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Date : 03/05/2014


Work permit id number : DDF/ 88

Job Position : Asst. Merchandiser for Garments Buying House in Denmark.
I am pleased to confirm your hire to the position of asst. merchandiser for garments buying house
in Denmark. The position is classified as full time. You will be expected to work 40 hours weekly.
Your starting salary will be 1,700 USD, per month, & your first day at work will be 1
2014. Extra facilities provided by company are: Accommodation +medical+ Laundry +Food. Before
appoint we need to clarify your goodwill and documents.
1. For Work permit: Please sign and return one copy of this letter Updated CV+ Recent
medical health Card Number send to e-mail:
2. Within 5
May 2014. For medical call us: 01954438185 within10am to 2pm. 4
May 2014.

3. Bangladesh agent: Zaman Traders Ltd. 3
floor, Torongo Road#2.Mozumderi House# 3.
Sylhet. We are going to have a for candidate agreement signing date: on 1
July 2014 at
Dhaka Radisson hotels. On Behalf Of Company & local agents.

4. Before signing Please you have to submit your educational Certificate+1
6 (six) pages of
passport scanned Copy; send to: Email: within 15
June 2014.
We are pleased that you will be joining as our employ.

Medical health checkup for Denmark.
Note: For medical 4 copy pp size photo+ slip & Medical cost: BDT.4, 900.
1. Physical Test 2: x- ray chest. 3: Urine r/e. 4: Blood suger.(R) 5: Tpha. 6: Urea.
7: Vdrl. 8: Hbsag.9: Bilirubin. 10: Sgpt. 11: Sgot. 12: Grouping. 13: Creatinine.
14: Hiv. 15: Hcv.
01: Full name sign & mobile number:
02: Father name sign& mobile number:
03: Email: Gmail& yahoo:
04: Passport/ no:
05: Medical name/card no: date:
06: Date birth/Work permit id no:
07: Current& previous. Address.
08: Bangladesh Agents: Zaman Traders Ltd.

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