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Pharmacology • ↑gastric motility-↑gastric


• Drug polymorphism- ppl react to • ↓liver enzymes-↓metabolism of

drugs differently drugs↑toxicity

• 1 oz= 30 ml • MAOI + tyramine foods= bad—

hypertension—beer and chicken
• 1 tbsp= 15 ml
• ↓BP ↓blood flow↓drug distribution
• 1tsp=5ml
• Old ppl-↑gastric acid and fat but
• Bevel-pointed open part
everything else is↓
• Hub- comes in contact c tip of
• Food and Drug act of 1906 and
• Ad- right ear As- left ear Au-both
• Harrison Narcotic Drug Act of 1914
• Controlled Substance Act of 1970
• Od- right eye Os- left eye Ou-both
eyes • BacterioSTATIC- inhibit

• Oral drugs- 3 phase 1) • BacterioCIDAL- kill

pharmaceutics- dissolution:
disintegration 2)pharmacokinetics- • Inhibition of cell wall synthesis-PCV
process of drug movement [what
the body does to the drug] • Alteration in membrane
3)pharmacodynamics- interactions permeability-ANPC
bet chems of living systems
• Inhibit chon synthesis- ATEL
• 4 processes under
• Interference c cell metabolism-
pharmacokinetics 1) absorption 2)
distribution 3) Metabolism 4)
excretion • Neostigmine- prostigmin short
• Rate limiting-time it takes for the
drug to disintegrate and dissolve • Pyridostigmine-intermediate-
and become available mestinon
• Therapeutic level- bet toxic and • Ambenonium chloride-long acting-
minimum effective level mytelase
• CHLUVIDS • Endrophonium- short acting-
• Synergism- combo leads to greater
response than individual drugs • Amantadine- antiviral drug-acts on
dopamine receptors—for drug
• Potentiation- a drug with no effect
induced parkonsism
enhances the effect of the 2nd drug
• COMT inhibitors- increases amount
• Addition- combo yields the same
of levodopa conc. In the brain
effect as a single drug would
• Dantrolene- p. acting muscle • Simethicone- antiflatulents
• Dad+--mom(-)—kid+
• Aqueous pen g- painful short
duration • RHOGAM- c in 72 hrs of delivery

• Procain pen- less painful • Vit k to baby- 1mg/.5ml

• Pen v-less potent than pen g—mild • ASA+virus[flu or chicken pox]=

to moderate reye’s syndrome

• Pen-ase resistant pens- less • Para-aminophenol derivative-

effective than pen g against gram acetaminophen
+ microbes
• Para-cholorbenzoic acid-
• Clavulanic acid- ↑abx effect and prostaglandin inhibitor
• Propionic acid derivatives- ALL END
• st
Faz&exin- 1 gen cephalosporin IN fen

• Cefotaxime&ceftri- 3rd gen • Cardiac glycosides- inhibit Na and

cephalosporin K pump w/c increases intracellular
• Short acting sulfo-sulfisoxazole
• Inotrophic- vigor/strength of
• Intermediate acting sulfo- contraction
• Chronotrophic- heart rate
• Lincosamides not compatible c-
PABA-phenytoin, • Dromotrophic- conduction of heart
ampicillin,barbiturates, cell
• Check apical pulse before giving
• Interfere with DNA gyrase- digoxin
fluoroquinolones—causes cartilage
• Fast Na channel blockers-
damage to growing kids
decreases conduction, velocity,
• Fe- needed most during the last 20 and automaticity
wks of preggo
• Beta adrenergic blockers-diminish
• Highly ionized-crosses less easily sns response

• Low-weight-crosses easily • C. acting sympatholytics- stimulate

alpha 2 receptors decrease sns
• Folic acid-neural tube defects 180 activity
nonp 400-800-preg
• Direct acting arteriolar
• Aspirin-delays labor and increases vasodilators- relax smooth muscle
bleeding of arteries

• Ritodrine- increase in systolic • ↓icp and iop-osmotic diuretics

• Exosurf-protein free surfactant

• Aminoglycosides+loop diuretics= • station -1 or -2--above level of ischial
hearing impairment spines

• Osmotic d-crystallization-low temp • stations +1 or +2—below level of

ischial spines
• Mgmt. of epilepsy, mountain
sickness, and m. alkalosis- • station +3 or +4—crowning
carbonic anhydrase
• only bear down during true
• ACE+Ksparing d- hyperkalemia contractions

• • during labor-assume sim’s position—

prevents supine hypotension
NCM • tachycardia for baby- >160/min
• 1500/small boxes • bradycardia for baby- < 110/min
• 300/big boxes • fetal acidosis- 7.2
• Presentation- relation of long axis of • ritgen’s maneuver- support the
mother to long axis of fetus perineum by applying pressure
• LOA-most common position for fetus • crede’s maneuver—putting pressure
@ birth—FHT is heard at left lower on the fundus by physician or nurse
• brandt-andrews maneuver- removal of
• Normal amount of blood lost placenta from mother
during labor and delivery- 250-
350ml • if uterus is boggy and not contracted-
massage OR put ice-cap
• Green bag of water- meconium
staining • >500 ml of blood loss during labor is
considered hemorrhage
• Yellow bag of water-blood
incompatibility • Chorion membrane-outermost
• Pink bag of water-indicates bleeding
• Placenta formed by chorionic villi and
• Late • Acti • transi deciduas basalis
nt ve tion
• Endoderm- GIT, RT,
• comp • cer • cervi
lete vica cal • Mesoderm- REPRO, CIRC, BONES,
effac l dilata cartilage, and muscles,
eme dila tion
nt tati is • Ectoderm- CNS and PNS
on comp
• Organogenesis- 8wks
begi lete
ns • NS-3rd or 4th week
• station zero (0)- fetus is at level of
• CV system- 16th day of life
ischial spines—engagement
• Ossification- 12th wk • Leopolds’s- 1) what lies in the fundus
2) location of fetal back and small
• UT-12th wk—500ml is excreted/day parts 3)face head part of pt. what
occupies pelvic inlet 4) face feet part
• Hegar’s sign-softening of lower uterine
of pt. detect flexion, position and
• Goodell’s sign—softening of cervix
• Palpitations-sudden movement
• Chadwick’s sign- light pink-- violet
• Funic soufflé- blood rushing thru
• Montgomery’s tubercles- glands of umbilical cord
• 4-5 mos- heartbeat is heard
• High estrogen leads to stuffiness
• 1st 6-8 weeks aftr delivery—
• Clotting factors- 9, 10, 72 puerperium period

• Relaxin-!!! • Post-partum day 1- 1 fingerbreadth

day 2- 2 fingerbreadths day 3-3
• C. luteum dies during 16th week fingerbreadths..10th day cannot be
• Full term->37 wks
• Uterine contractions after delivery—
• Muscle cramps during preg—dec. Ca after pains
• Breastfeeding-period will return c in 3-
• Uterine soufflé-blood rushing thru the 4 mos. Not boobfeeding- period
large vessels of the uterus comes back in 8 weeks

• Prenatal checkup- 1-7mos. • Episiorraphy care- ice for 1st 24 hrs

Once/month, 7-8th mos. Q other week, then heat lamp for 20 min. x3-4 a day
9th month. q week —sim’s position

• LMP- 01-05-2009—[-3 +7] 10 12 2009, • Full bladder is resonant..empty

or Sept. 12- june 19 bladder is dull

• 60g/day increase in preg women • Dysuria for preg- pour warm or cold
water over perineum
• Decrease CHO intake coz of HPL—
insulin antagonist • 150ml of residual urine—leave
catheter in for 12-24 hrs
• AOG-mcdonald’s rule- height (CM)x2/7
–for woman over 200lbs subtract 1 • Don’t massage if + for homan’s sign
from height
• ARM RAISING- strengthen abdominal
• Fetal weight- johnson’s rule—height- muscles
12 or 11x155…12 if head is below
ischial spines or engaged..11 if head is • 3rd day of boob tension—engorgement
above ischial spines---add 1 for pts
over 200lbs • Cold compress- no boob feeding

• Warm compress- boob feeding

• Taking in- mother focus’ on herself • Intrathecal- c in meninges

• Taking hold- strong interest for baby • pulsus paradoxus- 5-10

• Letting-go phase- adopts a new role • orthostatic bp- 5-15

• Erythema toxicum- new born • indirect coombs- for bt

rash..appears first few days of life
• sv x hr= co
• suction mouth before nose
• estrogen= ^coagulation
• APGAR- HR. Resp effort. MUSCLE
TONE. REFLEX irritability. COLOR • 1-3 min for ortho testing

• Length of baby- 650 in. • central cyanosis= poor arterial

• Chest circumference- 31-33 cm
• v co= brady and tachy
• Head circumference- 33-35 cm
• pmi= 5th ics mid clavicular
• 30-50rr for baby
• bruit=aortic stenosis
• 100/50 for baby
• s3s4= gallops
• Crede’s prophylaxis- eye ointment
• plural frictipn rub=inspiration
• Physiologic jaundice- occurs on 2 nd
3rd day—gone by 2nd wk of life • mi= 30 min felt arm crushing

• Anterior fontanelle- 12-18 mos • angina= 15min felt near sternum

• Posterior fontanelle- 2nd month
• parox. nocturnal dyspnea- 2-4hrs after
• Witch’s milk- thin watery fluid sleep. relieved sitting up 15-20 min

• Foramen ovale- fossa ovalis • stress of heart= ^blood glucose

• Ductus arteriosus[connects • pulmonary vein= from lungs to heart

descending aorta to left pulm. Artery] o2 rich
—ligamentum arteriosum
• ^ hydrostatic pressure= fluid goes
• Ductus venosus[left umbilical vein from intravascular to interstitial
thru liver to inf. Vena cava-
ligamentum venosum • ascending venography- foot

• Boob-fed babies- 3-4 light • descending ""- femoral vein for valve
yellow..sweet smelling incompetence

• Bottle-fed- 2-3 bright yellow—stanky • plasma- maintain bllod volume

• Touch-most developed sense at birth • rbc-7.5um 105-120 days

• Epidural- above meninges • neutrophils-localizing and immobilizing

• eosinophils- reduce ige allergic

• hemohilia= only males

• blacks- .5g/dl less

• agranulocytosis=granulocytopenia

• gastrectomy= no intrinsic factor

• no liver= no clottong factors

• 4o packs- 60-70 %

• reg smoker- 13fold

• 2nd hand smoker- 1.5%

• haziness at top- tb at middle-

pneumonia bottm- hydrothorax

• chest1:2

• kussmauls resp- associated with

acidosis dm and crf

• thoracic excursion- 3-5cm

• pneomonia- ^frem on r. lung

• perfusion scan- injected in peripheral


• 3 incisions for endoscopic thoracotomy

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