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11/ 18/ 12 Shor t Essay on Volcanoes

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Short Essay on Volcanoes
by Prasad Nanda
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A volcano is an opening, in the planets surface which allows hot, molten rock, ash and gases to
escape from below the surface.
The name, volcano originates from the name Vulcan, a god of fire in Roman mythology. Volcanoes
are like giant safety valves that release the pressure that builds up inside the Earth. The Hawaii islands
were formed by 5 volcanoes.
Classified by the extent of their activity volcanoes are of four types. An active volcano is one that
erupts regularly. There are about 500 known active volcanoes on Earth, not counting those that lie
beneath the sea.
A dormant volcano is one that has not erupted for many years, although there is still some activity
deep inside it. An extinct volcano is one which has ceased to be active.
A volcanic eruption occurs when hot rocks and lava burst from a volcano; and geysers and springs are
actually just volcanoes that throw boiling water high in the air. They are caused by volcanic heat
warming trapped ground water.
The liquid rocks inside a volcano are called magma and when it flows out it is called as lava. Fresh lava
has temperatures from 700 degrees C to 1200C and glows red-hot to white hot as it flows. The most
dangerous volcanic eruption recorded is the eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington.
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The tallest volcano in the world is the Ojos del Salado, a volcano in Chile. The worlds largest volcano
is the Muano Loa in Hawaii.
Volcanoes are generally concentrated on the edge of continents, along the island chain, or beneath
the sea forming long mountain ranges. A major part of the worlds active volcanoes above sea level
encircle the Pacific Ocean forming the Ring of Fire.
Volcanoes can have serious affects on the lands and people around them when they erupt. The
destruction they leave in their wake accounts for the total annihilation of the surrounding landscape.
Around 2, 00,000 people have lost their lives to volcanic eruptions in the past five hundred years.
Buildings are destroyed, people are rendered homeless, people are killed, plant and animal life are
both destroyed and the poisonous gases that emanate from the volcanoes can cause death and
diseases like pneumonia in the people who survive it.
However not everything associated with the volcanoes is negative. The crust of the earth exists due to
the large volumes of magma that did not erupt but instead cooled below the surface. It results in rich
soil which is good for cultivation.
The volcanic ash that blows out of the volcano increases soil fertility by adding nutrients to the soil.
Ground water heated by magma can be tapped for geothermal energy. Most of the metallic minerals
like copper, gold, silver, lead and zinc are mined from the magmas found deep within the roots of
extinct volcanoes.
With the increasing studies done by scientists on volcanoes it is becoming possible to gauge the
activity level of a volcano. With this information although it might not be possible to prevent the
erupting of a volcano at least the massive destruction of lives can be avoided by getting people
evacuated in time.
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