Name-Bhagwan Singh Rajput: Resume

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Name- Bhagwan Singh Rajput

C/O- Jagdish Parsad
Po/ps- SINGH
ist- Budaun!"#P$ %&'&(%
Contact No: /,01((2'&,&/3
Objective :-
45o wor6 hard smart*7 in 8rowing in an organi9ation wh:r: :;:r7 a.hi:;:m:nt is r:ward:d b7 an in.r:as: in
r:sponsi;i*it7 and a*so a..:pting in :st::m:d prgani9ation and us: a** m7 8ua*i<i.ation and pro<i.i:n.7 <or
b:tt:r prosp:.ts o< orgain9tion and m7 <utur:#=
Pro;:n abi*it7 to proj:.ts a.ti;iti:s to :nsur: tim:*7 .omp*:tion without an7 :>tra .ost ? tim: ;o:r run
? in.i;iti:s produ.ti;it7 to m::t organi9ations strat:gi. goa*s ? obj.ti;:s# A good t:am p*a7:r ha;ing s6i**s
bas:d on a broad ba.6ground o< )ngin::ring0 @ath:mati.s ? produ.tion#
Key Attributes :-
S6i**:d t:.hni.a* pro<:ssiona* with good int:rp:rsona* ? .ommuni.ation s6i**s#
High*7 *:arning abi*it7 ? ab:pt at using t:.hno*og7#
Relevant E!erience:-
@or: than , 7:ars o< :>p:ri:n.: in proj:.t <o:*d ? r:main:d asso.iat:d to :>:.uti;: th: .i;i*
a.ti;iti:s as p:r th: s:t standards ? with in tim:#
-5o impro;: 8ua*it7 o< .i;i* wor6s r:*:as: o< drawings ? month*7 targ:ts .h:.6ing and bi** o<
mat:ria* .a*.u*ation #
-5o pr:par: p*anning s.h:du*: o< dai*7 w::6*7 ? month*7 targ:ts ? dis.uss:s proj:.t status#
-5o pr:par: dai*7 w::6*7 ? month*7 progr:ss r:port <or .*t:nt to 8i;: th:m a..urat: ? tim:*7
5"AIP GRAN- Contra.tor# C*i:nt+-Gr:s .oa* <i:*d Atd#
"esi#nation:- $r% En#ineer
PROJ)C5+- !B"AING CON- Brom Bar:i**7 !"#P$ $
#<rom jun: %(,% to Januar7 %(,'#
&S'EC (eavy En#inerin# )t*% +Client:-A*itya ,irla C-emical +&n*ia. )t*% /-ar0-an*.
"esi#nation:- Civil En#ineer
PROJ)C5+- !,C,D( 5PH CBBC Boi*:r ? 'D mw Co# g:n# pow:r p*ant$
Brom S:pt:mb:r0 %(,' 5i** at:
R:sponsib*: <or d:sign and <oundation <o .himn:7 .oo*ing 5ow:r I## Ban B##
Ban <*7 ash si*o 5G Bui*ding and ith:r p:riph:ra* stru.tur:#
Aca*emic 1ualifications:-
ip*oma ? Ci;i* )ng- Radha Go;ind institut: muradabad "#P !%(,%$
,%- "#P Borad %(,(#
,(- "#P Borad %((1#
Com!uter Proficiency+- Basi. Cpmput:r Enow*:dg: ? Int:rn:t#
)eisre &nterests 2 Activities:
Fat.hing .ri.6:t <o*tba** ? s:*< d:;:*opm:nt#
Personal "etails:-
HusbandGs Nam: + @r# Ragh;:ndra 5iwari
at: o< Birth + ,(/,,/,//'
G:nd:r + @a*:
@arita* Status + "nmarri:d
Aanguag: Enown + Hindi0 )ng*ish
Nationa*it7 + Indian
R:*igion + Hindu
Permanent A**ress:-
At- Amanabad
Post- singha
ist HBudaun
Pin -%&'&(%
@ob- 1((2'&,&/3
Curr:nt C5C+ %#& Aa. P#A#
I h:r:b7 d:.*ar: that abo;: in<ormation ? parti.u*ars ar: tru: ? .orr:.t to th:
b:st o< m7 6now*:dg: ? b:*i:<#
at:+ - %/-,,-%(,'
+Bhagwan Singh Rajput.

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