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Vences 1

Roberto Vences
English 1102
March 10, 2014

Annotated Bibliography

Inquiry: Why does social media have more negative effects than positive?

Proposed Thesis: People choose to do bad things over the Internet because they cant be seen

Cosoi, C. "The Evolving Threat of Social Media." Computer Fraud & Security. 2011.6 (2011):
14-16. Print.
Cosoi begins his article by talking about the expansion of social networking sites and
how they are starting to form a threat by the creation of cyber-threats. He gives some safety
precautions that readers should take when they are on social networking sites. Some of the
precautions he includes is are carefully reading the terms and conditions agreement, looking over
the privacy settings, and reading over the privacy policy. Furthermore, Cosoi states that taking
only these precautious measures will not protect Internet users from the dangers of cyber-
criminals and the activities they take part in. Cosoi talks about open sharing, which is one of the
most commonly used things by Internet users. He talks about how beneficial and helpful it is for
the user but how it also is extremely dangerous. The author says that we should limit ourselves
on what we post on these sites because it might get into the wrong hands and they will
experience spams and exploitation. He also talks about professional networks, which have
positive impacts on a corporation, business, etc. Although it may have some positivity, there are
several risks as well. A risk that Cosoi states is the exploitation of the contact list. He gives the
example of a person accepting a friend request of a stranger that they have never talked to. That
stranger has the ability to look through your friends list and add others and get a grasp of their
Comment [AP1]: Okay, but this seems to be
axiomatic to me. Its like arguing that the sky
is sometimes blue. You can certainly argue
that, but whats the point? Who is going to
disagree with you? Can you generate a similar
or related thesis that you could argue?
Vences 2

email addresses, personal information, etc. To sum up, Cosois article is about the precautions
and pre- precautions an individual should take in order to not be exploited by the effects of social
media and the networking sites that come along with it.
Everett, C. "Social Media: Opportunity or Risk?" Computer Fraud & Security. 2010.6 (2010): 8-
10. Print.
Everetts article revolves around the idea of whether or not social media is an opportunity
to be taken of or a risk. She examines how quickly the threats and dangers are increasing and
how well people are trying to get involved to diminish the dangers. Everett talks about why
social media is trending and growing and how it will affect the information security
professionals. Furthermore, she offers advice on what should be done in order to protect
enterprises against malware, spam, threats, etc. An example she talks about in her article is the
social networking site, Twitter. She talks about anonymity regarding Twitter. Twitter users can
end up as fair game for phishing by hackers or any other individual who is bad news. An
example she used to exemplify the anonymity of Twitter is the links that are sent by followers.
Once those spams are clicked, users become vulnerable to malware and viruses. Everett also
talks about the data leakage and risk implications that come with social media. Identity theft,
embezzlement, malicious viruses are just a couple of things that occur when using social media.
McBride, D.L. "Risks and Benefits of Social Media for Children and Adolescents." Journal of
Pediatric Nursing. 26.5 (2011): 498-499. Print.
McBride begins her article with stating the benefits of social networking sites on
teenagers and children. She talks about how it enhances their communication skills, broadens
their social connections, and teaches them technical skills. As she states that, she adds in a
contradiction or an argument that is valid for all the right reasons. She talks about the
Comment [AP2]: So what is the implication
here? what should people do about it? Why
bring this up?
Vences 3

disadvantages, which include cyber bullying, Facebook depression, and sexting. McBride
states legitimate statistics that help readers understand the risks that are within social media. She
explains the three disadvantages in great detail and how it is important for parents to step up and
do something about it before it gets out of hand. She advises them to friend their children on
Facebook and is involved in their childrens lives to prevent bullying and exploitation.
Shinton, Sara. "#betterconnected-a Perspective on Social Media." Analytical & Bioanalytical
Chemistry. 402.6 (2012). Print.
Shinton starts her article with the explanation of what exactly social media is. She gives
examples of the type of social networking sites, which include: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
Shinton uses tables to help readers understand what they are reading and to gain a better
understanding on the uses of social media. One of her data tables consists of the types of social
networking sites and the potential value they have for themselves. Like the other articles, Shinton
talks about the risks that are involved with social media. The idea of no privacy and self-
exploitation is apparent within social media.
Wang, Z, J.M Tchernev, and T Solloway. "A Dynamic Longitudinal Examination of Social
Media Use, Needs, and Gratifications Among College Students." Computers in Human
Behavior. 28.5 (2012): 1829-1839. Print.
Wang, Tchernev, and Solloway create a 4-week study among college students that
examines the dynamic uses and gratifications of social media. The study that the authors have the
college students participate in tests and quantifies the relationships between needs, social media,
and self-sustaining effects. The authors state that social media is driven by the four categories of
needs (emotional, social, cognitive, and habitual), but only some of them are gratified and
exemplified. They state that the ungratified needs build over time. The disadvantage of the use of
Comment [AP3]: Page numbers?
Vences 4

social media is the full on reliance users have on it. College students are so used to using their
phones, laptops, iPads/Kindles that they forget about reality and are so busy with what is going
on the Internet. The authors state that solitude and interpersonal support increases the use of
social media as well as moderates the effects of needs on the usage of social media.

I think you have done some good research here. The conversations that you present are
interesting. Although, for some of these sources, Im not getting a clear enough sense of
your point of view, or how your voice fits into the conversation. For example, I felt that
your annotation for the Shinton article seemed very short and very much like you were
reporting the facts as opposed to being an active participant in the conversation. What are
the implications of some of these claims or findings? How will these ideas connect to
your thesis? Really good work here, but I still want to see more engagement in the
conversation. I think once you develop a more argumentative thesis, you will have a
greater sense of direction that you seem to be missing here.

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