Shakespeare and Wilson: Adultery Across The Ages

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Hornor 1

John Hornor
George Kehoe
WRIT 102
Shakespeare and Wilson: d!l"er# $ross "he ges
%So&e "hings ne'er $hange((()
!"hors and pla#*righ"s ha'e al*a#s so!gh" "o in$l!de *i"hin "heir *orks ele&en"s o+ e'er#,
da#- nor&al h!&an li+e( These ele&en"s are o+"en en$aps!la"ed in "he +an"as"i$al or epi$ in order "o
dra* "he reader or 'ie*er in +ro& "he .anali"# o+ their e'er#,da#- nor&al li+e( /or as long as "he
$on$ep" o+ &onoga&# and &arriage has e0is"ed- so has ad!l"er#( Willia& Shakespeare and !g!s"
Wilson .o"h addressed in+ideli"# *i"hin "heir respe$"i'e .odies o+ *ork( Tho!gh *ri""en $en"!ries apar"-
in Othello and Fences %Shakespeare and Wilson- respe$"i'el#) "he plo" is &o'ed +or*ard .# ad!l"er# 1
.o"h per$ei'ed and a$"!al 1 $o&&i""ed .# a .la$k &ale( The "*o e0a&ined pro"agonis"s ha'e &!$h in
$o&&on .esides "heir gender and ra$e( 2o"h $hara$"ers ha'e s"rong &oral $on'i$"ions e'iden" in "he
*ords "he !se and a$"ions "he# per+or&- .!" !l"i&a"el# end !p .e"ra#ing "heir o*n $ons$ien$es: one
$arnall# and "he o"her 'iolen"l#( Their respe$"i'e *i'es .eha'e in *a#s "ha" espo!se di++eren" ideals(
The "*o per$ep"ions o+ ad!l"er# .# "he "*o pla#*righ"s $o&es o!" in "heir *ri"ings and is respe$"i'e o+
"heir so$ie"#( The# presen" and in"eres"ing rela"ion *hen "he *orks are anal#3ed side,.#,side( J!s" *ha"
ad!l"er# is and so&e $on"e0" +or "he "i&e periods needs "o .e addressed .e+ore "he pla#s $an .e s"!died
and $o&pared *i"h ade4!a"e s$r!"in#(
5arriage is an ar"i+i$ial $ons"r!$"( Sin$e "i&e i&&e&orial &en and *o&en ha'e $o&&i""ed a$"s
o+ in+ideli"# agains" "heir par"ners( S"ri$" &onoga&# is seldo& +o!nd in "he *ild 1 spe$ies &a# .e
so$iall# &onoga&o!s- .!" are rarel# se0!all# so( I" is "here+ore in 5an6s na"!re as an ani&al "o s"ra#
o!"side o+ His so$ial pairing( s a spe$ies possessing $ons$io!sness- ho*e'er- 5an is a.le "o rise a.o'e
"hese .aser ins"in$"s and es"a.lish so&e sense o+ $i'ili"# in "his *orld,en$o&passing rela"ionship
kno*n as so$ie"#( On$e 5an a""ained a $er"ain le'el o+ $ons$io!sness i" a$"!all# .e$a&e an
Hornor 2
e'ol!"ionar# asse" as 5an is na"!rall# &ore pro"e$"i'e o+ and lo'ing "o*ard His o*n o++spring( 7espi"e
"his so$ial press!re "o*ards &onoga&# ad!l"ero!s a++airs are s"ill $o&&onpla$e eno!gh "o o$$!r in ar"
"hro!gho!" "he ages( 5en and *o&en alike ha'e "aken o$$asion "o s"ra# o!"side "he .onds o+ &arriage-
and "heir "ransgressions ha'e .een do$!&en"ed in 'ario!s &edia "hro!gho!" his"or#( The an$ien"
Greeks 'oi$ed i" in "heir epi$s- "he 2aro4!e,era ar"is"s $ap"!red i" &oralis"i$ pain"ings- and i" is a $en"ral
plo" de'i$e in e'er# &odern Soap Opera( I" al*a#s see&s "o .e looked !pon *i"h derision(
There are his"ori$al pa""erns "o "he per$ep"ion o+ ad!l"er#( We kno* ad!l"er# *as looked !pon
nega"i'el# d!ring "he period o+ "i&e re+eren$ed in "he 2i.le( $$ording "o "he 'erses o+ "he Old
Tes"a&en"- &!rder $o!ld .e e0$!sed in $er"ain $ir$!&s"an$es .!" ad!l"er# $arried "he !l"i&a"e
sen"en$e: dea"h( 2eing a &oral "e0" a" i"s $ore- i" sho!ld .e no s!rprise "ha" "he 2i.le speaks "h!sl#(
$$ording "o 8nina Galpa3,/eller $o&&on pra$"i$e sho*ed i" "o .e &ore o+ 9a &oral +ailing and sense
o+ $o&&!ni"# dis$ord: *i"h "he de$ision and &e"ing o+ p!nish&en" .eing "he responsi.ili"# o+ "he
'i$"i&6s +a&il# %1;<)( &eri$an Indians *ere o+"en"i&es se0!all# pro&is$!o!s !n"il "he# *ere &arried-
*here!pon s"ri$" +ideli"# *as looked "o .e "he nor& and ad!l"ero!s a$"s se'erel# %o+"en 'iolen"l#)
p!nished %7onohoe 10=)( Renaissan$e and 2aro4!e >!ropeans .e$a&e &ore 9"oleran": o+ "he a$" as *e
see "he mistress appear and +la!n"ed in "he ' and 'is!al ar"s o+ "he "i&e( This is espe$iall# "r!e
a&ongs" "he higher s"ra"a o+ so$ie"#- *here &arriages *ere o+"en arranged and ph#si$al a""ra$"ion
pla#ed li""le "o no role in "he rela"ionship( H!s.and and *i+e- "hro!gh &!"!al agree&en"- .o"h 'en"!red
o!"side "heir shared .ed$ha&.er and so&e"i&es a$ross gender lines? This *as no" "he $o&&on
arrange&en"- "ho!gh( The a'erage &an and *o&an *as in a .e""er posi"ion "o &arr# o!" o+ lo'e and
hen$e held !p &onoga&# &!$h &ore as a 'ir"!e(
2e$a!se $!rren" *orld so$ie"# is des$endan" +ro& "hose o+ earl# >!rope- "he a+ore&en"ioned
>!ro$en"ri$ 'al!e o+ &onoga&# $on"in!es "o in+l!en$e "he &odern per$ep"ion o+ ad!l"er#( @!$kolds are
s$orned- "e&p"resses derided- and +ai"h+!l *i'es *i"h !n$aring h!s.ands pi"ied( Aa*s regarding
Hornor B
ad!l"er# are +airl# !n$o&&on in Wes"ern so$ie"#( One o+ +e* e0a&ples in "he Cni"ed S"a"es e0is"s
*i"hin "he Cni+or& @ode o+ 5ili"ar# J!s"i$e( 5e&.ers o+ "he r&ed /or$es o+ "he Cni"ed S"a"es $an
a$"!all# .e p!nished +or $o&&i""ing ad!l"er# %sodo&#- "oo- .!" "ha"6s nei"her here nor "here)( 5en are
s"ill seen as "he &ore po*er+!l and a.le gender- so "hose la*s a$"!all# on "he .ooks regarding ad!l"er#
are "end "o .e ske*ed in "he +a'or o+ *o&en( Whole legal en"erprises are .!il" !pon di'or$e- *i"h
in+ideli"# .# +ar .eing "he &os" $o&&on $a!se( In shor"- ad!l"er# is no less derided "oda# "han a" an#
o"her "i&e in his"or#- perhaps e'en &ore so(
The ad!l"ero!s a++air is onl# hin"ed a" in Des" a" "he .eginning o+ Fences( In "he .eginning o+ $"
I Ji& 2ono pla#+!ll# ri.s Tro# 5a0son a.o!" a *o&an na&ed"a as "he# pass a .o""le o+ li4!or
.a$k and +or"h( He $lai&s "o ha'e seen Tro# e#ing her- *hi$h Tro# doesn6" den# .!" ins"ead replies- 9I
e#e all "he *o&en( I don6" &iss no"hing( 7on6" ne'er le" no.od# "ell #o! Tro# 5a0son doesn6" e#e "he
*o&en-: %5$5ahan EEB)( Ji& $on"in!es "o heap on "he a$$!sa"ions- "alking a.o!" ho* he6s seen Tro#
.!#ing"a drinks a" "he .ar %ano"her a$" Tro# .rags a.o!" ra"her "han den#ing) and *alking aro!nd
her ho!se( Tro# 4!i$kl# and s&oo"hl# $hanges "he s!.De$" *hen his *i+e Rose s"eps o!" on "he por$h
*here "he &en are drinking- and 2ono is in per+e$" s"ep easil# $a"$hing on "o "he seg!e and +orge""ing
"he s!.De$" in "he presen$e o+ Rose( In +a$"- i"6s a s!.De$" no" &en"ioned +or "he res" o+ "he a$"( No" !n"il
$" II do Tro#6s a$"ions $o&e "o ligh" as he +reel# ad&i"s "o Rose "ha" he is "o ha'e a $hild .# ano"her
*o&an:"a( His $onspi$!o!s a.sen$es and "rips "o "he .ar all!ded "o in "he +irs" a$" are no*
o.'io!sl# "he "i&es d!ring *hi$h his a++air progressed- and he $on"in!es "o see"a !n"il her dea"h-
no longer *el$o&e in "he ho!se *i"h Rose(
The a++air o+ O"hello- "he 5oor o+ Veni$e- is less s!.s"an"ial( I" &a# onl# e0is" in "he &ind o+ his
an$ien"- Iago- +or per$ei'ed sligh"s and *rongs o'er "he $o!rse o+ his &ili"ar# $areer( In his las"
&onolog!e o+ "he +irs" a$" Iago la&en"s- 9nd i" is "ho!gh" a.road- "ha" 6"*i0" &# shee"s F H6 as done
&# o++i$e(((: %5$5ahan G0=)( Tho!gh he has no e'iden$e "o s!ppor" "his "ho!gh" o+ O"hello .edding
Hornor <
>&elia- Iago p!"s in pla$e a plan "o p!nish O"hello .# arranging &a""ers "o appear as i+ O"hello6s ne*
*i+e 7esde&ona is sleeping *i"h his Aie!"enan"- @assio %*ho o$$!pies a &ili"ar# $o&&and posi"ion
"ha" Iago $o'e"s)( Iago6s plan e'ol'es as e'en"s !n+old- .!" he !l"i&a"el# p!"s @assio in a $o&pro&ising
posi"ion *i"h one o+ 7esde&ona6s s!ndries 1 a handker$hie+ s#&.oli$ o+ her and O"hello6s lo'e 1 and
"!rns O"hello agains" .o"h @assio and 7esde&ona in a +i" a Dealo!s#( Tha" O"hello is $!$kolded in his
o*n &ind isn6" eno!gh +or Iago *ho +!r"her se"s in &o"ion a series o+ &!rders "ha" spiral o!"*ard +ro&
an a++air "ha" ne'er o$$!rred(
2o"h Tro# 5a0son and O"hello- "he 5oor o+ Veni$e- are s"rong .la$k &en "ha" $o&&and "he
a""en"ion and respe$" o+ "hose aro!nd "he&: real Ja&es >arle Jones "#pes( O"hello- "ho!gh a .la$k &an
in "he 5edie'al $oas"al island $i"#,s"a"e o+ Veni$e- is *ell respe$"ed( He is a General in "he Vene"ian
ar&# *i"h a n!&.er o+ 'i$"ories !nder his .el" and so+",spoken $on+iden$e "ha" see&s "o ins"an"l# *in
e'er#one "o his side( His *ords and 4!ie" $on+iden$e e'en s"a# "he .lade o+ his +a"her,in,la*- *ho had
onl# D!s" +o!nd o!" his ne* s"a"!s and *as "hirs"# +or "he .la$k &an6s .lood( Tro#- "oo- $o&&ands
respe$" a&ong his +riends- +a&il#- and $o*orkers( Cp !n"il his $on+ession Rose *as .# all a$$o!n"s a
$ons"an" a" his side- and Ji& 2ono h!ng on"o his e'er# *ord( He *orked hard +or &eager earnings "o
s!ppor" his +a&il# %*he"her or no" he lo'ed "he&) and e'en .e$a&e "he +irs" .la$k gar.age "r!$k dri'er
in his $i"# o+ 8i""s.!rgh "hro!gh his "ena$i"# and a.ili"# "o .end "he ears o+ "hose "ha" heard hi&( Tro#
*as &ore in "!ne *i"h his .aser ins"in$"s- "ho!gh( Or &a#.e O"hello *as D!s" .e""er a.le "o resis" "heir
"e&p"a"ions d!e "o his higher s"a"ion in li+e and "he asso$ia"ed $o&+or"s( Tro#6s pro++ered e0$!se +or his
a++air *as "ha" i" ena.led hi& "o "e&poraril# es$ape "he dr!dger# and "oil o+ e'er#da# li+e and laugh(
Tro# didn6" a.s$ond *i"h a sena"or6s da!gh"er and elope( He &arried "he +irs" good *o&an he $a&e
a$ross a+"er he did his "i&e in prison( Tho!gh "heir a$"ions &a# ha'e .een di++eren"- Tro# and O"hello
.o"h s"ro'e "o .e good &en- and *ere a" hear"(
s all!ded "o in "he pre'io!s paragraph- 7esde&ona and Rose *ere di++eren" "#pes o+ *o&en
Hornor ;
*ho +illed di++eren" holes in "he li'es o+ "heir &en( /or one 7esde&ona *as *hi"e- and "ho!gh ra$e is
no" here e0plored as a "opi$- i" is *or"h# "o no"e "ha" so&e ani&osi"# agains" O"hello e0is"ed- in "he
+or& o+ n!&ero!s 4!ips regarding his e"hni$i"#- d!e "o "he in"erra$ial pairing( She doesn6" "ake as a$"i'e
a role in "he s"or# as Rose- and $onse4!en"l# $o&es a$ross as &ore o+ a pie$e o+ s$ener# 1 a +oil *i"h
*hi$h "o ill!&ina"e O"hello6s so&e"i&es,!n.ridled passion( She is a *illing and +ai"h+!l lo'er- "ho!gh-
and no"hing $an .e said a.o!" her $o&&i"&en" "o O"hello( Nor $an an#"hing .e said a.o!" Rose6s
$o&&i"&en" "o Tro#- sin$e she raises his .as"ard da!gh"er as her o*n a+"er "he &o"her dies d!e "o
$o&pli$a"ions *i"h "he pregnan$#( She &a# e0$l!de +ro& her li+e Tro# 5a0son "he person- .!" .#
raising and $aring +or Ra#nell she holds on "o a pie$e o+ his so!l 1 a .ea!"i+!l pie$e $apa.le o+
Tho!gh nei"her pla#*righ" is $onsidered "o .e a s"ri$" adheren" "o "he status quo- nei"her are
"heir per$ep"ions o+ ad!l"er# !nin+l!en$ed .# "he "i&es in *hi$h "he# li'ed( 5i$hael Neill likes "o poin"
o!" "he e"#&olog# o+ "he *ord adultery as 94!i"e li"erall# a kind o+ adulteration 1 "he poll!"ion or
$orr!p"ion o+ "he di'inel# ordained .ond o+ &arriage(((: %Neill <0=)( I" is an in"eres"ing poin" "ha" "he
+irs" &en"ion o+ ad!l"er# is "ha" &ade .# Iago regarding O"hello and >&ilia 1 a .la$k &an and a *hi"e
*o&an 1 and "he i&plied poll!"ion %or adulteration) o+ "he ra$e( Ignoring "ha" ra$iall# $harged "angen"
and ins"ead looking a" "he $!l"!ral per$ep"ion o+ ad!l"er# e0pressed in "he pla# sho*s "he derision
people held +or i"( On ill,$on$ei'ed %or *ell,plan"ed- depending on ho* one looks a" i") no"ions o+
$!$koldr#- O"hello is o'er$o&e *i"h Dealo!sl# and rage "ha" a &!rder,s!i$ide is his logi$al es$ape( Tro#
and Rose are &ore $i'il in "heir rea$"ions( Tro# "ries "o gin !p e0$!ses *hile Rose rela"i'el# $al&l#
"akes "he ne* .a.e in"o her ar&s and os"ra$i3es her !n+ai"h+!l h!s.and( 7erision a$ross "he $en"!ries
and $on"inen"s(
T*o pla#*righ"s- "*o eras- "*o di++eren" so$ie"ies- and "he sa&e disdain +or "he !n+ai"h+!l(
Tho!gh i" is an ar"i+i$ial $ons"r!$" o+ 5an- &arriage has .een held sa$red a$ross "he &an# $!l"!res "o
Hornor 6
inha.i" "his ear"h( In+ideli"# has no" .een "olera"ed "hro!gho!" his"or#- "ho!gh 5an6s rea$"ions ha'e
.een "e&pered .# e0pos!re "o $i'ili3a"ion and deeper !nders"andings o+ $ons$io!sness and a$"ion( Tro#
and O"hello- .o"h grea" &en in "heir o*n righ"- *ere .o"h prone "o a$"s "ha" ha'e no pla$e in $i'il
so$ie"# 1 so$ie"# "ha" has e'ol'ed aro!nd a se" o+ $ore 'al!es "ha" re&ain i&&!"a.le( Tho!gh i" see&s
$on"rar# "o o!r ani&al na"!re and e'er# #ear ano"her so$ial .iologis" seeks "o s*eep &onoga&# in"o
"he annals o+ his"or#- i" is an ideal "ha" has re&ained en"ren$hed in "he h!&an dog&a +or $en"!ries
%&a#.e &illennia)- and i" see&s "o .e an ideal "ha" *ill $on"in!e "o .e respe$"ed +or genera"ions and
&illennia "o $o&e( Tha"6s no" "o sa# i" *ill s"op happeningH *e6re onl# 5en- a+"er all(
Hornor E
Works @i"ed
7onohoe- /eli$i"# ITo 2ege" a Ta&e 2reed o+ 8eople: Se0- 5arriage- d!l"er#- and Indigeno!s Nor"h
&eri$an Wo&en(I Early American Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 10(1 %2012): 101,B1(
Galpa3,/eller- 8nina( I8ri'a"e Ai'es and 8!.li$ @ens!re , d!l"er# in n$ien" >g#p" and$al
Israel(I Near Eastern Archaeology 6E(B %200<): 1;2( 8rin"(
5$5ahan- >li3a.e"h- S!san 7a#- and" /!nk( Literature and the Writing Process( Cpper Saddle
Ri'er- N(J: 8ren"i$e Hall- 2002( 8rin"(
Neill- 5i$hael( ICnproper 2eds: Ra$e- d!l"er#- and "he Hideo!s in O"hello(I Shaespeare !uarterly
<0(< %1G=G): B=B,<12( 8rin"(

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