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600 High Street

Dedham, MA 02026
Phone 781-751-9300
Fax 781-751-9330
M%&HA'( )!
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.F P.(%&'
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Dedham Police Department Press Release:
Parking Lot a!et2
For %mmediate -e#ea3e
A"ri# 29, 2014
A re5ie o6 the Dedham Po#i$e De"artment*3 re$ord3 re#ated to "ede3trian a$$ident3
6rom )an7ar2 1, 2010 thro7gh De$em8er 31, 2013 re5ea#3 thirt2 930: 37$h in$ident3
o$$7rring in "ar;ing #ot area3! ,he3e in$ident3 a$$o7nt 6or 29< o6 the tota# "ede3trian
a$$ident re"ort3 re$ei5ed 82 the Dedham Po#i$e De"artment o5er thi3 time "eriod!
,hirteen o6 the3e in$ident3 re37#ted in the "ede3trian 3766ering in=7rie3! ,he Po#i$e
De"artment o7#d #i;e to "re3ent the 6o##oing 3a6et2 ti"3 re#ated to "ar;ing #ot3>
Par;ing #ot3 3ho7#d 8e 5ieed in the 3ame manner a3 3treet3?
Pede3trian3 3ho7#d ta;e the 3ame "re$a7tion3 in "ar;ing #ot3 that the2 do on 3treet3?
03e $a7tion and 8e aare o6 2o7r 37rro7nding3 in "ar;ing #ot3! Do not 8e di3tra$ted 82
e#e$troni$ de5i$e3?
Do not a337me dri5er3 $an 3ee 2o7! @ehi$#e 8#ind 3"ot3 $an inter6ere ith o"erator
5i3ion! /ear 8right $#othing at night?
/a#; don "ar;ing #ot ai3#e3 rather than in-8eteen 5ehi$#e3?
%n 8ad eather, ear "ro"er 6ootear to "ro5ide "ro"er tra$tion?
/hen "o33i8#e, "7## a## the a2 thro7gh a "ar;ing 3"a$e 3o that 2o7 $an exit the 3"ot
dri5ing 6orard! A5oid dri5ing in re5er3e i6 "o33i8#e?
Dri5e 3#o#2?
-ed7$e 3"eed3 in 8ad eather?
(oo; 6or "ar;ing area3 that do not ha5e hea52 "ede3trian 6oot tra66i$?
The mission of the Dedham Police Department is to protect and serve the citizens of Dedham through
collaboration, preventative programs and the judicious enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts and the by-laws of the Town of Dedham
600 High Street
Dedham, MA 02026
Phone 781-751-9300
Fax 781-751-9330
M%&HA'( )!
D*'+,-'M.+, &H%'F
.F P.(%&'
&.MM.+/'A(,H .F MASSA&H0S',,S
D'PA-,M'+, .F P.(%&'
Par; in e##-#it area3?
/at$h 6or "ede3trian3 at a## time3?
S$an the "ar;ing #ot 6or "otentia# "ede3trian3?
Ae6ore ma;ing a t7rn, #oo; in a## dire$tion3 6or "ede3trian3?
DonBt dri5e di3tra$ted or a6ter $on37ming a#$oho# or other dr7g3?
For maxim7m 5i3i8i#it2, ;ee" 2o7r ind3hie#d $#ean?
Sto" or 2ie#d to "ede3trian3 at $ro33a#;3, hether mar;ed or 7nmar;ed?
Do not 8#o$; or "ar; in $ro33a#;3!
The mission of the Dedham Police Department is to protect and serve the citizens of Dedham through
collaboration, preventative programs and the judicious enforcement of the laws of the Commonwealth of
Massachusetts and the by-laws of the Town of Dedham

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