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THAS DO CARMO ATIN 1 Tuesday & Thursday 20h20

CW1 - Post!" your #e$s o! a %&o"

The drama "Her" is a very cute movie that tells a curious story about a man who falls in love for his
computer. This critically-acclaimed film was selected for the best film by National Board of Reviewand in 20!"
and has won the best film #olden #lobe" besides it was nominate for $ %scars in 20&. 'nfortunately" this
beautiful movie did not win any %scar.
The movie ta(es place in an individualistic and melancholic future" painted with pastel colors and with a
touch of )0*s. +adly" this future is very close to our present world, bi- -ray cities inhabited by lonely people that
depend on technolo-y. .n this scenery we (now Theodore" a sentimental writer of handmade letters on demand
that is very depressed after -ettin- divorced from /atherine. Tryin- to feel better" Theodore installs in his
personal computer a new operational system 0%+1 with artificial intelli-ence that promises to solve all the human
problems. This %+ can learn with world*s and people2s interaction" evolvin- and becomin- more intelli-ent while
time -oes on.
3t the first time" the %+ self-named +amantha wor(s li(e Theodore*s secretary" or-ani4in- his
professional life. 5ith the familiarity" +amantha becomes Theodore*s friend" learnin- about his personal
preferences" listenin- his problems" advisin- him" playin- video -ames with him" etc. .n this moment" for
Theodore" +amantha is not 6ust an %+. +he is the comforter voice in his ear that he loo(s for in the most part of
the day. The relationship between Theodore and +amantha -et on well and there is so much complicity that
Theodore falls in love for +amantha" and she loves him bac(. .t is a very unusual (ind of love" but" in the same
time" it is a very re-ular relationship" permeated with findin-s" love" 6ealousy and insecurity.
This bi4arre relationship is so real for Theodore as this is real for the viewer" and it is impossible do not
to be dra--ed by the sentimental chaos that is Theodore*s life. 3s the same time" it is impossible do not to
empathi4e with the prota-onist lived by 7oa8uin 9hoeni:" that is so sweet" shy and lonely" a man who seems so
vulnerable that awa(es on the viewer the need to ta(e care of him. %n the other hand" +carlet 7ohansson brin-s
+amantha to life usin- 6ust her voice. +amantha is intense" cleaver" se:y and completely in love for life. 3ll this
without havin- a body" or even really e:istin-. 7ust a powerful se:y voice that ma(es you ima-ine every detail of
her body.
;ast but not least" this is not a science fiction or a movie about technolo-y" in spite of ta(in- place in the
future. .t is a delicious and sutil romantic story" a movie about human relationships and the very subtle line
between real and unreal. 3 8uestionin- about happiness and how technolo-y can be used by subterfu-e for
empty" depressed and lonely lives. This -reat movie is a terrible and melancholic view of our future.

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