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Representative Assembly Meeting

Meeting Minutes Winter 2014

April 30, 2014 in STCN 130 at 6:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order: Mallory calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM

II. Roll Call (initial on the line)
Eric Chalmers, President _________
Mallory Barnes, Executive Vice President _________
Bharat Bhojwani, Vice President of Finance _________
Brady Carlson, Vice President of University Affairs _________
Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative _________
Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative _________
Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative_________
Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative _________
Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative _________
Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative _________
Kathleen Dickerson, Commuter Representative _________
Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative _________
Nora Almunif, International Representative _________
Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative _________
Kristen James, Athletic Representative _________
Meggie Green, Freshman Representative _________
Karen Gallo, Non-Traditional Representative _________
Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative _________

III. Approval of the Minutes
Motion passes to approve the minutes unanimously

IV. Public Comment None

V. Guest Speakers

VI. Old Business
REPA 20140305 Response to the Divestment Decision (Owen Goetze) Action
- Owen-Some changes to language in the beginning, and changes to the last part as well.

Representative Goetze motions to approve the response to the divestment decision
Representative Green seconds the motion
The motion passes unanimously

REPA 20140409 SGSU Swag (UA Committee) Action
Representative Bayuga Graff motions to make this an discussion item
Representative Almunif seconds the motion
The motion passes unanimously

- The order was placed, should receive before Quadstock or before

REPA 20140423 Student Coalition for Faculty Rights (Mallory Barnes) Discussion
- Discussion from last week continued
- Rep. Goetze proposed a forum on the student code of conduct
- Distribution of the code of conduct unclear and what you are signing is unclear
- Holding the administration accountable for clarity of the rules
- Presenting to smaller groups could be more effective than larger groups
- Should host a review of the conduct the gray area may be leading to misinterpretation
- Code may be vague, intentionally vague, we agree to host an audit
- Representative Bayuga Graff: If students feel that they are being wronged due to a lack of
attention to this, that is an injustice being allowed in the code against them
- What next? Reading through the code of conduct and moving forward with a discussion
of action items

VII. New Business
REPA 20140430 Civic Engagement Directors (Eric Chalmers) Action
- Working to solidify the civic engagement positions so that they can be paid
- They would coordinate between SGSU and Washington Bus, recruiting volunteers,
hosting phone banks, and having lobby days
- Are these good roles for SGSU to pursue?
o Moving forward and coming back next week for approval
o Washington Bus currently examining it now

REPA 20140430 Finance Committee (Bharat Bhojwani) Action
- Changing Appropriations committee to Finance Committee
- Spoken with the rest of the committee and all agree
- Will be voted on in the general election, should would be in joint session? It would be too
late by next week, but could do an online vote.
- Will have to do it through email for next week, Google doc
- Can this hold off until early next year? It can, but it would just have to be communicated
to the next VP of Finance
- Cannot vote on it now because it is a Constitutional change, should it be an honor item?
- We decided that we will have an emergency meeting tomorrow at 8PM

REPA 20140430 Tim Marron Public Safety Update
President Chalmers requests a motion to add this item to the agenda: Tim Marron
Public Safety update
Representative Kawano motion
Representative Ortiz seconds the motion
The motion passes unanimously

- Having a more robust transportation program (Nighthawk)
- Students are getting pushed farther away from campus, cheaper housing in the central
- Currently: Two Nighthawks & Public Safety Track, driven by student drivers and used by
all three student populations, mounted with emergency vehicle racks (however the drivers
are in no way able to use them at any time)
- Want to take the money spent on two Nighthawk and fund six Nissan Leafs, increase
capacity, still student driven, want to have two vans on loop equipped with swiping with
guest privileges, student driven
- Tim has full administrative support on it, just getting quotes and looking into what Nissan
is willing to provide Nighthawks & vans
- We all gave our feedback on the area the loop should cover in terms of bus cuts, location
of students, etc.
- Possibility of announcing this as a response to the loss of access to buses
- How will this impact students living further south?
- Will students get turned away if the van is full?
- What is the range of the cars in terms of mileage?
- Cost of Nighthawks verses cost of this plan: equal
- Have you contacted GSA or the law school about their questions because it will affect
them? How many students will be affected?
- Dont want to make any false promises about the new plan until it is 100% solid
- How many people can the leaf fit? Five including driver
- How much will the vans and the cars overlap? We need vehicles capable of expanding
the current area reached?
- Can we get the specific appropriation numbers on the Nissan Leaf?
- Rep. Moaks questions: Why Nissan leaf rather than others? Lease verses buy: tax write
offs. If you make two different loops they dont have to be exclusive, they dont have to
leave gaps. They arent major loops.
- Rep. Almunif: Why dont non-students drive the Nighthawks?
o Higher cost, but will raise this question to Tim
- Is it possible with the increase in vehicles that each one of the vehicles could have
different range?
- Is the issue with low capacity that they dont have students interested in working there,
how are they going to afford more students to staff these cars?

VIII. Officer Reports:
A) Eric Chalmers-President:
a. Sexual misconduct advisory board & concerns about the way the committee is
functioning, student voice could maybe be better utilized
b. The issues will take a little more follow up
c. Setting up students on committees to be successful
d. Email migration to Microsoft exchange
B) Mallory Barnes- Executive Vice President
a. Luau tickets one tables worth has been purchased, see you there!
b. Quadstock volunteer email sent out soon
c. Get your legacy documents in for the next round
C) Bharat Bhojwani- Vice President of Finance
a. Budget is doing well, keep taking on projects
b. US Bank seminar next Tuesday 12:30-1:30 Pigott 105
D) Brady Carlson- Vice President of University Affairs
a. Make Sustainable Sense is up and running
E) Representatives
a. Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative: Volunteers for Senior Soiree
b. Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative: Steering, budget proposal
c. Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative: Candidate Survival was
much fun, next Monday meet and greet
d. Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative: Tobacco Free Campus meeting
tomorrow, more members every week, language for ballots
e. Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative: Transgender housing policy
f. Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative: MPF applications, spent around
$3550, attended event last week
g. Kathleen Dickerson, Commuter Representative: Law Council
h. Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative: Compiling information for the
Redhawk experience handbook for transfer studnets
i. Nora Almunif, International Representative: Following up with financial
services, adding advisor to ISC
j. Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative: Increased
access to disable-friendly parking
k. Kristen James, Athletic Representative: Swishes for Wishes raised $1,600
l. Karen Gallo, Non-Traditional Student Representative: N/A
m. Meggie Green, Freshman Representative: Bikes study, talking to
n. Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative: Housing policy, advocacy
training on Saturday
F) Logan McDonald, Internal Chief of Staff: Advertizing and graphics for the
G) Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff: Qualtrics and SUSS manuals
H) Advisors
a. Nicole Robison: Ballot finalization

IX. Committee Reports
A. PAB: First Friday donuts, PAB final documents
B. Steering: Respond to retreat email
C. Appropriations: Appropriations meeting maybe needs to be changed
D. University Affairs: Writing letters to the deans

X. Announcements

XI. Adjournment at 7:45 PM

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