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Lesson Plan #3: Integrating Language Arts &

Social Studies

Grade: 3

Social Studies Strand: Civics
Submitted By: Laura Comstock

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science
Nevada State College Spring 2014
Instructor: Karen Powell

Lesson Plan #3 - Civics submitted by: Laura Comstock

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 2
B. Summary of the Lesson Plan:
This lesson will identify roles and responsibilities of the classroom through class meetings
and recognizing good deeds of others. The students will be identifying ways they can
improve their school.
C. Basic Information:
Grade Level: 3rd
Time to Complete this Lesson: 50 minutes
Groupings: whole group, individual
Service learning data sheet
Construction paper
Poster board
Art supplies
D. Objectives:
o NV State Social Studies Standards
C13.3.3 Explain individual responsibilities in the classroom and the school
o Student-Friendly Standards
I can identify and understand the responsibilities of the classroom and the
E. Vocabulary
Responsibilities to be reliable and dependent on completing a task or duty.
Roles title of who people are and what they do
Begin this lesson by holding a class discussion of social responsibilities and ways to
address them.
Introduce the pretzel activity.
o Explain to the students this is an activity that rewards students for being kind
to each other.
o Ask the students to think and record ways and examples of how other
learners are helpful.
Complete and model a data sheet whole group to the students.
Have the students consider the following;
Lesson Plan #3 - Civics submitted by: Laura Comstock

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 3
o The needs of younger children and senior citizens.
How can you alert adults to community needs such as, recycling
requirements and graffiti clean-up?
Guide the students to consider ways that they themselves can help address these
The students are to complete a service learning data sheet.
o Have the students identify ways they themselves can be involved in
improving their school and community.
The students will then complete a poster, newspaper, or poem that tell about the
problem and the solutions.
F. Assessment:
What will you use to measure student understanding?
An informal assessment will be observing and discussing social roles and responsibilities
in our class meeting. A formal assessment is providing a rubric for completing the data
sheet and the poster board.
Score 4: all sections of the data sheet are complete, with exceptional detail and
Score 3: All sections are complete, with acceptable level of detail
Score 2: Most of the sections are complete, with an acceptable amount of detail,
or all sections are complete with errors.
Score 1: Few of the sections are complete, or multiple errors are present
Explain how you will know students understand the concepts from the lesson.
I will know the students understood the concept by grading and reading their data
sheets as well as listening to their presentations of their poster, newspaper, or poem.
G. Closure:
As a closure I would have each student present their poster, newspaper, or poem
to the class. This could take some time or you could just have them show their
poster and explain how they can help their community and one solution for it.
H. Reflection:
1. Which part of the lesson do you think will be the easiest for you to teach?
I think the easiest will be to teach the jobs and their responsibilities. I also think it will
be easy to discuss the data sheet and to complete it whole group.
2. Which part will be most challenging for you to teach?
The most challenging to teach, I think will be for the students to come up with
solution for the problems around the community.
3. How will you follow up or extend this lesson?
Lesson Plan #3 - Civics submitted by: Laura Comstock

Nevada State College EDEL 453 - Spring 2014 Karen Powell- Instructor page 4
To extend this lesson I could have the students interview a family member of how
they can help the community. Or I could hold a class food drive to help the local
homeless, see how many can goods the students could collect in a time frame. I
could also bring in a guest speaker.
4. What can you do for students who dont grasp the concepts?
Students who do not grasp the concept can be retaught in small group with visuals
and hands on activities guided towards their needs and learning styles.
5. Which part of the lesson, if any, do you think might need to change?
I think this lesson will need to be done in a two time frame block.
6. When you were writing this lesson plan, what was the most difficult part?
The hardest part was finding a lesson from the textbook that could be incorporated
with the standard and grade level I picked.
7. Explain the strategy from Integrating Language Arts & Social Studies that you
included in this lesson plan.
The Integrating Language Arts and Social Studies lesson I included was on page 70,
Incorporating Service Learning.

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