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Soundtrack Project Rubric

A B C D or F
Ideas The analysis of the song
selections displays a
understanding of the
content and its relation
to the lyrics of the song
being presented.
The analysis of the
song selections
displays a solid
understanding of
the content and its
relation to the lyrics
of the song being
The analysis of the
song selections
displays some
understanding of the
content and its
relation to the lyrics
of the song being
The analysis of the
song selections
displays a limited
understanding of the
content and its
relation to the lyrics of
the song being
Organization The analysis paragraph
has a topic sentence, a
body, and a concluding
statement. It is clear,
complete, concise, and
easy to follow.
The analysis
paragraph has a
topic sentence, a
body, and a
statement. It is
somewhat clear,
complete, concise,
and easy to follow.
The analysis
paragraph is missing
a topic sentence, a
body, or a concluding
statement. It is
unclear, incomplete,
or redundant and is
difficult to follow.
The analysis paragraph
has no topic sentence,
body, or concluding
statement. It is
unclear, incomplete,
and redundant.
Voice The speakers voice is
strong, professional,
and engaging
throughout the analysis
The speakers voice
is somewhat strong,
professional, and
engaging through
most the analysis
The speakers voice is
strong, professional,
and engaging in
some areas and not
so much in others.
The speakers voice is
weak, inconsistent,
flat, and struggles to
hold the readers
Word Choice Diction is effective,
appropriate, and
properly suited to the
task at hand.
Diction is mostly
appropriate, and
properly suited to
the task at hand.
Diction is sometimes
ineffective or
inappropriate. Word
choice sometimes
interferes with the
accomplishing of the
task at hand.
Diction is ineffective,
unprofessional, or
incoherent. Word
choice interferes with
the accomplishing of
the task at hand.
Sentence Fluency Sentences are smooth,
rhythmic, and
especially suited to the
situation and voice.
The sentences work
for the most part.
They are effective
without always
being suited to the
sometimes are
repetitive, choppy, or
unsuited to the
Sentences are so
choppy or lengthy that
they are hard to read
and struggle to portray
the intended content.
Conventions The conventions of the
analysis paragraph are
correct and work to
help portray the
argument of the
The conventions are
mostly correct.
The conventions
sometimes interfere
with the argument of
the paragraph
There are numerous
conventional errors
that interfere with the
argument of the
analysis paragraph.

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