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Stephanie Rodriguez

Professor Mary Gifford

English 114 B
May 5, 2014.

The man who changed the world
Bill Gates: Rough Draft

People have come into our world, and left footprints either with a positive, or a negative
impact. Many have created new things that have helped our world become more advanced. These
different forms of technologies, throughout the years have made our world a brighter place.
Filled with different ideas, and great new things our world has kept growing, and changing
throughout time. One of these great inventors is named Bill Gates. Bill is the inventor/owner of
what is well known as MicroSoft. William Henry Gates is a man who with his brilliant mind
contributed to our world with great new technology. Together with these inventions our world
has been changed forever. Through new ideas, and creations our world has been able to
transform itself to a new and more advanced system. New things are being created everyday. All
these new ideas and inventions are changing our surroundings by giving us new methods of
communication, and helping us develop and shape our world.
William Henry Gates III was born on October 28,1955 in Seattle Washington. Bill was
born into a family with a rich history of business, and community service. His father William
Henry Gates II was an accountant. Bill Gates is also the son of Mary Gates. Mary was a teacher

at the University of Washington, and the chairperson for the United Way Charity. The United
Way Charity is a helping organization that not only advances the need of education, but gives
families financial stability while they face poverty. Gates has one older sister named Kristi and
one younger sister named Libby. He was raised into a family of bright people who worked
towards success and continued to give back to there community.
Since the start Bills family saw business in his near future. Bill excelled in all classes,
especially math and science. He was a smart young boy who showed a great deal of academic
achievements. Since the start Bills family knew he was no ordinary boy. His parents decided to
take him out of the public school system and enrolled him at a private and demanding school
named Lakeside.
Right from the start Bill showed great interest in software. He began programing
computers at the age of thirteen. Within Bills school they acquired what was known as a
computer terminal. A computer terminal is a hardware device that was used for entering data.
This piece of software grabbed his complete attention and left him incredibly fascinated. As his
interest and knowledge of software kept growing, soon Gates and his friends were working part
time, and summers together writing different programs for many businesses around Seattle. As
they worked with different companies, and demonstrated there abilities it was clear that Bill had
a great and unique talent for business, and so became the leader of their group. A special
member of Bills small group named Paul Allen who is now one of his most respected business
partners. Together they explored all the endless possibilities of what new technology could be.
They learned all the basics of computer programming, and continued to surprise their peers with
their achievements. In one of Bills interviews he says Lakeside was one of the best things that

ever happened to me. This shows that within his early years Gates received great education that
helped lead him into become who he is now, the worlds greatest entrepreneur.
Cited Work:
Andrews, Paul. How the Web Was Won: How Bill Gates and His Internet Idealists Transformed
the Microsoft Empire. New York: Broadway, 2000. Print.

Zachary, Gregg Pascal. "Microsoft Corporation (American Company)." Encyclopedia Britannica
Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 07 May 2014.

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