Exam 2 Study Guide ADV 305

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Exam 2 Study Guide ADV 305 (Fall 2013)

The Exam Covers Chapters 7-12

Chapter 7 (Advertising Research & Advertising Review) (Oct. 9 & Oct. 11)

Know the 3 purposes of marketing research
o Recruit new customers
o Retain current customers
o Regain lost customers

Know the different categories of advertising research
o Advertising strategy research
Product concept
Target audience
Media selection
o Knowing what the customer wants and their buying process (online,
in-store etc).

Know the difference between quantitative & qualitative research
o Quantitative research- gain reliable, hard statistics about specific
market conditions or situation.
o Qualitative research- in depth, open-ended responses rather than a
yes or no question.

Know the different types of quantitative & qualitative methods
o Quantitative methods-
Observe- peoples reactions
Experiment cause and effect
Survey info on attitudes, opinions, and questions
o Qualitative methods
Projective techniques -design to understand peoples
subconscious feelings, attitudes, interest etc.
Intensive techniques- in-depth interview and focus groups

Know the different concerns of advertising/marketing research
o Validity- is result free of bias
o Reliability- consistent
o Sampling method- sample size
o Leading questions- not expected to reply truthfully
o Social response bias reply so you dont feel out of place
o Reactivity effects- knowing what you test before you ask
o Demand characteristics- response the way you want
o Ethical considerations

Know the results of the DeLorme & Reid (1999) product placement study
o Results
Role of brand placement
Appreciation realism0 congruent interpretations of real
life, enhance connectiveness
Noticing the familar

Know the results of Elder & Krishna (2010) advertising copy study

Know the results of the Calin (2010) advergame study.

Chapter 8 (Marketing & Advertising Planning) (Oct. 16)

Know the difference between Sale-Target Objectives & Communication
Sale-Target Objective- goals related to increasing or maintaining sales
Communication objectives- goals related to comprehension, awareness,
knowledge, or attitude change.

Know the difference between Top-down and bottom-up marketing

Know the importance of new customers vs. current customers

Know the impact that the level of the relationship has on relationship marketing

Know the steps in the advertising plan

Know how consumers learn about brands

Know New Belgiums Marketing & Advertising plan as discussed in class

Key Terms: Bottom-up marketing, Creative mix, value, product concept, & situation

Chapter 9 (Media Planning) (Oct. 21)

Know the definition of media planning

Know the challenges to media planning

Know the media planning framework

Know the difference between reach & frequency

Know Ratings, Gross Ratings Points, & Gross impressions

Know how GRPs, frequency, and reach are calculated

Know the importance of effective reach & effective frequency

Know the impact of BDI & CDI on marketing campaigns

Know the 3 different types of advertising scheduling (continuous, flighting,

Key Terms: Advertising response curve, attention value, CPP, CPM, effective reach,

frequency, gross impressions, gross ratings points, media vehicles, & message

Media Costs & Budgeting (No chapter, Lecture) (Oct. 23)

Know how perishability & demand impact television media costs

Know the different dayparts of television advertising

Know the 4 different types of syndication buys

Know the different factors of each type of media for advertising costs (which is

expensive, which covers wider audiences, etc)

Know the concerns of media buying

Know the 4 different methods of advertising budgeting

Chapter 10 (Creative Strategy & the Creative Process) (Oct. 28)

Know the rules to creative effective advertising

Know the difference between the resonance dimension and relevance dimension

Know the definition of a creative brief

Know the 3 elements of message strategy (verbal, nonverbal, & technical)

Know the role of creativity in advertising

Know what makes a successful advertising campaign

Know the difference between fact-based and value-based thinking

Know the different blocks to creativity

Key terms: Creative brief, creative pyramid, fact-based thinking, value-based
thinking, message

strategy (rationale), verbal, non-verbal, & technical.

Chapter 11 (Creative Execution: Art & Copy) (Oct. 30)

Know the definition of a layout

Know the use of layouts in print advertising

Know the purpose of visuals in advertising

Know the types of headlines

Know the types of body copy

Know the different formats of television commercials

Know the tips for writing for the internet

Key terms: layout, mechanical, comprehensive layout, rough layout, dummy, body

headlines, benefit headline, news/information headline, provocative headline,
question headline,

command headline, straight-sell copy, institutional copy, narrative copy, dialogue
copy, &

picture caption copy.

Chapter 12 (Production TV, Radio, Print, & Online) (Nov. 4 & Nov. 6)

Know the role of the production manager and producer

Know the print production process

Know the budget concerns for production

Know the role of quality control in print production

Know the steps in the radio commercial production process

Know the steps in the commercial production process

Know the venues for digital media

Know the role of digital media in advertising

Know the digital media production process

Key terms: job jacket, closing dates, four-color separation, & allocation of time.

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