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October 2004
Page 23
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apid advances in computer and simulation technology make it
possible to model complex geometrical shapes, material behavior
and load cases, and to analyze the associated deformations and
stresses under simulated operational conditions close to the real situation.
The efficiency of the interdisciplinar y multiphysics-analyses and the quality
of their results are however highly dependent on being able to access the
knowl edge and expert i se of company speci al i st s i n f i ni t e el ement
applications, materials sciences and fluid dynamics. A typical example of
such a close cooperation at Sulzer Innotec was the numerical investigation
of the thermo-mechanical stresses in the exhaust manifold of a diesel
engine with active water cooling system.
Exhaust manifolds of diesel engines are parts which are sensitive to crack
damage. Even improved materials like cast alloys suffer from relatively high
operational temperatures which can lead to significant stresses and displacements. The aim of a series of coupled CFD-FE
simulations per formed by Sulzer Innotec for Guascor was to investigate the thermo-mechanical behaviour of an exhaust manifold
(Figure 1) which has an active cooling system. The following three cases of cooling were analysed:
Full wat er f low Part ial wat er f low (50% reduced cooling flow) Vapour f low
Fluid flow, thermal heat transfer and stress analysis were coupled for each case using a one-way-coupling approach. Selected
results are given below in the form of temperature, stress and displacement distribution plots. The arrows in Figure 1 indicate
potentially critical areas of the component. The investigation focused on potential structural optimisation measures. Some
suggestions for design improvements are therefore also presented, which are effective at reducing the temperature peaks
and temperature gradients, thereby ensuring a longer ser vice life for the exhaust manifold.
CFD Analysis
The fluid flow and the heat transfer through the exhaust manifold were computed by a CFD analysis using the CFD code
STAR-CD. The temperatures of the solid parts were subsequently interpolated onto the ABAQUS-FE-mesh and used to
obtain corresponding thermal deformations and stresses. This interpolation was done by algorithms developed by Sulzer
Innotec. The CFD calculations were based on selected operating points concerning cooling conditions which are described
below in detail:
Full cooling wat er f low
Part ial cooling wat er f low (Due to higher temperatures in the cooling jacket, the cooling water can partially evaporate. Based on this
assumption the second analysis was done with a one-phase model and using a coolant medium with the material properties of water,
equivalent to 50% reduced cooling flow. A possible occurrence of vapour phase was therefore not simulated explicitly, but potentially critical
zones were expected to be identifiable by this simplified modelling).
Vapour f low (In extremes, the further increase of the temperature in the cooling jacket can lead to evaporation of the entire cooling
water. This operating point is investigated with a one phase model with water vapour as coolant medium).
Coupl ed CFD
Coupl ed CFD
- FE-
- FE-
Anal ysi s
Anal ysi s
f or t he Exhaust Mani f ol d
f or t he Exhaust Mani f ol d
of a Di esel Engi ne
of a Di esel Engi ne
Yasar Deger, of Sulzer Innotec, examines the important topic of coupled CFD and FEA analysis in this exhaust
manifold example.
Figure 1: Exhaust manifold of a diesel engine.
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Preparat ion of t he
Numerical Model
and Mesh Generat ion
The hot exhaust gas enters the
manifold from two sides and is
cool ed by a cool i ng j acket
(Figure 2). In order to carr y out
t he CFD-cal cul at i on wi t h
simultaneous consideration of
conjugate heat transfer, a multi-
purpose model containing the
fluid parts (exhaust gas, cooling
medi um) and t he sol i d part
(cast shell) has been created.
For the FE analysis, only the
solid part of the model is used. In spite of the relatively
symmetric geometr y of the exhaust manifold, due to the
asymmetrical cooling flow the full-scale model has been
taken into account for the entire investigation.
The unstructured grid, shown in Figure 3, consists of
approximately 1,800,000 cells. These are divided into
600,000 solid cells and 1,200,000 fluid cells. Great
importance was attached to implementing prism layers
with a fine resolution at the inter face between fluid and
solid to get a proper simulation of flow in the wall
boundar y layer and of the heat transfer to the wall.
Thermal Mat erial Propert ies
and Boundar y Condit ions
Temperature, pressure and mass flow of the exhaust gas
and of the cooling water at the inlet to the manifold were
specified for all three operating points. Furthermore,
mat eri al propert i es of cast i ron and t he sur f ace
temperature at the inter face between cylinder head and
exhaust manifold were defined. The heat transfer between
the hot exhaust gases, the manifold shell, the cooling
water and the environment was calculated by the CFD
code. The sur faces attached to the engine or to a
neighbouring manifold have a fixed temperature of
150C. The ambient temperature was assumed to be
30C with a heat transfer coefficient of a = 5 W/m
K. This
is a usual value to simulate natural convection.
CFD-Simulat ions
StarCD, the numerical code used to simulate the CFD part
of this study, operates by solving the governing differential
equations of the flow physics using a finite-volume
approach. The turbulent flow of both fluids (exhaust gas
and cooling water) was modelled by the standard k-e
model . Int er nal al gori t hms address conj ugat e heat
transfer problems, involving simultaneous fluid convection
and solid conduction. Effects which occur suddenly when
water evaporates at a hot wall like film boiling or bubble
boiling were not considered. This study only provides
information about where evaporation, if any, can arise.
Result s of t he CFD-Analyses
The temperature distribution for the three operating points
in the solid part, resulting from the exhaust gas flow and
the cooling water flow, is the main output of each CFD
simulation per formed for the exhaust manifold. This is
used as load input for the subsequent FE analysis. Plots of
the temperature distribution for the three operating points,
in a horizontal and a vertical cross section of the solid part,
are presented in Figures 4 and 5.
The temperature distributions for full cooling flow and
partial cooling flow are similar. For the vapour flow
however the temperatures in the solid part are significantly
higher, compared to the water flow cooling (please note
the different scales of
the legend in Figures 4
and 5). Temperat ure
peaks occur near the
exhaust gas out l et ,
especi al l y i n t he ri b
bet ween t he t wo
exhaust streams. This
is caused by the fact
that the cooling water
has no access to this
ri b. Ther mal st rai ns
caused by these high
temperatures can lead
to significant stresses,
Figure 2: Longitudinal section plot of the exhaust
manifold showing exhaust tube, cooling jacket and the casing.
Figure 3: Longitudinal section of the numerical grid. The zoomed view shows the implemented prism layer on
fluid contact areas to ensure proper calculation of the heat transfer between solid and fluid parts.
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i f t he cor rspondi ng di spl acement s are suppressed.
Therefore, this area is of special interest and was
investigated in detail by means of the FE analyses.
FE Analysis
To si mul at e t he t her mal l y i nduced st resses and
deformations induced by the temperature distributions FE
simulations have been per formed using ABAQUS (Version
6.4) for the same three operating points (full water flow,
partial water flow, vapour flow). The model consisted of
600.000 10 nodes tetrahedral elements of type C3D10.
Boundar y Condit ions
The manifold which was investigated is mounted to two
other manifolds on both sides, to the cylinder head and to
the turbocharger. All of these devices are practically fixed.
This means that no displacements are possible in a
direction normal to the sur faces which are connected to
adjacent devices. Figure 6 shows the FE-Model with
corresponding boundar y conditions.
Figure 4:
Temperature distribution in a
longitudinal horizontal cross section.
Figure 5:
Temperature distribution in a
vertical cross section through the rib at gas outlet.
Temperature fields as output from CFD analyses were the
main load cases to investigate. A stress free environmental
temperature of 30C (303K) has been assumed. The
pressure of the cooling flow and the exhaust flow in the
exhaust mani f ol d var y bet ween 1. 0 and 3. 0 bar
depending on the operating point. The stresses induced by
these pressures are relatively low in comparison to the
thermal stresses induced by the temperature distribution.
Therefore they are considered to be negligible within the
scope of this investigation.
Mat erial Propert ies
As shown in Table 1, the material properties of GGG Si-Mo
5.1 are significantly temperature dependent. Considering
the average temperature under operational conditions and
as a conser vative approach, a modulus of elasticity equal
to 135000 MPa, a Poisson s ratio of 0.25 and a linear
coefficient of thermal expansion equal to 1.22 10
used for simulation purposes.
The nonl i near mat eri al behavi our above t he
proport i onal i t y l i mi t (here: yi el d st ress) has been
accounted for according to the cur ve plotted in Figure 7.
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Result s of t he
FEM-Simulat ion
All three thermal load
cases were evaluated in
t er ms of von Mi ses
stresses and maximum
principal strain. Figure 8
shows a typical deformation plot and Figure 9 the
corresponding stress distribution. As one can easily see,
t he maxi mum st resses are of t he same order of
magnitude as the yield stress. In the cases of partial water
cooling and vapour cooling the critical areas remain the
same and st resses are even hi gher. Furt her more,
surprisingly it was found with an additional analysis that
the influence of boundar y conditions on the stress
distribution is of rather minor importance.
One of the major advantages of the coupled CFD-FE
simulations as per formed in the case presented is that the
model can be easily adapted to potential modifications
and be utilized for any what, if -analyses. Most
probably, the existing representative FE model of the
exhaust manifold will be re-used for further investigations
in this way.
Figure 6: FE model with boundar y conditions.
Table 1: Material properties relevant for the FE analysis.
Figure 7: Elastoplastic material model.
Figure 8: Thermally induced deformation of the exhaust manifold under normal
cooling conditions. The displacements are given in mm.
Figure 9: Thermally induced von Mises stresses in the exhaust manifold under
normal cooling conditions (plotted in N/mm
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Discussion / Conclusions
The modelling with elements of type C3D10, the use of at
least 2 elements across the wall thickness of the exhaust
manifold and the nonlinear analysis enable a reasonable
simulation of a rather complex problem and ensure
relativly realistic predictions of the thermal gradients
occurring under extreme conditions (Deger, 2002). The
results of this investigation confirm that significant stresses
can be expected at selected areas of the component
(especially, outlet section of the exhaust gas, near rib). The
stress concentrations can be interpreted as remarkable
indices for extreme levels of temperature and temperature
gradients and show at the same time the sensitive areas
for potential enhancement measures. Next, the exhaust
manifold will be developed with changes based on this
In the following, some suggestions are listed, which could
possibly lead to significant improvements in terms of the
reduction of thermal stresses:
Additional Cooling at the Rib Region.
Choi ce of anot her mat eri al wi t h more adequat e
mechanical properties at high temperatures.
Local modification of the design.
Any combination of the measures mentioned above.
Ref erences
Deger, Y., Simulation of Thermomechanical Load Cases ,
Sulzer Technical Review, 3/2003.
Deger, Y., Die Methode der Finiten Elemente , 2nd Ed., Expert
Verlag, Germany, 2002.
Simperl, B., Schck, J., Deger Y., Thermal Deformation and
St resses i n an Exhaust Mani f ol d , Techni cal Report Nr.
TB03_0123, Sulzer Innotec, Oct. 2003, (not public).
ABAQUS User s Manual, Version 6.4.
Cont act
Yasar Deger Sulzer Innotec E
Figure 10: Thermally induced von Mises stresses (N/mm
) in the exhaust
manifold under normal cooling conditions (detail plot of the rib area).
Announcing 2 New Fatigue Seminars
For further information contact Dr. Neil Bishop
Tel: +44(0)1252 792088
Practical Fatigue and Fracture of Structures
A 4-day seminar focused on structural designers, analysts and test
engineers which will cover the basic procedures of load path analysis,
stress assessment, and fatigue and fracture calculations (with particular
emphasis on damage tolerance). The seminar will cover both hand based
procedures and FEA techniques.
Gouda, Netherlands 8-11 November
Madrid, Spain 15-18 November
Chester, UK 6-9 December
Fatigue Analysis of Dynamically Responsive Systems Using FEA
A 4-day seminar focused on structural designers, analysts and test
engineers that will cover the integration of structural dynamics, fatigue life
estimation techniques and FEA in order to show how to design dynamically
responsive structures for a required fatigue life.
Alzenau, Germany 5-8 October
Gothenburg, Sweden 11-14 October
Istanbul, Turkey 18-21 October
Lowell, MA, USA 1-4 November
Palaiseau, France 22-25 November
Rome, Italy 29 November -2 December

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