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Speaker Pelosi’s Gov’t Takeover of Health Care GOP’s Common-Sense Health Care Plan
2,032 pages, $1.3 trillion (and counting) 219 pages, $61 billion

Does It Lower NO. Individuals and families would pay higher premiums YES. Families’ premiums under the GOP plan would be
Premiums? under the government-run health care plan created by nearly $5,000 lower than under Speaker Pelosi’s bill,
Speaker Pelosi’s bill, according to estimates by the according to CBO estimates.
nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO.)
Does It Protect Jobs? NO. Speaker Pelosi’s bill requires employers to either YES. The GOP plan protects jobs by lowering premiums
provide “government-approved” coverage or pay a steep for small business owners and their employees by as
tax. According to a methodology developed by White much as 10%, according to CBO.
House economists, these mandates – coupled with tax
increases in the bill – would destroy as many as 5.5
million American jobs over the next decade.

Is It Fiscally NO. Speaker Pelosi’s $1.3 trillion (and counting) bill YES. The GOP plan would cut the deficit by $68 billion
Responsible? fails to account for a number of hidden costs, including a over the next 10 years, according to CBO estimates.
$210 billion Medicare “doc fix.” CBO estimates Speaker The GOP plan is the only one that consistently reduces
Pelosi’s bill will increase federal spending on health care federal spending on health care over the next two
by $598 billion over ten years, as well as increase decades.
federal spending on health care in the following decade.
Does It Protect NO. Speaker Pelosi’s bill imposes $752.6 billion in tax YES. The GOP plan protects family budgets.
Families and Small increases on working families, large employers, and
Businesses From small business owners.
Massive Tax Hikes?
Does It Protect NO. CBO estimates Speaker Pelosi’s bill would cut YES. The GOP plan protects Medicare.
Medicare? Medicare by more than $500 billion over the next 10

Does It Provide NO. Speaker Pelosi’s bill imposes an unworkable, one- YES. The GOP plan establishes Universal Access
Sustainable Coverage size-fits-all fix through Washington mandates that will Programs to help guarantee access to affordable
for Pre-Existing inevitably raise the cost of insurance. coverage, including for individuals with pre-existing
Conditions? conditions.
Does It Prevent NO. Speaker Pelosi’s bill would actually cover 2.5 YES. The GOP plan explicitly prevents illegal
Taxpayer-Funded million MORE illegal immigrants than House immigrants from receiving taxpayer subsidies.
Coverage of Illegal Democrats’ original proposal, according to CBO
Immigrants? estimates.
Does It Prevent NO. The government-run health care plan is authorized YES. The GOP plan codifies the Hyde Amendment,
Taxpayer-Funded to cover elective abortions under Speaker Pelosi’s plan which prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for
Abortions? by way of a “monthly abortion premium.” elective abortions.

Does It Protect The NO. Speaker Pelosi’s bill creates 118 offices, bureaus, YES. The GOP plan strengthens the doctor-patient
Doctor-Patient commissions, programs, and bureaucracies charged relationship and prevents rationed care by making care
Relationship and with such obligations as “establishing waiting lists” and more affordable and accessible.
Prevent Rationed determining “categories of covered treatments.”
Does It Tackle Junk NO. Speaker Pelosi’s bill fails to meaningfully address YES. The GOP plan implements reforms that will protect
Lawsuits? the need to put an end to junk lawsuits that contribute to doctors from a feeding frenzy of trial lawyers.
higher health care costs.

Does It Protect State NO. Speaker Pelosi’s plan includes an expansion of YES. The GOP plan rewards states for implementing
Budgets? Medicaid that will cost cash-strapped states $34 billion innovative solutions to make health care more
over the next ten years. accessible and affordable.

Updated November 6, 2009. For more information, visit

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