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Building dehumidification
Wind turbines
Wind turbines need protecting against moisture
Wind turbines are a big investment that has to be recouped over many years. Reliability and servicing needs
play a big part in ROI, even when the wind turbine has notched up 15 years of service.
Moisture is one of the biggest potential causes of damage in wind turbines. However, such damage doesnt
just show up immediately its a slow process over many years.
Surfaces inside modern wind turbines are well protected with different coatings and paint, but this doesnt
deal with the basic problem. Any moisture present inside the structure gives rise to corrosion, bacterial
growth and condensation that causes short-circuiting and damage to electronics.
Offshore wind turbines face the biggest problems
Its impossible to make any wind turbine air-tight. Offshore installations will inevitably suffer from salt-laden
air entering both the nacelle and the tower. The many different salts will be deposited on surfaces inside.
These salt formations gradually absorb moisture from the air, kick-starting a galvanic process that results in
Read more about these challenges in the Dehumidification of offshore wind turbines.
There are 3 basic ways of dealing with unwanted moisture:
Cotes dehumidification systems can reduce the levels of moisture in the air. When humidity is below
a certain level, the chemical salts are physically unable to absorb sufficient moisture for the
corrosion process to begin. This then also protects fixtures and structures against electric short-
circuiting and the effects of condensation.
Heating can be used to reduce the relative humidity. In terms of energy costs, this is normally 15
30 times more expensive than dehumidification. Furthermore, heating is incapable of removing any
moisture present, resulting in risks of short-circuiting, corrosion and the effects of condensation on
cold surfaces.
Doing nothing, and hoping any surface coatings will be sufficient to protect against the effects of
corrosion and condensation.
Cotes has over 10 years of experience supplying special dehumidification solutions for offshore wind
Preventing condensation in the towers
Condensation is a problem in wind turbines both on land and offshore. This is usually seen when the inner
surfaces are wet, sometimes to the extent of pools of water forming. This is all the result of the air inside the
tower having a dew point lower than the temperatures of the surfaces in question.
Dehumidification is the only practical way to deal with condensation issues. Reducing the amounts of
moisture in the air also reduces the dew point. If the dew point is then kept below the temperatures of the
surfaces in the tower, condensation simply cannot arise.
Dehumidification of offshore wind turbines - CASES
COTES has developed a special solution for offshore wind turbines which has
proven its worth over the past 10 years.
>> Read about Nysted Offshore Wind Farm
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Contact Cotes
Cotes supplies special dehumidifiers designed for installation in the nacelles and towers of wind turbines
both on land and offshore. You can also benefit from our many years experience with planning and
calculating the most suitable specifications, and installing the equipment quickly and efficiently.
Contact us, if you would like our help in taking the next step.
Related subjects
Read more about how dehumidifiers are used for moisture control in the industry
Read more about how Cotes can help advisers and consultants in finding the right solution
Read more about how dehumidifiers are used for protection from moisture in storage facilities and
Read more about how dehumidifiers protect water works from condensation and moisture damage
Read more about how dehumidifiers protect military equipment such as vehicles and aircraft from
condensation, corrosion and electrical faults
Read more about how dehumidifiers protect against condensation
Read more about how dehumidifiers protect against different kinds of corrosion, such as rust and
Read more about how dehumidifiers protect against electrical faults
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