Task 5 Stages of Literacy Hour

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Prepare suitable activities for literacy hour

Stage 1 Whole Class Shared Text
The lesson starts with the whole class working on a shared text where the teacher is able to
model effective reading or writing and where all pupils can actively participate.

A Meal by the Sea by Sue Palmer ( ea phonics )
1. Teacher reads the text , followed by pupils.
2. Discuss the illustrations with pupils
3. Look at the structure of the poem ( Lines, Rhyme )
4. Explain to the pupils words that they dont understand.
5. Ask pupils to circle the words with ea- sound
Activity : Beat the Clock

(a kitchen timer in a fabric bag/alarm clock set to ring after specified number of minutes)

Pass the clock around. Pupils have to think of any word with a particular phonic feature (ea
sound) before passing the clock on. This could be played as a team game with two teams
playing against each other. The winning team is the first to complete a full circle.
Example of words with ea
Sea, tea, pea, seal, heal, meal, seat, meat, treat, heat, neat, bead, read, lead,
knead,beak, leak , peak, weak, beam, seam, team, lean, beans, means, tease, beat,
heat, neat, peat, seat, wheat.
Stage 2 Whole Class Shared Sentence/Text/Word
Then comes a short period of word level or sentence level work. The focus of this part
of the lesson is to teach and consolidate phonic knowledge which the children can then
apply in their reading and writing or on spelling or sentence construction.
Activities for Stage 2 literacy hour :
Comic strips
1. Teacher reads the text , followed by pupils
2. Explain to the pupils words that they dont understand.
3. Ask pupils to draw pictures to illustrate each sentence, to test their
understanding and perspective towards the poem. OR
4. Sequence three or four pictures related to the main input and write a sentence
for each one.
5. Call any volunteer to show their drawings and share their opinions to the class.
Whole Class Sorting Game

1. Teacher distributes large flashcards, some contains words, some contain sentences and
some contains pictures. All are related with the poem/ story being read.
2. Ask students to walk around to match their flashcards and sit in one group. The
sentences, words and pictures must be related with each other.
3. Ask every groups to show the pictures, read the sentences and words so that every
student in the class are able to hear their story.

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