A Study On Impact On Mentoring On Career Development of Employees

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A Study On Impact On Mentoring On Career Development Of Employees

Of the Dissertation
Submitted to
For the award of the Degree of

Dayananda Sagar College of Arts2 Science 3 Commerce
Shavige Malleshwara Hills, K.S. layout, Layout, Bangalore !"##$%
&'ademi' (ear) *#+*)*#+,
Career development
-areer Develo.ment, .rovides em.loyees with an o..ortunity to learn and develo. the ne'essary
s/ills to engage in life0'areer .lanning. 1t is a variable 'redit 'ourse and 'an be ta/en for one, two,
or three 'redit hours.
2he 'ourse is divided into three units3
+. -areer -on'e.ts and &..li'ations ) fo'using on self) assessment, o''u.ational
e4.loration, and de'ision)ma/ing5
*. So'ial -onditions &ffe'ting -areer Develo.ment ) fo'using on so'ial, e'onomi',
family, and organi6ational 'hanges affe'ting 'areers5 and
7. 1m.lementing a Strategi' -areer 8lan ) fo'using on em.loyability s/ills and
strategies for im.lementing a'ademi'0 'areer develo.ment .lans.
"Mentoring is to su..ort and en'ourage .eo.le to manage their own learning in order that they
may ma4imi6e their .otential, develo. their s/ills, im.rove their .erforman'e and be'ome the
.erson they want to be.9
:m.loyee training system under whi'h a senior or more e4.erien'ed individual ;the mentor< is
assigned to a't as an advisor, 'ounselor, or guide to a =unior or trainee. 2he mentor is res.onsible
for .roviding su..ort to, and feedba'/ on, the individual in his or her 'harge.
"ationale and Significance of t4e Study
2o determine the growth of em.loyees.
2o determine mentee>s goals of mentorshi..
-larify the term of 'onsultations.
-larify the mentee>s roles and res.onsibilities.
-larify the mentor>s roles and res.onsibilities.
?o fault termination of mentorshi..
Nature of t4e Study5 Statement of t4e Pro6lem
:m.loyee s are the im.ortant asset of any organi6ation and their develo.ment is 'onsidered as an
im.ortant fa'tor for organi6ational growth. &ny .rogram is said to be su''essful if it .ositively
affe'ts the em.loyees.
Hen'e 'om.anies need to be sensitive to em.loyees need with res.e't to mentoring being .rograms
.rovided until and unless the em.loyees see value in the mentoring .rogram guiding them through
their 'areer .rogression, these efforts of the 'om.any will be a waste, hen'e the em.loyees
.ers.e'tive on the effe'tiveness of mentoring need to be studied organi6ations 'ondu't various
develo.ment .rograms, for these .rograms to be su''essful there should be effe'tive monitoring of
2o understand the mentoring .rogram that is 'urrently being used.
2o evaluate from the em.loyees .ers.e'tive the im.a't of mentoring .rograms on
their 'areer develo.ment and .rovide re'ommendations for im.rovement.
2o as'ertain if the mentoring .rograms are being valuable for em.loyees.
1ypot4esis of t4e study
+. 2here is no im.a't on mentoring on 'areer develo.ment of em.loyees.
*. 2here is im.a't on mentoring on 'areer develo.ment of em.loyees.
2he above study is a des'ri.tive study as to understand the mentoring .rogram 'urrently running on
the em.loyees and how it affe'ts the em.loyees for their 'areer develo.ment. For fulfilling the
above ob=e'tives, both .rimary and se'ondary data has been 'olle'ted. For 'olle'ting .rimary data,
stru'tured @uestionnaires was ado.ted. 8ersonal interview te'hni@ue is ado.ted to meet the
res.ondents and to 'olle't information. 8ersonal dis'ussions also made
Sample Design
& sam.le design is to define .lan for obtaining a sam.le from a given .o.ulation. 1t refers to the
te'hni@ue or .ro'edure the resear'her would ado.t in sele'ting items for sam.le. Aesear'her must
.re.are a sam.le design, whi'h should be reliable and a..ro.riate for his resear'h study.
Sample Si8e5 *-- respondents
Sampling %ec4ni9ue5 2he te'hni@ue ado.ted for sam.ling is the ?on).robability 'onvenient B
Cudgmental sam.ling te'hni@ue where the @uestionnaire has been distributed among the various
levels in the organi6ation and a relevant data has been obtained for the main .ur.ose of basi'
analysis and inter.retation.
Data collection met4ods
Primary data
Secondary data
HA Ae'ords
2raining Aelated 8ersonnel Manuals
-om.any Ae'ords
Plan of analysis
2he Data 'olle'ted will be analy6ed using Statisti'al tools li/e gra.h analysis, 8ie 'harts
and statisti'al .a'/age su'h as S8SS.
C4apter Sc4eme
2he resear'h 'om.rises of the following 'ha.ters3
C4apter *: Introduction(
C4apter +: "evie; of !iterature 3 "esearc4 Design
C4apter <: Profile of t4e Industry=Company
C4apter >: Data Analysis 3 Interpretation
C4apter ?: Summary of &indings2 Suggestions 3 Conclusion

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