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American National Standard/American Dental Association Specifications

ANSI/ADA No. Title Year

No. 1 Alloy for Dental Amalgam 1985
No. 2 Dental Gypsum-Bonded Casting Inestments 198!
No. " Dental Impression Compound 198!
No. # Dental Inlay Casting $a% 1989
No. 5 Dental Casting Gold Alloys 1988
No. & Dental 'er(ury 198!
No. ! Dental $roug)t Gold $ire Alloy 1989
No. 8 Dental *in( +)osp)ate Cement 198!
No. 9 Dental ,ili(ate Cement 198&
No.1- Denture .u//er 0A/solete1 ---
No. 11 Agar Impression 'aterials 198!
No. 12 Denture Base +olymers 198!
No. 1" Denture Cold - Curing .epair .esins 198!
No. 1# Dental Base 'etal Casting Alloys 1989
No. 15 ,ynt)eti( +olymer2resin 3eet) 1985
No. 1& Dental Impression +aste - *n4
-5ugenol 1989
No. 1! Denture Base 3emporary .elining .esins 199-
No. 18 Alginate Impression 'aterials 1989
No. 19 Dental 5lastomeri( Impression 'aterial 1982
No. 2- Dental Dupli(ating 'aterial 1989
No. 22 Intra oral Dental .adiograp)i( 6ilm 19!2
No. 2" Dental 5%(aating Bur 198#
No. 2# Dental Base plate $a% 1991
No. 25 Dental Gypsum +rodu(ts 1989
No. 2& Dental 7-ray 58uipment 1991
No. 2! .esin-Based 6illing 'aterials 1989
No. 28 5ndodonti( 6iles and .eamers9 0:and ;se1 1988
No. "- Dental *n4
-5ugenol and *n4
< Non 5ugenol Cements 199-
No. "1 5%posure time designation for timers of dental 7-ray ma()ines ---
No. "2 4rt)odonti( $ires 1989
No. "" Dental 3erminology2=o(a/ulary 199-
No. "# Dental Aspirating ,yringes 198!
No. "5> :ig) ,peed Air Drien :and pie(es ---
No. "&> Diamond .otary Instruments ---
No. "! Dental A/rasie +o?ders 198&
No. "8 'etal-Cerami( Dental .estoratie ,ystems 1991
No. "9> +it and 6issure ,ealants ---
No #-> Dental Implants ---
1. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. #1@ Biologi(al 5aluation of Dental 'aterials
2. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. #2@ Dental +)osp)ate-Bonded Casting Inestments
". AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. #"@ 5le(tri(ally +o?ered Dental Amalgamators
#. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. ##@ Dental 5le(trosurgi(al 58uipment
5. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. #&@ Dental C)airs
&. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. #!@ Dental ;nits
!. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. #8@ =isi/le Aig)t Curing ;nits
8. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 5"@ +olymer-Based Cro?ns and Bridge .esins
9. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 5#@ Dou/le-+ointed9 +arenteral9 ,ingle ;se
Needles for Dentistry
1-. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 5!@ 5ndodonti( ,ealing 'aterial
11. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 58@ .oot Canal 6iles9 3ype : 0:edstrom
12. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. &2@Dental A/rasie +astes
1". AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. &"@ .oot Canal Bar/ed Broa()es and .asps
1#. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. &9@ Dental Cerami(
15. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. !-@ Dental 7-ray +rote(tie Aprons and A((essory Dei(es
1&. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. !1@ .oot Canal 6illing Condensers 0+luggers and ,preaders1
1!. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. !"@ Dental A/sor/ent +oints
18. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. !#@ Dental 4peratorBs ,tool
19. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. !5@ .esilient Aining 'aterials for .emoa/le Dentures - +art 1C
,)ort 3erm 'aterials
2-. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. !&@ Non-,terile Natural .u//er Aate% Gloes 6or Dentistry
21. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. !8@ 5ndodonti( 4/turating Cones
22. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 8-@ Dental 'aterials - Determination of Color ,ta/ility
2". AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 82@ Dental .eersi/le2Irreersi/le :ydro(olloid Impression
'aterial ,ystems
2#. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 85-+art 1@Disposa/le +rop)y Angles
25. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 8!@ Dental Impression 3rays
2&. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 88@ Dental BraDing Alloys
2!. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 89@ Dental 4perating Aig)ts
28. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 91@ Dental 5t)yl ,ili(ate Bonded Casting Inestment
29. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 92@ Dental +)osp)ate-Bonded .efra(tory Die 'aterials
"-. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 9"@ Dental BraDing Inestments
"1. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 9#@ Dental Compressed Air Euality
"2. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 95@ .oot Canal 5nlargers
"". AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 9&@ Dental $ater-Based Cements
"#. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 9!@ Corrosion 3est 'et)ods
"5. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 99@ At)leti( 'out) +rote(tors and 'aterials
"&. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 1--@4rt)odonti( Bra(Fets and 3u/es
"!. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 1-1@ .oot Canal InstrumentsC General .e8uirements
"8. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 1-2@ Non-,terile Nitrile Gloes
"9. AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 1-"@Non-,terile +oly =inyl C)loride Gloes 6or Dentistry
#-. AN,I2ADA2I,4 ,pe(ifi(ation No. "95-C Dentistry@ Designation ,ystem 6or 3eet) And Areas
4f 3)e 4ral Caity
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1Alloy for Dental Amalgam: 200
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for alloys9 (omposed mainly of siler9 tin and2or (opper9 used in t)e
preparation of dental amalgam. 4nly (apsulated alloy is (oered under t)is spe(ifi(ation. 3)is is a maGor
reision of ,pe(ifi(ation No. 1 pu/lis)ed in 19!& and reised in 19!9. 3)e language of t)is standard is
ery (lose to t)at of I,4 1559@Alloys for Dental Amalgam 0199#1.
$)en a (apsule (ontaining mer(ury and alloy is s)aFen9 t)e mer(ury and alloy rea(t to form t)e
metal-matri% (omposite (alled dental amalgam. Dental amalgam is designed for use in dentistry as a
restoratie material for de(ayed9 fra(tured9 or eroded teet).
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 2Dental !yps"m#$onded %asting In&estments: 2002
3)is spe(ifi(ation esta/lis)es a (lassifi(ation of9 and spe(ifies re8uirements for9 gypsum-/onded
(asting inestments. It also spe(ifies test met)ods to /e used to determine (omplian(e ?it) t)ese
re8uirements. 3)is reision is an adoption of t)e I,4 !#9-<2--- for Dental Gypsum-/onded Casting
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 'Dental Inlay %asting (a): 1*+ ,-eaffirmed 200.
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for inlay (asting ?a% used in maFing patterns in t)e produ(tion of inlays and
(ro?ns. 3)is fourt) reision represents a return to t)e (lassifi(ations used in t)e se(ond reision. Also9
t)e flo? re8uirements in t)e fourt) reision are returned to t)ose des(ri/ed /y t)e se(ond reision.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. /Dental %asting Alloys: 1**0
3)is spe(ifi(ation proides a (lassifi(ation and spe(ifies re8uirements and test met)ods for
dental (asting alloys. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is a modified adoption of I,4 15&2C199"9 Dental (asting gold
alloysH and I,4 8891C19989 Dental (asting alloys ?it) no/le metal (ontent of 25 per(ent up to /ut not
in(luding !5 per(ent.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1Dental 2erc"ry: 1*+/ ,-eaffirmed 1**/.
3)is ,tandard spe(ifies t)e re8uirements and test met)ods for mer(ury suita/le for t)e
preparation of dental amalgam9 and t)e re8uirements for pa(Fing and marFing. 3)is reision is
essentially identi(al to I,4 15&-C19859 Dental 'er(ury.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 11Agar Impression 2aterials: 1**0
3)is spe(ifi(ation enumerates re8uirements for essential p)ysi(al properties and ot)er
()ara(teristi(s of impression material )aing reersi/le agar )ydro(olloid as a gel forming ingredient9
along ?it) tests spe(ified for determining (omplian(e ?it) t)ose re8uirements. It also spe(ifies
re8uirements ?it) respe(t to t)e manufa(turerBs instru(tions9 and t)e essentials for pa(Faging9 la/eling9
and marFing. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is a modified adoption of I,4 15&#C19959 Dental A8ueous Impression
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 12Dent"re $ase 3olymers: 2002
3)is spe(ifi(ation (lassifies denture /ase polymers and (opolymers and spe(ifies t)eir
re8uirements. It also spe(ifies t)e test met)ods to /e used in determining (omplian(e ?it) t)ese
re8uirements. It furt)er spe(ifies re8uirements ?it) respe(t to pa(Faging and maFing t)e produ(ts and to
t)e instru(tions to /e supplied for use of t)ese materials. 3)is reision is an adoption of t)e I,4
15&!C19999 Dentistry-Denture Base +olymers.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1Dent"re %old#%"ring -epair -esins:
1*+1 ,-eaffirmed 1***.
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for pinF and (lear denture repair resins of po?dered-li8uid type ?)i() are
used primarily for t)e repair of a(ryli( resin denture /ases. It is restri(ted for materials ?)i() (ontain
monomers and (omonomers9 usually of t)e a(ryli( type of mi%tures t)ereof9 ?)i() are (apa/le of auto-
initiated polymeriDation and ?)i() /ond to denture /ase polymers of (omposition outlined in t)e
AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 12 for Denture Base +olymers.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1'Dental $ase 2etal %asting Alloys:
1*+2 ,-eaffirmed 1**+.
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers dental /ase metal (asting alloys used in t)e fa/ri(ation of remoa/le
dental prost)eses.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1/Synt4etic 3olymer Teet4: 2000
3)is spe(ifi(ation spe(ifies a (lassifi(ation9 re8uirements and test met)ods for teet) t)at are
(omposed of synt)eti( polymers su() as polymet)yl met)a(rylate and its (opolymers9 and t)at are
manufa(tured for use in prost)eses used in dentistry. 3)is reision is an adoption of I,4 """&C199" for
Dentistry@,ynt)eti( +olymer 3eet) ?it) minor editorial ()anges.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 11Dental Impression 3aste # 5inc 6)ide#7"genol Type: 1*11
,-eaffirmed 1***.
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for dental impression paste9 t)e rea(tie ingredients of ?)i() are Din( o%ide
and eugenol. 3)e impression paste (oered /y t)is spe(ifi(ation s)all /e 3ype I 0:ard1 and 3ype II
0,oft1 as spe(ified /y t)e pur()aser.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 10Dent"re $ase Temporary -elining -esins:1*+ ,-eaffirmed
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for pinF and (lear po?der2li8uid auto-polymeriDing 0self-initiating (ure1
type )ard-setting resins used as temporary relining materials for denture /ases. 3)e soft relining
materials are not (oered /y t)is spe(ifi(ation.
ADA Specification No. 1+Alginate Impression 2aterials: 1**2
3)is spe(ifi(ation applies to dental alginate impression materials used in dentistry to maFe
impressions of teet) and tissues of t)e oral (aity. It spe(ifies re8uirements for dental materials
(ontaining an alginate as an essential gel-forming ingredient. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is identi(al to I,4 15&"C
Alginate Impression 'aterials ?it) minor editorial ()anges t)at strengt)en t)is spe(ifi(ation ?it)
respe(t to appli(ations in t)e ;nited ,tates.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1*Dental 7lastomeric Impression 2aterial: 1**
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for elastomeri( dental impression materials /ased9 for e%ample9 on
polysulfides9 polysilo%anes9 polyet)ers9 or ot)er non-a8ueous materials (apa/le to rea(ting to form a
ru//er-liFe material ?)i() (an /e used for taFing impressions. 3)e materials des(ri/ed in t)is
spe(ifi(ation are (lassed as 3ype I9 II9 or III a((ording to (ertain properties after setting.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 20Dental D"plicating 2aterial: 1*02 ,-eaffirmed 1**/.
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers t)ermo-reersi/le and nonreersi/le 0()emi(al setting1 dupli(ating
materials for use in t)e dental la/oratory. Dupli(ating materials (oered /y t)is spe(ifi(ation are
(lassified as 3ype I@t)ermo-reersi/le materials 0?)i() in(ludes Class 1@:ydro(olloidal and Class 2
@Nona8ueous organi( t)ermoplasti(1 or 3ype II@Nonreersi/le 0?)i() in(ludes Class 1@
:ydro(olloidal and Class 2@Nona8ueous organi(1.
ADA Specification No. 22Intraoral Dental -adiograp4ic 8ilm:1*1*
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for intraoral radiograp)i( film ?)i() is (oated on one or /ot) sides ?it)
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 2Dental 7)ca&ating $"rs: 1*+2 ,-eaffirmed 1***.
3)is spe(ifi(ation esta/lis)es t)e re8uirements for /urs suita/le for use ?it) straig)t and angle
dental )andpie(es.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 2'Dental $aseplate (a): 200
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for ?a% used in t)e (onstru(tion of artifi(ial dentures. 3)e ?a% (onsists
essentially of natural and synt)eti( ?a%es9 resins9 and )ydro(ar/on ?a%es of t)e paraffin series. 3)is is
t)e first (omplete reision of AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 2# sin(e it ?as approed in De(em/er 19!-.
3)is reision in(orporated t)e addendum to AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. 2# ?)i() ?as approed in
'ar() 1985.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 2/Dental !yps"m 3rod"cts: 2000
3)is spe(ifi(ation proides a (lassifi(ation of9 and spe(ifies re8uirements for9 dental gypsum
produ(ts used for dental purposes9 su() as maFing oral impressions9 moulds9 (asts9 or dies. It spe(ifies
t)e test met)ods to /e employed to determine (omplian(e ?it) t)ese re8uirements. It also in(ludes
re8uirements for t)e la/eling of pa(Faging and for ade8uate instru(tions to a((ompany ea() pa(Fage.
3)is reision is an adoption of I,4 ,tandard &8!"C1998 for Dental Gypsum +rodu(ts.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 21Dental 9#-ay 7:"ipment: 1**1 ,-eaffirmed 1***.
3)is spe(ifi(ation applies to diagnosti( 7-ray e8uipment used for intraoral radiograp)y.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 20-esin#$ased 8illing 2aterials: 1**0
3)is ,tandard spe(ifies re8uirements for dental resin-/ased restoratie materials supplied in a
form suita/le for me()ani(al mi%ing9 )and mi%ing9 or e%ternal energy a(tiation. 3)is spe(ifi(ation does
not (oer re8uirements for materials intended to preent dental (aries9 or for materials t)at are (ured
outside t)e mout).
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 2+-oot %anal 8iles and -eamers; Type < for =and >se: 2002
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for endodonti( files and reamers for )and use only )aing a ?orFing part
taper of 2 per(ent 0-.-2 millimeter per millimeter of lengt)1 as in endodonti( preparation or s)aping
operations. 3)e reision of t)is spe(ifi(ation in(ludes t)e adoption of ,pe(ifi(ation No. 28a9 .oot Canal
6iles and .eamers9 3ype I Addendum pu/lis)ed in 199&.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 0Dental 5inc 6)ide # 7"genol and 5ince 6)ide # Non#7"genol
%ements: 2000
3)is standard spe(ifies t)e re8uirements and test met)ods for Din( o%ide@eugenol or Din( o%ide
@non-eugenol (ements supplied as t?o separate (omponents t)at may /e eit)er po?der2li8uid or
paste2paste and are suita/le for use in t)e oral (aity. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is essentially identi(al to I,4
"1-!9 Dental *in( 4%ide-5ugenol Cements and *in( 4%ide Non-5ugenol Cements. 3)e e%(eptions are
noted in t)e 6ore?ord.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 26rt4odontic (ires: 2000
3)is spe(ifi(ation pertains to all metalli( ?ires as (omponents of fi%ed9 intra-oral9 ort)odonti(
applian(es ?it) e%(eption of 0metalli(1 ligatures. In 19999 AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. "2<19!! for
4rt)odonti( $ires Not Containing +re(ious 'etals ?as ?it)dra?n from t)e A,C 'D15& ?orF
program as an outdated spe(ifi(ation. 3)e $orFing Group 1.! 4rt)odonti( 'aterials of ,u/(ommittee 1
of ADA ,CD+ reie?ed AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. "29 DIN 1"9!- and A, 19&#<19!!. 3)e
maGority of t)e ?orFing group (ould not a((ept eit)er t)e DIN or t)e A, as presently (onstituted and
deeloped t)is ne? reised spe(ifi(ation.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. Dental 3rod"ct Standards De&elopment ?oca@"lary: 200
3)e /ulF of t)e terms and definitions 03D5s1 in t)is reision of AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. ""
relate to produ(ts9 pro(edures and testing of produ(ts used in dentistry. 3)is effort to update and
standardiDe t)e nomen(lature for dental produ(ts and testing s)ould permit t)e aut)ors of t)e arious
spe(ifi(ations and standards to dis(uss t)eir (on(epts and pro(edures so t)ey ?ill /e understood /y t)ose
?)o must read and interpret t)ese do(uments and test t)e produ(ts to determine if t)ey are suita/le for
t)e purpose intended.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 'Dental Aspirating Syringes: 1*0+ ,-eaffirmed 2000.
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers t)e re8uirements for dei(es t)at are (apa/le of aspiration and are used
for parenteral inGe(tions in dentistry.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 0Dental A@rasi&e 3oAders: 1*+1 ,-eaffirmed 2001.
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for po?dered a/rasie materials used in dentistry for remoing stains and
gross s(rat()es from natural toot) stru(tures and prost)eses /ut not in(luding materials used in
la/oratory /lasting pro(esses. 3)ese materials are diided into types depending on t)e intended manner
of use and furt)er su/-diided into (lasses /ased upon t)e predominant a/rasie agent present in t)e
ANSI/ADA Specification No. +2etal#%eramic Dental -estorati&e Systems: 2000
3)is standard spe(ifies re8uirements and test met)ods for dental metalli( materials pro(essed /y
(asting or ma()ining9 and for (erami(s suita/le for use in t)e fa/ri(ation of metal-(erami( dental
restorations9 toget)er ?it) re8uirements and test met)ods for t)e (omposite stru(ture. 3)e re8uirements
of t)is standard apply to t)e metalli( materials and (erami(s ?)en used in (om/ination9 and (omplian(e
may not /e (laimed for eit)er metalli( materials or for (erami(s alone. 3)is reision is essentially an
adoption of I,4C 9&9"9 'etal-Cerami( Dental .estoratie ,ystems ?it) minor editorial ()anges noted
in t)e 6ore?ord.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. *3it and 8iss"re Sealants: 1**2 ,-eaffirmed 1***.
3)is standard spe(ifies re8uirements and test met)ods for resin-/ased materials suita/le for
sealing pits and fissures in teet). 3)is standard (oers /ot) ()emi(ally (ured and e%ternal-energy-(ured
resin-/ased materials. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 &8!#C19889 Dental .esin-Based +it and
6issure ,ealants.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. '1$iological 7&al"ation of Dental 2aterials: 1*0* ,-eaffirmed
3)is do(ument (oers re(ommended standard pra(ti(es for /iologi(al ealuation of t)e safety of
materials used in dentistry and is not intended for use in t)e ealuation of p)arma(ologi(ally a(tie
ANSI/ADA Specification No. '2Dental 34osp4ate#$onded %asting In&estments: 2002
3)is spe(ifi(ation (lassifies dental p)osp)ate-/onded (asting inestments into t?o types
a((ording to t)e intended use. It spe(ifies re8uirements for t)e essential p)ysi(al properties of t)e
inestment and t)e test met)ods to /e used to determine t)ese properties. It also in(ludes a re8uirement
for ade8uate instru(tions to a((ompany ea() pa(Fage. 3)is reision is an adoption of t)e I,4 9&9#<
199& for Dental +)osp)ate-Bonded Casting Inestments.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. '7lectrically 3oAered Dental Amalgamators: 1*+1 ,-eaffirmed
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for me()ani(al dental amalgamators used for t)e mi%ing of alloy and
mer(ury to maFe dental amalgam. It in(ludes multipurpose dei(es /ut is restri(ted to t)eir fun(tion of
triturating alloy and mer(ury to produ(e dental amalgam.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. ''Dental 7lectros"rgical 7:"ipment: 1***
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers t)e minimal re8uirements for dental ele(trosurgi(al dei(es t)at operate
in t)e 1.5 to # ':D fre8uen(y range and )ae a ma%imum po?er output (apa/ility of 1-- ?atts or less9
/ut not less t)an a ma%imum (apa/ility of 5- ?atts9 and are used prin(ipally in t)e oral (aity for
performing (lini(al dental ele(tro-surgery pro(edures /y /i-terminal te()ni8ue.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. '1Dental %4airs: 200
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers t)e re8uirements for dental patient ()airs9 /ut does not (oer a((essory
atta()ments e%(ept t)ose (omponents ?)i() are (onsidered an integral part of t)e ()air su() as )eadrest9
(us)ion9 armrests9 and (ontrols.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. '0Dental >nits: 1*+ ,-eaffirmed 200.
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers t)e re8uirements for all e8uipment used for deliering and storing
dynami( and stati( instruments9 su() as )andpie(es9 syringes9 amalgamators9 salia eGe(tors9 or )ig)
olume ea(uators.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. '+?isi@le Big4t %"ring >nits: 1*+ ,-eaffirmed 1*+*.
3)is spe(ifi(ation gies re8uirements and test met)ods for polymeriDation a(tiators ?it)
po?ered tungsten-)alogen lamps in t)e /lue ?aelengt) region intended for ()airside use in
polymeriDation of dental resin-/ased materials. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is also appli(a/le to re()argea/le
/attery-po?ered polymeriDation a(tiators. It does not (oer po?ered polymeriDation a(tiators used in
la/oratory fa/ri(ation of indire(t restorations9 eneers9 dentures or ot)er oral dental applian(es.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. /3olymer#$ased %roAns and $ridge -esins: 1***
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers polymer-/ased (ro?n and /ridge materials for la/oratory-fa/ri(ated
permanent fa(ings or anterior (ro?ns ?)i() may or may not /e atta()ed to a metal su/stru(ture. 3)is
spe(ifi(ation also applies to polymer-/ased (ro?n and /ridge materials for ?)i() t)e manufa(turer
(laims ad)esion to t)e metal si/-frame ?it)out ma(rome()ani(al retention9 su() as /eads or ?ires. 3)is
spe(ifi(ation furt)er (lassifies polymer-/ased (ro?n and /ridge materials and spe(ifies t)e
re8uirementsH it also spe(ifies t)e test met)ods to /e used to determine (omplian(e ?it) t)ese
re8uirements. 3)e spe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 1-#!!C19929 and 1-#!! Amendment 1C1998.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. /'Do"@le#3ointed; 3arenteral; Single >se Needles for Dentistry:
1*+1 ,-eaffirmed 2000.
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers sterile9 single-use9 indiidually-pa(Faged9 dou/le-pointed needles ?it)
a means of se(ure atta()ment to (artridge-type syringes used for dental9 regional9 anest)eti( inGe(tions.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. /07ndodontic Sealing 2aterial: 2000
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for materials used in endodonti(s ?it)in t)e toot) to seal t)e root (anal
spa(e. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 &8!&C2--19 Dental .oot Canal ,ealing 'aterials.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. /+-oot %anal 8iles; Type = ,=edstrom.: 1**0
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for endodonti( :edstrom files for )and use only as used in endodonti(
preparation or s)aping operations.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 12Dental A@rasi&e 3astes
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for in-offi(e a/rasie pastes used in dentistry for remoing stains and ot)er
e%ogenous materials from natural toot) stru(tures and prost)eses.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1-oot %anal $ar@ed $roac4es and -asps: 1***
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for root (anal instruments for )and use utiliDed in endodonti( preparation.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1*Dental %eramic: 1***
3)is standard spe(ifies t)e re8uirements and (orresponding test met)ods for dental (erami(
materials for all fi%ed (erami( restorations. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is essentially an adoption of t)e I,4
&8!2C1995 as modified /y amendment and (orrigendum. Bot) t)e amendment and related (orrigendum
deal ?it) radioa(tiity assessment and limits.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 00Dental 9#-ay 3rotecti&e Aprons and Accessory De&ices: 1***
3)is spe(ifi(ation applies to dental 7-ray prote(tie aprons and a((essory dei(es9 su() as
t)yroid (ollars and t)yroid s)ields used in dentistry t)at prote(t t)e patient9 as mu() as feasi/le9 from t)e
)armful effe(ts of dental diagnosti( 7-radiation. It spe(ifies t)e re8uirements for 7-radiation a/sorption
and t)e areas of anatomy t)at t)e aprons and t)yroid (ollars prote(t.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 01-oot %anal 8illing %ondensers ,3l"ggers and Spreaders.: 2001
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for root (anal instruments for finger or )and@used to (ompa(t root (anal
filling materials. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is a modified adoption of I,4 "&"-<"C199#9 Dental .oot Canal
instruments@+art "C Condensers9 +luggers and ,preaders.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 0Dental A@sor@ent 3oints: 2001 ,-eaffirmed 2002.
3)is reision in(ludes agreement ?it) t)e a(tion of t)e I,4 ?orFing group for 5ndodonti(
'aterials /y t)e addition of Jnon-medi(atedJ instead of JsteriliDedJ a/sor/ent points9 and test met)ods
for sterility and of /iologi(al )aDards )ae /een eliminated. During preparation of t)is reision9 t)e
mem/ers of t)e ?orFing group dis(ussed ea() differen(e /et?een t)e original AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation
No. !" and I,4 !5519 Dental A/sor/ent +oints@199& in an effort to?ards )armoniDation.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 0'Dental 6peratorCs Stool: 2002
3)is standard spe(ifies re8uirements9 re(ommendations and met)ods for dental operatorBs stools
as ?ell as re8uirements for manufa(turerBs instru(tions9 marFing and pa(Faging. It (oers also
re(ommendations to manufa(turers on t)e design of tools. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is /asi(ally an adoption of
I,4 ,tandard !#9"C199!9 Dental 4peratorBs ,tool ?it) some minor ()anges t)at are outlined in t)e
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 0/-esilient Bining 2aterials for -emo&a@le Dent"res # 3art 1:
S4ort Term 2aterials: 1**0 ,-eaffirmed 200.
3)is part of AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation No. !5 spe(ifies re8uirements for t)e p)ysi(al properties9
test met)ods9 pa(Faging9 marFing and manufa(turerBs instru(tions for denture lining materials suita/le
for s)ort-term use. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 1-1"921C19919 Dentistry@,)ort-3erm
.esilient Aining 'aterials for .emoa/le Dentures.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 01Non#Sterile Nat"ral -"@@er Bate) !lo&es 8or Dentistry: 2002
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers non-sterile ru//er late% gloes suita/le for dentistry. 3)is reision is
designed to /ring t)e spe(ifi(ation into (onforman(e ?it) reisions to A,3' D-"5!8 t)at )ae o((urred
sin(e it ?as issued and refle(t t)e adan(es in gloe te()nology em/odied in t)ese reisions.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 0+7ndodontic 6@t"rating %ones: 2000
3)is standard spe(ifies t)e dimensions and re8uirements for prefa/ri(ated metalli( or polymeri(-
/ased (ones suita/le for use in t)e o/turation of a root (anal system restoration. It also spe(ifies
numeri(al systems and a (olor (oding system for designating t)e siDes. 3)is reision in(ludes
)armoniDation ?it) t)e a(tion of t)e I,4 ?orFing group for 5ndodonti( 'aterials /y moing referen(e
of /iologi(al aspe(ts from t)e /ody of t)e do(ument to t)e introdu(tion and elimination of t)e 3ype and
Class distin(tions. 3)is spe(ifi(ation9 as reised9 is in )armony ?it) I,4 &8!! e%(ept for t)e designation
utiliDed for t)e arious diameters.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. +0Dental 2aterials # Determination of %olor Sta@ility: 2001
3)is standard spe(ifies a pro(edure for determining t)e (olor sta/ility of dental materials after
e%posure to lig)t or ?ater. 3)is reision is an adoption of I,4 !#919 Dental 'aterials@Determination
of Color ,ta/ility ?it) minor editorial ()anges.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. +2Dental -e&ersi@le/Irre&ersi@le =ydrocolloid Impression
2aterial Systems: 1**+ ,-eaffirmed 200.
3)is spe(ifi(ation applies to t)e syringea/le agar impression materials ?)i() )ae /een
formulated su() t)at t)ey ?ill /ond to ea() ot)er ?)en used in (om/ination to form elasti( impressions
of oral tissues. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 1"!1&C19999 .eersi/le-Irreersi/le
:ydro(olloid Impression 'aterial ,ystems.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. +/#3art 1Disposa@le 3rop4y Angles
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers disposa/le prop)y angles suita/le for a dental )ygienist or dentist to
use in (onGun(tion ?it) a doriot style )andpie(e during t)e final stages of a dental (leaning.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. +0Dental Impression Trays: 1**/
3)is spe(ifi(ation applies to reusa/le and disposa/le impression trays used in dentistry for
deliering impression materials into t)e oral (aity for t)e purpose of maFing impressions 0negatie
(opies1 of teet) and oral tissues. It applies to trays made of plasti(9 aluminum9 stainless steel and ni(Fel
or ()rome plated /rass for t)e purposes of full ar() dentulous or edentulous9 partially edentulous9 partial
ar() and ?ater (ooled impressions.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. ++Dental $raDing Alloys: 2000
3)is standard spe(ifies re8uirements and test met)ods for /raDing filler alloys suita/le for use in
/raDing (ast dental restorations. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 9"""C199-9 Dental BraDing
ANSI/ADA Specification No. +*Dental 6perating Big4ts: 1***
3)is standard applies to dental operating lig)ts9 )o?eer (onstru(ted9 used for illuminating t)e
oral (aity. It spe(ifies re8uirements and test met)ods. It also (ontains spe(ifi(ations on manufa(turerBs
instru(tion9 marFing and pa(Faging. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is /asi(ally an adoption of I,4 9&8- ?it) some
minor ()anges noted in t)e 6ore?ord.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. *1Dental 7t4yl Silicate $onded %asting
In&estment: 1***
3)is standard spe(ifies a met)od for et)yl sili(ate /onded (asting inestments to /e assessed for
t)eir effi(a(y for (asting dental /ase metal alloy restorations. 3)is standard applies to et)yl sili(ate
/onded inestments used in t)e fa/ri(ation of dental /ase metal (asting alloy restorations. 3)is standard
also spe(ifies re8uirements for t)e essential p)ysi(al properties o t)e inestment and met)ods for )eir
determination. It furt)er in(ludes re8uirements for ade8uate instru(tions to a((ompany ea() (ontainer.
3)is spe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 112#&C199&. Dental 5t)yl ,ili(ate Casting Inestments.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. *2Dental 34osp4ate#$onded -efractory Die 2aterials: 2002
3)is spe(ifi(ation is appli(a/le to p)osp)ate /onded refra(tory die materials used in t)e
produ(tion of dental restorations /y a sintering te()ni8ue. 3)is reision is an adoption of I,4
112#5C1999 for Dental .estorations@+)osp)ate-/onded .efra(tory Die 'aterials.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. *Dental $raDing In&estments: 2000
3)is spe(ifi(ation esta/lis)es a (lassifi(ation of and spe(ifies re8uirements for dental /raDing
inestments. It spe(ifies test met)ods to /e used to determine (omplian(e ?it) t)ese re8uirements. It
also lists information ?)i() s)all /e in(luded in t)e manufa(turerBs instru(tions and gies re8uirements
for la/eling. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 112##C19989 Dental ,oldering Inestments.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. *'Dental %ompressed Air E"ality: 1**1 ,-eaffirmed 200.
3)is spe(ifi(ation applies to all (ompressed air used in t)e dental offi(e to po?er dental
e8uipment and la/oratory e8uipment and to dry oral stru(tures. It does not apply to (ompressed air used
to supply /reat)a/le air and s)ould neer /e used to support life 0e.g.9 'edi(al Compressed Air1.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. */-oot %anal 7nlargers: 200
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for root (anal instruments used me()ani(ally to a((ess an enlarge (anals.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. *1Dental (ater#$ased %ements: 2000
3)is standard spe(ifies re8uirements for (ertain types of dental (ements9 in(luding /ot) )and-
mi%ed and (apsulated (ements for t)e me()ani(al mi%ing9 t)at are intended for permanent (ementation9
lining and restoration9 and t)at effe(t setting only /y an a8ueous a(id-/ase rea(tion. 3)is spe(ifi(ation is
an adoption of I,4 991!C19919 Dental $ater-Based Cements.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. *0%orrosion Test 2et4ods: 2002
3)is standard proides test met)ods and proto(ols to determine t)e (orrosion /e)aior of all
metalli( materials used in restoratie9 prost)eti( and ort)odonti( dentistry in t)e oral (aity9 in(luding
(ast9 ma()ined and prefa/ri(ated dei(es. 3)is reision is an adoption of t)e I,4 1-2!1C2--1 for Dental
'etalli( 'aterials@Corrosion 3est 'et)ods.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. **At4letic 2o"t4 3rotectors and 2aterials: 2001
3)is spe(ifi(ation is for t)ermoplasti( or t)ermosetting polymeri( materials9 ?it) or ?it)out a
polymeri( s)ell9 t)at are (apa/le of /eing formed into an at)leti( mout) prote(tor9 eit)er on a model of
t)e teet) or in t)e mout) dire(tly on t)e teet). It also spe(ifies re8uirements for manufa(turerBs
instru(tions and for pa(Faging9 la/eling9 and marFeting.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 1006rt4odontic $racFets and T"@es
3)is spe(ifi(ation pertains to /ra(Fets and tu/es as (omponents of t)e ort)odonti( applian(e.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 101-oot %anal Instr"ments: !eneral
-e:"irements: 2001
3)is standard spe(ifies re8uirements and test met)ods for )and or me()ani(ally operated
instruments for root (anal s)aping and (leaning )aing designs or materials ?)i() are not in(luded
?it)in t)e proisions of AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation Nos. 28 and 58. 3)e purpose of t)is standard is to
proide a do(ument to identify met)ods for siDe and produ(t designation9 safety (onsiderations9 for
e%ample9 minimum re8uirements for fra(ture for(es9 fle%i/ility9 and instru(tions2la/eling.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 102Non#Sterile Nitrile !lo&es: 1***
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers non-sterile gloes suita/le for dentistry t)at do not (ontain any natural
ru//er late%.
ANSI/ADA Specification No. 10Non#Sterile 3oly ?inyl %4loride !lo&es 8or Dentistry: 2001
3)is spe(ifi(ation (oers non-sterile poly inyl ()loride gloes suita/le for dentistry. 3)is
reision is designed to refle(t t)e in(reased (on(erns for performan(e of synt)eti( gloes as /arriers to
/lood- and fluid-/orne pat)ogens.
ANSI/ADA/IS6 Specification No. */0: DentistryDesignation System 8or Teet4 And Areas 6f
T4e 6ral %a&ity: 1**0
3)is AN,I2ADA ,pe(ifi(ation is an adoption of I,4 "95-<198#. 3)is spe(ifi(ation proides a
system for designating teet) or areas of t)e oral (aity using t?o digits. It also proides a system for
designating surfa(es of t)e teet) using letters of t)e alp)a/et.

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