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27 Responses to The Weekly LitWit Challenge 6.

3: Letter to your ex, part 2

(p!ate!. "x# is the $agi% &or!.' #
1. ( ) *o$elia Says:
July 5th, 2011 at 05:22
Ano ngayon ang lasa ng luto sa patis? Na hindi tinola? Makati sa labi ano?
P.S. Huag na huag !o akong hahalikan pag nagkita tayo. "tang na loob. Ala! ko kung saan
galing yang lips !o. Pl#as# lang.
2. ( 2 +essi%a,a-ra Says:
July 5th, 2011 at 0$:%0
Ayyy. &u# 'So!#on# (ik# )ou* by Ad#l#.
3. ( 3 pussy&agon Says:
July 5th, 2011 at 11:51
+,ot# this on# al!ost to y#a,s ago, -ust !ad# so!# .# #dits. Might as #ll .ind a us# .o, it/
)ou !ad# !# ,#ali0# ho 1uln#,abl# 2 ,#ally a! h#n it 3o!#s to inti!a3y and !ad# !# 3o!!it
th# !ost 3,u#l d##ds 2 #1#, did on th# !al# #go .241# !o,ph#d into so!#body 2 ha,dly ,#3ogni0#
any!o,#. 241# alays b##n st,ong, y#s, but 2 as n#1#, b,utal and h#a,tl#ss. Sudd#nly, it !ad# no
s#ns# to hold ba3k !y da,k sid#. 2 sa no ,#ason to b#sto !#,3y on p#opl# ho don4t d#s#,1# it.
2 ,#ali0#d th#,#4s no point in holding you,s#l. ba3k .,o! ishing so!#body d#ad.
2 still p,ay .o, you, unti!#ly d#!is#. 24d gi1# anything to s## you .loating on th# Pasig 5i1#,, o,
sp,al#d nak#d on so!# gutt#, and b#at#n to un,#3ogni0abl# pulp. 2. you only kno ho !u3h 2
still d#t#st th# 1#,y id#a o. you, 3ontinu#d #6ist#n3#, you4ll hi,# so!#on# to sta,t you, 3a, #1#,y
!o,ning. Alays k##p that in !ind. 7h# b#st bi,thday gi.t ould b# you, s#1#,#d h#ad on !y d#sk
and th# knol#dg# that you ha1# su..#,#d so !u3h .,o! you, o,d#al.
241# b##n stupid #nough to l#t an und#s#,1ing s3h!u3k lik# you #nt#, !y li.# and ,#ak ha1o3 on
!y pu,# int#ntions and lo1ing h#a,t. 2 #6t,a3t#d !y ,#1#ng# and 3aus#d 3onsid#,abl# da!ag# on
you, li.# and y#t8 2 .##l good about it. Not b#3aus# 241# b#3o!# hop#l#ssly #1il, but b#3aus# .o,
th# .i,st ti!# in so !any y#a,s, 241# l#a,n#d ho to .ight ba3k .o, th# sak# o. !y dignity. 241#
l#a,n#d that although !a,ty,do! ,uns in !y .a!ily, 24! si!ply not !#ant to -oin th#i, ,anks.
9#ing a doo,!at is not !y d#stiny, i. 24! in3lin#d to b#li#1# in su3h things.
A l#ss#, o!an ould b# sitting on a sh,ink4s 3ou3h ,ight no and boo:hooing h#, #y#s out. A
l#ss#, o!an ould ha1# d,unk h#,s#l. to stupo, and s3,# th# .i,st a1ailabl# !an -ust to tak# a
b,#ak .,o! th# unb#a,abl# lon#lin#ss. H#ll, a l#ss#, o!an ould ha1# d,an a gun and blast#d
h#, b,ains out.
2 didn4t do any o. th#s# things. Sh,inks a,# too #6p#nsi1#; 24ll l#a1# th#! to thos# p#opl# ho
spill#d th#i, issu#s on <p,ah and 7y,a4s 3ou3h#s. And 24! too !u3h o. an <& to l#t !y b,ains spill
out on th# .loo, and 3,#at# a totally g,ot#s=u# !#ss. 2!agin# ho !any bottl#s o. (ysol it ould
n##d to ,#!o1# th# bits and pi#3#s 3o!pl#t#ly, n#1#, !ind that so!#on# #ls# ill a3tually do th#
3l#aning. No, thank you. +hat#1#, p,#ssu,#s 2 ha1# 3an b# d#alt ith by g#tting d,unk on 5#d
Ho,s# ith th# 3o!pany o. !y .# but 1#,y ,#liabl# and t,usto,thy .,i#nds.
S#l.:pity is not in !y 1o3abula,y. 2t n#1#, ill b#. 241# alk#d out on p#opl# lik# you ho didn4t
ha1# !y b#st int#,#sts at h#a,t and ,oyally ga1# y4all th# .ing#,. 2 3an4t b# d#st,oy#d. No s#a, this
to you, b,ain and !ak# su,# you don4t 3o!# n#a, t#n:!il# ,adius o. !y ho!# #1#, again.
4. ( . great%ornholio Says:
July 5th, 2011 at 1>:?>
@#a, A6,
24! don# o1#,thinking hy you 3hos# a 7aong B#ba o1#, !#. 24! don# asking hy you 3hos# to
'!ak# things ,ight* ith 7B o1#, !# h#n it is 2 you d#3#i1#d. 24! th,ough b#ing th#,# .o, you
h#n 7B b#ats you up and s=u##0#s you d,y. 24! don# putting you tog#th#, h#n you4,# b,ok#n.
My should#,s a,# not .o, you to 3,y on any!o,#. Stay aay .,o! !#.
24! don# thinking hy you4,# so 3o!pli3at#d o, hy you s##! to 3hoos# situations that ill !ak#
you su..#,. Mayb# pain !ak#s you .##l ali1# o, it dist,a3ts you .,o! you, ai!l#ss li.#. Mayb# you,
daddy issu#s .u3k#d you up so bad. Co, hat it4s o,th, 2 al,#ady stopp#d 3a,ing.
Mayb# th#,#4s a phas# in any !an4s li.# that h#4d .all .o, th# ,ong so,t o. o!an. Silly !# .o,
doing that o1#, and o1#, ith you.
So!#thing you !ust kno in 3as# it hadn4t dan#d on you y#t: you4,# not !aking things ,ight,
you -ust ant to b# in situations that ill !ak# you su..#,.
2 .#lt you lo1#d !# !ost h#n th,#ats to ou, ,#lationship 3a!# along. )ou ant !y ti!# and
att#ntion h#n 24! 3aught up ith so!#thing #ls#. )ou n#1#, ,#1#l in happy, 3ont#nt#d !o!#nts.
+# ha1# to b# .ull o. 3on.li3t .o, us to o,k. )ou hat#d lab#ls. And hat th# h#ll is '3asual*
anyay h#n #4,# so #!otionally in1#st#d? <h ait, it as -ust !#.
)ou said you n#1#, ant#d to s#ttl# don but you s#ttl#d don ith 7B. +ith this in !ind 2 hop#
you4,# t,uly happy no. 2 hop# hindi ka na utangan ng pa!ilya nya to s#nd o.. h#, @H sist#, to
Hongkong. 2 hop# you 3ontinu# to .##l lik# a sa1io, h#n you gi1# h#, poo, path#ti3 bo,ing
p,o1in3ial !o! n# things. 7hanking you ith t#a,s in h#, #y#s .o, th# n# dust#,s and h#, 500
p#sos. Ho da,# you 3o!pa,# that ,otting 3at dung to !y !oth#,. 2 hop# 7B do#sn4t g#t s#6ually
!ol#st#d again and on4t b,#ak don b#3aus# o. this as o.t#n. <h y#ah, lo1# that .a3t, huh? 2 b#t
that -ust ga1# you a !ini:gas!. 2 hop# you .ind !#aning in you, high paying 3all 3#nt#, 3usto!#,
suppo,t -ob. @on4t .o,g#t to '!a4a!Dsi,* #1#,y 3u,sing A!#,i3an and s#,1# th#! ith you,
inning s!il#. 2 hop# h# .inds !#aning as #ll in his 12,000 a !onth taga ti!pla ng kap# -ob in
that bot#Ddya,yo .a3to,y. 2 hop# h# st,aight#ns out and n#1#, lays a .ing#, on you again. 9ut you
ouldn4t lik# any o. that, ould you?
5. ( / pelikula76 Says:
July 5th, 2011 at 22:2E
@#a, A6,
2n a past li.#, ,ight a.t#, you l#.t !#, 2 b#3a!# a .olk sing#,.
+ay ba3k in thos# glo,ious y#a,s o. 3oll#g#, 2 us#d to li1# in a s!all ton south o. Manila h#,#
d,inks #,# 3h#ap, s#6 as a ,o!p don th# .#,tility t,##, lo1# .#lt
.o,#1#, and .,i#ndships #,# gold#n. 2t didn4t !att#, that hal. th#
population o. that uni1#,sity #6t#nd#d th#i, stay in s3hool by a
3oupl# o. y#a,s o, so. 7h# kids #,# li1ing it, #6p#,i#n3ing
#1#,ything .o, th# .i,st ti!#, g#tting hu,t, b#ing lo1#d and 3,aling
d,unk to th#i, do,!s #1#,y night. 2 us#d to sing to a !otl#y 3,od o.
ston#,s, d,unks and hippi# 3oll#g# kids out .o, a 3h#ap b##,. 2
s#,#nad#d th#! ith Ja!#s 7aylo,, Si!on and Fa,.unk#l, @ust in th#
ind, &at St#1#ns and #1#,y oth#, long:hai,#d s#1#nti#s dud#:sing#,
you 3ould think o..
(ong b#.o,# that da!n#d M3@onald4s 3o!!#,3ial 3o:opt#d No#l &abangon
and Banlungan G Hth# song that !ad# hi! .a!ous asn4t #1#n hisI G it
as #1#,y on#4s lo1# song on 3a!pus. 7h# s##t pa#an to youth and
young lo1# as knon to #1#,y tibak, 3a!pus a3ti1ist, o,th his salt.
7og#th#, ith th# agit:p,op anth#!s o. Patatag, th# #n1i,o:po#thni3
!usings o. Jo#y Ayala and th# so3i#tal obs#,1ations o. Fa,y F,anada,
9uklod, a th,##:pi#3# .olk g,oup ith l#.tist d#si,#s, #,# !ainstays
in th# ,adio station o. ou, 3hoi3#, th# lat#, la!#nt#d, @+(A 105.>.
Su,# th#i, tap#s #,# a1ailabl# in th# Stud#nt "nion sto,# but
list#ning lat# at night to th# ,adio, in th# lon#ly o. ou,
do,!ito,i#s, th# sound .,o! th# only ,adio at th# #nd o. th# hall
#3ho#d and boun3#d th,ough thin alls and #!b#dd#d th# ly,i3s in ou,
h#a,ts, still b#ating in thos# p,#:dan hou,s.
A1#,yon# o,# th#i, hai, long, g,# b#a,ds and l#a,n#d to play guita,.
2nto this 3li=u# 2 as bo,n and th#i, o,ld sallo#d !# hol#. 2t
asn4t .o, th# st,uggl#. 2t asn4t .o, th# philosophi#s. 2t as
si!ply, .o, lo1#. )ou #,# old#, than !# by to y#a,s. )ou had so!#on#
but h# l#.t you .o, g,##n#, pastu,#s ith only a p,o!is# .o, you to
hold on to. So you #,# lon#ly and 2 as a ho,ndog. 2t took to !onths
o. us going out and playing naJ1# b#.o,# you taught !# th# int,i3a3i#s
o. th# a3t and !# losing it to s#3onds a.t#, 2 got in you, doo,. 7h#
n#6t .# days as a hi,l. +# n#1#, l#.t th# ,oo!, only to #at, and
th#n # 3a!# ba3k and =u#n3h#d ou, insatiabl# .i,#s.
2 as young, i!p,#ssionabl# and 2 li1#d .o, you . So on# day 2 .ind
!ys#l. indo3t,inat#d, so,n and painting ,#d slogans at ungodly hou,s
along 3a!pus alls. 2 as in lo1# and 2 l#a,n#d to play !y guita,
#a,n#stly hil# you sang. Not long a.t#,, 2 as a d#signat#d guita,ist
.o, ,alli#s, p,og,a!s and o,i#ntations. 9ut as all lo1# songs .ad#, !y
sto,y #nds b,ok#n by th# i!p#nding ,#tu,n o. th# oth#, guy and !y lo1#
aking up to th# ,#ali0ation that you ant#d to b# ith hi! .o, th#
,#st o. th#i, li1#s.
2 still ,#!#!b#, that !o!#nt as i. it as y#st#,day. +# att#nd#d a
ak# .o, a 3o!,ad# .all#n in th# st,uggl#. A.t#, ou, p,og,a!, you sat
in th# ba3k o. th# -##p that as to tak# th# g,oup ho!#. 2t as
?:2%a! and 2 h#ld on to h#, hand hil# th# d,i00l# sta,t#d to #6plod#
into .ull:.l#dg#d ,ain. 7#a,s #,# #lling up in !y #y#s and 2 sa you
!outhing th# o,ds goodby# as th# 1#hi3l# !o1#d on b,#aking ou, g,asp.
Panapanahon ng pagkakataon
Maibabalik ba ang kahapon?
And so 2 ak# up hung o1#, .,o! th# #6p#,i#n3#, th# kind o. h#ada3h#
that last .o, y#a,s. 2 sang !y so,,os in th# .olk d#ns, got lost in
th# songs, d,on#d !ys#l. in b,# and ha,d#n#d !y h#a,t .o, th# long
haul o. li.# ah#ad.
Cu3k you, but thank you .o, th# l#ssons.
6. ( 6 totoylo0er Says:
July Eth, 2011 at 02:0>
7o My Mistak#n A3sta3y Ha.k.a A6I
2 as inno3#nt and nai1#.
)ou #,# #3sta3y passing ,ight b#.o,# !y 1#,y #y#s.
!y not:so:p,in3#:3ha,!ing should#,
only too illing .o, a da!s#l in dist,#ss lik# you.
So it b#gun ou, 3o!pli3at#d,.
)ou .,##d !# .,o! inno3#n3#,
So d#li3ious and 3onsu!ing.
9ut in th# #nd
)ou #,# !o,# lik# S7@.
A sho,t li1#d pl#asu,#
.o, a long ti!# o. ,#g,#t.
7. ( 7 +essi%a,a-ra Says:
July Eth, 2011 at 15:?E
+# think # kno hy sh# split.
8. ( 1 rani Says:
July Eth, 2011 at 21:%E
@#a, #6,
)ou still go a,ound b,agging about !# Kliking4 you.
A.t#, all th#s# y#a,s, 2 still hat# you .o, not knoing ho ,ight you a,#.
9. ( 2 iska3.)66 Says:
July Eth, 2011 at 2?:5?
(#tt#,s to #6 no. 1
Food thing that you b,ok# up ith !# and !a,,i#d hat4s h#, na!#. At l#ast 2 a! not th# i.#
ho has a husband ith a s#3,#t Ca3#book a33ount hi3h says 'in a ,#lationship ith Hna!# o.
gi,lI ho is not !#.
2t4s b##n 15 y#a,s sin3# # b,ok# up and t,u# to .o,! 2 a! still th# on# ho inad1#,t#ntly .inds out
about you, indis3,#tions. )ou ha1#n4t 3hang#d you, ays and it4s ,#ally a bl#ssing in disguis# that
# b,ok# up.
(#tt#, to #6 no. 2
)ou4,# no b#tt#, than #6 no. 1 H2 bla!# !y ,aging ho,!on#s at th# ti!#I. +hat a hypo3,it# you
#,# t#lling !# that you4,# not th# !a,,ying typ#, only to .ind out that you al,#ady p,opos#d to
you, soon:to:b# i.# hil# # #,# still a 3oupl#. 9ut 2 b#li#1# in ka,!a, ho d#li3ious it as to
h#a, that you susp#3t you, i.# o. ha1ing an, ith anoth#, !an. S3had#n.,#ud# ind##d/
10. ( )3 starla4ph Says:
July Lth, 2011 at 01:%?
@#a, A1il Span,
(ong b#.o,# 2 !#t you, a .o,tun# t#ll#, told !# that 2 ould up !a,,ying !y thi,d boy.,i#nd. 2
didn4t b#li#1# it th#n, but h#n 2 !#t you, 2 did. <, ant#d to. 9#3aus# t#3hni3ally, you #,# not
!y thi,d boy.,i#nd, 2 3ount#d that !ild .li,tation ith th# 3ut# 9os3onian, although #
didn4t ,#ally go st#ady. 2 !ad# !ys#l. b#li#1# you #,# th# thi,d, b#3aus# 2 lo1#d you a lot, d#spit#
th# .a3t that !any p#opl# said # #,#n4t at th# sa!# int#ll#3tual Hand !atu,ityI l#1#l. +ith !#
b#ing th# !o,# sup#,io, on#, ob1iously.
9#3aus# ho in th#i, ,ight !ind ould sl##p ith al!ost #1#,y Cilipino gi,l in Singapo,# hil#
p,o.#ssing th#i, lo1# .o, th# gi,l.,i#nd th#y l#.t b#hind in Manila? Su,#, 2 .ollo#d you a .#
!onths lat#,. <n# ould think you4d stop you,,s. 9ut not you. )ou #nt b#hind !y ba3k and
li#d to !# all thos# !onths b#3aus# 'you didn4t ant to hu,t !#*.
7h# s!a,t#, ay ould ha1# b##n to 3ut !# o.. 3o!pl#t#ly. )ou 3ould ha1# -ust b,ok#n up ith
!#, n#1#, !ind not t#lling !# about you,,s. Just a 3l#an b,#ak.
9ut you didn4t !ak# it a 3l#an on#. )ou had to sho1# a kni.# th,ough !y h#a,t, and tist it a,ound
to !ak# !# hu,t a littl# !o,#. 7h# kni.# b#ing th# .a3t that you #,# sl##ping ith that oth#, #1il
span, ho! 2 ,#ally t,i#d to b#.,i#nd b#3aus# sh# as !y o..i3#!at#, b#3aus# 2 thought sh# as
3ool and you ouldn4t sta,t an, ith h#,. 9#3aus# sh# as MA552A@. (#t4s b# 3l#a,: sh# as
5A&AN7() MA552A@, ba,#ly a y#a, a.t#, th# #dding, and both o. you #,# s3,#ing #a3h
oth#,? 7h# hon#y!oon p#,iod as suppos#d to b# ith HA5 H"S9AN@, not ith you, du!bass/
So no it4s all o1#,. A1#ntually, you and h#, !o1#d .a, aay, out o. Singapo,#, thank goodn#ss.
Hop#.ully, not to sp,#ad you, #1il 1ib#s. 9ut to 3hang# both you, ays.
C,o! ti!# to ti!#, 2 s## a pi3tu,# o. you and h#, in .a3#book, 2 s## you4,# still tog#th#,. And 2
ond#, i. you4,# s3,#ing a,ound ith oth#, gi,ls, 3h#ating on h#,, lik# hat you did to !#. 2
!#an, a,#n4t you t#!pt#d by all that 'hit# !#at* o1#, th#,#? <h, 2 .o,got, sh#4s got you on a 1#,y
tight l#ash. Sh# !ight do so!#thing d,asti3 lik# b#at you up Hhi3h is hat you said sh# did
b#.o,#I, b#3aus# sh#4s 'a psy3ho* Hyou, o,ds, not !in#I.
And 2 ant to t#ll you: 24! no ith boy.,i#nd nu!b#, th,##. 7h# 5AA( on#.
All th# b#st,
11. ( )) theso%ialin%eption Says:
July Lth, 2011 at 1?:21
@#a, A6,
2 hat# you.
2 hat# you.
2 hat# you.
2 so 1#,y hat# you.
2 abho, you.
2 d#t#st you.
2 lo1# you.
)ou, #6
12. ( )2 theso%ialin%eption Says:
July Lth, 2011 at 1?:25
7o: A6
C,o!: 7h# A6 o. A6
5#: Subpo#na to App#a, 9#.o,# 7h# Pa,#nts o. K7h# A6 o. A6*
2 a! p,#gnant.
13. ( )3 tu!or Says:
July Lth, 2011 at 1E:1%
@#a, N9C,
Pls. .ind an Ai,21 bo6 ith th# .olloing it#!s:
H1IMa3book Ai, M 7h# d#nts on th# 3o1#, a,# .,o! !y .util# att#!pt to
d#.a3#Ddis.igu,#D!utilat# #1#,y it#! you ga1# !#. My ,#ali0ation is that still#to h##ls a,# no
!at3h .o, th# alu!inu! 3asing.
H2IManolo 9lahnik si0# $ M So,,y 4bout th# so,,y stat# o. th# h##ls. S## not# H1I
H?I A b,ok#n bottl# o. Bat# Spad# p#,.u!#. 2 kno3k#d it o1#, h#n )ou b,ok# up ith !# o1#, th#
H%I 9la3kb#,,y ith l#tt#,s o. you, na!# ,#!o1#d .,o! th# k#ypad. 2t as a 3oping !#3hanis!. 2t
did stop !# .,o! t#6ting you. )ou 3an still us# th# O, +, N, P.
H5I A6t,a S!all Asp,it shi,t. "nus#d. Not !y si0#. )ou 3an us# it as a bib .o, you, soon to b# bo,n
3hild. 2. it4s a gi,l, sh# 3an #a, it h#n sh# ,#a3h#s ag# ?.
HEI Fod.ath#, book. 2 highlight#d th# pa,t h#,# M, p,odu3#, ak#s up ith th# s#1#,#d h#ad o.
his p,i0#d ,a3#ho,s#. 2t4s not you, ho,s# 24d lik# to s#1#,. )ou, ho,s# is us#.ul.
HLI !oldy 5oy3# &ho3olat# you ga1# !# on Qal#ntin#4s @ay. 2 ,#3kon you 3ould us# th# p#ni3ilin.
24! k##ping th# (ouis Quitton bag. )ou paid .o, it using !y 33.
@on4t .o,g#t to tip th# Ai,21 guy.
14. ( ). +essi%a,a-ra Says:
July Lth, 2011 at 1E:??
And that is hy th#y l#.t.
15. ( )/ alt$e Says:
July Lth, 2011 at 1$:02
2 kno # #,# n#1#, in a ,o!anti3 ,#lationship. +# n#1#, kiss#d. +# didn4t ha1# s#6. 9ut #41#
knon #a3h oth#, sin3# #l#!#nta,y, #41# b##n .,i#nds sin3# high s3hool and # #,# ins#pa,abl#
in 3oll#g#. +# sp#nt Qal#ntin#s @ay tog#th#,, # at3h#d !o1i#s and 3on3#,ts, # took alks,
you ,ot# s3,##nplays and 2 ,#ad th#!, # 3ook#d, # list#n#d to !usi3 and, !ost o. all, #
talk#d #ndl#ssly about anything and #1#,ything. +# ould sl##p o1#, at !y .,i#nd4s pla3# and g#t
d,unk. +#4d li# in th# sa!# b#d and hold hands hil# 2 ask you n#1#, to l#t !# d,ink again. <u,
.a!ili#s both thought # #,# a 3oupl#. 2 ,#!#!b#, you ,ot# to !# on3# t#lling !# you4d .all#n
in lo1# ith !#. +# n#1#, talk#d about that and 2 n#1#, said anything. 2 didn4t tak# it too s#,iously
2 gu#ss. 7hat as su3h a long ti!# ago. No, # ha,dly s## #a3h oth#, any!o,#. No, you4,#
!a,,i#d and you ha1# kids. No, 2 think 2 lo1# you. :9
16. ( )6 +e--&ar3). Says:
July Lth, 2011 at 22:?0
pa,a sa paligsahang itu, pahi,a! k# At# b#yon3#..At#, siiing/
+hat go#s a,ound 3o!#s ba3k a,ound8
7h#,# as a ti!#
2 thought, that you did #1#,ything ,ight
No li#s, no ,ong
2, !ust41# b##n outta !y !ind
So h#n 2 think o. th# ti!# that 2 al!ost lo1#d you
)ou sho#d you, ass and 2 sa th# ,#al you
7hank Fod you bl# it
7hank Fod 2 dodg#d th# bull#t
24! so o1#, you
So baby good lookin4 out
2 ant#d you bad
24! so th,ough ith that
&aus# hon#stly you tu,n#d out to b# th# b#st thing 2 n#1#, had
)ou tu,n#d out to b# th# b#st thing 2 n#1#, had
And 24! gon4 alays b# th# b#st thing you n#1#, had
2 b#t it su3ks to b# you ,ight no
So sad, you4,# hu,t
9oo hoo, oh, did you #6p#3t !# to 3a,#?
)ou don4t d#s#,1# !y t#a,s
2 gu#ss that4s hy th#y ain4t th#,#
+h#n 2 think that th#,# as a ti!# that 2 al!ost lo1#d you
)ou sho#d you, ass and baby y#s 2 sa th# ,#al you
7hank Fod you bl# it
7hank Fod 2 dodg#d th# bull#t
24! so o1#, you
9aby good lookin4 out
2 ant#d you bad
24! so th,ough ith that
&aus# hon#stly you tu,n#d out to b# th# b#st thing 2 n#1#, had
2 said, you tu,n#d out to b# th# b#st thing 2 n#1#, had
And 24ll n#1#, b# th# b#st thing you n#1#, had
<h baby 2 b#t su3ks to b# you ,ight no
2 kno you ant !# ba3k
2t4s ti!# to .a3# th# .a3ts
7hat 24! th# on# that4s got aay
(o,d knos that it ould tak# anoth#, pla3#, anoth#, ti!#, anoth#, o,ld, anoth#, li.#
7hank Fod 2 .ound th# good in goodby#
2 us#d to ant you so bad
24! so th,ough ith that
&aus# hon#stly you tu,n#d out to b# th# b#st thing 2 n#1#, had
)ou tu,n#d out to b# th# b#st thing 2 n#1#, had
And 2 ill alays b# th#, b#st thing you n#1#, had.
9#st thing you n#1#, had/
2 us#d to ant you so bad
24! so th,ough ith that
&aus# hon#stly you tu,n#d out to b# th# b#st thing 2 n#1#, had
<h you tu,n#d out to b# th# b#st thing 2 n#1#, had
<h 2 ill n#1#, b# th# b#st thing you n#1#, had
<h baby, 2 b#t it su3ks to b# you ,ight no
17. ( )7 &atergirl Says:
July $th, 2011 at 00:5$
@#a, <b-#3t o. A..#3tion,
)ou4,# 15 y#a,s young#, than !#, you4,# planning on going ba3k to you, on 3ount,y by Ap,il n#6t
y#a,, you so!#ti!#s s!#ll lik# soap, you ha1# a ho,,ibl# ay o. alking, and y#t, that nos#. 7hat
p, 7hos# #y#s and #y#lash#s. 7h# .i1# o43lo3k shado. Plus all ou, sha,#d lik#s and dislik#s.
Ho # ,#ad th# sa!# things. Ho you lik# 3ats as !u3h as 2 do.
7h# last ##k has b##n pu,# to,!#nt. +# #nt to th# pa,k to sha,# an i3# 3,#a!, 2 so ant#d to
kiss you on th# b#n3h, but 2 didn4t. 2 .##l th# d#si,# ,ising .,o! insid# !y l#ss than s#3u,# 3o,#,
and 2 k##p ond#,ing as 2 look at you hat you4d do i. 2 did -ust gi1# in to th# t#!ptation. +alk
aay? Push !# o.. in ho,,o,? N#1#, sp#ak to !# again? +o,st 3as# s3#na,ios ,un th,ough !y
h#ad and k##p !# .,o! op#ning !y !outh.
2 ha1# hi,#d n# p,#tty boys to dist,a3t !#, but th#y don4t do th# t,i3k. 7h#y a,# ni3# on th# #y#s,
and so!#ti!#s 2 .o,g#t you, until you s#nd !# an #!ail saying 'Miss you* o, so!# oth#,
inno3uous 3o!!#nt that !ak#s !# hop#. Stupid, pando,a4s bo6 o. hop#.
)ou4,# su,,ound#d by a b#1y o. p,#tty gi,ls and 2 ond#, hi3h on# ill snag you. 2 .antasi0# that
you4ll say ho !u3h you p,#.#, old#, o!#n o. a 3#,tain !o,bid b#nt. 7h#n you say ho !u3h
24! lik# an old#, sist#,, o, a !at#,nal b#st .,i#nd and it tak#s all o. !y b,ittl# s#ns# o. s#l. to k##p
.,o! slapping you.
Ah <b-#3t, you4,# -ust th# lat#st in y#a,s o. inn#,:s#l. i!!olation. @o .ind so!#on# and !a,,y
th#! soon. 2t4s !y only knon 3u,#.
9ig sis, not/
18. ( )1 greeneggsnha$ Says:
July $th, 2011 at 01:00
Sa aking !inahal,
7alipandas ba?
Sus, di na tayo nun #h.
Abant# ka na.
19. ( )2 stellalehua Says:
July $th, 2011 at 11:5%
No that un,#=uit#d ob-#3ts o. a..#3tion a,# in3lud#d, 2 !ight as #ll ,it# this don.
@#a, N Has in 'not you, ,#al na!#*I:
2 should41# knon that so!#thing as up h#n you s#nt !# a C,i#nd 5#=u#st on Ca3#book ith a
p#,sonal !#ssag# saying, '<h !y Fod, it4s HA5/*
(#t4s .a3# it, # all !ak# !istak#s. 2n you, 3as#, it as th# ,idi3ulous a,,ay o. sho,ts o,n ith
polo shi,ts tu3k#d into you, aistband. 2n !y 3as#, it as th# y#a, 2 sp#nt pining .o, you b#t##n
Eth and Lth g,ad#, h#n 2 hung on to #1#,y o,d that 3a!# out o. you, !outh b#3aus# th#y #,#
gosp#l to !#.
2 don4t ha1# !any insults l#.t to th,o at you, but 2 !#ant it h#n 2 said that 2 ,uin#d you, li.#.
And you,s asn4t th# only li.# that as ,uin#d, #ith#,.
All that t,oubl# 2 #nt .o, you, to !ak# you lik# !# M y#s, b#t##n th# ag#s o. 12 and 1? M all that
as ti!# ast#d that 2 should41# sp#nt on oth#, things, lik# ho!#o,k, o, so33#,, o, th#at#,.
Anything, to dist,a3t !# .,o! th# .a3t that 2 lik#d th# 3on3#pt o. ha1ing a boy.,i#nd b#tt#, than 2
a3tually lik#d you. )ou -ust happ#n#d to b# th#,#. )ou U !y ho,!on#s U you, 'a1ailability*
3o!pa,#d to th# hot guys in !y oth#, 3lass#s T su,#.i,# ,#3ip# .o, disast#,.
24! not going to gi1# you a laund,y list o. all th# oth#, ,#asons hy 2 n##d#d you to b# !y
boy.,i#nd at ag# 12. 9ut 2 ill t#ll you this ,ight no, though:
9a3k th#n !y th#!# song ith you as '5ight H#,# +aiting,* hi3h as th# .i,st and only song
#41# #1#, slo dan3#d to ba3k in th# day. No, looking ba3k on th# kind o. Hi!agina,yI
,#lationship that 2 had ith you, 2 !ight as #ll ha1# 3hang#d it to '(o1# 7h# +ay )ou (i#.*
@on4t ask !# hy 2 ha1#n4t d#l#t#d you .,o! Ca3#book y#t. )ou4,# still th# on# ho !ad# th# .i,st
N#6t ti!#? 7h#,# on4t #1#n b# a n#6t ti!#.
: S.
ps. )ou #,# not #1#n hot to b#gin ith, to b# hon#st ith you. And t#nty y#a,s a.t#, th# .a3t,
you4,# still not that hot.
20. ( 23 angus2/ Says:
July $th, 2011 at 1$:0>
2!agina,y ,#lationships? H!n.
24! su,# you don4t ,#!#!b#, !#.
2 alays i!agin#d Hand still doI, that th#,# as so!#thing b#t##n us. )ou #,# so good at
!aking boys .all .o, you. )ou taught !# a littl# Spanish, you !ad# !# t#ll you ho !y lo3al
3#l#b,ity 3,ush#s #,#, you k#pt !# up all night talking about th# su!!#, h#at and .ish and a,t,
you ould ait .o, !# until 2 g#t o.. .,o! !y last 3lass du,ing th# su!!#, t#,!, you k#pt on
u,ging !# to ,it# that sto,y 2 as .o,#1#, plotting, you alays told !# ho !u3h you ant#d to
stay b#sid# !#. And h#n you got !# tist#d a,ound you, .ing#,s, you told !# that you41# b##n
to South A!#,i3a .o, n#a,ly to y#a,s, that you ant#d to pu,su# you, 3a,##, in !#di3in#
#ls#h#,#, that you ha1# a t#nd#n3y to l#a1# all th# boys that you #,# abl# to !ak# happy Hyou,
#6a3t o,dsI, that you .#lt that .at# is alays pulling you aay .,o! th# p#opl# that you lo1# Hth#
sa!# o,dsI, that you .inally had to ad!it that you lo1# !# Hstill th# sa!#I, that you4,# l#a1ing .o,
(ondon in a ##k H.u3k youI. &,u#l, s#l.ish p,i3k.
Jun# E, 2005. 2 ant#d to say goodby#, 2 ant#d to talk about th# possibility o. a long:distan3#
,#lationship, but you #,# busy pa3king and you 3ould not b# both#,#d to dis3uss su3h !att#,s.
9ut you ant#d us to !##t soon, and ho soon is soon, 2 had no id#a. 7h,## nights a.t#,, 2
,#3#i1#d a phon# 3all. 2 !iss#d it. 2 as asl##p th#n.
&ount,y 3od# 00%%. "B. (ondon.
2 t,i#d to 3all ba3k. Just say h#llo, thanks. )ou n#1#, ans#,#d. 2 t,i#d again and again at di..#,#nt
ti!#s o. th# day. Still no ans#,.
2 kno no on# .,o! "B, but it !ight not ha1# b##n you a.t#, all.
And th# sad pa,t is, 241# b##n aiting. Mayb# #1#n still aiting.
+o,d about you, 3a,##,. )ou, h#,#abouts. A1#n you, d#ath.
21. ( 2) tag5ara& Says:
July $th, 2011 at 21:0%
<o ika. < ayan ha, di na Anglish. Sana na!an basahin !o na. Ala! ko nakukulitan ka na.Bung
ako na nga lang #h naasa, na sa sa,ili ko.
Natatandaan ko na!an yung kasunduan sa 9agu!bayan.)un nga lang #h, !asyado yata akong
natua sa !ga hi,it !ong nakakakabag. @i ba nga, hindi ko !atingnan yung !ukha !o ng hindi
ako natataa. Bahit hindi ka naniniala, 3o!pli!#nt yun. @ati kaya !o kong pataanin na
pa,ang ala ng bukas.
Huag kang !ag:alala, hindi ako !agpapaka:Fl#nn &los#. Hindi ka na!an si Mi3ha#l @ouglas.
7ska hindi ako !a,unong !agluto ng ,abbit.
<o na. F#ts ko na. 7apos na. P#d#ng ag akong !adaliin sa pag!o1#:on?
7inanong !o ako dati kung ano yung ,#g,#ts ko. Sabi ko ala. Bung ngayon !o ako tatanungin
!ay !aisasagot na ako. 5#g,#t ko?
Hanggang dito na la!ang at !a,a!ing sala!at,
Hindi si Fl#nn &los#
22. ( 22 e!na$o!e Says:
July $th, 2011 at 22:%?
)ou, o,d !ad# .l#sh. "ndo !y disb#li#..
)ou kno h#,# to .ind !#.
23. ( 23 6ella4loony Says:
July >th, 2011 at 00:15
@#a, Co,!#, <b-#3t o. Ay.#kshun,
Pa,#ho pala tayo ng gusto, b,uha ka/ @i ka nagsasabi/ 9uti na lang hindi naging tayo bago
nagkaala!an. HPoss#ssi1# pa na!an ako sa !ga pa!paganda ko.I
97+, kahit !ag!aganda ka, !as !aganda pa ,in ako sa4yo. :P
+#,,8 Hindi na!an talaga ako galit. Sana lang naging t,ulab#ls ka si!ula pa lang, !aiintindihan
ko na!an. Bahit hindi kita naging 9C, okay lang !aging 9CC ka.
)ou, #6:3hu1an#ss
P.S. Nanood ka nung 3on3#,t ni Byli# no? 9akit hindi ka nag:aya?/
24. ( 2. +ero$eshuny Says:
July >th, 2011 at 01:1?
H#y S#6y 9oy/
2 ,#ally hat#d you th# night i slapp#d you hil# you #,# lying nak#d on th# 3ou3h a.t#, # had
s#68 a.t#, i #nt to th# bath,oo! and sa a O:tip ith !as3a,a and you, hit# to#l ith st,#aks
o. !as3a,a on it. 2 don4t #a, !ak#:up, and n#ith#, do you. 7hat as th# last st,a. And slapping
you .#lt ,#ally, ,#ally good Hb#t you n#1#, sa that 3o!ing, huh??I #1#n i. th# p,i3# i paid .o, it
#,# b,uis#s on !y a,! and !y .a3#, you sho1ing !# out th# doo,, and 3alling !# bit3h.
)ou d#ni#d h#, .o, !onths and !onths, #1#n a.t#, i .ound ta!pon ,app#,s in you, t,ash Hi dont
us# ta!pons/// and n#ith#, should you//I. No you say you4,# in lo1# but it didnt sta,t out that
ay, and that # shouldn4t point .ing#,s but -ust t,y to b# !atu,# about it 3aus# # '3an still ha1#
s#6 and stu..*, a.t#, all. So all th# ti!# you #,# ith !#, t#lling !# 'this is !in# .o,#1#,, you4,#
not going anyh#,#, n#1#, t,y to l#a1# !#* 8 you #,# doing h#, in ou, b#d, k##ping !# a,ound
as a spa,# ti,# in 3as# things didnt o,k out??
2 put up ith all you, shit/// 2 should41# had you a,,#st#d that night in Q#gas h#n you hit !# so
ha,d !y l#.t #y# s#ll#d up instantly, h#n you t,i#d to 3hok# !# on th# b#d, h#n you put you,
hand on !y !outh to k##p !# .,o! y#lling and i 3ouldnt b,#ath# and i #nd#d up ith 3uts and
b,uis#s on th# insid# o. !y 3h##ks and lips, h#n you sla!!#d !y h#ad on th# .loo, and pull#d
!y hai, so ha,d i had knots and 3uts on !y h#ad .o, ##ks. 2 should1# told th# 3ops #1#,ything///
inst#ad i -ust k#pt saying 'nothing happ#n#d o..i3#,*.
24! not bitt#,8!u3h. +hat go#s a,ound 3o!#s a,ound. 7h# i,ony o. it all is, 2 -ust ,#ali0#d that
night h#n i slapp#d you and .inally d#3id#d to l#a1# you, si3k and tist#d ass as th# night you
got !# p,#gnant. )#ah, it4s you,s asshol#, 2! 2 !onths along. <h, you4,# going to su# .o, 3ustody?
+hat 3ou,t ill g,ant a !an 3ustody o. a 3hild ho b#ats its !oth#,, g#ts d,unk daily and has
s#1#,al @"24s, is 1#,bally abusi1# and 1iol#nt? And good lu3k t,ying to .ind !# and M) baby. )ou
ill n#1#, kno th# -oy o. .ath#,hood b#3aus# you dont d#s#,1# it. 2 dont hat# you any!o,#,
you4,# not o,th th# #..o,t. )ou p,obably hat# you,s#l. !u3h !o,# than i #1#, 3ould.
25. ( 2/ he6e*e Says:
July >th, 2011 at 1$:02
d#a, #6,
i kno o,ds a,#n4t #nough to say ho so,,y i a! .o, hu,ting you, .##lings and b,#aking you,
h#a,t.. 2 kno it as s#l.ish.. but it ould b# !o,# pain.ul to stay in a on# sid#d ,#lationship..
i did not b,ok# up ith you .o, hi!. th#,# as no thi,d pa,ty.. 2 -ust ant#d to b# .,##.. 2 -ust
ant#d to b# !ys#l. again 3aus# ith you so!#ho 241# lost !y id#ntity..
i kno in ti!#, all s3a,s ill h#al.. 24! still h#,# .o, you, i. you4ll l#t !#.. 24! ,#ally so,,y.. :H
V h#b#
26. ( 26 otaner Says:
July >th, 2011 at 2?:5%
9ilang pag di,iang ng pag hihialay natin dinadala ko ang aso !o sa apa,t!#nt !o, kaso aya
tangapin ng dhl at lb3 kaya pini,a pi,aso ko na lang siya at nilagay sa supot, ag ka !ag alala
binabad ko na!an sa suka at pa!inta at p#,sonal na dinala.
2binilin ko sa bago !ong kinakasa!a na ilagay sa .,##0#, at sa!ahan ng itlog bago i s#,1# sayo.
27. ( 27 +ou0s Says:
July 11th, 2011 at 0>:01
d#a, 6,
Hi/ ok na!an ako. oo kakausapin pa din kita kaso hindi kita tutulungang !ag:ha3k ng #!ail
add,#ss ng #6 !o. ano ka sinus#,t#? gu!anti ka sa kanya kung gusto !o p#,o huag !o akong

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