Top 44 Richest Families in PAKISTAN

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Top 44 Richest Families in PAKISTAN - 2008

Dec 8, 2007 in Pakistan

Shot-listin! Pakistan"s most in#l$ential %$siness ma!nates o &o$ps has ne'e %een
an eas( task %eca$se thee ae the people )ho ha'e %een 'e( po)e#$l in neal(
e'e( e!ime that has hel* this co$nt("s eins since the last +0 (eas an* then )e
ha'e ha* those seasonal species that mane$'ee* thei 'oice to %e hea* %ette than
most )ithin the po)e coi*os, %$t late 'anishe* into the o%li'ion #o one eason
o the othe, -e ha'e selecte* onl( those t(coons )ho ha'e ma*e thei pesence #elt
#o a %ette pat o# co$nt("s histo(, ha'e eane* consistentl(, ha'e %een settin! $p
$nits at e!$la inte'als o ha'e %een le!en*s in stocks, c$enc( o eal estate
The list$*es man( names that ha'e pe'io$sl( /$ali#ie* an* all o# Pakistan"s
most pominent #e$*al lan* lo*s )ho )o$l* *e#initel( make it to the top 00, e.pect
the #e) lan* o)nes )hich ha'e *eclae* thei assets an* )ok #oce an* e!istee*
)ith the 12R Islama%a*, In o*e to pomote the ne) an* 3$nkno)n3 Pakistani
ma!nates )e ha'e$*e* in pe'io$s entities,
4n#ot$natel(, o$ e.tensi'e eseach *oes not c$entl( incl$*e the names o# a #e)
stas that shone %i!htl( ami*st the !ala.( o# the in#l$ential cee* o# (este(ea like
1,5,6ati# o# 2718- the Steel 5an o# Pakistan- )ho *i* make a lot o# name once, %$t
then !ot !i#te* )ith contentment someho), altho$!h the late %$siness )i9a* !ot
'e( %a*l( hit %( 2h$tto"s nationali9ation o# 0:70 )hich ha* in#licte* an asto$n*in!
th$* to e'e(%o*( in %$siness then, ;a* it not %een the case, man( o# o$ t(coons
ma( )ell ha'e mana!e* to !ain the kin* o# stat$s !eetin! the likes o# 2ilas an*
Tatas in In*ia to*a(, i# not the one sal$tin! 2ill &ates o -aen 2$##et, Amon! these
!i#te* in*i'i*$als, (o$ )ill #in* politicians-t$ne*-%$sinessmen, %$sinessmen-t$ne*-
politicians o e'en the %$sinessmen-c$m-politicians, -ith malice to)a*s none an*
)ith no intention to *ecoate some%o*(, -e th$s takes the pi*e o# anno$ncin!
these names, -e hope this *oc$ment )ill !o a lon! )a( in se'in! as the most
a$thentic en*ea'o o# its kin* #o a 'e( lon! time to come, It has %een pepae*
'e( cae#$ll( in cons$ltation )ith lea*in! eal estate %aons, stock mo!$ls, %$siness
lea*es o# 'it$e an* senio %$ea$cats at the 1ental 2oa* o# Re'en$e,
0 - 5ian 5$hamma* 5ansha <aha Pakistan
Rankin!= 0 -oth= >0,2?% @A2,?%illionBIn*$st(= 2$sinessman
5ansha has ao$n* 40 companies on %oa*, 5ansha, )ho o)ns the 5$slim
1ommecial 2ank is also settin! $p a A 07m pape mill, ;e is one o# the ichest
Pakistanis ao$n*, Nishat &o$p )as co$nt("s 0?th ichest #amil( in 0:70, +th in
0::0 an* N$m%e 0 in 0::7, 5ansha is on the %oa* o# neal( ?0 companies, ;e is
*eeme* to ha'e ma*e in'estments in man( %o$ses, c$enc( an* metal e.chan!es
%oth )ithin an* o$tsi*e Pakistan, ;e co$l* ha'e %o$!ht the 4nite* 2ank too, %$t
then )ho *oesn"t ha'e a*'esaies, Nishat &o$p compises o# te.tiles, cement,
leasin!, ins$ance an* mana!ement companies, I# 5ansha )as %itten %( 2h$tto"s
nationali9ation stint o# 0:70, his #ien*s think he )as compensate* %( Na)a9 Shai#"s
*enationali9ation po!amme to a 'e( !oo* e##ect, Thee is no stoppin! 5ansha an*
he is still on the mo'e,
Nishat !o$p assets ae A4,42illion, ;e is sometimes e'en e!a*e* as the ichest
Pakistani ao$n* %( his #ien*s claimin! he *oes not 3sho) it o##3,
2 - Asi# Ali Ca*ai Pakistan
Rankin!= 2 -oth= >:00m @A0,8%illionB In*$st(= Politics
Asi# Ca*ai *$%%e* 35 00D3 an $nkno)n happ(-!o-l$ck( son o# a small-time
%$sinessman )ho st$ck !ol* %( ma(in! one o# the )ol*s most !lamoo$s )omen
Fome Pime 5iniste o# Pakistan 2en9ai 2h$tto, Takin! a*'anta!e o# his )i#e"s
a$thoit( he is kno)n to ha'e taken kick%acks #om man( *eals insi*e an* o$tsi*e o#
Pakistan, The most #amo$s )as a A4 %illion *eal to %$( E2 5ia!e Fets #om the
Fench compan( Dassa$lt, Doc$ments, )hich incl$*e lettes #om Dassa$lt$ti'es, in*icate an a!eement )as eache* to pa( a ?D 3em$neation3 - a%o$t
A200m - to 5aleton 2$siness, a 2GI compan( contolle* %( Ca*ai, 2esi*es these
man( moe kick%ack *eals )ee taken )ith companies s$ch as AR< &ol*, SociHtH
&HnHal *e S$'eillance @S&SB, 1otecna, an* CP1 4s$s, a Polish tacto compan(,
Ca*ai assets hol*in! amo$nt into h$n*e*s o# millions o# *ollas easil(, ;a'in! 8
pime popeties in the 4K, o# )hich once is the #amo$s Rock)oo* 7state E+? aces
in S$e(, )oth >4,E?m has no) %een sol* an* mone( sent %ack to the &o't, o#
Pakistan, Also 04 m$lti-million *olla mansions in the 4SA, incl$*in! o)nin! ;oli*a(
Inn hotel ;o$ston, 8)ne* %( 35 00D3 an* I/%al 5emon an* Sa*a-$*-Din
The( @Ca*ai an* 2,2h$ttoB also ha'e h$!e %$siness 'ent$es in the 5i**le 7ast
$nnin! into h$n*e*s o# millions i# not %illion mak, 5 Ca*ai also has h$!e stakes
in s$!a mills all o'e Pakistan,)hich incl$*e= Sakan* S$!a 5ills, Na)a%shah,
Ansai S$!a 5ills, ;(*ea%a*, 5i9a S$!a 5ills, 2a*in, Pan!io S$!a 5ills, Thatta
an* 2achani S$!a 5ills, San!ha,
E - Si An)a Pe'ai9 4K
Rankin!= E -oth= >7?0m @A0,?%illionB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
1haiman o# 2est)a( &o$p, The 2est)a( &o$p state* in 0:7+ )ith its #ist
2est)a( cash an* ca( )aeho$se opene* in 6on*on, To*a( the ha'e in total
ao$n* ?0 1ash an* 1a("s, Incl$*in! thei ecent takeo'e o# i'al !o$p 2atle(s #o
ao$n* >000m, 2est)a( &o$p 'ent$e* into Pakistan"s h$!e the cement %$siness in
0::? an* set $p cement man$#act$in! plant in Pakistan at a cost o# A020 million,
Takin! A*'anta!e o# Pakistan !o)in! econom( the( also ac/$ie* a 2?,?D stake in
4nite* 2ank 6imite* in 2002, To*a(, the 2est)a( &o$p has inteests in cash I ca(
)holesale, popet( in'estments, etail o$tlets, millin! o# ice, lentils an* p$lses,
cement po*$ction an* moe ecentl( into %ankin!, The !o$p"s total sales amo$nte*
to in e.cess o# > 2 %illion, The !o$p po'i*es *iect emplo(ment to tho$san*s in the
4K an* Pakistan, The ha'e man( inteests in Pakistan too, Si An)a Pe'ai9 an* his
his patnes shee ha* )ok has %o$!ht them to o$tstan*in! intenational le'els,
)hich *e#initel( makes him an i*eal ole mo*el #o man( (o$n! Pakistanis to*a(, ;e
still on the mo'eJ
4 - Na)a9 Shai# I Shah%a9 Shai# #amil( Sa$*i Aa%iaKPakistan
Rankin!= 4 -oth= >700m @A0,4%illionB In*$st(= PoliticsK2$sinessman
5 Shai# 2$sinessman t$ne* politician the #ome Pime 5iniste o# Pakistan, ;e
)as o$ste* in a milita( co$p in 0::: an* )as #oce* to #o#eit A:million *ollas an*
some o# his assets incl$*in! his A?m 5ansion is Rai)in* nea 6ahoe, 2e#oe
%ecomin! P5 he )as a maFo shae hol*e alon! )ith his %othe an* co$sins o#
Itte#a/ &o$p, ha'in! assets )ell in e.cess o# >?0m in the :0"s, ;o)e'e he !ot
iche )hen he took commissions #om #oei!n companies #o const$ction in
Pakistan, ;e %$il* the #ist moto)a( an* man( ne) oa*s an* took hea'(
kick%acks, ;e then also stole A000m #om the I/a #$n*s, he state* a ne) scheme
3&ha Apna3 in )hich he a!ain loote* ao$n* A40m, the 35$lk s)aao3 scheme
in'ol'in! p$%lic I !o't, mone( collections to help pa( p# Pakistan"s *e%ts also )as
pockete*, To*a( he li'es in e.ile in Sa$*i Aa%ia )hee it is kno)n he has a ne)
h$!e %$siness empie in 'aio$s sectos,
? - Sa**a$**in ;ash)ani Pakistan
Rankin!= ? -oth= >??0m @A0,0%illionB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Sa**a$**in ;ash)ani is 1haiman ;ashoo &o$p is kno)n #o his *ominance in
Pakistan"s hotel in*$st(, tho$!h ;ash)anis ae ha'e h$!e sten!th in eal estate
%$siness too, ;ash)anis ae in'ol'e* in ta*in! o# cotton, !ain an* steel an* till the
nationali9ation o# cotton e.pot in 0:74, the( )ee )i*el( %ein! *$%%e* as the
1otton Kin!s o# Pakistan, To*a(, this !o$p has e.celle* in e.pot o# ice, )heat,
cotton an* %ale(, It o)ns te.tile $nits, %esi*es ha'in! in'este* %illions in mines,
mineals, hotels, ins$ance, %atteies, to%acco, esi*ential popeties, const$ction,
en!ineein! an* in#omation technolo!(, In 0:84, ;ash)ani *e#eate* the 6akhanis in
the %i* #o Pemie To%acco %$t )as aeste* alon! )ith his %othe Ak%a in 0:8+
#o alle!e*l( e'a*in! c$stoms *$t( on ci!aettes, Sa*a*$**in"s %othe Ak%a an*
the chil*en o# anothe late %othe ;assan Ali ;ash)ani to!ethe mana!e ao$n* 4?
companies, Ak%a $ns the secon* ;ash)ani &o$p, ;e is one o# the most )ell-
kno)n ma!nates in Pakistan )ho is a e!$la in'itee at the Diplomatic 7ncla'e, The
list o# local an* intenational %i!)i!s kno)n pesonall( to ;ash)ani is $nen*in!,
+ - Nasi Schon I #amil( 4,A,7KPakistan
Rankin!= + @tie* at +B -oth= >?00m @A0%illionB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Nasi Schon is a pominent %$siness lea*e o# Pakistan an* the 178 o# Schon &o$p,
Nasi Schon is the son o# 1aptain Athe Schon ;$ssain, an e.-pilot o# PIA, The Schon
#amil( is one o# the #e) sti'in! 5$haFi 4*$ %$siness #amilies in Pakistan, Statin!
o## in Sin!apoe in 0:82, the peek o# Schon !o$p )as in 0::? )hen the( o)ne*
National Fi%es, Schon 2ank, Schon Te.tiles an* Pak-1hina Feti9iles, Famo$s #o
the ten*-settin! o$n*a%o$t, Schon 1icle, Nasi Schon is also kno)n to %e one o#
the #ist people to ha'e a Rolls-Ro(ce in Pakistan, Diectos o# Schon !o$p #le) to
D$%ai in 0::7 in e.ile a#te the *ismissal o# e.-Pime 5iniste 2ena9i 2h$tto, The
*iectos o# Schon !o$p )ee kno)n to ha'e close contacts )ith the h$s%an* o#
#ome Pime 5iniste, Asi# Ca*ai, 5an( assets o# the Schon !o$p )ee a$ctione*
%( the Na)a9 Shai# !o'enment, Schon &o$p is the onl( !o$p in Pakistan )ho has
pai* the !o'enment o'e E %illion $pees @A+?mB in o*e to et$n #om e.ile,
6i'in! in D$%ai !a'e Nasi Schon an oppot$nit( to stat %$sinesses thee, 1$entl(
)okin! on an A8E0 million eal estate poFect kno)n as D$%ai la!oon, Schon !o$p
is also #i!htin! to !et %ack the assets the( once lost, 1$entl(, the Schon !o$p
opeates a pilot tainin! cente in Pakistan kno)n as Schon Ai,
7 - A%*$l Ra99a/ <ako$% I #amil( 4,A,7
Rankin!= + @tie* at +B -oth= >?00m @A0%illionB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
5 <ako$% is a pominent Pakistani e.patiate %$sinessman %ase* in D$%ai, ;e is the
pesi*ent AR< !o$p @A0,?2illion t$no'eB an* -ol* 5emon 8!ani9ation @-58B,
;e is one o# Pakistan"s %i!!est me*ia %aons contollin! ao$n* 7 channels, 2esi*es
this he has a h$!e popet( hol*in!s in Kaachi, Islama%a* an* D$%ai amo$ntin! to
o'e A200m, ;e is maFo in the !ol* maket also ha'in! ao$n* 20 o$tlets in Asia,
;e has also %een in'ol'e* in pa(in! Asi# Ca*ai A?m in 0::0"s #o allo)in! him to
impotKe.pot !ol*, -hich he *enies an* claim"s is !o'enment #o!eies,
8 - Ra#i/ ;a%i% I Rashee* ;a%i% Pakistan
Rankin!= 7 -oth= >4?0m @A:00B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
6e!en* has it that the &o**ess o# -ealth has %een in lo'e )ith the seasone* ;a%i%s
moe than an(%o*( else in Pakistan, 5ost p$n*its %elie'e that ;a%i%s o)n at least
000 companies tho$!ho$t the )ol*, %$t these content me!a-t(coons ne'e %oast
o##, somethin! )hich has ma*e it $phill #o most to pe*ict a%o$t thei #inancial
stan*in!, This in*$stial !o$p )as #o$n*e* %( Seth ;a%i% 5itha, %on in 0878 to
7smail Ali-a #acto( o)ne in 2om%a(, The #inancial sten!th o# the ;a%i%s can %e
!a$!e* #om the #act that 5$hamma* Ali ;a%i% !a'e a che/$e o# Rs 80 million to
L$ai*-e-A9am in 0:48 at a time )hen Pakistan !o'enment )as penniless o)in! to
*ela( in tans#e o# Pakistan"s shae o# Rs, 7?0 million %( the Rese'e 2ank o# In*ia,
The( ha* o##ices in 7$ope in 0:02, The( incopoate* the ;a%i% 2ank in 0:40, The(
o)n the ;a%i% 2ank A,& C$ich, 2ank Al-;a%i%, In*$s 5otos assem%lin! 1oolla
cas an* man( *o9ens o# $nits in sectos s$ch as F$te, pape sack, mineals, steel,
tiles, s(nthetics s$!a, !lass, const$ction, concete, #am a$tos, %ankin!, oil,
comp$tes, m$sic, pape, packa!es, leasin! an* capital mana!ement, ;a%i%s to*a(
ae hea*e* %( Ra#i/ ;a%i% an* Rashi* ;a%i% in t)o *istinct !o$ps, -hat makes
them e.temel( in#l$ential pla(es o# all times is the #act that #o *o9ens o# top
%$sinessmen to*a(, ;a%i% )ee a m(th once,
: - Tai/ Sai!ol I Nasim Sai!ol Pakistan
Rankin!= 8 -oth= >42?m @A8?0B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
;ailin! #om Mhel$m, The pionee o# the Sai!ol *(nast( in 08:0 )as Amin Sai!ol )ho
esta%lishe* a shoe shop that e'ent$all( tans#ome* into Kohinoo R$%%e -oks,
An* then times sa) them shinin! liteall( like the Kohinoo $ntil thei po!ess )as
halte* %( Nationali9ation in )hich the( lost t)o-thi*s o# thei )ealth, Sai!ols !ot
ti#$cate* in 0:7+ an* 0? *escen*ents o# Amin Sai!ols #o$ sons !ot a shae, The
name o# the Sai!ols has %een $se* in this pat o# the )ol* as similes *esci%in!
/$ant$m o# )ealth, <o$sa# Sai!ol, alon! )ith his %othes Sa(ee* Sai!ol, 2ashi
Sai!ol an* &$l Sai!ol then no$ishe* an e.cellent cop, In 0:48, Sai!ols esta%lishe*
the Kohinoo Te.tile 5ills )ith a cost o# Rs 8 million an* this !o$p happens to %e the
#ist to open an 61 )ith the State 2ank o# Pakistan, The( %o$!ht the 4nite* 2ank in
0:?: an* then )itnesse* #i'e o# thei $nits !ettin! nationali9e*, The( li'e* in Sa$*i
Aa%ia *$in! the 2h$tto e!ime, To*a(, co$sins Tai/ an* Nasim ae hol*in! the
#amil("s #ot to!ethe an* ha'e isen to $npece*ente* hei!hts in in*i'i*$al
capacities, NA2 *i* ha$nt Nasim %$t Tai/ spent moe time eithe acceptin! o
e#$sin! pi9e* slots e'e()hee, Tai/ is the one o# the #inest %$siness %ains
00 - De)an <o$sa# Faoo/$i Pakistan
Rankin!= : @tie* at :B -oth= >400m @A800B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
5 Faoo/$i, The mento o# this !o$p has %een the Sin*h 5iniste #o 6ocal 2o*ies,
In*$sties, 6a%o$, Tanspot, 5ines I 5ineals, De)an 5$shta/ &o$p is one o# the
Pakistan"s la!est in*$stial con!lomeates in sectos like pol(este ac(lic #i%e,
man$#act$in! an* a$tomoti'es, Si. o# thei companies ae liste* at the Kaachi I
stock 7.chan!e an* one at the 6$.em%o$! %o$se, De)an Faoo/$i 5otos
assem%les ao$n* 00,000 cas ann$all( $n*e technical license a!eement )ith
;($n*ai an* Kia 5otos o# Koea, The De)an Salman Fi%e is the pi*e o# this empie
as it anks 00th in the )ol* in total po*$ction capacit(, The !o$p o)ns thee
te.tile $nits, a motoc(cle man$#act$in! concen an* the la!est s$!a $nit in the
co$nt(, De)ans also ha'e %$siness inteests in In*ia, The( possess *o9ens o#
millions o# shaes o# Sa$*i 1ement an* Pak lan* 1ement, The( also ha'e the
#anchise licence #o 25- in Pakistan an* no) Rolls Ro(ce sho)ooms,
00 - S$ltan Ali 6akhani I #amil( Pakistan
Rankin!= : @tie* at :B -oth= >400m @A800B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
The 6akhanis ae c$entl( ha'in! a ha* time at the han*s o# NA2, S$ltan 6akhani
an* his thee %othes $n this pesti!io$s !o$p an* the chain o# 5cDonal*"s
esta$ants in Pakistan, NA2 has alle!e* the 6akhanis o# ha'in! ceate* phone(
companies tho$!h )othless *iectos an* aise* massi'e loans #om 'aio$s %anks
an* #inancial instit$tions, S$ltan is c$entl( a%oa* a#te ha'in! se'e* a Fail tem
)ith (o$n!e si%lin! Amin, tho$!h the latte )as elease* m$ch ealie, NA2 ha*
epote*l( *eman*e* Rs 7 %illion #om 6akhanis, %$t late a!ee* the( pa( onl( Rs
0,? %illion o'e a 00-(ea peio*, 6akhanis, like thei ach-i'als ;ash)anis, ae the
most )ell-kno)n o# all Ismaeli t(coons, Thei stakes an!e #om me*ia, to%acco,
pape, chemicals an* s$!ical e/$ipment to cotton, packa!in!, ins$ance, *ete!ents
an* othe ho$se-hol* items, man( o# )hich ae Foint 'ent$es )ith lea*in!
intenational con!lomeates, Tho$!h 6akhanis ae in t$%$lent )ates c$entl(, the
s$ccess that !eete* them *$in! the last 2? (eas especiall( has %een temen*o$s,
The( ha'e i#ts )ith la!e %$siness empies *espite %ein! kno)n #$ thei !enteel
nat$e, -hethe it is an( !o'enment in Sin*h o at the Fe*eal le'el, 6akhanis ha'e
ha* t$ste* #ien*s e'e()hee, tho$!h the pesent ea has po'e* a pain#$l
02 - 5alik Ria9 ;$ssain Pakistan
Rankin!= : @tie* at :B -oth= >400m @A800B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
5alik Ria9 ;$ssain hea*s the massi'e poFect )hich is c$entl( *e'elopin! state-o#-
the-at schemes in 6ahoe, Kaachi an* Ra)alpin*iKIslama%a*, 7me!in! o$t o# the
%l$e, this *e'elope has epote*l( *e'elope* temen*o$s connections )hee it
mattes in Pakistan-8ne o# the #e) easons )h( his const$cte* poFects !et
complete* in time )itho$t hin*ance, -hethe he has !i#te* %$n!alo)s #ee o# cost
o# co$nt("s %i!)i!s o o##ee* them at hi!hl( concessional ates, the ealit( on the
!o$n* is that 5alik has mana!e* to mesmei9e most tho$!h his !eneo$s )allet,
;is lan*-hol*in!s %oth )ithin an* o$tsi*e Pakistan amo$nts to neal( a %illion *olla,
;e is the man %ehin* the 2ahia To)n, Iespecti'e o# )ho is in po)eN he contin$es
to %$il* ho$se a#te ho$se-s)ellin! his )ealth, ;e is also the #ist man to *i'e a
2entle( ca on Pakistani soil,
0E - Sheikh A%i* ;$ssain alias Seth A%i* Pakistan
Rankin!= 00 -oth= >E:0m @A780B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Sheikh A%i* ;$ssain alias Seth A%i*, ;e is one o# the most eso$ce#$l
*e'elopesK%$il*es in the co$nt( o)nin! 'ast stetches o# lan* in maFo cities, 8n
this lan* )oth man( %illion o# $pees, Seth has const$cte* esi*ential schemes
$n*e the %an* name o# 3&een Fot,3 Seth came into this %$siness a#te *eca*es o#
notoiet( as %ein! one o# the speahea*s in coss-%o*e sm$!!lin!, -hile man(
emem%e Seth #o his alle!e*l( ille!al ta*in! stints, a lot o# in#ome* cicles still sa(
)ith con'iction that he, alon! )ith D,La*ee an* #ome Pemie 2h$tto, )as the
%ain %ehin* the s$ccess o# Pakistan"s n$clea po!amme, A%o$t thee *o9en o#
Seth"s 'e( close elati'es, #ien*s an* nephe)s ae mem%es o# co$nt("s %o$ses
an* #o man( (eas no), the Seth A%i* !o$p ass$mes the ole o# kin!-makes
*$in! the ann$al polls o# these stock e.chan!es, ;e is a lea*in! in'esto in stocks,
metals an* c$enc( %$t )hat !i'es him immense pleas$e is his philanthopic
instit$tion ;am9a Fo$n*ation that he sponsos #o the )el#ae o# *ea# an* *$m%
chil*en, Pakistan has not ha* a sin!le $le, politician, %$ea$cat o Am( &eneal
)ho *oesn"t kno) the Seth )ho is moe o# a m(th #o most, The Seth, tho$!ho$t
his li#e, has a'oi*e* p$%licit(-a #act kno)n to most Fo$nalists,
04 - 5ian 5ohamme* 6ati# Pakistan
Rankin!=00 -oth= >E?0m @A700B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
1hena% &o$p 5ian 5$hamma* 6ati# s$pe'ises this !o$p alon! )ith his %othe
5ian Ash#a/$e- a le!islato in the National Assem%l( o# Pakistan, Fo$n*e* in 0:7?,
1hena% 6imite* set $p its #ist #ashion o$tlet 31hen 8ne,3 1hen 8ne has se'en
o$tlets tho$!ho$t Pakistan, A#te esta%lishin! its etail chain stoes in 'aio$s cities
o# Sa$*i Aa%ia, the !o$p is no) plannin! to esta%lish its ne) etail chains in
2ahain, 4A,7, Lata, K$)ait an* 1ental Asian Rep$%lics, -hile 1hena% &o$p is an
ei!ht-time 7.pot Toph( )inne, its 1hie# 5ian 6ati# has )on the "2$sinessman o#
the <ea a)a* on #o$ *i##eent occasions #om 'aio$s %$siness %o*ies, 1hena% is
pincipall( en!a!e* in man$#act$e an* *isti%$tion o# clothin!, #$nit$e !oo*s,
incl$*in! non-ion s$it, /$ilt co'e an* c$tains etc, 1hena% pocesses ?0 million
s/$ae metes #a%ic )ea'in! an* 7? million s/$ae metes #a%ic *(ein! e'e( (ea
an* has esta%lishe* a !lo%al sales net)ok spannin! acoss #i'e continents, 1hena%
is license* to the S)e*ish Te.cote Technolo!( in the man$#act$in! an* sale o#
te.tile mateials, !aments an* te.tile ho$se-hol* !oo*s, The !o$p"s te.tile
po*$cts ha'e %een a)a*e* the 8ekote. 000 acce*itation,
0? - ;aFi A%*$l &ha#oo I ;aFi 2ashi Ahme* Pakistan
Rankin!= 02 -oth= >EE0m @A++0B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Sitaa &o$p State* its acti'it( )ith te.tile )ea'in! as eal( as 0:?+, $n*e
%othes ;aFi A%*$l &ha#oo an* ;aFi 2ashi Ahme*, It is no) its te.tile cloth
#inishin! an* pocessin!, te.tile spinnin!, chlo-alkali secto an* in po)e !eneation,
The $nits o)ne* %( this esta%lishment incl$*e Sitaa 1hemicals, Sitaa 1hemicals
@Te.tile Di'ision 0B an* Sitaa 1hemicals @Te.tile Di'ision 00B, Sitaa Te.tiles, Sitaa
7ne!( an* <asi Spinnin!, The chaities %ein! mana!e* $n*e the ae!is o# Sitaa
!o$p ae A9i9 Fatima ;ospital, &ha#oo 2ashi 1hil*en ;ospital an* A9i9 Fatima
&ils School, Sitaa"s name )ith the in*$stial 1it( o# Faisala%a* is s(non(mo$s,
The( ae the *eca*es-ol* 'eteans in %$siness, )ho ha'e e.celle* in leaps an*
%o$n*s, At thei $nits, the o)nes o# Sitaa $se technolo!( impote* #om Mapan, 4K
an* &eman( an* ae e.pot lea*es in %e**in! an* #a%ic collection to So$th
Ameica, 4SA, 1ana*a, Ne) Cealan* an* 7$ope, Thei te.tile *i'isions to!ethe
opeate at sten!th o# EE,:84 spin*les, The Sitaa @!o$p, to a common man, is
moe #amo$s #o its la)n %an*s like Sitaa Sapna an* 5$!hal-e-A9am, The men at
helm o# a##ais in Sitaa ha*l( %elie'e in settin! $p *o9ens o# $nits, o# )hich the(
ae othe)ise 'e( m$ch capa%le o#,
0+ - Sheikhani Famil( Pakistan
Rankin!= 0E -oth= >E00m @A+00B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
The( ae one o# the most ep$te* lan* *e'elopes in the co$nt(, The Sheikhani,
altho$!h not a 'e( %i! in*$stial esta%lishment %( an( means, ae le* %( A%$ 2aka
Sheikhani, The Sheikhanis ae #amo$s #o thei const$ction an* lan* *e'elopment-
elate* ean*s, A%$ 2aka is *eeme* to %e one o# the la!est in'estos in eal estate
ta*e at &)a*a Pot, ;e has all the i!ht connections that ae e/$ie* to %e in s$ch
%$siness, Despite %ein! )ell kno)n to the national political cicles, the man in steet
kne) moe o# him *$in! 5achKApil 0::0 )hen he s$#ace* as the sin!le la!est
conti%$to to then Pemie Na)a9 Shai#"s De%t Retiement F$n* )ith a *onation o#
A 8million, To*a(, his a*'esaies *$% him a lan* ma#ia man, alle!in! him #o sellin!
his &)a*a lan* at onl( A 4000 pe ace onl( to senio Am( o##icials )hile the same
)as %ein! sol* at A 2,?0,000 pe ace to o*ina( in'estos, 2$t that is the )a(
Sheikhani $ns his 'ast lan*Kconst$ction empie, Acc$sations *on"t *ist$%
Sheikhani, )ho acco*in! to man( la!e *e'elopes is a man )ho has mana!e* to
ceate temen*o$s impession in lan* %$siness, The $mo$s o# his lan*in! in an(
Pakistani 1it( #o lan* ac/$isition p$poses, helps the pice o# eal estate s$!e
$npece*ente* o'eni!ht
07 - Ra99a/ Da)oo* PakistanK4A7
Rankin!= 04 @tie* at 04B -oth= >2?0m @A?00B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Ra99a/ pesentl( hea*s one o# Pakistan"s %i!!est const$ction an* en!ineein!
con!lomeate kno) as Da)oo* !o$pKDescen !o$p, -ith a oaste o# impessi'e
clients, ;is !o$p has )on man( contacts in D$%ai, Sa$*i Aa%ia an* Ia/ an*
emplo("s o'e 0,000 people *iectl(, ;is name )as moe pominent amon! the top
22 ichest #amilies in 0:70 $ntil the 2h$tto nationali9ation )hich then ma*e him set
$p a%oa*, he et$ne* to Pakistan in the eal( :0"s an* state* #om scatch an*
to*a( makes it in the top easil(, The !o$p also has in'estment o# AE00m in
2an!la*esh in in'estments in #etilise, ene!( an* in#ast$ct$e an* *e'elopment
08 - 2(am Dinsha)Fi A'ai Pakistan
Rankin!= 04 @tie* at 04B -oth= >2?0m @A?00B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
2(am Dinsha)Fi A'ai is a pominent Pakistani Pasi t(coon in Kaachi, Sin*h,
Pakistan, To!ethe )ith his sons Dinsha) an* an* thei *iect #amilies, he
o)ns an* opeates the A'ai &o$p o# companies, o# )hich he is the chaiman, ;otel
mana!ement is the A'ai &o$p"s coe %$siness, In Pakistan, the !o$p o)ns an*
opeates A'ai ;otels )hich incl$*es ?-sta *el$.e hotel in 6ahoe, the ?-sta A'ai
To)es an* the sea#ont 2each 6$.$( ;otel in Kaachi, The !o$p is also acti'el(
p$s$in! oppot$nities #o o)nin! an*Ko mana!in! E an* 4-sta popeties
else)hee in Pakistan, The A'ai &o$p is the #ist Pakistani compan( to ha'e
o%taine* intenational hotel mana!ement contacts= the( opeate the 200-oom 4-
sta hotel in D$%ai in 4nite* Aa% 7miates an* mana!e the 200-oom Rama*a Inn
in Toonto at Peason Aipot in 1ana*a,
0: - Ra#i/ Ran!oon)ala Pakistan
Rankin!= 0? @tie* at 04B -oth= >240m @A480B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
5, Ra#i/ Ran!oon)ala, 1hie#$ti'e 8##ice 1$pola &o$p o# 1ompanies, )as
%on in Kaachi, *i* 2A @;ons,B #om 4ni'esit( o# Kaachi, )ent to 4nite* States o#
Ameica in 0:7:, an* *i*$ti'e De'elopment 1o$se #om -hittemoe School o#
2$siness, 4ni'esit( o# Ne) ;ampshie alon! )ith se'eal mana!ement co$ses #om
4,K, 4,S, 1ana*a, A$stalia an* Sin!apoe, In 0:80, he state* his caee in Fast
Foo* esta$ants #om KF1 in ;o$ston, Since then he has mana!e* se'eal othe
%an*s alon!si*e KF1 like Pi99a ;$t, ;a( Rams*en"s, T&I Fi*a(s, Pi99a 7.pess
etc, e Foine* Atal Resta$ants Intenational as 178 in 8cto%e 0::: an* is c$entl(
hea*in! 1$pola &o$p o# 1ompanies )ho has #anchise i!hts in Pakistan #o KF1,
In*$l!e, Feshens an* 1asa, The associate In'estment 1ompan( o# 1$pola is A6
A2RAM, )ith appo.imatel( 4S A400 million $n*e mana!ement,
20 - Shimm( L$eishi 4SA
Rankin!= 0? @tie* at 0?B -oth= >240m @A480B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
A Fet-settin! intenational %$sinessman )ho #l("s %( Fet an* s)in!s a polo mallet )ith
some o# the )ol*"s top pla(es, L$eshi seems a mo*el o# s$ccess#$l entepise,
Shimm(s %$siness inteests ae mainl( popet(, )hich )ith the %oom an* his
holi*in!s has took his )ealth to a ne) le'el, Altho$!h people ma( emem%e him #o
his st$nt in the eal( :0"s )ith &eo!e 6in*emann, the %illionaie #o$n*e o# 1ell$la
8ne, )hen 6in*emann took him to co$t claimin! he has cheate* them in to a *eal to
%$( thei home on ;$lin!ham Di'e in -ellin!ton #o AE,? million, A (ea %e#oe the
6in*emanns #ile* thei s$it, L$eshi %atee* )ith anothe )ealth( #amil( - the al-
Thanis, )ho $le the Aa% co$nt( o# Lata - to %$( &$l# 4nion 2ank in the 1a(man
In 5a( 0::7, the al-Thanis a!ee* to sell &$l# 4nion to Intenational 2$siness
;ol*in!s - a 1a(man Islan*s compan( o)ne* %( L$eshi - #o A4,? million, acco*in!
to co$t eco*s,
-hile 1a(man Islan*s o##icials )ee e'ie)in! the *eal, L$eshi name* an associate,
Ka9mi, to $n &$l# 4nion an* a s$%si*ia(, Fist 1a(man 2ank, -ithin thee months,
Ka9mi, actin! at L$eshi"s *iection, ha* sh$nte* moe than A? million #om Fist
1a(man into his o)n acco$nt an* into acco$nts hel* %( L$eshi an* the al-Thanis,
Shimm( L$eshi also #$ll( mana!es all the popeties in the 4SA o)ne* %( Asi#
20 - Fa$/$e Khan Pakistan
Rankin!=0? @tie* at 0?B -oth= >240m @A480B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
The late Khan 2aha*$ &h$lam Fa$/$e Khan @08::P0::2B )as a politician an*
in*$stialist o# Pakistan, ;e %elon!e* to the 'illa!e Shai*$ in No)shea Distict,
No)shea is the home o# the #amo$s Pasht$n Ti%e the Khattaks o# the N-FP
Po'ince in Pakistan, 2eca$se o# his conti%$tion to Pakistan"s In*$stial *e'elopment
he is sometimes *esci%e* as 3The &oliath )ho In*$stiali9e* Pakistan,, to*a( his
#amil( o)n 1heat 1ement 1ompan( 6t*, 1heat Papesack 6t*, 1heat 7lectic 6t*,
5ip$khas S$!a 5ills 6t*, Fa$/$e @p'tB 6t* &ea'es Ai-1on*itionin!@p'tB 6t*
&ea'es 7n!ineein! Se'ices@p'tB 6t* 4nicol 6t*,- A MG 1ompan( 5a*ian ;(*o
Po)e 6t*, - A MG 1ompan( Censo#t @p'tB 6t* an* pime popeties ao$n* Pakistan
22 - Shahi* 6$/man 4K
Rankin!= 0+ @tie* at 0+B -oth= >2E0m @A4+0B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Shahi* 6$/man, %on in &$Fat, is a #inancie #om 5ancheste an* has #o$n*e*
"Peal ;ol*in!s" #o the popet( #inance maket ;e is a pominent popet( *e'elope
in the 4K an* in Pakistan is poFects $n into m$lti-million po$n*s, ;e also $ns a
loan #acilit(, Altho$!h in the past it has %een notice* o# him #illin! %ank$ptc( an*
pocketin! h$!e $npai* loans,
2E - 5$khta Ahme* Pakistan
Rankin!= 0+ @tie* at 0+B -oth= >2E0m @A4+0B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
6ate ;aFi Sheikh 5ohamma* I%ahim, #o$n*e o# the I%ahim &o$p, settle* in
Faisala%a* a#te patition o# In*ia in 0:47 an* e-esta%lishe* his ancestal %$siness
o# cloth ta*in! %( the name o# 3I%ahim A!encies3, -hat is kno)n in %$siness to*a(
as I%ahim &o$p )ith *i'esi#ie* %$siness inteests #om Spinnin! to PSF, Financial
Instit$tions to 2ankin! an* 7ne!(, state* o## as a mee cloth ta*in! a!enc( F$st
hal# a cent$( a!o, Recentl( 5 Ahme* %o$!ht a stake in the Allie* 2ank at AE00m,
24 - A/eel Kaim Dhe*i Pakistan
Rankin!= 0+ @tie* at 0+B -oth= >2E0m @A4+0B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Statin! #om inteests in eal estate an* stock-%okin! in the (ea 0:47, the late
;aFi A%*$l Kaim Dhe*hi @ma( he est in peaceB lai* the #o$n*ation o# )hat to*a( is
the AKD !o$p o# companies, one o# the la!est *omestic %$siness entepises in
Pakistan )ith a com%ine* net )oth o# o'e 4SA 0 %illion, o# )hich 5 Kaim shae is
at A400m, 5, A/eel Kaim Dhe*hi, son o# @lateB ;aFi A%*$l Kaim Dhe*hi, is the
1haiman o# the AKD &o$p, ;e has %$ilt the AKD &o$p as a lea*in! an* 'i%ant set
o# %$siness entepises opeatin! in ke( sectos o# Pakistan"s econom(, an!in! #om
stocks an* shaes, me*ia, te.tile, eal estate an* 8il an* &as e.lpoation, <et AKD is
still on the mo'eJ
2? - S(e* Famil( Pakistan
Rankin!= 07 @tie* at 07B -oth= >220m @A440B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
6iste* on all thee stock e.chan!es in Pakistan, Packa!es 6imite* has maintaine* a
lon!-time ce*it atin! o# AA, The Foint 'ent$es an* %$siness alliances )ith some o#
the )ol*"s %i!!est names e#lect o$ #o)a*-lookin! state!( o# contin$o$sl(
impo'in! c$stome 'al$e tho$!h impo'ements in po*$cti'it(, The !o$p also
ac/$ie* a !oo* n$m%e o# 1oca 1ola plants in Pakistan, Its #amo$s %an*s incl$*e
Nestle 5ilk Pak, Teet, 5itchells an* Ti Pack Films, It has stakes in the te.tile, *ai(,
a!ic$lt$e an* ice sectos too, The !o$p"s conti%$tions to)a*s the ca$se o# an
in*epen*ent Pakistan ae $npece*ente* ae the onl( packa!in! #acilit( in Pakistan
o##ein! a complete an!e o# packa!in! sol$tions incl$*in! o##set pinte* catons,
shippin! containes an* #le.i%le packa!in! mateials to in*i'i*$als an* %$sinesses
)ol*-)i*e, The( emplo( o'e 4000 people,
2+ - Sai# Famil( Pakistan
Rankin!= 07 @tie* at 07B -oth= >220m @A440B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Is o)ne* an* opeate* %( the sons o# #amo$s N-FP la*( politician 2e!$m Kals$m
Sai#$llah, ;e el*est son Ma'i* Sai#$llah hea*s this 'e( po)e#$l %$siness !o$p,
Ma'i* o%taine* his 5aste *e!ee in 2$siness A*ministation #om the 4ni'esit( o#
Pitts%$!h, 4SA in 0:7E, #ollo)e* %( *i'esi#ie* e.peience o# o'e E0 (eas in
te.tiles, telecomm$nication, cement an* In#omation Technolo!(, ;e also emaine*
the 1haiman o# All Pakistan Te.tile 5ills Association @APT5AB #o t)o (eas an*
N-FP #o se'en (eas, ;e has also %een the mem%e Task Foce IT I
Telecomm$nication A*'iso( 2oa*, 5inist( o# Science an* Technolo!(, 5em%e o#
Task Foce @6i%eali9ation I Pi'ati9ation o# Pakistan Telecomm$nication 1ompan(
6imite*B, 5inist( o# Science I Technolo!(B Ma'e* Sai#$llah Khan is lookin! a#te the
!o$p %$sinesses #o the past 20 (eas, Sai#$llahs ae in po)e al)a(s, in one #om
o the othe, Ma'ai*"s %othes An)a Sai#$llah Khan @Fome Fe*eal 5inisteB, Salim
Sai#$llah Khan @kin!-make in N-FP politiesB an* 8sman Sai#$llah @anothe APT5A I
)i9a*B ha'e 'e( close #amil( ties )ith a lot o# ke( politicians in the co$nt(, %esi*es
%ein! elate* *iectl( o in*iectl( tho$!h maia!es to the #amilies o# a #e) lea*in!
an* #amo$s Am( &eneals )ho $le* Pakistan,
27 - Mehan!i 7lahi Pakistan
Rankin!= 08 @tie* at 08B -oth= >200m @A400B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Mehan!i 7lahi is %othe in la) o# 5ian 5ohamma* 5ansha an* is anke* amon! the
t(coons in Pakistan, ;e has la$nche* se'eal poFects as Foint 'ent$es )ith 5ian
5ohamma* 5ansha, as #o e.ample &enetech, one o# the ealiest pi'ate secto
po)e plants concei'e* in Pakistan, In*epen*entl( his !o$p has #o$ companies
liste* on the stock e.chan!e,
28 - Shea9i Famil( Pakistan
Rankin!= 08 @tie* at 08B -oth= >200m @A400B In*$st(= 2$sinessman
This !o$p )as #o$n*e* %( <o$sa# Shea9i, a #ome Income Ta. o##icial an*
Fo$nalist in 0:+2 )ith a capital o# Rs 0E million onl(, The #ist compan( set %( the
Atlas &o$p )as Shea9i In'estments @P'tB 6imite* an* since then, thee is no
lookin! %ack, The 7ast Pakistan ta!e*(, ho)e'e, neal( cipple* Shea9i %$t he
ne'e lost hope an* )ent o$t #omin! n$meo$s Foint 'ent$es )ith lea*in! Mapanese
concens like ;on*a, Atlas-;on*a to*a( is a name to eckon )ith in co$nt("s
en!ineein! secto an* associate* )ith this F$st one name ae h$n*e*s o# 'en*os,
;e hol*s stakes in ins$ance, #inancial se'ices, in#omation technolo!(, leasin!,
)aeho$ses, o##ice e/$ipment, moto cas an* motoc(cle-assem%lin! $nits, %esi*es
$nnin! a eno)ne* #im that man$#act$es %atteies, Shea9i o)ns the Atlas
In'estment 2ank too, The Fe*eal 2$*!et 2004-0? is pehaps the onl( %$*!et in
co$nt("s histo( that has hit the 'e( in#l$ential ca man$#act$es on the hea*,
othe)ise people like <o$sa# Shea9i ha'e al)a(s mana!e* to *ictate tems )hee it
mattes, The Atlas &o$p o)ns no less than se'en companies /$ote* on the stock
e.chan!es o# Pakistan, The !o$p"s assets ae %elie'e* to ha'e to$che* the
h$n*e*s o# millions *ollas mak an* so ha'e the sales,
2: - Noon #amil( Pakistan
Rankin!= 0: -oth= >0:0m @AE80mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Noon #amil( comes #om Ti)ana #amil( #om 5itha Ti)ana, The Ti)ana #amil( li'es in
an ol* histoical 'illa!e in Kh$sha% *istict, The Ti)ana caste is a 'e( pop$la
lan*hol*in! an* in#l$ential political caste in the Kh$sha% *istict, The Noon Famil(
o)n 27 'illa!es in 2hal)al an* 2hea, The #iel*s o# these 'illa!es ae 'e( c$lti'ate*
an* #etile, The 6an*lo* Noon #amil( ceate* man( %ankes, in*$stialists,
am%assa*os an* politicians #o Pakistan, The Noon #amil( is 'e( pop$la in the aea
%eca$se o# thei chaacte , thei attit$*e,thei %eha'io$ )ith the people an* helps
the poo an* nee*( people in the aea )itho$t an( peF$*ice so Noon #amil( is 'e(
)ell-)ishe,)ell-%eha'e* ,s(mpathetic )ith the aea, 8n thei lan* the( o)n o'e 40
#actoies on total an!in! #om %ick man$#act$in! to cotton #ams an* po*$ction,
The( ae a ta. pa(in! lan*lo*s #o this eason the( ae the onl( #e$*al lo*s
incl$*in! in this e*ition,
E0 - 5ian A%*$llah Pakistan
Rankin!= 0: -oth= >0:0m @AE80mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
8ne o# the la!est man$#act$es an* e.potes o# te.tile po*$cts in Pakistan,
Sapphie technolo!( comes #om 7$ope, Mapan an* 4SA, 1apitali9in! on the e!ion"s
pincipal cop, cotton, )e so$ce this locall(, an* a$!ment o$ o##ein!s %( po'i*in!
impote* #i%e #om the )ol*"s %est cops, -e )ok )ith speciali9e* #i%es %in!in!
in the ne)est inno'ations #om maFo #i%e an* chemical po*$ces, an* o$
man$#act$in! #om (an to #inishe* #a%ic is pe#ome* in o$ #acilities in Pakistan,
S(ne!ies ae #ome* )ith o##shoe !ament man$#act$in! companies, 8$ po*$cts
ae makete* to the in*$st("s %i!!est names in Asia, 7$ope, A$stalia, an* Noth
Ameica, 8'e 04,000 emplo(ees ,Ann$al t$no'e 4S A ?00 5illion
;ea*e* %( a 'etean in*$stialist 5ian A%*$llah, this splen*i* empie o)ns 00 (an
spinnin! plants @po*$cin! +0,000 tonnes o# (an ann$all(B, E )o'en plants o# !ei!e
#a%ic @ po*$cin! ?0 million metes ann$all(B, one (an *(ein! plant @capacit( ?
tonnes pe *a(B, one knittin! $nit @00 tonnes pe *a(B, one knitte* #a%ic *(ein!
plant @00 tonnes pe *a(B, one )o'en #a%ic *(ein! an* #inishin! plant @ 0,2 million
metes pe monthB an* thee po)e plants ha'in! the capa%ilit( to po*$ce 40 5-
o# ene!(, Sapphie #oms s(ne!ies )ith o##-shoe !aments companies, The !o$p
makets its po*$cts in %i!!est %an* names in Asia, 7$ope, A$stalia an* Noth
Ameica, Sapphie state* )ith one spinnin! mill in 0:+: an* emplo(s o'e 00,000
people, 5ian A%*$llah"s ep$te can %e !a$!e* #om the #act *$in! the 8cto%e 200E
minis at APT5A, moe than 0000 te.tile milles %a* ten*ee* thei esi!nations
a!ainst inc$m%ent 1hie# -a/a 5onnoo to him, Do9ens o# lea*in! t(coons ha*
popose* his name to hea* APT5A in case o# an inteim set$p, ;a'in! an in#l$ence
amon! te.tile milles is no eas( Fo% %$t 5ian A%*$llah stan*s pi'ile!e* in this
conte.t ;e is o#ten seen pat o# the ento$a!es o# ke( %$siness lea*es to #oei!n
co$nties an* po'i*es inp$t to #ello) collea!$es )hene'e e/$este*,
E0 - Shah9a* Famil( Pakistan
Rankin!= 20 @tie* at 20B -oth= >070m @AE40mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Shah9a* &o$p is a ep$ta%le name )hich takes pi*e in %ein! i*enti#ie* as a %eacon
o# %$siness *e'elopment in'ol'e* in almost all a'en$es o# Nation %$il*in! acti'ities
i,e, 7ne!(, 1omm$nications, 5ineals, 1onst$ction, &eoph(sical s$'e(, Sec$it(
an* man( othe 'ent$es, Shah9a* &o$p has , %( itsel#, an* in some cases in
colla%oation )ith #oei!n an* local patnes, )ho ae the lea*in! %an* names in the
)ol*, i*enti#ie*, initiate*, s$pe'ise* an* s$ccess#$ll( complete* maFo %$siness
'ent$es, Shah9a* &o$p pi*es itsel# #o its accomplishments *$in! almost thee
*eca*es o# %$siness acti'it(, The &o$p has acti'el( paticipate* in enhancin!
Pakistan"s intenational competiti'eness an* social *e'elopment, an* #o pomotion
o# #oei!n an* *omestic in'estment in %$siness 'ent$es, It takes pi*e in *eli'ein!
/$alit( po*$cts, sol$tions an* se'ices that o%tain a competiti'e a*'anta!e o'e
The &o$p is a )holl( o)ne* Pakistani esta%lishment )ith o##ices in 1al!a(
@1ana*aB, ;o$ston @4SAB, 6on*on, K$)ait, 2eiFin! an* Sin!apoe, )ith a ston!
pesence in 'aio$s othe metopolises all o'e the )ol*, Shah9a* Intenational
&o$p o# 1ompanies,8il an* &as,&ol* an* 5ineals 5inin!,&eolo!ical
s$'e(s,De#ence s$pplies,Ta'el an* To$ 8peatos,Flash sec$it( se'ices an*
Ta*in! -ol*)i*e,
E2 - Na9i Famil( Pakistan
Rankin!= 20 @tie* at 20B -oth= >070m @AE40mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
8ne o# Faislala%a*s most pominent #amilies is the ;aFi Nai #amil(, 8)nin! 5asoos
te.tiles, 5ahmoo* Te.tiles, Asim Te.tiles an* po)e !eneation plants, Son o# 5
Na9i Shahi* Na9i is also a pominent politician,
EE - A%*$l 2hati 4K
Rankin!= 20 @tie* at 20B -oth= >0?0m @AE00mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
2hatti, 70, is a *iecto o# 6on*on-%ase* )holesale 2est)a(, )hich sa) po#its $p
27D in 200?-0+ at >7Em on a t$no'e $p 2+D at >0,7 %illion, 2hatti an* his #amil(
ha'e a stake )oth >040m as )ell as othe assets,
E4 - A*alat 1ha$*ha( 4K
Rankin!= 20 @tie* at 20B -oth= >0?0m @AE00mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Diecto o# the 6on*on-%ase* 2est)a( cash-an*-ca( %$siness esta%lishe* %( Si
An)a Pe'e9,
E? - <o$nis Sheikh 4K
Rankin!= 20 @tie* at 20B -oth= >0?0m @AE00mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
2est)a( *iecto Sheikh, 70, 6on*on cash-an*-ca( %$siness 2est)a( contin$es to
E+ - 1ha$*e( Camee 4K
Rankin!= 20 @tie* at 20B -oth= >0?0m @AE00mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Finance *iecto o# the 6on*on-%ase* 2est)a( cash-an*-ca( %$siness state* in
0:7+ %( An)a Pe'e9 , In 2004 Pe'e9 steppe* *o)n as mana!in! *iecto,
1ho$*e( took o'e, In 200?-0+ 2est)a( po#its ose 27D at >7Em on t$no'e $p
2+D at >0,7 %illion, 1ho$*e( an* his #amil( ha'e a 00,0D stake, The( also o)n
70D o# the 2$(%est s$pemaket chain in 4K
E7 - Ca#a I/%al Kh)aFa Pakistan
Rankin!= 20 @tie* at 20B -oth= >0?0m @AE00mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Ca#a I/%al Kha)aFa @%on Man$a( E*, 0:?2B is a pominent Pakistani %$sinessman
)ho o)ns a n$m%e o# companies ao$n* the )ol*, ;e is %ette kno)n in Pakistan
as the 3Pince o# Sa!o*ha3, Also e#ee* to as the 3Shaheen o# Sa!o*ha3 @The
7a!le o# Sa!o*haB, Ca#a I/%al Kha)aFa, is the son o# a si!ni#icant milita(
comman*o 5$hamme* Sa*i/ Kha)aFa, )ho )oke* )ith 5$hamme* Ali Minnah @The
Fo$n*e o# PakistanB *$in! the 0:47 patition o# In*ia an* Pakistan, Ca#a I/%al
Kha)aFa is most )i*el( kno)n as the 5ana!in! Diecto o# a m$lti-million *olla
compan( calle* Inte 7/$ipment, It"s ;ea* L$ates ae locate* at the Me%al Ali Fee
Cone, D$%ai )hich is a eco!ni9e* commecial capital o# the 5i**le-7ast, In
5,Kha)aFa"s %$siness cicle, he is kno)n #o his commitment to honest )ok an* his
ethical manne o# %$siness, -ithin 0? (eas, he has *e'elope* himsel# #om a #esh
colle!e !a*$ate, into a %$siness t(coon, 1$entl(, he is in the pocess o# )itin! an
a$to-%io!aph( *esci%in! his s$ccess sto(, This a$to-%io!aph( )o$l* %e a m$st-
ea* #o an( %$siness-peson p$s$in! maFo s$ccess,
E8 - Shahi* ;$ssain Pakistan
Rankin!= 22 @tie* at 22B -oth= >0E0m @A2+0mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
-ith moe than E2? etail o$tlets an* 0E )holesale *epots, Se'ice Sales
1opoation @P't,B 6imite* is the lea*in! etail an* )holesale compan( in Pakistan
)ith ann$al sales AE00m, The 1ompan( has esta%lishe* some o# Pakistan"s lea*in!
#oot)ea %an*s incl$*in! D8N 1AR68S, 1;77TA;, SK88C, T8C an* 6ICA an* has
*isti%$tion a!eements )ith 1AT7RPI66AR an* NIK7, As pat o# o$ !o)th state!(,
)e ha'e e.pan*e* o$ %$sinesses to incl$*e Se'ice 1omm$nications, Shoe Planet
@P't,B 6imite* an* So$l 1ollections,
E: - <o$nis 2othes Pakistan
Rankin!= 22 @tie* at 22B -oth= >0E0m @A2+0mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
<$n$s 2othes is acti'el( in'ol'e* in intenational ta*in! o# 'aio$s po*$cts
incl$*in! 1otton I 2len*e* <an, 1otton I 2len*e* Fa%ics, &aments, Rice, S$!a,
Fetili9e, 7ath mo'in! e/$ipments, 1hemicals, Spae Pats an* A$tomoti'e Gehicles
etc, <$n$s 2othes is one o# the la!est e.pot ho$ses o# the Pakistan e.potin!
mainl( to the 7$opean, 4S, Fa 7asten, 5i**le 7asten an* A#ican makets, <$n$s
2othe"s ann$al sales t$no'e e.cee*s 4SD E00K- million )ith :?D o# the sales
!eae* to)a*s the e.pot makets,
40 - &hani Famil( Pakistan
Rankin!= 22 @tie* at 22B -oth= >0E0m @A2+0mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
A%*$l &hani Da*a 2ho( )as the #o$n*e o# Da*a 2ho( !o$p, statin! in ta*e an*
%anchin! o## into the const$ction %$siness, The !o$p has a %i! shae o# cement
maket in So$then Pakistan, 6ike othe 5emon !o$ps, Da* 2ho(s ae closel( linke*
tho$!h intemaia!es )ith othe lea*in! #amilies like Ma##e an* 2a)an(, A%*$l
&hani Da*a 2ho( ha* #i'e sons an* t)o *a$!htes, namel( Noo 5ohamma* Da*a
2ho(, 5ohamma* Faoo/ Da*a 2ho(, 5ohamma* ;$ssain Da*a 2ho(, A%*$llah
;$ssain Da*a 2ho( an* &h$lam 5ohamma* Da*a 2ho(, Da$!htes ae 5s
5eh$nisa Ma##e an* 5s Cai%$nisa Tan'ee ,
40 - Sa**i/ I Sons Pakistan
Rankin!= 22 @tie* at 22B -oth= >0E0m @A2+0mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
This !o$p ma*e the %$lk o# its #ot$ne *$in! the chie# ministeship an* pemieship
o# Na)a9 Shai# )hen the !o$p )as sol* Pas$ S$!a 5ills #o a token pice o# Rs
one an* its 1haiman, 5ohamma* Saleem )as appointe* mana!in! *iecto o#
National De'elopment 6easin! 1opoation @ND61B eplacin! Ra#i/ ;a%i%, To*a( the
ha'e in'este* h$!e amo$nts in pime popeties ao$n* Pakistan,
42 - A#9al K$shi 4K
Rankin!= 2E @tie* at 2EB -oth= >020m @A240mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
A#9al Kh$shi, ?0, mana!in! *iecto o# Maco%s I T$ne, last (ea ecei'e* a 127 #o
se'ices to %$siness in Scotlan*, ;e an* his %othe, Akmal, ?0, ha'e ma*e the
>:0m &las!o) spots)ea #im a !lo%al %$siness, The( also ha'e >E0 othe assets,
4E - &h$lam ;assan Khan Pakistan
Rankin!= 2E @tie* at 2EB -oth= >020m @A240mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
The SK !o$p o# companies shaes a set o# #i'e coe 'al$es= inte!it(, a*apta%ilit(,
e.cellence, $nit( an* esponsi%ilit(, These 'al$es, )hich ha'e %een pat o# the SK
&o$p"s %elie#s an* con'ictions #om its ealiest *a(s, contin$e to !$i*e an* *i'e the
%$siness *ecisions o# SK companies, The SK &o$p an* its entepises ha'e %een
stea*#ast an* *istincti'e in thei a*heence to %$siness ethics an* thei commitment
to copoate social esponsi%ilit(, This is a le!ac( that has eane* the SK &o$p the
t$st o# man( tho$san* o# stakehol*es The SK &o$p compises o# si. opeatin!
companies in #ollo)in! %$siness se!ments= In#omation technolo!(, Real estate,
De'elope an* 2$il*es, 5e*ia, -el#ae, Impot an* e.pots an* 1N& stations, The
SK &o$p )as #o$n*e* %( Sa*a &$lam ;assan Khan Nia9i in the mi* 0:80"s,
Sa*a Khan Nia9i an* those )ho #ollo)e* him ali!ne* %$siness oppot$nities )ith
the o%Fecti'e o# nation %$il*in!, This appoach emains enshine* in the SK &o$p"s
ethos to this *a(, Rose Shoppin! 5all
1ompanies o)ne* %( the #amil( to*a(= Paa*ise 1it(, SK Ta*in!, D42AI &asco
2000, chain o# 1N& stations SK 1onst$ctions , ose cl$%, SK pla9a9, 1h$na Pa chain
#ast #oo* chinese,, SKN t$st an* sk #ams,
44 - Kasim Da*a Pakistan
Rankin!= 24 -oth= >000m @A200mB In*$st(= 2$sinessman
Kasim hails #om a 0:th 1ent$( 5emon %$siness #amil( kno)n to ha'e possesse*
the 'ision o# intenational ta*e )hen most o# thei contempoaies )ee athe naQ'e
on this co$nt, This #amil( ha* o##ices in 2$ma, So$th A#ica an* co$nties o# the Fa-
7ast lon! %e#oe 0:40, Da*as, ha'e hel* *ecisi'e positions at the Kaachi Stock
7.chan!e an* o)n shaes o# 'aio$s Pakistani an* #oei!n monopolies )itho$t
ceatin! an( h(pe, Kassim Da*a"s #amil( is kno)n to ha'e hel* maFo local e/$it( in
m$ltinationals like &la.o SmithKline, 2ook 2on* an* 2e!e Paints, %esi*es %ein!
the sponsoin! *iectos o# 5esss ;(*ea%a* 7lectonics, A$tomoti'e 2atte(
6imite* an* Inte#$n* 2ank etc, Kassim Da*a is one o# the #e) Pakistani T(coons
)ho $se* to #l( on pi'ate planes #om Kaachi to hit cement plants in ;(*ea%a*, It
)as this #amil( )hich ha* hie* 5ahatama &an*hi as a solicito in 08:0 to contest a
%$siness case in So$th A#ica, Da*a, )as once a s(m%ol o# )ealth, ;a* his assets not
%een nationalise* %( 2h$tto he )o$l* *e#initel( ha* the stat$s man( ichest men in
the )ol* enFo( to*a(,

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