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Hugh Boscawen, The Origins of the Flat-Bottomed Landing Craft 1757-58, Army

Museum 84 (Journal of the National Army Museum, Royal Hospital Road, London, UK,
1985), 23-30. (Posted by John U. Rees)

For more reading on watercraft see:

"`The uses and conveniences of different kinds of Water Craft: Continental Army Vessels
on Inland Waterways, 1775-1782
Table of Contents:
1 Introduction
2-8 In transporting of stores.: Sailing Vessels
3 Sloop
4 Schooner
4 Pettiauger
8 Shallop
8-11 A Thirty two Pounder in the Bow : Rowed Vessels for River Defense
8 Gunboat
9 Galley
11 Xebec
12-34 4 Wagons & Horses, and 1000 Men at a Try.:
Flat-Bottomed Transport for Soldiers, Supplies, and Vehicles
12-16 Ferry Boats and River Crossings
16-19 Scows and Flatbottom Boats
19-20 Barge
20-22 Durham Boat
22-28 Bateaux
28-34 Wagon Boat
34-52 1781 Campaign: Bateaux, Flat Boats, Wagon Boats and Other Craft
52-54 For the purpose of sounding Haverstraw Bar.: Miscellaneous Small Craft
52-53 Whale Boat
53 Skiff
53 Rowboat
53 Wherry
54 Round-futtock Boat
54-57 The best Oars men in the Army: Soldiers Serving in Boat Crews and at Ferries
57-58 Conclusion
59-64 Addenda
59-60 I. British Military Flatboats and Landing Craft
60-64 II. More on Bateaux in the 1776 New York and Canadian Campaign
64-77 Endnotes

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