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DOI: 10.1542/peds.

; originally published online February 9, 2009; 2009;123;e476 Pediatrics
Christopher E. Smith
Wilson J. Gonzlez-Espada, Julie Hall-Barrow, R. Whit Hall, Bryan L. Burke and
Achieving Success Connecting Academic and Practicing Clinicians Through
located on the World Wide Web at:
The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is

of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.
Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright 2009 by the American Academy
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned,
PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly
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Achieving Success Connecting Academic and
Practicing Clinicians Through Telemedicine
Wilson J. Gonza lez-Espada, PhD
, Julie Hall-Barrow, EdD
, R. Whit Hall, MD
, Bryan L. Burke, MD
, Christopher E. Smith, MD
Department of Physical Sciences, Morehead State University, Morehead, Kentucky;
Center for Distance Health and
Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine,
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, Arkansas
The authors have indicated they have no nancial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
Whats Known on This Subject
Rural areas are often medically underserved and represent 20%of the US population.
Telemedicine and e-learning hold considerable promise in reaching rural practitioners
and providing high-quality continuing medical education.
What This Study Adds
Participants are very satised and consider Peds PLACE an effective way to address their
continuing education needs. Peds PLACE is meeting its goals of using teleconferencing
to reach rural physicians and improve the quality of health care in Arkansas.
OBJECTIVE. Practicing clinicians, especially in rural areas, are often isolated from learn-
ing opportunities and interactions with subspecialty providers. Pediatric Physician
Learning and Collaborative Education, an interactive, educational, telemedicine
program, was developed to address this need. We evaluated the success of this
program through surveys with practicing and academic physicians.
METHODS. Pediatric Physician Learning and Collaborative Education was assessed by
using 2 evaluation forms collected from October 2007 to May 2008. One of the forms
was completed by 197 attendees from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sci-
ences and 172 attendees from remote sites. Another form was completed by 131
participants from Arkansas Childrens Hospital, an academic, freestanding, childrens
hospital. Both evaluation forms asked participants to use a 5-point Likert scale to
rank a number of criteria and included a section for participants to write comments
and recommendations. Additional data were collected through an open-response
e-mail survey of participants.
RESULTS. Ninety-ve percent of the participants agreed that the presentations related to
their professional needs, 98% agreed that the presentations increased their subject-
matter knowledge, 81% evaluated the presentations as some of the best they had
attended, and 93% agreed that the information would translate into professional
practice, enhancing patient care. Health care personnel from the University of
Arkansas for Medical Sciences evaluated the presentations signicantly higher than
did remote participants. Nursing staff members evaluated the presentations signi-
cantly higher than did medical staff members. Comments were generally positive and
correlated with the Likert-scale data.
CONCLUSION. Participants reported being highly satised with Pediatric Physician Learning and Collaborative Education
and considered it an effective way to address the continuing education needs of practitioners throughout Arkansas,
especially in rural and underserved areas. Pediatrics 2009;123:e476e483
URAL AREAS ARE often medically underserved and represent 20% of the US population.
In Arkansas, 61 of 75
counties are rural and are designated as medically underserved areas.
Telemedicine holds considerable promise
in alleviating many constraints imposed by time and distance on subspecialty health care encounters.
services that took place face-to-face in the past are moving into the virtual world.
Telemedicine can be used to provide subspecialty care for many health conditions in rural areas.
For example, it
can be used to provide real-time clinical consultations between geographically dispersed physicians.
It also can be
used to recruit patients and to disseminate ndings from translational research.
Videoconferencing can be used to deliver education, which is also known as e-learning. It is becoming widely used
for continuing professional development of physicians, nurses, and allied health care personnel.
E-learning is
usually targeted at the unique learning needs of adults.
Studies in both the medical and nonmedical literature
have consistently demonstrated that students are very satised with e-learning.
In general, online professional
development is usually as good as, if not better than, traditional teaching methods.
Pediatric Physician Learning and Collaborative Education (Peds PLACE) was established in 2007 with 5 main
Key Words
continuing medical education,
videoconferencing, telemedicine, training
programs, educational assessment, rural
health services, survey methodology
UAMSUniversity of Arkansas for Medical
ACHArkansas Childrens Hospital
Peds PLACEPediatric Physician Learning
and Collaborative Education
Accepted for publication Nov 13, 2008
Address correspondence to Wilson J.
Gonzalez-Espada, PhD, Department of Physical
Sciences, Morehead State University, 123
Lappin Hall, Morehead, KY 40351. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSNNumbers: Print, 0031-4005;
Online, 1098-4275). Copyright 2009 by the
American Academy of Pediatrics
e476 GONZA

at Indonesia:AAP Sponsored on May 6, 2014 Downloaded from
goals: (1) to support practitioners in rural areas of Ar-
kansas; (2) to build relationships between rural practi-
tioners and tertiary care pediatric specialists; (3) to learn
from the experience of rural practitioners; (4) to trans-
late current research ndings into useful advice and
community health improvement; and (5) to improve the
health care of medically underserved children in Arkan-
sas. Topics to be presented are selected by 2 of the
physicians overseeing Peds PLACE, as informed by their
extensive experience, an initial needs-analysis survey,
written feedback from participants evaluation forms,
and the priorities of the program in neonatology, general
pediatrics, and translational research.
This study responds to the recommendations of lead-
ing experts to explore innovative delivery modes for
educating medical practitioners and providing continu-
ing medical education.
Also, user perceptions and atti-
tudes toward the use of telemedicine have been identi-
ed in the literature as an area in need of further
The purpose of this study was to assess the success of
Peds PLACE and to elicit suggestions for improvement
from participants. We sought to address whether partic-
ipants were satised with the use of telemedicine for
continuing medical education and to garner suggestions
to improve the effectiveness of Peds PLACE.
Subjects and Design
The telemedicine network operated by the Center for
Distance Health and the University of Arkansas for Med-
ical Sciences (UAMS) facilitates connections to 150
video units. The network is linked directly to the Arkan-
sas Department of Health Bioterrorism Network, which
is located in all 87 hospitals in Arkansas and 43 county
health units. These connections use T1 communication
lines capable of transmitting up to 1.5 megabits per
second, allowing for real-time consultations, educational
conferences, and administrative meetings.
Each week, faculty physicians from Arkansas Chil-
drens Hospital (ACH) and UAMS address multiple com-
mon pediatric problems by using discussions, visual pre-
sentations, and interactive methods (Table 1). Of the 150
video units available, 30 sites connect to Peds PLACE
on a regular basis because of their need for continuing
medical education credits.
The sample consisted of all participants who com-
pleted evaluation forms for the 25 Peds PLACE sessions
scheduled between October 2007 and May 2008. One of
the evaluation forms, labeled UAMS/Remote, was com-
pleted by 197 attendees from UAMS and 172 from the
remote sites. The number of participants for each pre-
sentation varied from 4 to 31 (mean: 16 participants). A
different evaluation form was completed by 131 partic-
ipants at ACH. The number of ACH participants for each
presentation varied from 2 to 15 (mean: 5 participants).
Only participants who needed continuing medical edu-
cation credit returned an evaluation form. It is highly
likely that more people attended Peds PLACE, but those
who did not need credit were outside the sampling pool.
Survey Instrument
The UAMS/Remote evaluation forms asked for demo-
graphic data, discipline, and site location and included a
5-point Likert scale with 12 standard evaluation criteria.
A section for comments (strengths, limitations, sugges-
tions for improvement, and future topics) was available.
Cronbachs reliability coefcient for this evaluation form
was calculated as .95.
The ACH evaluation forms were completed online;
they asked for demographic data and discipline and in-
cluded a 5-point Likert scale with 5 different evaluation
criteria. Items regarding participants understanding of
the subject and how the presentation compared with
others were included. A section for comments asked
how the lecture could have been more helpful. Cron-
bachs reliability coefcient for this evaluation form was
calculated as .90.
In addition, a survey with 5 open-response questions
was sent electronically to past attendees. This survey
asked respondents to list the main strengths of Peds
PLACE, its limitations, and recommendations to im-
prove it.
Statistical Methods
The data were analyzed with SPSS (Chicago, IL), using
mostly descriptive statistics appropriate for the sample
TABLE 1 Peds PLACE Presentations, in Chronologic Order
Peds PLACE Presentations, October 2007
to May 2008
No. of
Antiviral studies 22 2
Swallowing dysfunctions 25 6
All-terrain vehicle pediatric injuries in Arkansas 9 5
Intraventricular hemorrhage in very low birth weight
9 11
Newborn blood screening 18 3
Sexual abuse examinations for young children 5 2
New recommendations in childhood obesity 18 4
Risk and protective factors for birth defects 21 4
Lead poisoning 15 2
New therapies for food allergies 18 2
Update on genetic testing, 2008 16 13
Headaches 7 4
Newborn genetic screening 11 2
Gastroesophageal reux disease in infants 15 5
Use of nasal cannula ow vs nasal continuous positive
airway pressure therapy
31 7
Management and treatment of phenylketonuria 24 15
Otitis media and otitis media with effusion 13 3
Tubing and line access 12 8
Car seat testing and neonatal guidelines 17 2
Primary care for asthma 11 11
Oppositional deant toddler 8 2
Maintenance of American Academy of Pediatrics
4 5
Nutrition for premature newborns after discharge 21 5
Enteral tube feeding 8 4
Cardiac murmurs 11 4
Total 369 131
PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 3, March 2009 e477
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size and the type of data collected. Analysis of variance
with Dunnetts posthoc test was used to determine dif-
ferences in responses according to groups of interest. The
qualitative data were classied into several categories for
analysis, such as positive or negative comments, com-
ments aimed at the material presented or at the speaker,
and comments on the technology used.
Participant Characteristics
A total of 500 participants completed the evaluation
forms. Of those, 66% were female and 34% were male.
The participants were overwhelmingly white (78.5%),
with black (8.1%) and Asian/Pacic Islander (4.9%)
being the second and third largest groups represented,
Physicians (50%) and nurses (26%) were the primary
attendees of Peds PLACE. Other health disciplines rep-
resented included advanced practice nursing, allied
health disciplines, administration, nutrition (dietitians),
dentistry, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, and social
work, as well as medical students.
Participants were able to gain access to Peds PLACE
from multiple locations throughout the state. Approxi-
mately 39% of the participants used the UAMS sites,
34% used remote sites, and 27% used the ACH sites.
Some of the remote sites with greater participation in-
cluded Crittenden Memorial Hospital (West Memphis,
AR) (N 34 [18%]), Great River Medical Center
(Blytheville, AR) (N 22 [11%]), Conway Human De-
velopment Center (Conway, AR) (N 19 [10%]), Mena
Medical Center (Mena, AR) (N 17 [9%]), and the
Arkansas Area Health Education Centers (El Dorado,
AR) (N 15; 8%).
UAMS/Remote Survey
Participants reported being highly satised with the
professional development opportunity that Peds
PLACE provided. Ninety-ve percent agreed that the
presentations related to their professional needs, 98%
agreed that the presentations increased their subject-
matter knowledge, 94% agreed that the presentations
met their professional expectations, and 97% agreed
that a 1-hour presentation was an appropriate length.
In addition, 97% agreed that the material was well
presented, 98% agreed that the professional resource per-
son leading each Peds PLACE presentation was knowl-
edgeable, 99% agreed that the presenter made time to
address the participants questions during and after the
presentation, and 93% agreed that the information pre-
sented through Peds PLACE could be translated into pro-
fessional practice and would enhance patient care. In terms
of the telemedicine technology, 95% agreed that it was
satisfactory and 94% agreed that it was as effective as
traditional methods. More than 95% of the participants
reported that they would be very likely to take other pro-
fessional development courses using the current technol-
ogy and that it was the most convenient way to obtain
professional development training (Table 2).
The survey responses were statistically similar when
examined according to gender and race/ethnicity. How-
ever, it was found that, for 9 of 12 evaluation criteria,
participants from UAMS gave statistically signicantly
higher scores to the presentations, compared with par-
ticipants from the remote sites (Tables 35). Similarly,
for 7 of 12 evaluation criteria, nurses and nursing staff
members gave signicantly higher scores to the presen-
tations, compared with physicians and medical staff
members, as measured with analysis of variance and
Dunnetts posthoc test (Tables 68).
The best-received Peds PLACE sessions were on otitis
media, childhood obesity, enteral tube feeding, phenylk-
etonuria, and birth defects. With an average ranking of 4
of 5, the sessions that were not evaluated as positively
were on maintenance of American Board of Pediatrics
certication, newborn genetic screening, intraventricu-
lar hemorrhage, pediatric tubing and line access, and
swallowing disorders.
Participants provided a number of positive com-
ments about Peds PLACE. A plurality of the comments
(31%) praised the knowledge, preparation, profes-
TABLE 2 Pooled Responses FromUAMS/Remote Evaluation Forms
Evaluation Criteria Response, %
Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Presentation related to my needs 64.3 30.7 4.1 1.0 0
Presentation increased my knowledge 69.8 27.0 2.7 0.5 0
Presentation met my expectations 67.1 27.0 4.7 1.0 0.2
Length of presentation was appropriate 68.9 28.1 2.3 0.8 0
Material was well presented 72.2 25.0 2.5 0.2 0
Presenter was knowledgeable 79.5 19.7 0.5 0.3 0
Presenter made time for questions 77.8 20.9 1.0 0.3 0
Information will enhance patient care 69.0 24.2 6.0 0.8 0
This technology was satisfactory 65.2 29.3 4.3 1.1 0
The technology was as effective as traditional methods 65.2 28.4 4.0 1.7 0.6
I would take other courses with this technology 73.5 23.6 2.3 0.3 0.3
This technology is the most convenient way for me to
obtain this training
71.2 23.8 3.8 1.2 0
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sionalism, or speaking skills of the presenter. Com-
ments such as excellent knowledge base, well in-
formed, and easy to understand were common.
Several participants pointed out how many of the
topics were presented in a manner consistent with
their applicability to active practice. Others (28%)
praised the topics selected, especially their level of
currency, relevance to practitioners, usefulness, prac-
ticality, and comprehensiveness. Comments such as
current information, exciting study, excellent re-
view, and good information were representative.
In addition, participants highlighted a number of
potential areas for improvement. Approximately 14%
of the comments mentioned several technological
shortcomings, including background noise, audio dif-
culties, and connectivity issues. As the telemedicine
system was debugged, comments about technology
became less frequent. Another 14% of the comments
provided recommendations for the speakers, such as
preparing a reading list, providing handouts, increas-
ing text and diagram sizes on slides, eliciting more
interaction, and allotting additional time to answer
TABLE 3 UAMS Participants Responses FromUAMS/Remote Evaluation Forms
Evaluation Criteria Response, %
Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Presentation related to my needs 72.4 24.4 2.3 0.9 0
Presentation increased my knowledge 76.6 20.6 1.8 0.9 0
Presentation met my expectations 72.7 22.2 4.2 0.9 0
Length of presentation was appropriate 73.4 22.9 2.8 0.9 0
Material was well presented 77.9 19.7 1.9 0.5 0
Presenter was knowledgeable 85.9 12.7 0.9 0.5 0
Presenter made time for questions 83.5 15.5 0.5 0.5 0
Information will enhance patient care 75.7 19.2 4.7 0.5 0
This technology was satisfactory 71.3 23.8 3.9 1.1 0
The technology was as effective as traditional methods 71.1 24.4 2.8 1.7 0
I would take other courses with this technology 73.9 22.7 2.3 0.6 0.6
This technology is the most convenient way for me to
obtain this training
70.8 20.2 6.7 2.2 0
TABLE 4 Remote Participants Responses FromUAMS/Remote Evaluation Forms
Evaluation Criteria Response, %
Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Presentation related to my needs 54.9 37.8 6.2 1.0 0
Presentation increased my knowledge 62.2 34.2 3.6 0 0
Presentation met my expectations 60.7 32.5 5.2 1.0 0.5
Length of presentation was appropriate 63.8 34.1 1.6 0.5 0
Material was well presented 65.8 31.0 3.2 0 0
Presenter was knowledgeable 72.0 28.0 0 0 0
Presenter made time for questions 71.4 26.9 1.6 0 0
Information will enhance patient care 61.2 30.1 7.7 1.1 0
This technology was satisfactory 58.7 35.3 4.8 1.2 0
The technology was as effective as traditional methods 58.9 32.7 5.4 1.8 1.2
I would take other courses with this technology 73.1 24.6 2.4 0 0
This technology is the most convenient way for me to
obtain this training
71.7 27.7 0.6 0 0
TABLE 5 Comparison of Average Ranks for UAMS and Remote
Evaluation Criteria Rank, Mean F P
UAMS Remote
Presentation related to my needs
4.68 4.47 12.9 .000
Presentation increased my knowledge
4.73 4.59 7.00 .008
Presentation met my expectations
4.67 4.52 5.32 .022
Length of presentation was appropriate 4.69 4.61 1.81 .179
Material was well presented
4.75 4.63 5.70 .017
Presenter was knowledgeable
4.84 4.72 7.45 .007
Presenter made time for questions
4.82 4.70 6.77 .010
Information will enhance patient care
4.70 4.51 8.73 .003
This technology was satisfactory
4.65 4.51 4.12 .043
The technology was as effective as
traditional methods
4.65 4.46 6.07 .014
I would take other courses with this
4.69 4.71 0.10 .752
This technology is the most convenient
way for me to obtain this training
4.60 4.71 3.08 .080
Anvalueof .05was selectedas thecriterionfor statistical signicance. APvalueof .05
implies a statistically signicant difference in average ranks.
PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 3, March 2009 e479
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ACH Survey
In the ACH evaluation form, participants also reported
being highly satised with the professional development
opportunity that Peds PLACE provided. According to the
responses, 98% agreed that the presentations contained
clear language and terminology, 97% agreed that the
audiovisual materials were legible and supported the
presentation, 99% agreed that the presentations were
conducted in a professional manner, 98% agreed that
the presentations were well organized, and 98% agreed
that the participants learned something new from at-
tending the presentations. In addition, 98% of the par-
ticipants reported understanding all or most of the con-
cepts presented, and 86% evaluated the presentations as
being some of the best they had attended (Table 9).
Faculty physicians and resident physicians evaluated
Peds PLACE in statistically similar manners.
Overall, the best received sessions for this group of
participants were on food allergies, use of nasal cannula
ow and nasal continuous positive airway pressure ther-
apy, cardiac murmurs, antiviral studies, all-terrain vehi-
cles, and sexual abuse examinations. The less popular
topics were swallowing disorders, newborn genetic
screening, newborn blood screening, lead poisoning, and
birth defects.
Similar to the rst survey, participants comments
were very positive and supportive of Peds PLACE. Many
of the comments (42%) praised the knowledge, prepa-
ration, professionalism, or speaking skills of the pre-
senter. Approximately 32% of the comments praised the
topic selection.
In terms of areas for improvement, 15% of the
comments were aimed at the speakers. Recommenda-
tions included tailoring the lecture more toward a tele-
conferencing format; focusing more on practice, treat-
ments, common conditions, and new screening
technologies; discussing more cases and their applica-
tion; and avoiding tangential or unrelated discussions.
The rest of the comments suggested more-readable
Electronic Survey
Participants considered the convenient access to Peds
PLACE sessions one of the programs greatest strengths.
Peds PLACE was deemed a good way to share informa-
tion, to meet practitioners and primary care providers
TABLE 6 Physicians Responses FromUAMS/Remote Evaluation Forms
Evaluation Criteria Response, %
Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Presentation related to my needs 66.0 30.4 2.1 1.6 0
Presentation increased my knowledge 60.6 33.5 5.3 0.5 0
Presentation met my expectations 60.4 31.0 7.0 1.6 0
Length of presentation was appropriate 61.5 36.3 1.6 0.5 0
Material was well presented 66.7 28.3 4.4 0.6 0
Presenter was knowledgeable 74.1 24.7 0.6 0.6 0
Presenter made time for questions 74.1 23.6 1.7 0.6 0
Information will enhance patient care 65.4 27.4 6.1 1.1 0
This technology was satisfactory 62.7 31.6 3.8 1.9 0
The technology was as effective as traditional methods 60.5 31.2 3.8 3.2 1.3
I would take other courses with this technology 70.5 26.3 2.6 0 0.6
This technology is the most convenient way for me to
obtain this training
66.5 26.6 5.1 1.9 0
TABLE 7 Nurses Responses FromUAMS/Remote Evaluation Forms
Evaluation Criteria Response, %
Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Presentation related to my needs 67.2 27.5 4.6 0.8 0
Presentation increased my knowledge 80.9 17.6 0.8 0.8 0
Presentation met my expectations 77.7 20.0 1.5 0.8 0
Length of presentation was appropriate 80.6 14.7 3.1 1.6 0
Material was well presented 83.8 15.4 0.8 0 0
Presenter was knowledgeable 88.5 11.5 0 0 0
Presenter made time for questions 84.8 14.4 0.8 0 0
Information will enhance patient care 80.6 16.3 3.1 0 0
This technology was satisfactory 67.3 26.0 5.8 1.0 0
The technology was as effective as traditional methods 69.5 26.7 3.8 0 0
I would take other courses with this technology 79.4 18.6 2.0 0 0
This technology is the most convenient way for me to
obtain this training
79.2 19.8 1.0 0 0
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from a variety of disciplines throughout the state, and to
learn in an informal atmosphere. Participants also
praised its interactivity, currency, relevance, and con-
Some suggestions for improvement included sched-
uling Peds PLACE at a different time and improving the
technology and connection speed. Despite the informal
nature of Peds PLACE, some participants expressed not
being comfortable talking to a camera, asking questions,
or making comments. Those participants suggested the
creation of a postsession online forum for presenters and
participants to share knowledge and experiences in a
less-intimidating environment.
Both the Likert-scale data and the comments suggest
that Peds PLACE is reaching a variety of health care
personnel, especially physicians and nurses in rural
towns and cities. It is essential to provide medical infor-
mation that can be used in rural and underserved areas
of the state. For example, Singh and Kogan
that neonatal and infant mortality rates are affected by
health disparities. Telecommunication is one way of
eliminating disparities in rural states. The high degree of
satisfaction with the interactive format is consistent with
previous ndings and is conducive to participants learn-
ing and actually retaining the material.
Most of the participants, regardless of gender and
race, had a very positive impression of Peds PLACE.
Positive remarks mentioned the depth of the informa-
tion, how it could be applied in practice, and the quality
of the presenters, almost all of whom were experienced
faculty members at UAMS or ACH. Participants also
expressed their support for the telemedicine aspect of
Peds PLACE and the appropriateness of the technology
It was interesting to nd that nurses and physicians
evaluated Peds PLACE presentations differently. Physi-
cians might be more familiar with the topics, compared
with nurses. In fact, some comments suggested that Peds
PLACE should not be medical school all over again but
that the emphasis should be on translational research. In
contrast, some nurses found the presentations over
their heads, too fast-paced, and too abstract. A similar
case could be made when participants from UAMS were
compared with those from remote sites, who evaluated
the presentations slightly lower than did participants
from UAMS.
Peds PLACE was designed to address the needs of
private practice pediatricians, neonatologists, and family
practitioners. It has more than achieved that goal and
benets from participation by other health professionals.
These professionals are primarily nurses, academic phy-
sicians, and residents but also include pharmacists, die-
ticians, and respiratory therapists. Such a varied audi-
ence brings a multitude of perspectives to the discussion
of the topic at hand, making the discussion richer and
more benecial. The feedback comments suggest, how-
ever, that these participants may have needs that are not
being met by Peds PLACE alone. No educational tool,
Peds PLACE included, works well for every audience.
However, the continuing participation of such a medi-
TABLE 8 Comparison of Average Ranks for Nurses and
Evaluation Criteria Rank, Mean P
Nurses Physicians Difference
Presentation related to my needs 4.61 4.61 0.003 1.000
Presentation increased my
4.79 4.54 0.244 .000
Presentation met my
4.75 4.50 0.243 .001
Length of presentation was
4.74 4.59 0.156 .056
Material was well presented
4.83 4.61 0.220 .000
Presenter was knowledgeable
4.88 4.72 0.160 .002
Presenter made time for
4.84 4.71 0.127 .049
Information will enhance patient
4.78 4.57 0.205 .006
This technology was satisfactory 4.60 4.55 0.046 .926
The technology was as effective
as traditional methods
4.66 4.46 0.192 .071
I would take other courses with
this technology
4.77 4.66 0.114 .236
This technology is the most
convenient way for me to
obtain this training
4.78 4.58 0.206 .010
Anvalueof .05was selectedas thecriterionfor statistical signicance. APvalueof .05
implies a statistically signicant difference in average ranks.
TABLE 9 Responses FromACHEvaluation Forms
Evaluation Criteria Response, %
Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Presentations contained clear language and
79.3 18.6 2.1 0 0
Audiovisual materials were legible and supported
77.1 20.0 2.9 0 0
Presentations were carried out in a professional
86.4 12.9 1 0 0
Presentations were well organized 77.1 20.7 2.1 0 0
Attendees learned something new from presentations 78.6 19.3 1.4 0 0
PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 3, March 2009 e481
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cally diverse group strongly suggests that Peds PLACE
meets many of the needs of all of the participants.
Most of the written comments were positive toward
both the topics and the presenters at Peds PLACE. Many
participants considered them excellent and relevant,
which is consistent with the quantitative data. A number
of participants mentioned technical difculties and the
use of slides with too much information and small text
size. This last point is not exclusive to telemedicine train-
ing. Most faculty members who have not been trained in
education might make the mistake of equating more
information per slide with more learning.
At rst glance, there seem to be relatively small num-
bers of hospitals and county health centers that connect
to Peds PLACE on a frequent basis. Although 87 hospi-
tals have connections for video conferencing, from fed-
eral bioterrorism grants, this equipment is usually in or
near hospital administrative ofces. The placement of
the equipment in the hospital makes it more difcult for
private practice physicians to attend a teleconference. As
the Center for Distance Health continues to expand,
additional equipment is being purchased for these sites.
With an increase in accessible videoconferencing equip-
ment, more sites will be able to connect to Peds PLACE.
The Peds PLACE information technology team is
working with physicians in private practice to help
them gain access to Peds PLACE from their ofce
desktop computers.
Although participants were very satised with the
quality of training offered through Peds PLACE, they
offered important recommendations that can be easily
implemented in this and similar continuing education
programs that rely on telemedicine systems, as follows.
(1) Strengthen efforts to identify the specic knowledge
and training needs of physicians and nurses, 2 groups
with obvious differences that might not be fully ad-
dressed at this point. The same applies to participants
outside UAMS, who reacted differently to Peds PLACE,
compared with UAMS participants. (2) Increase the in-
teractivity of the presentations by using more clinical
scenarios and case studies, opening questions to the
audience, and questioning strategies. (3) Avoid lecturing
whenever possible. Presentations already prepared for a
traditional in-class lecture might not translate ade-
quately to a teleconferencing environment. (4) Insert
questions at key points in the presentation, to keep the
audiences attention and to check for understanding. (5)
Continue improving the teleconferencing technologies,
to avoid interruptions and to increase image quality. (6)
Share with future presenters some of the best practices
in the creation of PowerPoint (Microsoft, Redmond,
WA) slides. A number of readily available, online re-
sources discuss ways to enhance slides and pitfalls to
Some limitations of this study must be mentioned.
First, the evaluation survey was not anonymous. This
might have prevented some participants from sharing
their true insights in their evaluations. A replication of
the study with anonymous follow-up interviews might
provide a clearer perspective on Peds PLACE. Second,
the effect of self-selection should not be ignored. Al-
though all of the evaluations were included in the anal-
ysis, this study still involves convenience sampling. A
replication of the study measuring knowledge and trans-
lation ability of topics by comparing participants assigned
randomly to an online Peds PLACE or a classroom-based
Peds PLACE could provide new insights on online pro-
fessional development in the health sciences.
A number of interesting topics for further research
can be identied from this study. Replicating the current
study by using a single evaluation form for all partici-
pants would allow for a better comparison of local
(UAMS and ACH) and remote site participants. The lit-
erature suggests that these groups tend not to evaluate
presentations similarly.
Follow-up studies using prep-
resentation and postpresentation surveys and other
higher levels of training evaluation
as well as a mixed-
methods research design with participant interview data
are proposed. In addition, the integration and assess-
ment of research-based learning models in Peds PLACE,
such as active learning
and hyperlearning,
should be
It is clear from the data that participants are very satis-
ed with Peds PLACE and consider it an effective way to
address their continuing education needs. Several rec-
ommendations can be implemented to increase interac-
tivity, to tailor the topics to the needs of rural pediatri-
cians, family practitioners, and other groups, and to
emphasize the translational aspect of Peds PLACE.
This study was supported by National Institutes of Health
grant RR16460 through the Idea Network of Biomedical
Research Excellence Program of the National Center for
Research Resources and National Institutes of Health
grant RR20146 through the Center for Translational
Neuroscience. Additional support was provided by the
Antenatal and Neonatal Guidelines, Education, and
Learning System and by Arkansas Medicaid.
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PEDIATRICS Volume 123, Number 3, March 2009 e483
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DOI: 10.1542/peds.2008-2193
; originally published online February 9, 2009; 2009;123;e476 Pediatrics
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