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Title : Bilingualism, Aging, and Cognitive Control: Evidence From the Simon Task
Author(s) : Ellen Bialystok, Fergus I ! Craik, "aymond #lein, !ythili $is%anathan
&u'lisher : American &sychological Association
(ate o) &u'lished: *++, -um'er o) .ords : //011
2ist: 34
This article re)ers to the evidence that there is an e5isting e))ect o) 'ilingualism on
cognitive 6rocessing (7root 8 #roll,/993, and :arris, /99*) Then the ;uestion has never
'een, %hether these e))ects 6ersist over the li)e s6an and continue to in)luence the changes
in cognitive 6rocessing in 'ilingual older adults The authors stated that it is im6ortant to
determine the e))ects o) 'ilingualism on cognitive 6rocessing accurately and the %ay in
%hich the e))ects are organi<ed 'y aging The research tried to determine %hether the
'ilingual advantage 6ersists )or adult and %hether the 'ilingualism decreases the negative
e))ects o) aging on cognitive control in older adults
This research conducted in 0 studies The )irst study %as to investigate the
6ossi'ility o) the e))ects o) adult aging ang language grou6 on the simon task, the method is
6roviding ,+ 6artici6ants divided into t%o language grou6s and t%o age grou6s, in each
grou6s the hal) 6artici6ants are monolingual and the others are 'ilingual The result o) the
)irst study %as all 6artici6ants %ere com6ara'le on measures o) ver'al and s6atial
intelligence, 'ut the 'ilinguals %ere consistently )aster in res6onding to the simon task The
second study %as using the )irst method %ith di))erent task and isntrument The result o) the
second study 'ilinguals achieved )aster res6onse times rhan did monoliguals o) the same
age The third study %as using *+ 6artici6ant, hal) French=English and hal) English living in
the same canadian community The result o) the third study is monolingual and 'ilingual
adults %ho scored e;uivalently on a set o) 'ackground measures e5amining %orking
memory and cognitive level di))ered in their 6er)ormance on the Simon task
The authors 6ut themselves as the researcher They did the study o) the 'ilingual and
monolingual They did the research in 0 studies They study the e))ect o) 'ilingualism and
aging in cogtive 6rocess
In conlusion, the 'ilinguals in the 6resent studies had used their t%o languages
essentially every day o) their lives, at least since the age o) a'out /+ years, The 'ilinguals
%ere more e))icient at all ages tested and sho%ed a slo%er rate o) decline )or some 6rocesses
%ith aging

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