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ME Computer Science & Engineering
CP7201 Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science
Model Examination I
PART A (10*2=20)
1. Define principle of inclusion.
2. Define recursive algorithm and explain with Example
3. Define Propositional and Predicate logic.
4. Construct truth table for (p q) (p q).
5. Define Normal order reduction and Applicative order reduction.
6. Differentiate Call by name and call by value.
7. Explain Graph coloring problem.
8. Define Cliques and Vertex covers.
9. Compare State machines and languages
10. Define RL and RE languages.

PART B (16*5=80)
11. a. i. S.T.

is divisible by (a-b) for all .

ii. Explain Structural Induction with example.
b. i. Discuss the Fibonacci recurrence relation.
ii. State and prove the generalized pigeonhole principle.

12. a. i. Give any 2 applications of Satisfiability problems.
ii. Show that
b. i. Discuss the SLD Resolution.
ii. Write the features of PROLOG.

13. a. i. State and Prove Church-Rosser Theorem I & II.
ii. Prove the following using the -calculus not (not true) = true & or false true = true.
b. i. Show that succ 2 = 3 and (* 1 3) = 3.
ii. State and Prove Extensionality Theorem and explain with example.

14. a. i. State and prove handshaking theorem.
ii. Compare Euler and Hamiltonian graph.
b. i. Explain ST, MST With algorithms.
ii. Discuss about network flows and matching with necessary functions associated with them.

15. a. i. How will you convert an NFA with epsilon to NFA without epsilon?
ii. Construct FA which accepts Decimal numbers which are divisible by 3.
b. i. Compare NP hard and NP complete problems.
ii. Explain the Computability functionalities of TM.

All the best No substitute for hard work

ME Computer Science & Engineering
CP7201 Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science
Model Examination I
PART A (10*2=20)
1. Define principle of inclusion.
2. Define recursive algorithm and explain with Example
3. Define Propositional and Predicate logic.
4. Construct truth table for (p q) (p q).
5. Define Normal order reduction and Applicative order reduction.
6. Differentiate Call by name and call by value.
7. Explain Graph coloring problem.
8. Define Cliques and Vertex covers.
9. Compare State machines and languages
10. Define RL and RE languages.

PART B (16*5=80)
11. a. i. S.T.

is divisible by (a-b) for all .

ii. Explain Structural Induction with example.
b. i. Discuss the Fibonacci recurrence relation.
ii. State and prove the generalized pigeonhole principle.

12. a. i. Give any 2 applications of Satisfiability problems.
ii. Show that
b. i. Discuss the SLD Resolution.
ii. Write the features of PROLOG.

13. a. i. State and Prove Church-Rosser Theorem I & II.
ii. Prove the following using the -calculus not (not true) = true & or false true = true.
b. i. Show that succ 2 = 3 and (* 1 3) = 3.
ii. State and Prove Extensionality Theorem and explain with example.

14. a. i. State and prove handshaking theorem.
ii. Compare Euler and Hamiltonian graph.
b. i. Explain ST, MST With algorithms.
ii. Discuss about network flows and matching with necessary functions associated with them.

15. a. i. How will you convert an NFA with epsilon to NFA without epsilon?
ii. Construct FA which accepts Decimal numbers which are divisible by 3.
b. i. Compare NP hard and NP complete problems.
ii. Explain the Computability functionalities of TM.

All the best No substitute for hard work

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