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Identifying Young Gifted Children Using the Gifted Rating Scales-Preschool!indergarten
#uthor$ Pfeiffer, Steen !" Petsc#er, $aaco
ProQuest %ocument lin&
#bstract$ '#is article reports on an anal(sis of t#e %iagnostic accurac( of a ne) teac#er rating scale %esigne%
to assist in t#e i%entification of gifte% presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents* '#e +ifte% ,ating Scales-
Presc#ool./in%ergarten 0orm 1+,S-P2 is 3ase% on a multi%imensional mo%el of gifte%ness* An e4amination of
t#e stan%ar%i5ation sample using %iagnostic efficienc( statistics proi%es support for t#e %iagnostic accurac( of
t#e +,S-P !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales i%entif(ing intellectual gifte%ness, irrespectie of t#e
!Q cut score use% to %emarcate gifte%ness* '#e present fin%ings e4ten% t#e anal(sis of t#e stan%ar%i5ation
sample reporte% in t#e test manual an% proi%e a%%itional support for t#e +,S-P as a gifte% screening tool*
6P789!:A'!;< A8S',A:'=
"ull te%t$ &eadnote
'#is article reports on an anal(sis of t#e %iagnostic accurac( of a ne) teac#er rating scale %esigne% to assist in
t#e i%entification of gifte% presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents* '#e +ifte% ,ating Scales-
Presc#ool./in%ergarten 0orm 1+,S-P2 is 3ase% on a multi%imensional mo%el of gifte%ness* An e4amination of
t#e stan%ar%i5ation sample using %iagnostic efficienc( statistics proi%es support for t#e %iagnostic accurac( of
t#e +,S-P !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales i%entif(ing intellectual gifte%ness, irrespectie of t#e
!Q cut score use% to %emarcate gifte%ness* '#e present fin%ings e4ten% t#e anal(sis of t#e stan%ar%i5ation
sample reporte% in t#e test manual an% proi%e a%%itional support for t#e +,S-P as a gifte% screening tool*
Putting t#e ,esearc# to 7se: !%entif(ing (oung gifte% c#il%ren is critical it )e #ope to %eelop e%ucational
interentions at t#e earliest possi3le time t#at support t#eir optimal ps(c#oe%ucational %eelopment* '#e
present article reports on t#e %iagnostic ali%it( of a ne) teac#er rating scale %eelope% to assist in t#e earl(
i%entification of presc#ool an% &in%ergarten gifte% stu%ents* '#e +ifte% ,ating Scales-Presc#ool./in%ergarten
0orm 1+,S-P2 is a >0-item teac#er rating scale 3ase% on a multi%imensional mo%el of gifte%ness t#at is
%esigne% to 3e use% as a screening tool or as part of a compre#ensie assessment protocol* '#e +,S-P is er(
effectie as a %iagnostic instrument in i%entif(ing intellectual gifte%ness, irrespectie of )#et#er an !Q cutoff
score of 115, 120, 125, or 130 is use% to %emarcate intellectual gifte%ness* '#e +,S-P #ol%s promise as a first-
stage screening test in t#e earl( i%entification of presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents of #ig# potential* ?arl(
c#il%#oo%, presc#ool, an% &in%ergarten teac#ers coul% use t#e +,S-P to screen entire classrooms of stu%ents
or co#orts of stu%ents selecte% for screening )it# t#e +,S-P 3ase% on earl( rea%ing, precocious language
%eelopment, comple4 pla(, or ot#er signs of earl( gifte%ness*
/e()or%s: gifte% i%entification" gifte% rating scales" +,S" presc#ool gifte%
'#ere is uniersal support for t#e earl( i%entification of, an% interention )it#, %eelopmentall( %ela(e% c#il%ren
at an earl( age 1+uralnic& @8ennett, 19AB" Ceisels, 19A9" Pfeiffer @,e%%(, 199A2* !ncreasingl(, e%ucators are
recogni5ing t#e 3enefits of earl( i%entification an% interention for anot#er special nee%s group, presc#ool an%
&in%ergarten stu%ents )#o s#o) e4ceptionall( #ig# potential or a3ilit( 18orlan% @Drig#t, 1994" Eac&son, 2003"
Coreloc& @0el%man, 1992" Pfeiffer, 20022*
09 April 2014 Page 3 of 15 ProQuest
?arl( recognition an% appropriate e%ucational interention for gifte% presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents
increases t#e pro3a3ilit( of future e4traor%inar( ac#ieement an% re%uces t#e ris& for later social, 3e#aioral,
emotional, an%.or e%ucational pro3lems 1Farrison, 2004" Fo%ge @/emp, 2000" Coreloc& @0el%man, 1992"
Pfeiffer @Stoc&ing, 2000" San&arDe9eeu), 20022* Fo)eer, man( earl( c#il%#oo% programs are not eGuippe%
to meet t#e nee%s of (oung stu%ents )it# precocious intellectual an% aca%emic a3ilities an%.or special talents*
'oo fe) presc#ool an% &in%ergarten teac#ers are traine% or #ae t#e resources to i%entif( or %esign effectie
programs t#at meet t#e ps(c#oe%ucational nee%s of t#e (oung gifte% c#il% 18loom, 19A5" #otulainen @Sc#ofiel%,
2003" Eac&son, 20032*
Accurate i%entification is one of t#e first, important steps )#en planning serices for gifte% presc#ool an%
&in%ergarten stu%ents* A recent sure( of gifte% e4perts #ig#lig#te% t#e i%entification process as a critical issue
facing t#e fiel% 1Pfeiffer, 20032* ;ne reason for t#e %ifficult( in i%entif(ing (oung gifte% stu%ents, in a%%ition to no
consensus on a %efinition of gifte%ness, is t#at t#e fiel% #as lac&e% tec#nicall( soun% screening instruments to
complement t#e !Q test, especiall( screening tools %esigne% for t#e (oung gifte% c#il%*
'#e !Q test is almost routinel( use% to %etermine )#etiier a stu%ent Gualifies for earl( gifte% placement 1Pfeiffer,
2002" Sparro), Pfeiffer, @<e)man, 20052* 7nfortunatel(, t#ere are fe) scientificall( soun%, stan%ar%i5e%
screening instruments aaila3le to complement t#e !Q test in proi%ing a more compre#ensie picture of a
(oung stu%entHs potential or actual performance* ?4isting teac#er rating scales suffer from serious tec#nical
s#ortcomings t#at limit t#eir %iagnostic utilit( 1Earose)ic#, Pfeiffer, @Corris, 20022* Some een suggest t#at
teac#ers ma( 3e til eGuippe% to ma&e ali% Iu%gments a3out a (oung c#il%Hs intellectual a3ilities 1?#rlic#, 19A>"
0atouros, 19A>" Fa%a)a( @Care&-Sc#roer, 19922*
,ecogni5ing t#e nee% for a tec#nicall( soun% screening instrument to assist in t#e i%entification of presc#ool
an% &in%ergarten stu%ents, Pfeiffer an% Earose)ic# 120032 %eelope% a ne) gifte% rating scale, t#e +ifte%
,ating Scales 1+,S2* '#e +,S inclu%es a Presc#ool./in%ergarten 0orm 1+,S-P2 for ages 4:0 to >:11 an% a
Sc#ool 0orm 1+,S-S2 for ages >:0 to 13:11* '#is article focuses e4clusiel( on t#e +,S-P*
'#e present stu%( reports on t#e %iagnostic accurac( of t)o scales of t#e +,S-P )it# t#e stan%ar%i5ation
sample, )#ic# consists of presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents, ages 4:0->:11 (ears* '#e anal(ses %escri3e% in
t#is stu%( #ae not 3een reporte% else)#ere an% are inten%e% to e4ten% t#e information reporte% in t#e user
manual an% in a recent article 3( Pfeiffer, Petsc#er, an% Earose)ic# 120052* A similar anal(sis of t#e %iagnostic
accurac( of t#e +,S-S stan%ar%i5ation sample for stu%ents in +ra%es 1-A appears in +ifte% :#il% Quarterl(
1Pfeiffer @Earose)ic#, 200B2*
'#e test pu3lis#er, t#e Ps(c#ological :orporation, proi%e% t#e aut#ors )it# t#e +,S-P stan%ar%i5ation sample
%ata file* '#e full stan%ar%i5ation sample consiste% of 1AA 3o(s an% 1AB girls* '#e age-group of t#e sample )as
stratifie% )it#in four >-mont# age 3an%s: 4:00-4:5, 4:>-4:11, 5:0-5:5, 5:>-5:11, an% one 12-mont# age 3an% 1>:0-
>:112, )it# eac# age 3an% comprising 20J of t#e stan%ar%i5ation population* '#e +,S-P stan%ar%i5ation
sample )as stratifie% to appro4imate t#e 7*S* population on essential %emograp#ic c#aracteristics inclu%ing, parent e%ucation leel, an% regional representation 17*S* 8ureau of t#e :ensus, 20002* 0or,
e4ample, >2*>BJ of %ie sample )as :aucasian, 1>J African American, 1>J Fispanic, an% 2*>BJ Asian
American* 'a3les 4*1-4*3 in t#e test manual proi%e %ata on t#e, parent e%ucation leel, an%
regional representation of t#e +,SP sample stratifie% )it#in t#e fie age 3an%s 1Pfeiffer @Earose)ic#, 2003, p*
09 April 2014 Page 4 of 15 ProQuest
A su3sample from t#e total stan%ar%i5ation sample )as use% for t#e anal(sis of %iagnostic accurac( of t#e
+,S-P* '#e su3sample consiste% of 12> c#il%ren from t#e stan%ar%i5ation sample, )#ic# constitute% t#e entire
stan%ar%i5ation sample for )#ic# 3ot# +,S-P an% Dec#sler Presc#ool an% Primar( Scale of !ntelligence-'#ir%
?%ition 1DPPS!-!!!2 scores )ere aaila3le 133*>J of t#e total stan%ar%i5ation sample2* 0ift(-four percent of t#e
sample 1n K >A2 )ere male an% 4>J 1n K 592 )ere female* Seent(-seen percent of t#e participants reporte%
t#e( )ere :aucasian 1n K 9A2, follo)e% 3( 13J African American 1n K 1>2, >J Fispanic 1n K A2, 3J Asian 1n K
42, an% 1J <atie American 1n K 12* 'a3le 1 proi%es a summar( of t#e stu%( sample 3( an% age
+ifte% ,ating Scales-Presc#ool./in%ergarten 0orm* '#e +,S-P is %esigne% for ages 4:0 to >:11 an% consists of
fie scales )it# 12 items eac# for a total of >0 items 1Pfeiffer @Earose)ic#, 20032* 'o facilitate compati3ilit(, t#e
+,S-P )as colin&e% %uring stan%ar%i5ation )it# t#e ne) DPPS!-!!!* '#e items of t#e +,S-P represent s&ills
an% 3e#aiors %eelopmentall( appropriate for presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents* '#e +,S-P (iel%s ra)
score totals on all fie scales, )#ic# are conerte% to age3ase% ' scores an% associate% cumulatie
'#e +,S-P is 3ase% on a multi%imensional mo%el of gifte%ness t#at incorporates t#e Cunic# Co%el of
+ifte%ness an% 'alent 1Ligler @Feller, 20002 an% t#e t(polog( t#at appears in t#e 7*S* Department of ?%ucation
,eport, <ational ?4cellence: A :ase for Deeloping AmericaHs 'alent 1,oss, 19932* 8elo) is a 3rief %escription
of eac# of t#e +,S-P scales:
M !ntellectual A3ilit(* '#is scale measures t#e (oung c#il%Hs er3al an% noner3al mental s&ills an% intellectual
competence 1e*g*, memor(, pro3lem soling, an% mental spee%2*
M Aca%emic A3ilit(* '#is scale measures t#e (oung c#il%Hs s&ill in %ealing )it# factual an%.or sc#oolrelate% earl(
c#il%#oo% curriculum material*
M :reatiit(* '#is scale measures t#e (oung c#il%Hs a3ilit( to t#in& an%.or pro%uce uniGue, noel, or innoatie
t#oug#ts or pro%ucts 1e*g*, imaginatie pla(, original t#in&ing2*
M Artistic 'alent* '#is scale measures t#e (oung c#il%Hs potential for, or ei%ence of, a3ilit( in %rama, %ance,
%ra)ing, singing, pla(ing a musical instrument, an%.or acting*
M Cotiation* '#is scale refers to t#e (oung c#il%Hs ten%enc( to enIo( c#allenging tas&s an% a3ilit( to )or& )ell
)it#out encouragement* '#e motiation scale is not ie)e% as a t(pe of gifte%ness* '#e scale is %esigne% to
measure t#e stu%entHs leel of %rie, persistence, an% %esire to succee%*
?ac# item is rate% 3( t#e teac#er on a 9-point scale %ii%e% into t#ree ranges: 1-3, 3elo) aerage" 4->, aerage"
an% B-9, a3oe aerage* '#e +,S-P manual proi%es a classification s(stem t#at in%icates, 3ase% on t#eir '
score, t#e li&eli#oo% t#at t#e presc#ooler or &in%ergartener is gifte%* '#e #ig#er t#e c#il%Hs ' score on one or
more of t#e gifte% scales, t#e greater t#e li&eli#oo% t#at #e or s#e is gifte% compare% )it# ot#er presc#ool or
&in%ergarten peers* A ' score 3elo) 55 13elo) >9J2 in%icates a lo) pro3a3ilit( of gifte%, a score 3et)een 55
an% 59 1>9-A3J2 in%icates mo%erate pro3a3ilit(, a score 3et)een >0 an% >9 1A4-9BJ2 in%icates #ig# pro3a3ilit(,
an% a score a3oe B0 19ANJ2 in%icates a er( #ig# pro3a3ilit(*
!nformation on scale %eelopment is aaila3le in t#e test manual 1Pfeiffer @Earose)ic#, 20032* 0inal item
selection )as gui%e% 3( factor structure, item mean scores, item 3ias 1parent e%ucation leel, gen%er, an%
et#nicit(2, an% interrater an% test-retest relia3ilit(* '#e test manual reports coefficient alp#a relia3ilities t#at
range from *9B to *99 an% stan%ar% errors of measurement t#at range from 1*0 to 1*B3 across t#e fie scales
an% fie age ranges* 'est-retest relia3ilit( coefficients range from *A4 on t#e :reatiit( scale at age 5:0-5:11 to *
09 April 2014 Page 5 of 15 ProQuest
9B on t#e !ntellectual A3ilit(, Aca%emic A3ilit(, an% :reatiit( scales at age >:0->:11* !nterrater relia3ilit( range%
from *B0 for Artistic 'alent to *A0 for Aca%emic A3ilit( an% *A4 for !ntellectual A3ilit(* '#e test manual also
proi%es ei%ence in support of internal structure an% conergent an% %iergent ali%it( 1Pfeiffer @Earose)ic#,
20032* Core %etaile% information on t#e ps(c#ometric Gualities of t#e +,S-P appears in Cargulies an% 0lo(%
120042 an% Pfeiffer et al* 120052*
Dec#sler Presc#ool an% Primar( Scale of !ntelligence'#ir% ?%ition* '#e DPPS!-!!! 1Dec#sler, 20022 is a )i%el(
use% measure of intellectual a3ilit( for presc#oolan% &in%ergarten-age stu%ents 1Sattler, 20012* :onsi%era3le
researc# supports t#e concurrent an% pre%ictie ali%it( of earlier ersions of t#e DPPS! scale )it# c#il%ren as
(oung as 4 1.2 (ears of age 1/aplan, 199>" /aplan, 0o4, @Pa4ton, 1991" Sc#nei%er @+erais, 19912* '#e
DPPS!-!!! consists of 14 su3tests, )it# seen er3al, fie performance, an% t)o processing spee% su3tests* '#e
oerall !Q represents an in%e4 of general mental a3ilit(* '#e manual reports ei%ence of #ig# su3test relia3ilit(
1*S3-*952, internal consistenc(, test-retest sta3ilit(, an% ali%it( 1Dec#sler, 20022*
'#e %iagnostic accurac( of t#e +,S-P )as calculate% appl(ing %iagnostic efficienc( statistics for 3ot# t#e +,S-
P !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales, using ' cut scores set at 55, >0, an% B0, an% DPPS!-!!! 0ull
Scale 10S2 !Q scores of 115, 120, 125, an% 130* +,S-P ' scores of 55, >0, an% B0 )ere selecte% 3ecause t#e
+,S classification s(stem proposes t#at a ' score 3et)een 55 an% 59 1>9-A3J2 in%icates a mo%erate
pro3a3ilit( of gifte%ness, a ' score 3et)een >0 an% >9 1A4-9BJ2 in%icates a #ig# pro3a3ilit( of gifte%ness, an% a
' score of B0 an% a3oe 19ANJ2 in%icates a er( #ig# pro3a3ilit( of gifte%ness 1Pfeiffer @Earose)ic#, 20032*
DPPS!-!!! 0S !Q cut scores )ere set at 115, 120, 125, an% 130 3ecause aut#orities in t#e gifte% fiel%, state
regulations for gifte% e%ucation, an% state an% local gifte% officials #ae not reac#e% consensus on )#ere to
operationall( O%ra) t#e lineO in %emarcating intellectuall( gifte%* '#is is especiall( true among t#e er( (oung,
)#ere %eelopmental issues an% a greater concern for inclusieness an% not missing potentiall( gifte% (oung
stu%ents are preailing consi%erations 1Coreloc& @0el%man, 1992" Pfeiffer, 2002" Step#ens @/arnes, 20002*
0our %ifferent !Q cut scores, ranging from 115 11 SD a3oe t#e mean2 to 130 12 SD a3oe t#e mean2, proi%e
four %ifferent pro4ies for intellectual gifte%ness* !nclu%ing four %ifferent !Q cut scores proi%es a more
compre#ensie %iagnostic picture of #o) )ell t#e +,S-P )or&s )#en compare% )it# t#e DPPS!-!!!*
De compute% fie %iagnostic efficienc( statistics to proi%e multiple perspecties on t#e %iagnostic accurac( of
t#e +,S-P* '#e sensitiit( 1S?2 of a test, also &no)n as t#e true positie rate, is t#e proportion of people )#o
#ae t#e attri3ute 1in t#is particular case, intellectual gifte%ness operationall( %efine% as !Q P115, 120, 125,
an%.or 1302 )#o are correctl( %etecte% 3( t#e test, appl(ing ' scores of 55, >0, an% B0* '#e specificit( 1SP2 of a
test is t#e proportion of people )#o %o not #ae t#e attri3ute 1i*e*, not intellectuall( gifte%2 )#o are correctl(
i%entifie% 3( t#e !ntellectual A3ilit( scale an%.or Aca%emic A3ilit( scale of t#e +,S-P as not gifte%* ;ne can
com3ine t#e sensitiit( an% specificit( into a single in%e4 calle% t#e li&eli#oo% ratio 19,N2, )#ic# is
mat#ematicall( %efine% as t#e sensitiit( %ii%e% 3( 11 - specificit(2 1also &no)n as t#e false positie rate2* '#e
li&eli#oo% ratio is an in%e4 of t#e accurac( of a test an% %epicts )#at t#e o%%s are t#at a positie test result
1e*g*, +,S-P ' score a3oe >02 comes from a (oung stu%ent )#o is, in fact, gifte%* D#en t#e 9,N is 1*0 or
appro4imates 1*0, t#e test is not %iagnosticall( useful 3ecause it %oes not contri3ute to ma&ing an accurate
classification 1Streiner, 20032* !n a%%ition to t#e 9,N, t#ere is an eGuialent formula for a negatie test result, t#e
9,-* !t is mat#ematicall( %efine% as t#e specificit( %ii%e% 3( 11 - sensitiit(2 1also &no)n as t#e false negatie
'#e oerall correct classification 1;::2 is t#e 'rue Positie N 'rue <egatie %ii%e% 3( <* '#e ;::
incorporates 3ot# sensitiit( an% specificit( into an oerall in%e4 of %iagnostic accurac(* '#e fie %iagnostic
statistics S?, SP, 9,N, 9,-, an% ;:: )ere selecte% 3ecause none are affecte% 3( 3ase rate or prealence
09 April 2014 Page > of 15 ProQuest
1Cee#l @/line, 19AA" Streiner, 20032, )#ic# must 3e consi%ere% )#en measuring t#e %iagnostic accurac( of a
test )it# a lo) prealence p#enomenon suc# as gifte%ness*
De also ran receier operating cure 1,;:2 anal(ses, )#ic# grap#icall( %epict t#e %iagnostic accurac( across
t#e entire range of stan%ar% scores on t#e +,S-P* '#e ,;: anal(sis grap#s t#e sensitiit( an% 1-specificit(
associate% )it# eac# possi3le cut score on t#e test* '#e area un%er t#e cure 1A7:2 alue %escri3es t#e
classification fit )it# a score of 1*0 representing a perfect fit, a score of 0*5 c#ance-leel %iagnostic pre%iction,
an% a score of less t#an 0*5 a 3elo)-c#ance pre%iction* '#e A7:, li&e sensitiit(, specificit(, an% t#e li&eli#oo%
ratio, is not influence% 3( t#e prealence or 3ase rate* !t is consi%ere% a sufficient means to communicate effect
si5e to au%iences 1Fsu, 2002" S)ets, 19AA2*
Diagnostic ?fficienc( Qalues
'a3le 2 proi%es a summar( of t#e fie %iagnostic efficienc( alues 1i*e*, S?, SP, ;::, 9,N, an% 9,-2 for +,S-
P !ntellectual an% Aca%emic A3ilit( ' scores of 55, >0, an% B0, an% D!S:-!Q 0S !Q scores P115, P120, P125 an%
P130* D!S:-!Q 0S !Q scores )ere set at 115, 120, 125, an% 130, as mentione% earlier, to proi%e t#e rea%er
)it# multiple perspecties from )#ic# to ealuate t#e %iagnostic accurac( 1an% usefulness2 of t#e +,S-P*
Diagnostic accurac( )#en 0S!Q P115* '#e first set of +,S-P %iagnostic efficienc( alues )as calculate% 3ase%
on intellectual gifte%ness represente% as an 0S!Q P115* As mentione% earlier, test sensitiit( is t#e proportion of
c#il%ren )#o are intellectuall( gifte% 3ase% on a gien !Q score an% )#o are correctl( i%entifie% 3( t#e +,S-P
!ntellectual A3ilit( an%.or Aca%emic A3ilit( scale* A ' score of 55 on 3ot# t#e !ntellectual or Aca%emic scales
(iel%e% t#e #ig#est sensitiit( 1*A3 an% *A1, respectiel(2* !n ot#er )or%s, t#e maIorit( of t#e presc#ool an%
&in%ergarten sample )#o o3taine% 0S!Q scores P115 also o3taine% ' scores P55* !n contrast, a ' score of B0
on 3ot# t#e !ntellectual an% Aca%emic scales (iel%e% lo) sensitiit( 1*21 for 3ot# scales2*
'est specificit( is t#e proportion of c#il%ren )#o are not intellectuall( gifte% 1again, in t#is instance 3ase% on
0S!Q P1152 an% )#o are correctl( i%entifie% 3( t#e +,S-P !ntellectual A3ilit( an%.or Aca%emic A3ilit( scale as
not gifte%* A ' score of B0 on 3ot# t#e !ntellectual an% Aca%emic scales (iel%e% t#e #ig#est specificit( 1*9> for
3ot# scales2* !n ot#er )or%s, almost none of t#e sample )#o o3taine% 0S!Q scores R115 also o3taine% ' scores
of PB0 1e*g*, onl( 3 of t#e 12> participants o3taine% an 0S!Q R115 an% a ' score PB0 on t#e +,S-P Aca%emic
A3ilit( scale2* ' scores of >0 an% 55 3ot# generate% mo%eratel( #ig# test specificit( 1*AB an% *A1, an% *>1 an% *
>3, respectiel(2*
;:: is a composite in%e4 of t#e %iagnostic accurac( of a test* '#e ;:: is calculate% as t#e 'rue Positie N
'rue <egatie %ii%e% 3( <* 0or all si4 ' scores, )it# an 0S!Q P115, t#e ;:: in%e4es )ere similar an%
mo%eratel( #ig# 1*>S-*B32" t#e four #ig#est ;::s )ere !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( ' scores of >0 or
'#e li&eli#oo% ratio is anot#er in%e4 of t#e testHs accurac( an% %epicts )#at t#e o%%s are t#at a positie test
result comes from a stu%ent )#o is gifte% 19,N2 an% a negatie test result comes from a stu%ent )#o is not
gifte% 19,-2* '#e 9,N )as su3stantial for all si4 ' scores, )it# t#ree (iel%ing scores in t#e 5N range 1i*e*, it is
more t#an fie times as li&el( for stu%ents )it# ' scores at t#is leel or a3oe to #ae !Q P1152* '#e 9,)as
significant an% su3stantial for t#ree of t#e si4 ' scores" !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( ' scores of 55
(iel%e% scores in t#e 3N range*
Diagnostic accurac( )#en 0S!Q P120* '#e secon% set of +,S-P %iagnostic efficienc( alues )ere calculate%
3ase% on intellectual gifte%ness represente% as 0S!Q P120, 5 scale score points #ig#er t#an t#e a3oe !Q cut
score* ,ecall t#at )e are e4amining multiple !Q cut scores ranging from 115 to 130 to proi%e a more
09 April 2014 Page B of 15 ProQuest
compre#ensie test of t#e %iagnostic accurac( of t#e +,S-P* A ' score of 55 on !ntellectual A3ilit( 1*932 an%
Aca%emic A3ilit( 1*A92 (iel%e% t#e #ig#est sensitiit(, similar to t#e fin%ings )#en t#e !Q )as set P115* A ' score
of B0 using eit#er t#e !ntellectual or Aca%emic A3ilit( scale (iel%e% t#e lo)est sensitiit( 1*21 an% *29,
respectiel(2, again consistent )it# t#e !Q set P115*
A ' score of B0 on !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( proi%e% t#e #ig#est specificit( 1*9> for 3ot#2, an% a '
score of 55 on !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( (iel%e% t#e lo)est specificit( 1*>B an% *59, respectiel(2*
'#ese fin%ings for test specificit( at !Q P120 are consistent )it# )#en t#e !Q )as set P115*
'#e ;::s for t#e si4 ' scores range% from *>2 1Aca%emic A3ilit( ' score of 552 to *A1 1Aca%emic A3ilit( ' score
of B02* 0our of t#e ' scores (iel%e% #ig# ;:: scores in t#e *B-*A range* '#e 9,N )as su3stantial for all si4 '
scores, )it# t#e Aca%emic A3ilit( ' score of B0 (iel%ing an 9,N of B*25 an% t#e !ntellectual A3ilit( ' score of B0
(iel%ing an 9,N of 5*25* '#e 9,- )as su3stantial for four of t#e si4 ' scores" t#e !ntellectual A3ilit( ' score of 55
(iel%e% an 9,- of 9*5B, an% t#e Aca%emic A3ilit( ' score of B0 (iel%e% an 9,- of 5*3>* '#e oerall pattern of
results for t#e %iagnostic accurac( of t#e +,S-P is similar for !Q P115 an% !Q P120*
Diagnostic accurac( )#en using 0S!Q P125* '#e t#ir% set of +,S-P %iagnostic efficienc( alues )ere
calculate% on t#e 3asis of intellectual gifte%ness represente% as 0S!Q P125* A ' score of 55 using eit#er t#e
!ntellectual A3ilit( 1*942 or Aca%emic A3ilit( 1*552 scale (iel%e% t#e #ig#est sensitiit(* A ' score of B0 for 3ot# t#e
!ntellectual an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales (iel%e% t#e lo)est sensitiit( 1*29 for 3ot#2* '#ese test sensitiit(
fin%ings are similar to t#ose reporte% a3oe for 0S!Q P115 an% 0S!Q P120* A ' score of B0 for 3ot# t#e
!ntellectual an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales (iel%e% t#e #ig#est test specificit( 1*93 for 3ot#2, )#ereas a ' score of
55 (iel%e% t#e lo)est specificit( 1*52 for !ntellectual A3ilit(, *54 for Aca%emic A3ilit(, respectiel(2* ' scores of >0
for 3ot# t#e !ntellectual an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales fell )it#in t#e mi%range for 3ot# test sensitiit( an%
specificit( 1*>S-*BB2*
'#e ;:: in%e4 )as #ig# )it# a ' score of B0 1*A4 for !ntellectual A3ilit(" *A3 for Aca%emic A3ilit(2 an%
mo%eratel( #ig# )it# a ' score of >0 1*>A for 3ot#2* '#e ;:: )as lo), #o)eer, )it# a ' score of 55 1*5B an% *
552* '#e 9,N )as su3stantial for a ' score of B0 1more t#an 4 for 3ot# t#e !ntellectual an% Aca%emic A3ilit(
scales2" t#e ot#er four ' scores (iel%e% significant alt#oug# not as su3stantial an 9,N in%e4 11*91-2*412* '#e
9,- or false negatie rate )as su3stantial for an !ntellectual an% Aca%emic A3ilit( ' score of 55 1A*>B an% 4*50,
respectiel(2* A ' score of >0 generate% a significant 3ut not su3stantial false negatie rate 12*9> an% 2*09 for
!ntellectual an% Aca%emic A3ilit(, respectiel(2* Fo)eer, a ' score of B0 for 3ot# !ntellectual an% Aca%emic
A3ilit( pro%uce% a false negatie rate not muc# 3etter t#an c#ance*
Diagnostic accurac( )#en using 0S!Q P130* '#e final set of +,S-P %iagnostic efficienc( alues )as cal-
Sculate% on t#e 3asis of intellectual gifte%ness represente% at 0S!Q P130, )#ic# is a cut score t)o SD a3oe t#e
mean 1top 5J2* A ' score of 55 for 3ot# t#e !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales (iel%e% t#e #ig#est
test sensitiit( 11*0 an% *91, respectiel(2* !n ot#er )or%s, eer( presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ent )#o
o3taine% an 0S!Q score P130 o3taine% a ' score of 55 or #ig#er on t#e +,S-P !ntellectual A3ilit( scale* !n
contrast, test sensitiit( )as lo) for a ' score of B0 1*2B for 3ot# scales2 an% interme%iate for a ' score of >0
1*B3 for !ntellectual A3ilit(" *55 for Aca%emic A3ilit(2*
A ' score of B0 (iel%e% t#e #ig#est test specificit( 1*92 for 3ot# t#e !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit(
scales2* A ' score of >0 (iel%e% test specificit( alues of *>5 for !ntellectual A3ilit( an% *B0 for Aca%emic A3ilit(,
)#ereas a ' score of 55 generate% t#e lo)est test specificit( alues 1*50 for !ntellectual A3ilit(, *52 for Aca%emic
A3ilit(2* '#e ;:: )as #ig#est for a ' score of B0 1*A5 for !ntellectual A3ilit(" *A5 for Aca%emic A3ilit(2 an%
mo%eratel( #ig# for a ' score of >0 1*>5 for 3ot# scales2* '#e ;:: )as lo) )it# a ' score of 55 1*54 an% *522,
consistent )it# ;:: results )#en 0S!Q P125*
09 April 2014 Page A of 15 ProQuest
'#e 9,N or false positie rate )as su3stantial for a ' score of B0, )it# t#e 9,N in%e4 3*3A for 3ot# scales* !n
ot#er )or%s, it is almost four times as li&el( for stu%ents )it# ' scores PB0 on eit#er t#e !ntellectual A3ilit( or
Aca%emic A3ilit( scale to #ae !Q P130* ' scores of 55 an% >0 also (iel%e% su3stantial in%e4es 11*A3-2*092* '#e
9,- )as su3stantial for a ' score of 55 on t#e Aca%emic A3ilit( scale 15*BA2 3ut not for !ntellectual A3ilit( 10*502*
9,)as not significant for four of t#e si4 ' scores )#en 0S!Q P130*
,eceier ;perating :ure Qalues
'#e ,;: anal(sis for t#e +,S-P !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales performe% significantl( a3oe
c#ance at eac# of t#e four 0S!Q scores, 115,120, 125, an% 130 1see 0igure 12* 0or 0S!Q P115, t#e estimate%
A7: for 3ot# !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( )as 0*B9 1S?C K 0*04, p T*0012 )it# a 95J confi%ence
interal of 0*B1 to 0*AB for 0S!Q P115* !n ot#er )or%s, B9J of stu%ents in a population )#o are intellectuall(
gifte% )oul% 3e i%entifie% as gifte% 3ase% on t#e screening test* 0or 0S!Q P120, t#e estimate% A7: for
!ntellectual A3ilit( )as 0*A2 1S?C K 0*04, p T*0012 )it# a 95J confi%ence interal of 0*B4 to 0*90" t#e estimate%
A7: for Aca%emic A3ilit( at t#e same !Q cut score )as 0*A1 1S?C K 0*04, p T*0012 )it# a 95J confi%ence
interal of 0*B4 to 0*A9* 0or 0S!Q P125, t#e estimate% A7: for !ntellectual A3ilit( )as 0*BA 1S?C K 0*05, p
T*0012 )it# a 95J confi%ence interal of 0*B2 to 0*90" t#e estimate% A7: for Aca%emic A3ilit( )as 0*A1 1S?C K
0*05, p T*0012 )it# a 95J confi%ence interal of 0*B2 to 0*90* 0inall(, for 0S!Q P130, t#e estimate% A7: for
!ntellectual A3ilit( )as 0*B> 1S?C 0*0B, p T*012 )it# a 95J confi%ence interal of 0*>3 to 0*A9" t#e estimate%
A7: for Aca%emic A3ilit( )as 0*A0 1S?C K 0*0>, p T*012 )it# a 95J confi%ence interal of 0*>9 to 0*91*
,ecall t#at t#e A7: is a t(pe of effect si5e 1Fsu, 2002" S)ets, 19AA2* As 0igure 1 %epicts, irrespectie of t#e
0S!Q cut score, t#e ,;:s for !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( fall far a3oe t#e %iagonal line, )#ic#
represents c#ance-leel pre%iction* !n ot#er )or%s, 3ot# t#e +,S-P !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit(
scales )or& e4ceptionall( )ell in pre%icting intellectual gifte%ness*
'#e present stu%( inestigate% t#e %iagnostic accurac( of t#e !ntellectual A3ilit( an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scales of
t#e +,S-P )it# a su3set of t#e stan%ar%i5ation sample* '#e fin%ings reporte% in t#is article are inten%e% to
e4ten% information aaila3le in t#e test manual an% pu3lis#e% else)#ere 1Cargulies @0lo(%, 2004" Pfeiffer
@Earose)ic#, 200B2*
'#e results of t#is inestigation confirm t#at t#e +,S-P )or&s Guite )ell in i%entif(ing intellectual gifte%ness
among presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents* Designe% as a screening instrument, t#e +,S-P %emonstrates
compelling ei%ence of criterion-reference% ali%it(* '#e test )as a3le to %o )#at it is inten%e% to %o,
specificall(, i%entif( (oung c#il%ren )#o are intellectuall( gifte% as Otest-positieO an% t#ose (oung c#il%ren )#o
are not intellectuall( gifte% as Otestnegatie*O '#e results of fie %iagnostic efficienc( tests an% ,;: anal(ses
confirm t#at t#e +,S-P is accurate in i%entif(ing intellectual gifte%ness* '#is proe% to 3e true irrespectie of
)#et#er intellectual gifte%ness )as operationall( %efine% 3( an 0S!Q cut score P115, 120, 125, or 130, using '
cut scores of 55,>0, an% B0*
All anal(ses of t#e A7: for 3ot# t#e !ntellectual A3ilit( scale an% Aca%emic A3ilit( scale (iel%e% #ig#l( significant
results" t#e +,S-P performe% significantl( a3oe c#ance at all four !Q cut scores* 0urt#ermore, t#e ;:: alues
)ere significant at all four !Q cut scores 1;:: in t#e #ig# *B0s for !Q P115" in t#e *A0s for !Q P120 t#roug# 1302*
'#e sensitiit( an% specificit( of a test are not a3solute alues* 'est sensitiit( an% test specificit( )ill ar( )it#
t#e samples on )#ic# t#e( are 3ase% an% )it# t#e critical cut score alues c#osen 1Qer#ulst @/oot, 19922* '#e
sample use% for t#e present stu%( )as part of t#e stan%ar%i5ation sample, )#ic# )as stratifie% to appro4imate
t#e 7*S* population on important %emograp#ic c#aracteristics inclu%ing, parent e%ucation leel,
09 April 2014 Page 9 of 15 ProQuest
an% regional representation 1Pfeiffer @Earose)ic#, 20032* Fo)eer, cross-ali%ation stu%ies )oul% corro3orate
t#e fin%ings in support of t#e %iagnostic accurac( an% criterionreference% ali%it( of t#e +,S-P*
!n a%%ition to cross-ali%ation stu%ies )it# %ifferent samples, future researc# ma( )ant to use alternatie criteria
to operationall( %efine intellectuall( gifte%* De posite% t#at t#e 0S!Q )as a reasona3le pro4( for intellectual
gifte%ness" ot#er inestigators ma( )ant to use alternatie criteria suc# as %eelopmental measures of
language a3ilit( 1Ca4)ell, 19952, comple4it( of pla( 1/itano, 19A52, earl( rea%ing 1San&ar-De9eeu), 20022, or
noner3al measures of intelligence 18ernai, 2002" 0or%, Farris, '(son, @'rotman, 2002" Cc:allum, 8rac&en,
@Dasserman, 2001" S#auness(, /arnes, @:o33, 20042*
0uture stu%ies ma( also )ant to e4ten% t#e present researc# 3( ali%ating t#e ot#er +,S-P scales* '#is )ill not
3e an eas( tas&, 3ecause t#ere are fe) gol% stan%ar% criterion measures for creatiit( or artistic a3ilit(* Small-
scale stu%ies using ratings 3( a panel of artists of t#e art)or& of presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents an%
scores on t#e 0igurai 0orm 8 of t#e 'orrence 'est of :reatie '#in&ing proi%e% preliminar( ali%ation for t#e
Artistic 'alent an% :reatiit( scales 1Pfeiffer @Earose)ic#, 20032* Fo)eer, consi%era3l( more )or& is nee%e% to
ali%ate t#ese t)o gifte% scales*
Alt#oug# infreGuentl( reporte% in ps(c#olog( or e%ucation Iournals, t#e ali%it( of a test s#oul% inclu%e reporting
its %iagnostic performance 1:o#en, 19AA" Streiner, 20032* 'est sensitiit(, specificit(, an% oerall correct
classification are no) regularl( reporte% in me%ical Iournals 1Qer#ulst @/oot, 19922* !t is important to remem3er
t#at test sensitiit( can onl( 3e increase% at t#e e4pense of test specificit(, an% test specificit( can onl( 3e
increase% at t#e e4pense of test sensitiit( 1S)ets, 19AA2* 7nfortunatel(, t#ere is no )a( t#at one can improe
3ot# t#e sensitiit( an% t#e specificit( at t#e same time* '#e score selecte% to represent t#e %ii%ing line
3et)een gifte% an% not gifte% 1t#e cut score2 is, )e recogni5e, some)#at ar3itrar(* De act as if gifte%ness is a
trul( %ic#otomous state, )#en, in fact, gifte%ness lies on a continuum, ar(ing from clear a3sence of gifte%ness
to o3ious presence of gifte%ness 1li&e man( %iseases in me%icine, e*g*, #(pertension, #(perlipe%emia, o3esit(,
spina 3ifi%a" 8renner @+efeller, 199B" :#inc#illa, 19A32* Different practical, p#ilosop#ical, political, an% een
economic factors argue for %ifferent cutoff points, an% c#anges in t#e cutoff score )ill affect t#e sensitiit( of an(
screening test*
'#e pre%ictie alue of a test is affecte% 3( t#e particular cut score t#at is use% an% also 3( t#e 3ase rate of t#e
%isor%er or con%ition of interest in t#e population 1+lares @/line, 19AA2* D#en t#e 3ase rate is lo), t#e
pre%ictie alue of a negatie test result )ill 3e greater t#an t#e pre%ictie alue of a positie test result* '#at is,
)#en t#e %isor%er or con%ition of interest is relatiel( rare, a positie test fin%ing is t(picall( not useful in
confirming its presence 1:ron3ac#, 19A4" Cee#l @/line, 19AA2* 0or e4ample, for t#e sa&e of illustration, assume
t#at gifte%ness is a trul( %ic#otomous p#enomenon an%, furt#er, imagine t#at )e &no) t#at t#e 3ase rate in t#e
sc#ool population for intellectual gifte%ness is 5J* '#e +,S-P #as a sensitiit( of *B3 an% a specificit( of *>5
)it# a cut score of ' P>0 1again, assuming a 5J prealence rate2* :onsi%er t#at t#e population of a sc#ool
%istrict is 10,000* !n t#is e4ample, )it# a prealence rate of 5J, )e can assume t#at 500 stu%ents are
intellectuall( gifte% an% 9,500 are not* ;f t#e 500 gifte% stu%ents, t#e +,S-P )ill i%entif( correctl( 3>5 1B3J2
using a cut score of ' P>0* Similarl(, of t#e 9,500 not-gifte% stu%ents in t#e sc#ool %istrict, >,1B5 1>5J2 )ill
o3tain a Onormal rangeO ' score on t#e +,S-P 1in t#is instance, ' R>02* <o) let us use a %ifferent cut score 3ut
assume t#e same 5J prealence rate* '#e +,S-P #as a sensitiit( of *2B an% a specificit( of *92 )#en using a
cut score of ' PB0 1an% t#e same 5J prealence rate2* :onsi%ering t#e same 500 gifte% stu%ents, t#e +,S-P
)ill no) i%entif( correctl( onl( 135 12BJ2" #o)eer, A,B40 192J2 of t#e same 9,500 not-gifte% stu%ents )ill no)
o3tain a Onormal rangeO ' score on t#e +,S-P* As t#is e4ample illustrates, t#e sensitiit( an% specificit( 1an%
oerall pre%ictie alue2 of t#e +,S-P or an( test aries )it# t#e cut score an% prealence rate*
09 April 2014 Page 10 of 15 ProQuest
As mentione% earlier, a num3er of aut#ors suggest t#at teac#ers ma( not 3e a3le to ma&e ali% Iu%gments
a3out a (oung stu%entHs intellectual a3ilities 1?#rlic#, 19A>" 0atouros, 19A>" Fa%a)a( @Care&-Sc#roer, 19922*
'#e present stu%( len%s empirical support to t#e ie) t#at teac#ers are a3le to proi%e ali% ratings on t#e
aca%emic an% intellectual a3ilities of (oung stu%ents* 0urt#ermore, recent researc# in%icates t#at t#ere are no
age %ifferences across t#e 3-(ear age span 4:0->:11 on an( of t#e +,S-P scales an% gen%er %ifferences on
onl( one of t#e fie scales 1Artistic 'alent2* '#is same researc# foun% small 3ut statisticall( significant %ifferences )it# Asian American stu%ents rate%, on aerage, 1*5 scale score points #ig#er t#an
D#ites an% <atie Americans an%, on aerage, B points #ig#er t#an African American an% Fispanic stu%ents
1Pfeiffer et al*, 20052* ;f course, eer( test is culturall( loa%e% to some e4tent 18arona @Pfeiffer, 1992"
0lanagan, Cc+re), @;rti5, 2000" ,us#ton @Eensen, 20052* '#e +,S-P %oes not appear to 3e strongl(
culturall( loa%e% )it# aerage %ifferences across groups in t#e 1*5-B*0 point range, all less t#an 1
;ne limitation of t#e stu%( is t#e small num3er of t(picall( un%errepresente% gifte% minorit( group stu%ents in
t#e sample 1African American, n K 1>" Asian, n K 4" Fispanic, n K A" <atie American, n K 12* !t )oul% 3e
impru%ent to %ra) an( conclusions in terms of* De #ope t#at future stu%ies e4plore t#e impact of an% ot#er releant sociocultural an% famil( factors on t#e effectieness of t#e +,S-P as a gifte%
screening test*
'#e present researc# un%erscores t#at t#e +,S-P #ol%s potential as a ne) screening test t#at can assist in t#e
i%entification of gifte% presc#ool an% &in%ergarten stu%ents* '#e nee% to i%entif( an% interene )it# gifte%
c#il%ren at an earl( age is critical if )e #ope to improe t#eir c#ances for optimal %eelopment* '#e gifte% fiel%
is rig#tfull( concerne% )it# fair an% eGuita3le i%entification practices, in part 3ecause of a #istor( of
un%errepresentation of African American, Fispanic, an% <atie American stu%ents in gifte% e%ucation programs
10or%, 199A" 0or% @D#iting, in press" +ri%le(, Cuc#a, @Fatfiel%, 1995" Pfeiffer, 20022* D#en use% as part of a
compre#ensie gifte% assessment, t#e +,S-P appears to #ol% promise in ensuring t#at no (oung c#il% )it#
promise )ill ina%ertentl( 3e e4clu%e% from 3eing i%entifie% in terms of #is or #er pro3a3ilit( of 3eing
intellectuall( or aca%emicall( gifte%*
<ote: '#is article accepte% un%er t#e e%itors#ip of Paula ;ls5e)s&i-/u3ilius*
8arona, A*, @Pfeiffer, S* !* 119922* ?ffects of test a%ministration proce%ures an% acculturation leel on
ac#ieement test scores* Eournal of Ps(c#oe%ucational Assessment, 10, 124-132*
8ernal, ?* C* 120022* '#ree )a(s to ac#iee a more eGuita3le representation of culturall( an% linguisticall(
%ifferent stu%ents in +' programs* ,oeper ,eie), 24, A2-AA*
8loom, 8* S* 119A52* Deeloping talent in (oung people* <e) $or&: 8allantine 8oo&s*
8orlan%, E* F*, @Drig#t, 9* 119942* !%entif(ing (oung, potentiall( gifte%, economicall( %isa%antage% stu%ents*
+ifte% :#il% Quarterl(, 3A, 1>4-1B1*
8renner, F*, @+efeller, ;* 1199B2* Qariation of sensitiit(, specificit(, li&eli#oo% ratios an% pre%ictie alues )it#
%isease prealence* Statistics an% Ce%icine, 1>, 9A1-991*
:#inc#illi, Q* C* 119A32* ?stimates of sensitiit( an% specificit( in a multistage screen for me%ical %iagnosis*
8iometrics, 39, 333-340*
09 April 2014 Page 11 of 15 ProQuest
:o#en, E* 119AA2* Statistical po)er anal(sis for t#e 3e#aioral sciences 12n% e%*2* Fills%ale, <E: 9a)rence
:ron3ac#, 9* E* 119A42* ?ssentials of ps(c#ological testing 14t# e%*2* <e) $or&: Farper @,o)*
?#rlic#, Q* L* 119A>2* ,ecogni5ing superior cognitie a3ilities in %isa%antage%, minorit(, an% ot#er %ierse
populations* Eournal of :#il%ren in :ontemporar( Societ(, 1A, 55-B0*
0atouros, :* 119A>2* ?arl( i%entification of gifte% c#il%ren is crucial * * * 3ut #o) s#oul% )e go a3out itU +ifte%
?%ucation !nternational, 4, 24-2A*
0lanagan, D* P*, Cc+re), /* S*, @;rti5, S* ;* 120002* '#e Dec#sler !ntelligence Scales an% +f-+c t#eor(: A
contemporar( approac# to interpretation* 8oston: All(n @8acon*
0or%, D* $* 1199A2* '#e un%errepresentation of minorit( stu%ents in gifte% e%ucation: Pro3lems an% promises in
recruitment an% retention* Eournal of Special ?%ucation, 32, 4-14*
0or%, D* $, Farris, E* E*, !!!, '(son, :* A*, @'rotman, C* 0* 120022* 8e(on% %eficit t#in&ing: Proi%ing access for
gifte% African American stu%ents* ,oeper ,eie), 24, 52-5A*
0or%, D* $*, @D#iting, +* D* 1in press2* ,ecruiting an% retaining un%er-represente% gifte% stu%ents* !n S* !*
Pfeiffer 1?%*2, Fan%3oo& of gifte%ness in c#il%ren: Ps(c#o-e%ucational t#eor(, researc#, an% 3est practices* <e)
$or&: Springer Pu3lis#ers
+laros, A* +*, @/line, ,* 8* 119AA2* 7n%erstan%ing t#e accurac( of tests )it# cutting scores: '#e sensitiit(,
specificit(, an% pre%ictie alue mo%el* Eournal of :linical Ps(c#olog(, 44, 1013-1023*
+ri%le(, 8* ?*, Cuc#a, 9*, @Fatfiel%, 8* 8* 119952* 8est practices in presc#ool screening* !n A* '#omas @E*
+rimes 1?%s*2, 8est practices in sc#ool ps(c#olog(-!ll 1pp* 213-2252* Das#ington, D:: <ational Association of
Sc#ool Ps(c#ologists*
+uralnic&, C* E*, @8ennett, 0* :* 119AB2* 1?%s*2* '#e effectieness of earl( interention for at-ris& an%
#an%icappe% c#il%ren* ;rlan%o, 09: Aca%emic Press*
Fa%a)a(, <*, @Care&-Sc#roer, C* 0* 119922* Culti%imensional assessment of t#e gifte% minorit( stu%ent*
,oeper ,eie), 15, B3-BB*
Farrison, :* 120042* +ifte%ness in earl( c#il%#oo%: '#e searc# for comple4it( an% connection* ,oeper ,eie),
2>, BA-A4*
Fo%ge, /* A*, @/emp, :* ,* 120002* ?4ploring t#e nature of gifte%ness in presc#ool c#il%ren* Eournal for t#e
?%ucation of t#e +ifte%, 24, 4>-B3*
Fotulainen, ,* F* ?*, @Sc#ofiel%, <* E* 120032* !%entifie% presc#ool potential gifte%ness an% its relation to
aca%emic ac#ieement an% self-concept at t#e en% of 0innis# compre#ensie sc#ool* Fig# A3ilit( Stu%ies, 14,
Fsu, 9* C* 120022* Diagnostic ali%it( statistics an% t#e C:C!!!!* Ps(c#ological Assessment, 14, 410-422*
Eac&son, <* ?* 120032* $oung gifte% c#il%ren* !n <* :olangelo @+* A* Dais 1?%s*2, Fan%3oo& of gifte% e%ucation
13r% e%*, pp* 4B0-4A22* 8oston: All(n @8acon*
Earose)ic#, '*, Pfeiffer, S* 9, @Corris, E* 120022* !%entif(ing gifte% stu%ents using teac#er rating scales: A reie)
of e4isting instruments* Eournal of Ps(c#oe%ucational Assessment, 20, 322-33>*
/aplan, :* F* 1199>2* Pre%ictie ali%it( of t#e DPPS!-,: A four (ear follo)-up stu%(* Ps(c#olog( in t#e Sc#ools,
33, 211-220*
09 April 2014 Page 12 of 15 ProQuest
/aplan, :* F*, 0o4, 9* C*, @Pa4ton, 9* 119912* 8rig#t c#il%ren an% t#e reise% DPPS!: :oncurrent ali%it(*
Eournal of Ps(c#oe%ucational Assessment, 9, 240-24>*
/itano, C* 119A52* ?t#nograp#( of a presc#ool for t#e gifte%: D#at gifte% (oung c#il%ren actuall( %o* +ifte% :#il%
Quarterl(, 29, >B-B1*
Cargulies, A* S*, @0lo(%, ,* +* 120042* 'est reie): '#e +ifte% ,ating Scales* Eournal of Ps(c#oe%ucational
Assessment, 22, 2B5-2A2*
Ca4)ell, ?* 119952* '#e c#anging %eelopmental nee%s of t#e gifte%: 8irt# to maturit(* !n E* 9* +ens#aft, C*
8irele(, @:* 9* Follinger 1?%s*2, Sering gifte% an% talente% stu%ents: A resource for sc#ool personnel 1pp* 1B-
302* Austin, 'V: Pro-e%*
Cc:allum, ,* S*, 8rac&en, 8* A*, @Dasserman, E* 120012* ?ssentials of noner3al assessment* <e) $or&: Eo#n
Cee#l, P* ?*, @/line, ,* 8* 119AA2* Antece%ent pro3a3ilit( an% t#e efficienc( of ps(c#ometric signs, patterns or
cutting scores* Ps(c#ological 8ulletin, 52, 194-21>*
Ceisels, S* E* 119A92* :an %eelopmental screening tests i%entif( c#il%ren )#o are %eelopmentall( at-ris&U
Pe%iatrics, A3, 5BA-5A5*
Coreloc&, C* E*, @0el%man, D* F* 119922* '#e assessment of gifte%ness in presc#ool c#il%ren* !n ?* Q* <uttall, !*
,omero, @E* /alesni&, 1?%s*2, Assessing an% screening presc#oolers: Ps(c#ological an% e%ucational
%imensions 1pp* 301-3092* <ee%#am Feig#ts, CA: All(n @8acon*
Pfeiffer, S* !* 120022* !%entif(ing gifte% an% talente% stu%ents: ,ecurring issues an% promising solutions* Eournal
of Applie% Sc#ool Ps(c#olog(, 1, 31-50*
Pfeiffer, S* !* 120032* :#allenges an% opportunities for stu%ents )#o are gifte%: D#at t#e e4perts sa(* +ifte%
:#il% Quarterl(, 4B, 1>1-1>9*
Pfeiffer, S* !*, @Earose)ic#, '* 120032* +ifte% ,ating Scales* San Antonio, 'V: '#e Ps(c#ological :orporation*
Pfeiffer, S* !*, @Earose)ic#, '* 1200B2* '#e +ifte% ,ating Scales-Sc#ool 0orm* An anal(sis of t#e stan%ar%i5ation
sample 3ase% on age, gen%er, race, an% %iagnostic efficienc(* +ifte% :#il% Quarterl(, 51, 39-50*
Pfeiffer, S* !*, Petsc#er, $*, @Earose)ic#, '* 1200B2* '#e +ifte% ,ating Scale-/in%ergarten form: An anal(sis of
t#e stan%ar%i5ation sample 3ase% on age, gen%er, an% race* ,oeper ,eie), 29, 20>-211*
Pfeiffer, S* !*, @,e%%(, 9* A* 1199A2* Sc#ool-3ase% mental #ealt# programs: Present status an% 3lueprint for t#e
future* Sc#ool Ps(c#olog( ,eie), 2B, A4-9>*
Pfeiffer, S* !*, @Stoc&ing, Q* 8* 120002* Qulnera3ilities of aca%emicall( gifte% stu%ents* Special Serices in t#e
Sc#ools, 1>, A3-93*
,oss, P* ;* 119932* <ational e4cellence: A case for %eeloping AmericaHs talent* Das#ington, D:: 7*S*
Department of ?%ucation, ;ffice of ?%ucational ,esearc# an% !mproement*
,us#ton, E* P*, @Eensen, A* ,* 120052* '#irt( (ears of researc# on race %ifferences in cognitie a3ilit(*
Ps(c#olog(, Pu3lic Polic(, an% 9a), 11, 235-294*
San&ar-De9eeu), <* 120022* +ifte% presc#oolers: Parent an% teac#er ie)s on i%entification, earl( a%mission,
an% programming* ,oeper ,eie), 24, 1B2-1BB*
Sattler, E* C* 120012* Assessment of c#il%ren: :ognitie applications 14t# e%*2* San Diego, :A: Eerome C*
09 April 2014 Page 13 of 15 ProQuest
Sc#nei%er, 8* F*, @+erais, C* D* 119912* !%entif(ing gifte% &in%ergarten stu%ents )it# 3rief screening measures
an% t#e DPPS!-,* Eournal of Ps(c#oe%ucational Assessment, 9, 201-20A*
S#auness(, ?*, /arnes, 0* A*, @:o33, $* 120042* Assessing culturall( %ierse potentiall( gifte% stu%ents )it#
noner3al measures of intelligence* '#e Sc#ool Ps(c#ologist, 5A, 99-102*
Sparro), S* S*, Pfeiffer, S* !, @<e)man, '* C* 120052* Assessment of c#il%ren )#o are gifte% )it# t#e D!S:-PQ*
!n A* Prifitera, D* F* Sa&lofs&e, @9* +* Deiss, D!S:-!Q: :linical use an% interpretation 1pp* 2A2-2992* 8urlington,
CA: ?lseier Aca%emic Press*
Step#ens, /* ,*, @/arnes, 0* A* 120002* State %efinitions for t#e gifte% an% talente% reisite%* ?4ceptional
:#il%ren, >>, 219-23A*
Streiner, D* 9* 120032* Diagnosing tests: 7sing an% misusing %iagnostic screening tests* Eournal of Personalit(
Assessment, A1, 209-219*
S)ets, E* A* 119AA2* Ceasuring t#e %iagnostic accurac( of %iagnostic s(stems* Science, 240, 12A5-1293*
7*S* 8ureau of t#e :ensus* 120002* :urrent population sure(, ;cto3er 2000: Sc#ool ?nrollment Supplement
0ile 6:D,;C=* Das#ington, D:: Aut#or*
Qer#ulst, 0* :*, @/oot, F* C* 119922* :#il% ps(c#iatric epi%emiolog(* <e)3ur( Par&, :A: Sage*
Dec#sler, D* 120022* Dec#sler Presc#ool an% Primar( Scale of !ntelligence-3r% e%ition* San Antonio, 'V: '#e
Ps(c#ological :orporation*
Ligler, A*, @Feller, /* A* 120002* :onceptions of gifte%ness from a meta-t#eoretical perspectie* !n /* A* Feller, 0*
E* Con&s, ,* E* Stern3erg, @,* 0* Su3otni& 1?%s2, !nternational #an%3oo& of gifte%ness an% talent 12n% e%*, pp*
3-212* Amster%am: ?lseier*
Steen !* Pfeiffer
$aaco Petsc#er
0lori%a State 7niersit(
Steen !* Pfeiffer, P#D, A8PP, is professor at 0lori%a State 7niersit(, )#ere #e seres as Director of :linical
'raining of t#e P#D program in :om3ine% :ounseling.Sc#ool Ps(c#olog(* Fe is on t#e 3oar% of Supporting
?motional <ee%s of t#e +ifte% 1S?<+2, c#air-elect of t#e :onsortium of :om3ine%-!ntegrate% Doctoral
Programs in Ps(c#olog(, an% c#air of t#e :onsortium of :om3ine%-!ntegrate% Doctoral Programs in
Professional Ps(c#olog(* Prior to #is tenure at 0lori%a State, #e )as e4ecutie %irector of Du&e 7niersit(Hs
'alent !%entification Program* Fe )as recipient of t#e 2001 Censa ?%ucation @,esearc# 0oun%ation A)ar% for
?4cellence in ,esearc#* Fe is lea% aut#or of +ifte% ,ating Scales 1San Antonio, 'V: 20032*
$aaco Petsc#er, CS, is a %octoral stu%ent in Deelopmental Ps(c#olog( at 0lori%a State 7niersit( )it# a
focus on applie% Guantitatie met#o%s an% statistics* Fe complete% #is masterHs %egree at 0lori%a State in
e%ucational ps(c#olog( an% measurement an% statistics* Fis researc# interests inclu%e motiation in gifte% an%
talente% stu%ents an% stu%ents )it# learning %isa3ilities, an% applications of #ierarc#ical linear mo%els to
stu%ent rea%ing ac#ieement*
Sub'ect$ Cinorit( @ et#nic groups" !nterention" +ifte% e%ucation" +ifte% c#il%ren" +en%er %ifferences" ?t#nicit("
8e#aior" Asian Americans" Age %ifferences" Accurac(" A3ilit("
09 April 2014 Page 14 of 15 ProQuest
Publication title$ '#e +ifte% :#il% Quarterl(
(olume$ 52
Issue$ 1
Pages$ 19-29
)umber of pages$ 11
Publication year$ 200A
Publication date$ Dinter 200A
Year$ 200A
Publisher$ SA+? P789!:A'!;<S, !<:*
Place of publication$ :incinnati
Country of publication$ 7nite% States
Publication sub'ect$ ?%ucation--Special ?%ucation An% ,e#a3ilitation, Ps(c#olog(, :#il%ren An% $out# - A3out
ISS)$ 001>9A>2
C*+,)$ +!:QA:
Source type$ Sc#olarl( Eournals
-anguage of publication$ ?nglis#
+ocument type$ 0eature
+ocument feature$ 'a3les +rap#s ,eferences
ProQuest document I+$ 2120912B0
+ocument UR-$ #ttp:..searc#*proGuest*com.%ocie).2120912B0Uaccounti%K15A59
Copyright$ :op(rig#t <ational Association for +ifte% :#il%ren Dinter 200A
-ast updated$ 2011-09-09
+atabase$ ProQuest :entral

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