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As per university policy internship report is pre-requisite for the award of
MBA-HR degree, which becomes the base for viva voce. selected !ational
"atabase # Registration Authority $!A"RA%. And prepare a report as desired by
the "epartment of Business Administration.
nternship is ta&en to study this particular organi'ation in order to develop
practical approach through the application of theories in real wor&ing situation to
fulfill the practical requirements and thus secure the degree of MBA-HR from
()* *argodha.
MBA is professional degree, it believes on practical aspects of the problems
and solutions thereof. nternship report writing is compulsory component of degree
qualifying requirements. +he basic purpose of my internship is to grasp the HR
related activities of the !ational "atabase # Registration Authority $!A"RA% and
highlights its strengths and wea&nesses and also gives suggestions for
improvements of the system where necessary if required
+his pro,ect focuses on the detailed study and comparison of the
effectiveness of the e-isting Human Resource "epartments of the organi'ation.
+he methods used by the organi'ation in carrying out Human Resource
Management .rocess. Human Resource Management plays a vital role towards
)rgani'ational Behavior.
+he purpose of the pro,ect is to show how an effective Human Resource
*ystem, proactive managers and human resource personnel have the responsibility
of continuously improving human contribution to the organi'ation while
simultaneously maintaining their level of satisfaction of employees, customers,
sta&eholders and other dependent variables. )ur focus is practical and factual.
All praises for Allah Almighty the most Merciful, /ho guides me in the
lacerate and congenial circumstances without His help one cannot reach at his
t gives me great pleasure to place before you the internship report on
!ational "atabase # Registration Authority $!A"RA% signifying the end of my
MBA-HR .rogram.
My sincere gratitude also e-tends to Mr. Rana 0asir !a'ir $Assistant
Manager Human Resource% and Mr. Muhammad Ammar $"eputy Manager 1one%
they helped me in completing the pro,ect. +hey helped in understanding the
relationship between the 2ustomer *ervices and its impact on the organi'ations.
+hey briefed about the daily tas&s that they perform, what sort of customers
# employees they deal with and the patience and s&ill level required by these
Above all, would li&e to than& my honorable teachers .rofessor
Mr. *hafqat Rasool, .rofessor Muhammad *iddique Mali&, .rofessor Mian
Muhammad 0ousaf 3overnment 2ollege of 2ommerce *argodha and my
respectable colleagues who provided me with the opportunity of wor&ing on this
Human Resource Management issue. +hey have sincerely helped me throughout
the pro,ect. +heir guidance enabled me to complete my pro,ect successfully.
4inally, would li&e to than& all my well wishers my mother, sisters,
brothers and my official staff "M5AM5*6 and my colleagues, which prayers,
support, trust and confidence encouraged me.
*ignature 777777777777
!ame8 77777777777777
Man in his natural psychological state wants to relate its delight with
satisfaction, it9s his inborn desire. As the world is progressing towards faster and
well equipped services, hospitality now is of vital importance. n today9s world,
money is the satisfaction factor and with efficient and cordial services, money is
being served.
4or a country that is very strategically placed on the world map and which
is trying to brea& the chains of third world, has great importance of economic
growth. 6conomic growth and the world of business, to a great e-tent, depend
upon good services. *uch services are required when dealing with international
n the comple- and ever growing world, customers are of great importance.
My report deals about the organi'ation in the database and registration that
provides a state of the art services.
+he ma,or organi'ation that fulfills this need of my country is !A"RA.
+he organi'ation belongs to database and registration that gives its customers
world-class satisfaction. +heir clients ma&e up a very large mi- as they belong to
all the classes of society.

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