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Giorgio Roo

Curriculum Vit
Skype: roo.g
Professional network Giorgio Roo - Common Prole. Giorgio Roo - Common Prole. Giorgio Roo - Independent Prole.
Personal Information
Date of Birth May 1, 1985
Place of Birth Naples (Italy)
Nationality Italian
Gender Male
Education and Training
November 12, 2012
June 22, 2013
M.Sc. in Computer Game Development, University of Verona.
The main areas under investigation are: Advanced C++ Programming,
Articial Intelligence, Engines, Game play, Physics, Sound and Network-
ing Programming. MasterGameDev
October 1, 2009
October 20,2011
Master of Science in Engineering and Information Technology, Spe-
cic eld in Visual Computing, University of Verona.
Masters programs: Computer Vision, Image-based 3D Reconstruc-
tion, Pattern Recognition, Articial Intelligence, Automatic Reasoning,
Human-computer Interaction, Multimedia communications, Non-visual
interaction, System theory and Algorithms.
Degree achieved in the rst session of the academic year available.
September 15, 2006
September 29,2009
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Specic eld in Mul-
timedia, University of Verona.
Bachelor programs: Numerical Analysis, Mathematical analysis 1 &
2, Physics 1 & 2, Databases and Multimedia, Software Engineering,
Digital Image and Sound Processing, Computer Graphics, Probability &
Statistics and Perception Psychology.
Degree awarded in the rst available session of the academic year.
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
July 15, 2012
July 21, 2012
International Computer Vision Summer School, 3Rs of Computer Vis-
ion: Recognition, Registration, Reconstruction ICVSS, Via Punta Sampieri,
97018 Ragusa (Italy).
As a participant I beneted from direct interaction and discussions with
world leaders in Computer Vision, among which Prof. Jitendra Malik,
Associate Prof. Deva Ramanan and Prof. Graham Finlayson. I had
also the possibility to present the results of my research, and to interact
with my scientic peers, in a friendly and constructive environment.
Examination session successfully completed
October 2, 2012
October 5, 2012
3rd PAVIS School on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and
Image Processing, Sestri Levante, 16100 Genoa (Italy).
The main topic was "the component analysis methods for human sens-
ing", the lectures have been held by Associate Prof. Fernando De la
Torre and Prof. Jerey Cohn. Enabling computers to understand human
behaviour has the potential to revolutionize many areas that benet
society such as clinical diagnosis, human computer interaction, and social
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
Master Thesis
Title A framework for automated video rating prediction using hybrid
generative-discriminative classiers
Adviser Marco Cristani
Studies on communicative exchanges that do not focus only on the semantic
level of the messages, are one of the brand new scientic elds in pattern
recognition, dubbed social signalling. Observing aective, attitudinal and
cognitive states such as fear, joy, appreciation, disagreement and inattention
means to catch social signals. Social signals and social behaviours are
the revelation of ones attitude towards social situation and interplay;
they are manifested through a multiplicity of non-verbal behavioural cues
including facial expressions, body postures and gestures. This project aims
to investigate how non-verbal aspects, whether resulting from postures or
gestures, may be relevant to predict the audience appreciation as example
of social signal. To the best of our knowledge, this is the rst attempt
that faces a similar, intriguing goal. In particular, we focus on an on-line
video repository called VideoLectures, analyzing dierent characteristics
of the speaker during the lecture. The prediction is performed through
probabilistic classication, adopting a very recent research direction, i.e.,
that of the hybrid generative-discriminative classication.
Bachelor Thesis
Title Design and implementation of an interactive visualization system for video
Adviser Andrea Fusiello
Description Recent advances in sensing and computing technologies have inspired
a new generation of data analysis and visualization systems for video
surveillance applications. The main idea is to provide the user with an
eective visualization system for video surveillance based on an Augmented
Virtual Environment (AVE) that fuses dynamic imagery with 3D models
in a real-time display to help observers comprehend multiple streams of
temporal data and imagery from arbitrary views of the scene. This thesis
focuses on a AVE, which is carried out by a 3d faithful reproduction of
a real building (University of Verona) and real surveillance video, and
technical features such as moving object detection and 3D display for
eective dynamic event comprehension and situational awareness. The
visualization system helps in observing the what is happening in an area,
recognize a known person or identifying an unknown subject, rather than
other high level analysis such as automatic video event-comprehension and
situational awareness. (Main Tools: VS10, OpenGL, 3D Studio Max 7.0,
AfW and FMOD Libraries). ID.13 Giorgio Roo Tesi di Laurea (Triennale)
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
Academic Projects
Title Description
Augmented Reality AR Book Course: Human Computer Interaction (U.Castellani), Program-
ming language: C++, Year: 2010. The main idea was to create
an Augmented Book by using AR Toolkit, AVI for Windows
(AfW) and FMOD programming libraries have been used. A
simple presentation is available on YouTube: Augmented Real-
ity Book.
Impact models for a haptic device Course: Non-visual Interaction (F.Fontana), Programming lan-
guage: C/C++, PureData, Year:2010. In haptic simulation, a
human operator kinesthetically explores a virtual environment.
To achieve a virtual sense of touch, the human interacts with
an active mechanical device (SensAble PHANTOM Omni). In
this work, the reactive forces on the ngers and hand associ-
ated with feeling a fabric will be duplicated using highly sensit-
ive touch response transducers. The user of this device will be
able to evaluate fabrics in a virtual sense.
Structure from Motion Course: Visual Computing (A.Fusiello), Platform: Matlab, Year:
2011. Image-based 3D Reconstruction. The project aims to
extract the 3D information from multiple images, in passive
stereo vision, the correspondence problem has been addressed
by assuming epipolar constraints. Since I was working on mul-
tiple views from the same calibrated camera, the second step
has been that one of computing the Longuet-Higgins Essential
Matrix, from this matrix has been possible to estimate the mo-
tion of the camera, at the end I recovered the depth of each
point by triangulation.
Back-jumping paradigm for DPLL Course: Automatic reasoning (A.Farinelli), Programming Lan-
guage: C/C++. Year 2010. Implementation of the back-
jumping paradigm for DPLL, it is a search algorithm for decid-
ing the satisability of propositional logic formulae in conjunct-
ive normal form, i.e. for solving the CNF-SAT problem.
Texture-Based Analysis on Benign
Nevus Cells
Course: Multimedia communications (G.Menegaz), Platform:
Matlab, Year: 2010. Discriminating between melanoma and
benign nevus is dicult for non-specialists, in this project I
faced the problem of analyzing non-melanoma textures, since
melanoma is mainly diagnosed by features of specic shape and
color. In this project I have used tools like image-quilting for
texture synthesis in order to algorithmically construct a large
digital image with same histological characters measured form
a small dataset made of real benign nevus images.
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
Title Description
The space battle: mElite videogame Course: Computer Graphics (A.Fusiello), Programming lan-
guage: C++, Library: OpenGL. The goal of the project was
to create a graphical extension to TextElite by Ian Bell. Tex-
tElite is a C implementation of the core of the original game
that can be played in a text adventure style. mElite is a space
shooter with additional trading capabilities. The player is y-
ing a trading space ship that can jump between several systems
using the hyper space. In a system, one can trade goods in a
Coriolis space station. This might be dangerous as Pirates
around to attack unsuspecting traders. I focused on enemy AI,
spaceships steering behaviors, GUI and I realize a new way for
showing the sun, very realistic and very nice to see. This pro-
ject is an example of a simple Procedural Content Generation
(PCG) approach applied to video game content as meshes and
Using Design Patterns in Real
Course: Software Engineering (L.Vigan), Languages: Java,
UML. In this project, I designed a simple videogame in Java.
For the purposes of this project, gameplay is dened as the
structures of player interaction with the game system and in-
teraction with other players. Patterns help designers put their
concepts and ideas into words, which makes communication
between members much easier.
The surplus problem: A Coee
Course: Computer Architecture (F.Fummi), Programming lan-
guage: Assembly, SIS. The main idea is to build a prototype
device composed of a controller and a data-path module, in
order to implement a greedy algorithm for a coee machine,
which is able to give back the surplus to the user, but with the
constraint of giving back the minimum number of coins.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Course: Human Computer Interaction (G.Menegaz), Declarative
Language: Open Laszlo. OpenLaszlo is an open source platform
for the development and delivery of rich Internet applications.
The goal of this project was to make a GUI able to make the
users interaction as simple and ecient as possible, in terms
of accomplishing user goals what is often called user-centered
Standard Algorithms Implementation Course: Algorithms (R.Segala, R.Posenato), Language: Java,
C/C++. I implemented custom algorithm such as quick sort
with quick selection, bubble sort implementations, graphs, visit
methods of a graph, uninformed search methods (breadth-rst
search, depth-rst search, depth-rst search limited) and also
informed search methods like A-Star.
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
Other Completed Projects
Title Description
Implementation of computer vision
Competition won Prot. n. 516 24/06/2011 Sel. CO10/11,
Professor Andrea Fusiello, Department of Computer Science,
University of Verona, in collaboration with ACTIVISION ITALIA
S.P.A. The main idea is to develop a method for removing
shadows from a single image thereby obtaining a high-quality
shadow-free image. With minimal user assistance, the method
rst identies shadowed and lit areas on the same surface in
the scene. These areas are used to estimate the parameters
of an ane shadow formation model. A pyramid-based res-
toration process is then applied to produce a shadow-free im-
age, while avoiding loss of texture contrast and introduction of
noise. By considering the variation of shadow intensity inside
the shadowed region, I processed it from the interior towards
the boundaries. Finally, to ensure a seamless transition between
the original and the recovered regions I applied image inpainting
along a thin border.
Advanced C++ Programming Course: Advanced C++ Programming (Giorgio Ugazio Google
Zurich Area). Basic Memory Management and Allocators &
Memory Pools: provide a unique access for every allocation
request and a wrapper over system allocation. Optimization
techniques: from Middle to Low Level optimization (loop op-
timizations, bit manipulation and bitwise operators) and cache
optimization, in order to minimize the cache miss.
Network Programming Course: CGD Networking. Implementation of Client/Server
applications such as remote command shell, le transferring (by
TCP) and Proxy server supporting multiple client connections,
real-time data sharing (by UDP) for videogames purposes.
Database Course: Database (C.Combi), Languages: SQL, XML, PHP,
JSP, HTML. This project covers database design and the use
of the PostgreSQL, a open-source Object-Relational DBMS,
for applications. It included coverage of the relational model,
relational algebra, and SQL. It also covers XML data including
DTDs and XML Schema for validation.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) Course: Tools Programming, (M.Tarini), MSc Computer Game
Development. Implementation of a GUI by Qt Library.
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
Scientic Interests
Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine learning, Social Signal
Processing and Non-Verbal Behavior
Research Experience & International Collaborations
January - July 2013 University of Verona, School of Computing Science, Supervisor: Asst
Prof. Marco Cristani.
I worked on identity verication in social media, inspired from the non
verbal conversational analysis we devised a soft biometrics strategy to
avoid identity theft in instant messaging platforms. The idea is to
characterize the author of a given sample of instant messages, coming
from real Skype conversations, by means of a novel feature set, then
given a sequence of "chats" of a single user the application tries to
determine if those ones were or were not written by that user. (see
AVSS13 [3] and ICCVW13 [1] pag.10).
I have also dealt with eye tracking data on video surveillance sequences.
goal was to understand how expert CCTV operators analyze such videos,
and if there is a dierence with novice participants. This study follows
the recent trend of applying a social signal processing perspective to
surveillance. Extracting spatio-temporal features, and training SVM and
kNN classiers, we have been able to discriminate the two groups of
subjects with an average accuracy of 80.26%. (see CIARP 2013 [2]
July 4, 2012 -
September 23, 2012
University of Glasgow, G12 8QB Glasgow (United Kingdom), Internship,
Supervisor: Prof. Frank Pollick Co-Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Vinciarelli.
My work was driven by the objective of trying to achieve a better un-
derstanding of covert-attention and its counterpart overt-attention by
analysing eye movement data from individuals viewing CCTV surveil-
lance video while trying to detect harmful intention. I tried several
data representation such as velocity and acceleration proling, gaussian
mixtures, string kernels and histograms, then I applied various machine
learning techniques to nd a classication system that would successfully
categorise the eye movements, among which an implementation of the
Expectation-Maximization algorithm, Hidden Markov Models and Sup-
port Vector Machines. As a result, I showed that the way people observe
video sequences, other than the what they observe, is important for
the understanding and the prediction of human activities (see CIARP
2013 [2] pag.10) by dividing the eye movement data into spatial and
temporal features, in this way it was possible to reliably classify the eye
movements of novices versus experts.
January 1,2012 -
November 12,2012
Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), 16163 Genoa (Italy), PhD Stu-
dent, PAVIS Facility.
Supervisor:Asst Prof. Marco Cristani
As a PhD student, I have been involved with the characterization of
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
human behaviour from social media. In particular, the focus is the
development of robust algorithms that model the chatting behaviour
of dierent individuals assigning a behavioural prole to each one of
them. The prole will be used for re-identication purposes (recognizing
dierent times the same person), or to extract particular personal traits.
More precisely, the research is divided in two phases: Re-identication
and Behavioural analysis through text. We suggested a set of stylometric
features for authorship attribution purposes. (see ACMM12 [4] pag.10).
Detecting human interactions represents one of the most intriguing
frontiers in the automated surveillance since more than a decade. I
have been involved in the study of social interactions in small focused
encounters (F-Formations). Detecting groups and their formations
automatically is a challenging task in crowded situations where proximity
and body orientation can be signicantly aected by the layout of a
room and how crowded the scene is. The detection of social interactions
in unconstrained scenarios is a valuable and important task, especially
for surveillance purposes.
Given seminars
May 2012 PAVIS Facility (internal seminar), IIT.
Stylometric Features for Authorship Attribution in Instant Messaging.
Work Experience
September 1, 2005 -
August 31, 2006
Employee, Oce for National Civil Service, Department of Youth and the
Italian Civil Service, Verona.
I worked on the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) of the Verona City
Council, in practice, the ERP gives an integrated real-time view of the
core business processes to the public administration, i.e.: managing the
reminder, billing, failures, monitoring shipments and deliveries.
October 2005 -
December 2008
Tutor, Permanent Territorial Center (P.T.C.), Bussolengo, Verona.
I participated as a tutor at the courses initiated by the P.T.C., which
are classied as: "Educazione permanente Degli Adulti (EDA)". I held
the following courses:
- Computer Basics (20Hrs)
- Internet and web applications (20Hrs)
- Video Editing (20Hrs)
- Microsoft Oce training (20Hrs)
The courses were grouped according to quarters during the calendar year.
I repeated this experience for three years, during my university studies.
2009-2011 Web Developer Freelancer, Verona.
I have worked as a web developer in a non-continuous manner. The websites were
developed in PHP and supported by a MySQL database. Here is a short list of
some of the websites that I have created:
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
Year 2013. A social network for online video game competitions:
Year 2012. A free non-prot association for direct assistance and protec-
tion for foreigners:
Year 2011. A travel agency:
Personal skills and competences
Social skills and competences.
I am very good at working with other people, good humoured and
very friendly person. Inclined to analyze both theoretical and prac-
tical problems, able to solve them by employing novel concepts, good
communication, eager to learn and develop new skills. Good software
engineering abilities.
Organisational skills and competences.
I am particularly capable to simultaneously manage and work on dier-
ent tasks, exhibiting a good mental agility in switching among dierent
contexts. Ability to adapt to changing scope, direction, and technology.
Strong ability to blend in new contexts, good skills in teamwork, good
organizational abilities, dynamism and desire for learning. I am able to
work tting to product direction.
Technical skills and competences.
Personal skills with QT Library and Noesis Engine for developing applic-
ation software with a graphical user interface (GUI).
Rendering 3D and realtime applications (OpenGL and DirectX)
Personal skills in the following engines for Game/Simulation: CryEngine
3, Unreal Engine/UDK 3, Unity and Ogre 3D.
Network (TCP/IP, web service) programming with Windows Sockets
API (WSA) and UNIX Network Programming with libpcap.
Editing: L
Xdocument markup language, Microsoft POce 2013,
Adobe Fireworks, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Eect & Dreamweaver.
Audio and Image Processing by Matlab, OpenCV in C/C++.
Mother tongue Italian
Second Languange English
Writing TOEFL iBT
& Lev. B2 (CEFR)
Reading TOEFL iBT
& Lev. B2 (CEFR)
Speaking TOEFL iBT
& Lev. B2 (CEFR)
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.
December 5, 2013 Trusting Skype: Learning the Way People Chat for Fast User Re-
cognition and Verication, G. Roo, M. Cristani, L. Bazzani, H. Q.
Minh, and V. Murino, 12/2013; In proceeding of: 2013 IEEE International
Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, At Sydney, Status: Accepted.
November 20, 2013 Statistical Analysis of Visual Attentional Patterns for Videosurveil-
lance, G. Roo, M. Cristani, F. Pollick, C. Segalin and V. Murino, In pro-
ceeding of: 18th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP
2013), LNCS 8259 Springer, Advances in Pattern Recognition and Applic-
ations Havana (Cuba).
August 27, 2013 Reading Between the Turns: Statistical Modeling for Identity Re-
cognition and Verication in Chats, G. Roo, C. Segalin, V. Murino
and M. Cristani, 10-th edition of the IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Video and Signal- Based Surveillance (AVSS 2013), 2013..
October 29, 2012 Conversationally-inspired stylometric features for authorship attribu-
tion in instant messaging, M. Cristani, G. Roo, C. Segalin, L. Bazzani,
A. Vinciarelli, and V. Murino, In Proceedings of the 20th ACM interna-
tional conference on Multimedia, MM 12, pages 11211124, New York,
NY, USA, 2012. ACM..
Associate Member of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE). Member # 92696039
I authorise the processing of my personal data for personnel research and selection
purposes under D.Lgs. n.196 of 30/06/2003.

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