diminished +" removing
its authorit" to sign off on large contracts- +ut some procedural reform is needed$
Editorial> The District should encourage the conversion of underused downtown office +uildings into
residences to ensure continued vitalit"$
:herwood> Tourists ma" anno"- +ut the" are +ringing more revenue to the cit" than ever$
:PO6T: %Northwest !urrent- 'eorgetown !urrent&
'onAaga senior .redd" Mesmer wrapped up his !)! tennis career with a 40-@ league record
and helped lead the Eagles to a fifth straight title$
'eorgetown Da" :chool soft+all defeated .lint 8ill 3-/ to win the 7:L regular-season crown$
:idwell +ase+all ,noc,ed out 'eorgetown Da" 2/-? as Michael 9ntereiner +ro,e out of a recent
hitting slump$
:t$ )l+ans elects prefects- ashington Latin holds its first :enior 8onors !oncert- and other reports
from local schools$ %all editions&
)L:O 7N T8E !966ENT
!rime report
)dvisor" neigh+orhood commission reports and agendas
6eports from local citiAens associations
!alendar of the wee,(s events
!lassified ads and service director"
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