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IPDE Process

Smith System
IPDE Process:
4 steps
I = Identify
P = Predict
D = Decide
E = Execute
Accurate picture of the scene in order to
identify any critical objects.
Space cushion Space around your vehicle
Field of vision everything you can see
while looking straight ahead
Sight distance distance you see ahead
Honking horns, train horn, siren, squealing
Predict possible outcomes.
Traffic laws and controls, physical forces, and
reading other driver on the road.
Important questions are:
Which of these could cause a threat?
Which ones are potential hazards?
Which are real hazards?
Planning a course of action.
Escape path where to go incase of
an unexpected conflict.
Safe path of travel path free of all
Minimize putting more space
between you and a potential hazard.
Separating handling one hazard at a
Taking action
A driver has three courses of
1. Accelerate
2. Brake
3. Steer to left or right.
Smith System
Five points:
1. Aim High Steering
2. Get the Big Picture
3. Keep Your Eyes Moving
4. Leave Yourself an Out
5. Make Sure They See You
Keep 12 15 seconds of eye lead-time
Look ahead, far ahead.
Look far down the road, where the road
Know Field of vision.
Peripheral Vision how far a person
can see to the right and left while
looking straight.
Central Vision area in your central
vision where you can see clearly while
looking straight.
Be Aware of all objects &
1 - 2 city blocks ahead.
mile on highways, expressways &
country roads.
Sidewalk to Sidewalk.
All of the area around your vehicle.
Check mirrors every 5 8 seconds.
Scan your eyes every 2 seconds.
Never stare at an object for more than 2
Eliminate Eye Holding Problems.
Adjust Speed: Speed up or slow down
Change Lanes.
Adjust Radio: Turn on music, turn up music,
turn down music, and change station
Roll down window, turn up air conditioner, and
turn off heater.
Sing or talk to yourself or others.
Pull over, take a break or get rest.
Leave a 1 car-length space cushion at stop signs
and intersections. (Stop so you can see their
Keep at least a 2 seconds following distance in
front of your vehicle. (I f possible 4 seconds).
Keep at least a 3-4 seconds following distance
during adverse weather.
Eliminate Tailgaters:
Adjust Speed: Speed up or slow down.
Change Lanes.
Allow them to pass: Pull over to the side of the road or
turn off on to anther road.
Signal a warning:
Turn on / Turn off Headlights.
Machine gun brake tap.
Use turn indicators
Make Eye Contact.
Honk Horn (Twice).
Turn on / Turn off Headlights.
Brake Tap.
Use turn signals.
Review Game
Lets PLAY!!!
Name 3 potential hazards.
What are the five steps to the
Smith System?
What does IPDE stand for?
Explain the Smith leave
yourself an out step.
Define Separating.
When might I use this.
How do we prepare for a
traffic light?
Define space cushion.
What will a space
cushion allow me, the
driver, to do?
Define field of vision.
Why is this important?
When executing what are
your three courses of
What is an escape path?
What do we call a light
that has been green for
a long time?
What does field of vision
mean? And how will I
use it?
What IPDE step tells me
what might happen?
What IPDE step helps you
become aware of
What IPDE step tells me
what action to take?
Explain the Smith keep
your eyes moving step.
How far ahead should we
be looking and
What is the point at an
intersection where we
should go through a
yellow light called?
What does aiming high
Explain the Smith get
the big picture step .

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