YSP ApplicationForm2014

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Haida Gwaii Youth Stewardship Program

The Haida Gwaii Youth Stewardship Program is looking to hire eight high-school students for a
six week summer work experience program. There will be four positions available for a Queen
Charlotte based crew, and four positions for a Masset based crew.
Successful applicants will have the opportunity to engage with their communities through
meaningful work in the field of natural resource management. This years program will allow
youth to explore Haida Gwaii through experiences such as a trip to Gwaii Haanas, wild life
monitoring, trail maintenance, and wilderness based travel. The culmination of these
experiences will educate youth about career opportunities, while providing them with the skills
to pursue these careers.
Hours: full time (35 hours per week) for six weeks (July 7
August 15
Daily hours will be based on an 8:30-4:30 workday, but may fluctuate due to the remote
and variable nature of some projects.
Rate of Pay: $10.25 per hour
Applicants must:
Be a student enrolled in grade 8-12 on Haida Gwaii.
Have an interest in natural resource management.
Enjoy working outdoors and in camp settings.
Have a good work ethic and a positive, team-oriented attitude.

How to Apply:
1) Fill out an application form
Available at:
QCSS and GMD offices
Request by email (see below)
Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations office
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Haidagwaii-
2) Submit application forms by 4:30pm on Friday June 13
, 2014
North end applicants can apply by email to: anna.tobiasz@gov.bc.ca
South end applicants can apply by email to: alyssa.stapleton@gov.bc.ca
Or in person to Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations office at
1229 Oceanview Drive.
3) Successful applicants will be notified for an interview time shortly after the application
Thanks for Applying!
Haida Gwaii Youth Stewardship Program

Application Form
Submission deadline is 4:30pm on Friday June 13
, 2014

Postal Code:
Telephone Number:
Email Address:
Latest Grade Completed:
Why are you applying for this position?

What experience do you have in an outdoor setting? Please provide specific examples.

As a Haida Gwaii Youth Steward, what would your three most valuable contributions to the Program
be (i.e. to your team members, coordinators, and employees of other agencies etc)?

What do you plan to do after graduating high school?

What experiences and skills do you hope to gain from the Youth Stewardship Program?

Do you have any additional comments?

Feel free to include supporting documents (resume, cover letter, certifications, etc.)

Thank you for applying!
Please submit your completed application form by 4:30pm on June 13
By email: North: anna.tobiasz@gov.bc.ca, South: alyssa.stapleton@gov.bc.ca
In person: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations 1229 Oceanview Drive.
The Youth Stewardship Program is brought to you in partnership by:

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