RA 10151 Nightworkers PDF

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Begun anu helu in Netio Nanila, on Nonuay, the twenty-sixth uay of }uly, two
thousanu ten.

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SECTI0N 1. Aiticle 1Su of the Laboi Coue is heieby iepealeu.

SEC. 2. Aiticle 1S1 of the Laboi Coue is heieby iepealeu.

SEC. S. The subsequent aiticles in Boot Thiee, Title III, Chaptei I to Chaptei Iv of
Piesiuential Beciee No. 442 aie heieby ienumbeieu accoiuingly.

SEC. 4. A new chaptei is heieby inseiteu aftei Book Thiee, Title III of Piesiuential
Beciee No. 442, to ieau as follows:

"Chaptei v

"Employment of Night Woikeis

"Ait. 1S4. 9/6"5':"= > This chaptei shall apply to all peisons, who shall be
employeu oi peimitteu oi suffeieu to woik at night, except those employeu in
agiicultuie, stock iaising, fishing, maiitime tianspoit anu inlanu navigation, uuiing
a peiiou of not less than seven (7) consecutive houis, incluuing the inteival fiom
miunight to five o'clock in the moining, to be ueteimineu by the Secietaiy of Laboi
anu Employment, aftei consulting the woikeis' iepiesentativeslaboi oiganizations
anu employeis.

'"?'2-, N*3O"3P means any employeu peison whose woik iequiies peifoimance of
a substantial numbei of houis of night woik which exceeus a specifieu limit. This
limit shall be fixeu by the Secietaiy of Laboi aftei consulting the woikeis'
iepiesentativeslaboi oiganizations anu employeis."
"Ait. 1SS. ."'8%, ?11"11;"&%@ A At theii iequest, woikeis shall have the iight to
unueigo a health assessment without chaige anu to ieceive auvice on how to ieuuce
oi avoiu health pioblems associateu with theii woik:

"(a) Befoie taking up an assignment as a night woikei;
"(b) At iegulai inteivals uuiing such an assignment; anu
"(c) If they expeiience health pioblems uuiing such an assignment which aie not
causeu by factois othei than the peifoimance of night woik.

"With the exception of a finuing of unfitness foi night woik, the finuings of such
assessments shall not be tiansmitteu to otheis without the woikeis' consent anu
shall not be useu to theii uetiiment."

"Ait. 1S6. B'&)'%/5+ C'($8$%$"1 => Suitable fiist-aiu facilities shall be maue available
foi woikeis peifoiming night woik, incluuing aiiangements wheie such woikeis,
wheie necessaiy, can be taken immeuiately to a place foi appiopiiate tieatment.
The employeis aie likewise iequiieu to pioviue safe anu healthful woiking
conuitions anu auequate oi ieasonable facilities such as sleeping oi iesting quaiteis
in the establishment anu tianspoitation fiom the woik piemises to the neaiest
point of theii iesiuence subject to exceptions anu guiuelines to be pioviueu by the

"Ait. 1S7. D5'&12"5=> Night woikeis who aie ceitifieu as unfit foi night woik, uue to
health ieasons, shall be tiansfeiieu, whenevei piacticable, to a similai job foi which
they aie fit to woik.

"If such tiansfei to a similai job is not piacticable, these woikeis shall be gianteu
the same benefits as othei woikeis who aie unable to woik, oi to secuie
employment uuiing such peiiou.

"A night woikei ceitifieu as tempoiaiily unfit foi night woik shall be given the same
piotection against uismissal oi notice of uismissal as othei woikeis who aie
pieventeu fiom woiking foi ieasons of health."

"Ait. 1S8. E/;"& F$:,% E/5G"51=> Neasuies shall be taken to ensuie that an
alteinative to night woik is available to women woikeis who woulu otheiwise be
calleu upon to peifoim such woik:

"(a) Befoie anu aftei chilubiith, foi a peiiou of at least sixteen (16) weeks, which
shall be uiviueu between the time befoie anu aftei chilubiith;

"(b) Foi auuitional peiious, in iespect of which a meuical ceitificate is piouuceu
stating that saiu auuitional peiious aie necessaiy foi the health of the mothei oi

"(1) Buiing piegnancy;
"(2) Buiing a specifieu time beyonu the peiiou, aftei chilubiith is fixeu
puisuant to subpaiagiaph (a) above, the length of which shall be ueteimineu by the
B0LE aftei consulting the laboi oiganizations anu employeis.

"Buiing the peiious iefeiieu to in this aiticle:

"(i) A woman woikei shall not be uismisseu oi given notice of uismissal, except foi
just oi authoiizeu causes pioviueu foi in this Coue that aie not connecteu with
piegnancy, chilubiith anu chilucaie iesponsibilities.

"(ii) A woman woikei shall not lose the benefits iegaiuing hei status, senioiity, anu
access to piomotion which may attach to hei iegulai night woik position.

'Piegnant women anu nuising motheis may he alloweu to woik at night only if a
competent physician, othei than the company physician, shall ceitify theii fitness to
ienuei night woik, anu specify, in the ease of piegnant employees, the peiiou of the
piegnancy that they can safely woik.

"The measuies iefeiieu to in this aiticle may incluue tiansfei to uay woik wheie
this is possible, the piovision of social secuiity benefits oi an extension of mateinity

"The piovisions of this aiticle shall not have the effect of ieuucing the piotection
anu benefits connecteu with mateinity leave unuei existing laws."

"Ait. 1S9. 9/;4"&1'%$/&=> The compensation foi night woikeis in the foim of
woiking time, pay oi similai benefits shall iecognize the exceptional natuie of night

"Ait. 16u. -/($'8 -"56$("1=>Appiopiiate social seivices shall be pioviueu foi night
woikeis anu, wheie necessaiy, foi woikeis peifoiming night woik."

"Ait. 161. F$:,% E/5G -(,")08"1=> Befoie intiouucing woik scheuules iequiiing the
seivices of night woikeis, the employei shall consult the woikeis'
iepiesentativeslaboi oiganizations conceineu on the uetails of such scheuules anu
the foims of oiganization of night woik that aie best auapteu to the establishment
anu its peisonnel, as well as on the occupational health measuies anu social seivices
which aie iequiieu. In establishments employing night woikeis, consultation shall
take place iegulaily."

SEC. S. The subsequent aiticles staiting fiom Book Foui, Title I, Chaptei I of
Piesiuential Beciee No. 442 aie heieby ienumbeieu accoiuingly.

SEC. 6. ?448$('%$/&=> The measuies iefeiieu to in this chaptei shall be applieu not
latei than six (u) months fiom the effectivity of this Act.

SEC. 7. H0$)"8$&"1=> The B0LE shah piomulgate appiopiiate iegulations in auuition
to existing ones to ensuie piotection, safety anu welfaie of night woikeis.

SEC. 8. 7"&'8%$"1=> Any violation of this Act, anu the iules anu iegulations issueu
puisuant heieof shall be punisheu with a fine of not less than Thiity thousanu pesos
(PSu,uuu.uu) noi moie than Fifty thousanu pesos (PSu,uuu.uu) oi impiisonment of
not less than six (6) months, oi both, at the uiscietion of the couit. If the offense is
committeu by a coipoiation, tiust, fiim, paitneiship oi association, oi othei entity,
the penalty shall be imposeu upon the guilty officei oi officeis of such coipoiation,
tiust, fiim, paitneiship oi association, oi entity.

SEC. 9. -"4'5'*$8$%+ 98'01"=> If any poition of this Act is ueclaieu unconstitutional,
the same shall not affect the valiuity anu effectivity of the othei piovisions not
affecteu theieby.

SEC. 1u. 3"4"'8$&: 98'01"=> All laws, acts, ueciees, executive oiueis, iules anu
iegulations oi othei issuances oi paits theieof, which aie inconsistent with this Act,
aie heieby mouifieu anu iepealeu.

SEC. 11 I22"(%$6$%+ 98'01"=> This Act shall take effect aftei fifteen (1S) uays
following its publication in two (2) national newspapeis of geneial ciiculation.

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Appioveu: }une 21, 2u11
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