Mathematics and Surveying May 2013

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MAY 2013
1. Find the sum of the first 7 terms of the series
2, 5, 12 . . . . .
a. 822.50 b. 812.50 c. 802.50 d. 800.50
2. Determine the sum to infinity of the series
4, 2, 1 . . . . .
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9
3. Find the sum to infinity of the series
2 , -1 , 5/8 . . . . .
a. 5/3 b. 3/5 c. -5/3 d. -3/5
4. Meriam and Lilia decided to eat pizza hut.
Meriam ordered 3 slices of pizza and 3 soft
drinks. Meriam paid P600 while Lilia paid P525.
How much did one pizza size cost?
a. 150 b.140 c. 130 d. 120
Situation 1:
A certain physical characteristic of solid yields the
following equation. c = a + bt when c = 52,
t = 100 and when c = 172, t = 400.
5. Find a
a. 22 b. 10 c. 12 d. 14
6. Find b
a. -0.4 b. 0.2 c. 0.40 d. 0.8
Situation 2:
The electrical circuit analysis resulted in the
following governing equations.

7. Find the value of I
a. 4.62 b.5.62 c. 3.62 d. 2.62
8. Find the value of I
a. 6.47 b. 6.74 c. 7.64 d. 7.46
Situation 3:
The resistance R ohms of a length of wire at t
degrees centigrade is given by the formula,

( ) where R
is the resistance at 0
centigrade and is the temperature coefficient of
resistance in degrees centigrade. If R = 30 ohms at
50C and R = 35 ohms at 100C, determine the
9. Find the value of
a. 0.003 b. 0.004 c. 0.005 d. 0.006
10. Find the value of R

a. 22 b. 23 c. 24 d. 25
11. A country barn house chickens and pigs. In
order to determine the exact number of each
kind of animals in the barn, the former owner
told a visiting Civil Engineer graduate to simply
count the total number of heads and legs, the
visitor did so and reported 60 heads and 140
legs. How many pigs were there?
a. 40 b. 30 c. 20 d. 10
12. If the domain of y = 2x + 1 is {x|-2 x 3}.
Which of the following is not in the range.
a. -4 b. 0 c. -2 d. 7
13. If a is positive integer, then which of the
following mathematical statements must be
true of (a - 1), (a), (a + 1).
a. It is always negative
b. It is always odd
c. It is always divisible by 3
d. It is always divisible by 4
14. Find 4|d|, given that d is not equal to 0.
a. 4|d| b. 4|d| c. 4|-d| d. 4|-d|
15. If ab is divisible by c, which of the following can
not be true?
a. a is not divisible by c
b. b is divisible by c
c. a is a prime number
d. ab + c is odd and c is even
16. Find the product of two numbers such that their
sum multiplied by the sum of their squares is
5,500, and their differences multiplied by the
difference of their squares is 352.
a. 114 b. 115 c. 116 d. 117
17. Martin buys a pen for P75.00, he then marks up
the price by 80% consequently sells it for a
discount of 20%. If the transaction was paid in
cash, what was his profit from the deal?
a. 30 b. 31 c. 32 d. 33
18. In what time would Peter, Paul and Mary
together do a piece of work if Peter could do it
in 6 hours more, Paul alone in one hour more
and Mary alone in twice the time?
a. 20 min b. 30 min c. 40 min d. 50 min

19. If you are to multiply the expressions (-2)

, what will be the result?

a. 1/2 b. -1/2 c. 2/3 d. -2/3
20. Two thirds of people in a party are lawyers,
whose average I.Q. is 120. The rest are
engineers, whose I.Q. is 180. What is the
average I.Q. of all persons in the room?
a. 140 b. 145 c. 150 d. 155
21. Daniel and Nathan belong to the same baseball
team. After so many swings, Daniel recorded 8
hits out of 20 times at bat. Judging on his
present performance record, what is the
probability that both will get a hit next at bat?
a. 4/20 b. 5/20 c. 8/20 d. 3/20
22. If a log x = y where b is the base of logarithm,
then what value of x is equal to what form?
a. x = y
b. x = b
c. x = y
d. x = b
23. A few books are laid out on a desk in a library.
Two are Hydraulics, three are Mathematics, one
is Design and four are Surveying. Student A
selects a hydraulics book and student B then
selects a surveying book. Both students took
their selections to the classroom to study. If
student C then selects a book at random, what
is the probability that he selects a hydraulics
a. 3/8 b. 4/8 c. 1/8 d. 1/4
24. In order to find the volume of a certain very
small cube, Panfilo measured an edge using a
ruler and found it to be 2 cm. he later found
that the actual length of the cube is 2.1 cm.
What is the relative error in his volume
a. 0.21 b. 0.61 c. 0.10 d. 0.16
Situation 4:
A circle is described algebraically by the equation

25. Determine the coordinate of the center
a. (-3,4) b. (3,4) c. (4,3) d. (3,-4)
26. Determine the radius of the circle
a. 4 b. 2 c. 3 d. 1
27. Determine the area of the circle
a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
28. Find the area bounded by the parabola

and the line .
a. 3/2 b. 1/3 c. 2/9 d. 9/2
29. Find the area bounded by the curve

the x-axis, the vertical line x = -2 and x = 2.
a. 2/3 b. 4 c. d. /2
30. Find the area bounded by the parabola


a. 34/6 b. 64/3 c. 46/3 d. 36/4
Situation 5:
A drill bit apparatus is bought at one million pesos
and is rated to produce 2,500 drill bits per year. It
has an expected minimum output of 10,000 bits
before replacement, and will fetch a scrap value of
P50,000. The machine has the following operations
and maintenance costs:
Cost of lease of space . . . . . P25,000 per year
Cost of electricity required per drill bit produced
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P9.00
Rated maintenance cost per unit produced
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P7.00
Cost of labor per unit produced
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P35.00
Assume a depreciation by Sinking Fund Method
at 12% discount rate.
31. To the nearest peso, what is the fixed cost per
a. P51 b. P15 c. P61 d. P16
32. What is the total production cost per unit?
a. 170.51 b. 160.51 c. 150.51 d. 140.51
33. How many years will it take to produce 6000
a. 1.2 yrs b. 2.4 yrs c. 2.1 yrs d. 4.2 yrs
34. Given the equation ( )

, use
algebraic operations to determine the solution
a. 7 b. 6 c. 5 d. 4
35. As of the moment, Procopio has a selection of
98 DVDs. He plans to expand his collection by
buying x DVDs each week for y weeks.
Determine the total number of DVDs that he
will have?
a. 98(x+y) b. 98y+x c. 98+xy d. 98x+y
36. Ernie earned a P2,000 commission n a big deal,
raising his average commission by P100. Ernies
new average commission now is P900. How
many sales has he made so far?
a. 12 b. 10 c. 8 d. 4

37. The population of weeds in a particular idle field
doubles every year. If there are 2,000 weeds
now, in approximately how many years will it
take the population to grow to a million or
a. 8 yrs b. 9 yrs c. 10 yrs d. 11 yrs
38. In about 4 years from now, the population of
mosquitos doubles every 2 years, if the
population now is 2 x 10
, what was the
population 4 years ago?
a. 2 x 10
b. 5 x 10
c. 6 x 10
d. 5 x 10
39. The population of germs in an open wound if
left untreated doubles every two days. If these
were 200 germs in the wound six days ago, how
many germs will there be in the same wound 4
days from now?
a. 6,200 b. 6,300 c. 6,400 d. 6,500
40. A bowlers average score for 6 games is 150. He
wants to raise his total average score by 10% by
scoring more in the remaining two games left.
What must be the average in the two games in
order to attain this?
a. 210 b. 110 c. 300 d. 120
41. If left alone, a certain specie of grass expands
the ground if covers following the equation

, where A is the area originally

covered by the grass in million sq.m. and t is the
number of years since 1998. In what year will
the area covered reach 10 million for the first
a. 2013 b. 2014 c. 2015 d. 2016
42. Along EDSA, two billboards were erected. They
are of dissimilar sizes with their sides having a
ratio of 5:4. The bigger billboard required 250
of material to cover the entire billboard. How
much material, in m
, is needed for the smaller
a. 130 m
b. 140 m
c. 150 m
d. 160 m
43. A surveyor measures a distance of 25.07 m
using break chaining. The tape was not actually
accurately levelled at that time, and at the
plumb bob end was 1.03m lower than it should
be. Find the correct distance.
a. 27.05 b. 24.05 c. 26.05 d. 25.05m

44. A sphere has a volume of 2000 m
. There exists
a small circle of the sphere, the plane of which
is 6.5 m from the center. Calculating the area of
the small circle of the sphere in m.
a. 69 m
b. 89 m
c. 79 m
d. 59 m
45. A new engineer who just passed the Board
Exam decided he will not work and will just do
some stock market instead. He acquired a
portfolio comprising of stocks in GHG which has
an annual gain of 10%, and stocks in Apollo and
Praxedes, Inc., with annual gain of 20%. If the
total combined stock portfolio gained 14%
overall, which of the following is true?
a. There are more stocks of GHG than Apollo
and Praxedes, Inc.
b. There is not enough information to
determine the numbers.
c. There are more stocks of Apollo and
Praxedes, Inc. than GHG.
d. GHG and Apollo and Praxedes, Inc. have
equal number of stocks.
Situation 6:
The monitor in a nuclear research laboratory
showed a cyclical curve which follows the following

46. Determine the amplitude
a. 1/2 b. 2 c. 1/4 d. 4
47. Determine the period
a. /4 b. /2 c. 4 d. 2
48. Determine the frequency
a. 0.64 b. 1.27 c. 0.16 d. 0.08
49. If (


) (


), what is the
value of x in terms of a.
a. a/5 b. a/6 c. a/7 d. a/8

, given that r < s < 0 < w < t. what is the sign


a. negative c. imaginary
b. positive d. cannot be define
51. (



), given that K < 0 and h and m is

not equal to zero. What is the sign of



a. negative c. imaginary
b. positive d. cannot be define

52. What should be the length of radius of the circle
described by the equation

a. 6 b. 5 c. 4 d. 3
53. How many three-letter arrangements can be
made with letters that comprise the word
ANGLE if no letter may be repeated.
a. 60 b. 50 c. 65 d. 55
54. A series of numbers or terms is defined by the
parametric formula


, where n
is the order in the series, what maybe the
common ratio of the terms in this series?
a. 1.2 b. 1.5 c. 1 d. 15
55. N is the normally distributed variable with an
average or mean of zero. Approximately 2% of
the observations are -10 or smaller. Determine
approximately what fraction of the observation
lie between 0 and 5.
a. 3/2 b. 1/3 c. 2/3 d. 3/4
56. The position of a particle moving along a
straight line is given by

The distance is increasing for:
a. 1 < t < 3 c. t > 2
b. t < 2 d. all except t = 2
57. The displacement from the origin of a particle
moving on a line is given by

Determine the maximum displacement during
the time interval -2 t 4.
a. 3 b. 16 c. 27 d. 0
58. If a particle moves along a line according to the

, find time it reverses

a. 3 b. 16 c. 27 d. 0
59. If the three positive number x, y, z are in G.P.,
which of the following is true?
a. 2 log y = log x + log z
b. log (x + y) = log 2z
c. (log x)(log z) = 2 log y
d. log x log y = log z
60. Two points x and y are on opposite side of a
building which lies on the same straight line
connecting them. Measurements were made
from those two points and records the angle of
elevation of the top of the building and the
following figures were recorded as 16.5 and
26.5 respectively. Find the height of the
building if the distance between x and y is
a. 31.62 b. 61.32 c. 62.31 d. 32.61
61. Determine the total surface area of a 4 cm by 6
cm rectangular pyramid of perpendicular height
of 12 cm.
a. 176.9 b. 166.9 c. 156.9 d. 146.9

62. If you are doing a survey, which method of
collecting data would most likely result in an
unbiased random sample.
a. Placing a survey in a local newspaper on
how they voted in the last 2010 elections.
b. Selecting every third teenager leaving a mall
to answer survey about shopping.
c. Survey deans lister taking concrete design
to determine the average amount of the CE
students study each night.
d. Selecting students by the last digit of their
school student number to participate in a
survey about cafeterias food.
63. A 4.2 cm by 4.2 cm square pyramid whose
sloping edges are each 15 cm. Find the total
surface area.
a. 122.38 b. 132.38 c. 142.38 d. 152.38
64. A pyramid having an octagonal base of side 5cm
and a perpendicular height of 20 cm. Find the
total surface area.
a. 337.8 b. 437.8 c. 537.8 d. 637.8
65. A set has 5 items and it has a range of 7. The set
is composed of the following:
{1, 2, m, 5, m
} with m > 0
Find the average number in the set.
a. 3.76 b. 4.76 c. 5.76 d. 6.76
66. Electric resistance of metal are dependent on
temperature. For a certain given wire at t
degrees C, the resistance R in ohms maybe
computed as

( ) where R
is the
resistance at 0 centigrade and is the
temperature coefficient of resistance in degrees
centigrade. Solve the value of R
in ohms if R =
30 ohms at 50C and R = 35 ohms at 100C.
a. 25 b. 35 c. 45 d. 55

67. The molar heat capacity of a solid component is
defined by the equation c = a + bT. When c = 52,
T = 100 and when c = 172, T = 400. Calculate the
value of b.
a. 0.40 b. 0.50 c. 0.60 d. 0.70
68. A student is given a simple set which contains
only two integers, 15 and 16 and is written as
set {15, 16}. The set is equivalent to:
a. {x|15 < x 16, where x is an integer}
b. {x|15 < x < 16, where x is an integer}
c. {x|14 x < 16, where x is an integer}
d. {x|14 < x 16, where x is an integer}
69. In a steel tape survey, the sides of a triangular
lot were determined to have the following
values: 255.5 m, 301.4 m and 212.5 m.
Determine the angle opposite the longest side?
a. 69.6 b. 79.6 c. 89.6 d. 99.6
70. A triangular lot ABC is surveyed and gave the
following measurements. Angle A = 30, side a =
8m, and side b = 12m. How many triangular lots
maybe formed with these measurements?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
71. A survey instrument was set up at A, with a
known elevation of 563.80m above sea level,
the angle of elevation of the top of the hill was
measured as 34.66. The instrument was moved
to B, 450m nearer to the mountain nut 25m
lower in elevation than A, and the angle of
elevation was 43.22. Determine the elevation
of the top of the hill.
a. 983.8 b. 1610.83 c. 1710.8 d. 1810.83
72. A huge sporty sail boat has two sails that are in
the shape of similar triangles. The larger sail
measures 10m by 24m by 26m. if you measured
the dimension of the shortest side of the
smaller sail and found it to be 6m long, what is
the perimeter of the smaller sail?
a. 16 b. 25 c. 36 d. 49
73. A chord, 7.49 m long, is 4.2 m from the center
of a circle. Find the area of the circle.
a. 99.47 b. 100.47 c. 101.47 d. 102.47
74. Calculate the area of a rectangular octagon if
each side is 20 mm and the width across the flat
is 48.3 mm.
a. 2032 b. 1932 c. 1832 d. 1732
75. Determine the area of a regular hexagon which
has sides 25mm.
a. 1723.8 b. 1623.8 c. 1523.8 d. 1423.8
76. The major axis of an ellipse is 200 mm and the
minor axis is 100mm. determine the
approximate perimeter of the ellipse.
a. 124.71 b. 424.71 c. 174.24 d. 471.24
77. Four numbers are such that the sum of the first,
third and fourth exceeds the second by 8, the
sum of the squares of the first and second
exceeds the sum of the squares of the third and
the fourth by 36, the sum of the products of the
first and second and third and fourth is 42, the
cube of the first equals the sum of the cubes of
the second, third and fourth. Which if the
following is not any of the four numbers?
a. -5 b. 6 c. 5 d. 4
78. A sphere of radius 1 is totally submerged in a
cylindrical tank of radius 4. The water level in
the tank rises a distance h. What is the value of
a. 0.083 b. 0.163 c. 0.0234 d. 0.038
79. A cube has a surface area of 6x. What is the
volume of the cube?
a. x
b. x
c. x
d. x
80. A sphere has a radius of r. if this radius is
increased by b, then what is the increased
surface area of the sphere?
a. b. c. d.
Situation 7:
Given an angle in standard position. Determine
which quadrant does the terminal side of the angles
given fall.
81. tan c > 0 and sec c > 0
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
82. csc D < 0 and cos D > 0
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
83. tan y > 0 and sin y < 0
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
Situation 8:
Given the following inequalities, determine which
quadrant does the terminal side of the angle in
standard position falls.
84. cos A < 0 and tan A > 0
a. I b. II c. III d. IV
85. sec x > 0 and sin x > 0
a. I b. II c. III d. IV

86. tan B < 0 and sec B > 0
a. I b. II c. III d. IV

87. Find the min. value of f(x) = 2x +x
a. 2 b. 1 c. -1 d. 0
Situation 9:
For the different trigonometric expressions below,
find the respective values.
88. (

a. 0 b. 2/3
d. -1/2
89. (

a. 0 b. 2/3
d. -1/2
90. (

a. 0 b. 2/3
d. -1/2
91. What kind of symmetry, if any, does the graph

a. It is symmetrical with respect to x-axis
b. It does not have any symmetry
c. It is symmetrical with respect to y-axis
d. It is symmetrical with respect to both x and
92. The graph of f(y) = y
is translated 2 units left
and reflected over the x-axis. The resulting
graph is then represented by g(y). What is the
value of g(4)?
a. -4 b. -16 c. -25 d. -36
93. You are given the word absolute. Calculate
how many three letter arrangements can be
formed out of the letters in that word if each
letter is used only once.
a. 666 b. 633 c. 336 d. 363
94. If

, when y = -3, what is the

value of b?
a. -1 only c. -1 and 1 only
b. -3 only d. 1 only
Situation 10:
From the following angles in standard position, find
the values of the trigonometric functions asked if
the given points are on the terminal sides of the
95. ( ), find the cosine.




96. ( ) find the sine.




97. ( ), find the sine.




98. If a, b, c are integers and ab + c is odd, which of
the following must be false.
a. a + c is odd c. abc is odd
b. abc is even d. b + c is even
99. Determine the equivalent expression of x

where x > 0.


b. (

d. (

100. Using a levelling instrument, a surveyor
measures the angle of depression of a building
and found it to be 14.54 while the angle of
elevation of its top is recorded as 56.7. If the
height of the instrument is 7.54m from the level
ground, determine the height of the building.
a. 91.57 b. 75.19 c. 15.79 d. 51.79

01. A
02. C
03. A
04. A
05. C
06. C
07. A
08. A
09. B
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. D
16. D
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. D
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. A
26. B
27. A
28. D
29. C
30. B
31. A
32. D
33. B
34. D
35. C
36. A
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. A
41. B
42. D
43. D
44. D
45. A
46. A
47. B
48. A
49. C
50. B
51. A
52. D
53. A
54. A
55. B
56. C
57. C
58. D
59. A
60. B
61. D
62. A
63. C
64. C
65. A
66. A
67. A
68. C
69. B
70. B
71. D
72. C
73. A
74. B
75. B
76. D
77. A
78. A
79. C
80. B
81. A
82. D
83. C
84. C
85. A
86. D
87. C
88. D
89. C
90. A
91. C
92. D
93. C
94. D
95. B
96. D
97. A
98. C
99. A
100. D

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