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AREAS) ACT, 1996

Provision of
1. Short title and scope of rules
2. Definitions
3. Composition of the Gram Sabha
4. Declaration of Village
5. Gram Panchayat to the Executive Committee of Gram Sabha
6. Secretary, office, etc. of Gram Sabha
7. Gram Sabha meetings to be in public
8. Method of taking decisions
9. Date and time of meetings of Gram Sabha
10. Proceeding of the meetings of Gram Sabha
11. Presence in Gram Sabha
12. Special meetings of Gram Sabha
13. Standing Committee of Gram Sabha
14. Parallel bodies
15. Procedure of the Standing Committees of Gram Sabha
16. Complaint against Gram Sabha
17. Joint meetings of Gram Sabhas
18. Committee of Gram Panchayat to execute works in Gram Sabha
19. Gram Sabha Kosh
20. Cash box
21. Accounts to be maintained
22. Gram Sabha wise accounts
23. Role of Gram Sabha in maintaining peace and dispute resolution
24. Peace Committee
25. Peace and Security Corps
26. Matters relating to superstition, sorcery etc
27. Disputes to be heard by Gram Sabha
28. Justice Committee
29. Process of dispute resolution
30. Punishment by Gram Sabha
31. Role of police
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32. Arrest and bail
33. Action by a person or persons not satisfied with the decision of the Gram Sabha
regarding dispute resolution
34. Gram Sabha of safeguard Natural resources
35. Resource Planning and Management Committee
36. Gram Sabha to plan for farming
37. Land Management
38. Prevention of land alienation
39. Restoration of alienated land
40. Consultation before land-acquisition
41. Planning and management of water resources
42. Management of irrigation
43. Management of land of ponds
44. Fishing etc.
45. Gram Sabha to plan for minor minerals
46. Use by individual villagers
47. Mining lease for minor minerals
48. Protection of environment
49. Grant of concession for exploitation of minor minerals by auction
50. Gram Sabha to plan for labour force
51. Workers taken outside the village
52. Accounting of birth, death etc.
53. Wages for work
54. Muster Roll to be submitted to Gram Sabha
55. Regulation of intoxicants
56. Intoxication Control Committee
57. Instructions by Gram Sabha to manufactures of intoxicants
58. Opening a new factory or shop
59. Continuance of liquor shops
60. Views of women to be crucial
61. Consultation with Gram Sabha for Departmental Programmes of Forests
62. Management of minor forest produce
63. Gram Sabha to decide purchase of minor forest produce and royalty
64. Official management of minor forest produce
65. Scheme for minor forests
66. Control over Markets
67. Market Committee
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68. Control over money lending transaction : scope and process
69. Review of agreements
70. Rescheduling of loan repayment
71. No attachment or auctioning of land without permission of Gram Sabha
72. Seeds and granary
73. Gram Sabha to identify beneficiaries
74. Approval of programmes by Gram Sabha
75. Compliance of decision of Gram Sabha by Government Departments and Gram
76. Certification of expenses
77. Details regarding works to be given to Gram Sabha
78. Enquiries of Panchayat etc.
79. Review of Social Sector
80. State legislation to be in keeping with customary law, social, religious and
traditional management practices of community
81. State Government to nominate Scheduled Tribe representatives in block and
district Panchayats

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AREAS) ACT, 1996


1. Short title and scope of rules

(1) These rules may be called the Model Rules for the Panchayat (Extension to
Scheduled Area) Act, 1996.
(2) These rules are formulated under the Panchayats (Extension) to Scheduled
Areas Act), 1996.
(3) These rules shall apply to all the areas covered under the Panchayat
(Extension to the Scheduled Areas) Act 1996.

2. Definitions

(1) Gram Sabha:- Gram Sabha means a village assembly, comprising all adult
members of village.
(2) Minor Water body:- Minor water body means water body used for
fetching drinking water, construction of check dams any and irrigating land up to 40
(3) Scheduled Areas:- Scheduled Areas means the Schedule Areas referred
to in clause (1) of article 244 of the Constitution.
(4) Village:- Village means a habitation or group of habitations or a hamlet or
group of hamlets comprising a community and managing its affairs in accordance
with tradition and customs.
(5) Minor Forest Produce:- Minor Forest Produce includes all non-timber forest
produce of plant origin including bamboo, brush wood, stumps, cane, tussar, cocoons,
honey, wax, lac, tendu, or kendu leaves, medicinal plants and herbs, roots, tubers and
the like.


3. Composition of the Gram Sabha

All the people included in the electoral rolls of a village shall be the members of the
Gram Sabha of that village.
4. Declaration of Village
(1) In conformity with the provision of Section 4 (b) of PESA Act, a village shall
consist of a habitation or a group of habitations, or a hamlet or a group of hamlets,
comprising a community and managing its affairs in accordance with its traditions
and customs.
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(2) If the people of any habitation are of the opinion that their habitation should be
recorded as a village, and is not so recorded, they may pass a resolution to this
effect and forward it to the Sub-Divisional Magistrate (SDM).
(3) The SDM will enquire into the merits of the resolution. In case of favorable
outcome of the inquiry, the habitation shall be notified as a village.

5. Gram Panchayat to be the Executive Committee of Gram Sabha

(1) The Gram Panchayat shall be denned to be the Executive Committee of the Gram
(2) The Gram Panchayat shall function under the general superindence, control and
direction of the Gram Sabha.

6. Secretary, office, etc. of Gram Sabha

(1) The Secretary of the Gram Panchayat will be deemed to be the Secretary of
the Gram Sabha. In a situation where there are more than one Gram Sabhas in
a Gram Panchayat, the Secretary of the Gram Panchayat will be the Secretary
of all the Gram Sabhas.
(2) The Gram Sabha may appoint an Assistant-Secretary from its members apart
from the Secretary. But the Assistant Secretary will not be entitled to any pay,
honorarium etc. He or she will execute his duties honorarily.
(3) The duties of the Assistant Secretary will be to help the Secretary and work in
collaboration with him. In the absence of the Secretary, the Assistant
Secretary will discharge the duties on his behalf
(4) The office of the Gram Panchayat will be the office of the Gram Sabha. If
there is more than one Gram Sabha in a Gram Panchayat, apart from the
headquarter of the Gram Panchayat, each Gram Sabha will have its own office
in its village, such as the house of an ordinary person. Rent will not be paid in
any form for this office.

7. Gram Sabha meetings to be in public

(1) Every meeting or proceeding of the Gram Sabha will be conducted in public,
(2) Even if a meeting of the Gram Sabha is to be held in a closed building, there
will not be any provision of closing the doors or prohibiting entry.

8. Method of taking decisions

(1) As far as possible, the working of the Gram Sabha will be done with

Note: Consensus means the people present either agree with the proposal or are
neutral, and none of them is an opponent. There is a compulsion of the
quorum for a consensus.

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(2) In the condition of non-consensus on any issue in a meeting, that matter will
be discussed in the meeting to be held after one week or later, as decided by
the Gram Sabha.
(3) If there is no consensus in the second meeting also, a decision will be taken on
the basis of a majority. But there is a compulsion of quorum in such
meetings. In the absence of quorum the matter will be considered void. The
issue may subsequently be decided by a majority whenever the quorum is

9. Date and time of meetings of Gram Sabha

(1) Gram Sabha will hold a meeting at least once in two months. The Gram Sabha
may decide a fixed date (means English date, Indian date or the day of the
week), time and place of the meeting permanently. In such a case there would
be no need to provide any type of information for specific meetings.

(2) However, if the Gram Sabha decides to fix each meeting separately, or
decides to hold a meeting on a particular day, within three days of the
decision, an announcement will be made in the whole village.

10. Proceedings of the meeting of Gram Sabha

(1) A chairperson will be selected for the meeting of the Gram Sabha for one
year. From the members present, only a member of Scheduled Tribe will be
so selected.
Provided that in villages where the population of Scheduled Tribes is less than 10%, a
chairperson may be selected from among persons who do not belong to the Scheduled
Provided further that no Sarpanch or Panch of the Panchayat shall be eligible to act
as the chairperson of the Gram Sabha.
(2) Selection of chairperson will be done with consensus to the extent possible.
In the case of non-consensus, amongst the members present, the oldest lady
from the Scheduled Tribes would be the chairperson.
(3) In case the Gram Sabha is not satisfied with the performance of the
chairperson, it will have the right to recall him/her by a simple majority and
select a new chairperson.
(4) The quorum of the meeting of the Gram Sabha will be one fifth of the total
members. There shall be a separate quorum for women, which will be one
third of the general quorum.
(5) In the absence of the quorum, the meeting would be considered postponed.
But the amongst the present members may decide to hold a meeting within a
week. The quorum will be necessary even in the postponed meeting.
(6) A detailed statement of the complete record of income, expenditure of the last
month, muster roll of workers, sale and purchase will be produced in the
meeting of the Gram Sabha. The quality of the works undertaken may be
discussed and necessary action taken as per the decisions of the Gram Sabha
to improve the situation.
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(7) While concluding the meeting, a brief statement of the decisions taken in the
Gram Sabha will be prepared by the Secretary/Additional Secretary and in
their absence, a person nominated by the Gram Sabha. That statement will be
read out in the meeting. After a consensus upon the correctness of the
statement, the Chairperson, Secretary or the writer will sign or put a mark. In
the case of disposal of disputes, the members of the judicial committee will
sign or stamp that statement.

11. Presence in Gram Sabha:

The Gram Sabha can ensure the mandatory presence of at least one member from
every family of the village for the execution of its works. The concerned family may
be penalized if the member is absent without proper reason.

12. Special meeting of Gram Sabha:

(1) Apart from its regular meetings, in the following circumstances special meetings
of the Gram Sabha may be held:

(i) If it is so decided in the general meeting of the Gram Sabha,
(ii) If there is a proposal in the Panchayat which needs to be considered by
the Gram Sabha,
(iii) If an officer requests the Sarpanch,
(iv) On the basis of the written information given to the Secretary by at
least 5 percent of total members of Gram Sabha or 25 members,
whichever is more.

(2) Except in situation (i), the Secretary will call for a meeting within seven days
after consulting the Sarpanch, and public information thereof will be given in the
village 3 days prior to the fixed date through announcement and other methods.

Provided that if the Secretary is of the opinion that the Sarpanch is hindering holding
a meeting, he will hold a meeting despite the negative advice of the Sarpanch.

Provided that, in the absence of Secretary/Assistant Secretary or lack of action to hold
a meeting within a week, three members from among the people who request in
writing to organize a meeting may inform the Sarpanch and organize the meeting by
giving notice of at least three days.

(3) The decisions taken in a particular meeting shall not be challenged anywhere else
except in the next meeting. The decisions of the Gram Sabha will be final.

13. Standing Committees of Gram Sabha

(1) The Gram Sabha may constitute Standing Committees viz. Peace Committee,
Justice Committee, Resource Planning and Management Committee,
Intoxication Control Committee, Debt Control Committee, Market
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Committee, Sabha Kosh Committee and others as deemed appropriate by the
Gram Sabha in order to fulfill its responsibilities regarding various aspects of
the working of the village. Besides, temporary and ad-hoc committees may be
constituted as per requirement.
(2) The members of the Standing Committees of the Gram Sabha shall be elected
in an open meeting of the Gram Sabha among members of the Gram Sabha.
As per the spirit of the participatory democracy, that to the extent possible,
every member of the Gram Sabha will be included in some Committee and
discharge some responsibility.
(3) The tenure of all the Standing Committees will be of one or two years as
decided by the Gram Sabha. For this purpose on the decided date all the
members of these Committees will be relieved of their duties. Gram Sabha
will then take a decision to assign them responsibility in the same or some
other Standing Committee. The Gram Sabha is competent to reconstitute all
the Committees.
(4) There will be a President and a Secretary in each Standing Committee. The
Committee concerned will appoint them from among the members with

Provided that if the Standing Committee is not able to form a consensus, a decision will
be taken through simple majority.

(5) The responsibility to implement the decisions taken by the Gram Sabha on
various subjects will be of the concerned Standing Committee. But the
responsibility of the works to be carried out from the amount received from
the Government in any form will be of the Gram Panchayat and its concerned

14. Parallel bodies

(1) If under any Act on any subject such as forest, irrigation management etc., a
body or committee is constituted by any government department, the same
will be treated as a Standing Committee of Gram Sabha on that subject.
Notwithstanding the provisions in the concerned Act, that body or committee
will be accountable to Gram Sabha.
(2) Any instructions issued by any agency other than the Gram Sabha will not be
treated as legal instructions to the Gram Sabha or Gram Panchayat. Such
instructions will be treated merely as advisory.
(3) The concerned committee will put up such instructions before Gram Sabha
and the final decision to implement them in the same or revised form or not to
implement them will be of the Gram Sabha.

15. Procedure of the Standing Committees of Gram Sabha:

The procedure of the Standing Committees of Gram Sabha will be the same as of
Gram Sabha as follows:

(1) Meetings of all Committees including Gram Panchayat will be in open,
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(2) Notice of every meeting of the Standing Committee, specifying the date, time
and place thereof and business to be transacted thereat shall be given by the
Secretary of the Standing Committee at least three days in advance.
(3) The quorum necessary for the meeting of the meeting of the Standing
Committee shall be one-half, including the President.
(4) A member of Gram Sabha may attend any meeting of Standing Committee.
He may ask any question on the topic of the discussion with the permission of
the chair. But he or she will not have the right to vote at the time of final
(5) All the decisions of the Standing Committees will be taken as per the
procedure for the Gram Sabha.
(6) The gist of the important decisions taken in the meetings of the Standing
Committees will be recorded.

16. Complaint against Gram Sabha

(1) Any complaint, allegation or objection made about any action taken by the
Gram Sabha may be put up in the general meeting of the Gram Sabha for
(2) If the complainant or any other person is of the opinion that an observer is
necessary to assist the Gram Sabha in resolving the complaint, he may make a
request to the District Collector to direct an observer to attend the Gram Sabha
(3) If the District Collector is satisfied about the need for an observer, he may
depute an observer for the meeting of the Gram Sabha under intimation to the
(4) The observer so appointed shall facilitate the redressal of the grievance of the
(5) If the issue is not addressed, the complainant or the observer may refer the
issue to the Ombudsman whose decision shall be final.

17. Joint meetings of Gram Sabhas:

1) Every Gram Sabha is competent to execute its functions in its jurisdiction.
But in matters like management of resources, construction of roads etc. in
which working with other Gram Sabhas is required, a joint meeting of all
Gram Sabhas falling under the jurisdiction of the Gram Panchayat can be
2) The joint meeting of Gram Sabhas would be conducted as per the rules of
Gram Sabha as if all the Gram Sabhas were a single entity.
3) The joint meeting would be chaired by the Sarpanch of the Village Panchayat.

4) In the joint meeting, attendance of a minimum of 5% members or 10 members
from each Gram Sabha, which ever is less, would be mandatory. In case there
is no quorum, the date of next meeting would be finalized on the same day
and the same would be sent to all Gram Sabhas.
5) The decision making process would be the same as in the case of a single
Gram Sabha.
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6) The area wise allocation for Government programmes in the Gram Panchayat
will be made in the joint meetings for which the proposal will be made by the
Gram Panchayat. The decision of the joint Gram Sabha would be final.

18. Committee of Gram Panchayat to execute works in Gram Sabha:

The Gram Panchayat may constitute a Standing Committee to execute the works of a
Gram Sabha after obtaining agreement from the concerned Gram Sabha. All the
Panch or members elected from that Gram Sabha will be the members of this
Committee and one of them will act as coordinator. This Standing Committee will be
competent to execute all the works of that Gram Sabha on behalf of the Panchayat.


19.Gram Sabha Kosh

(1) The Gram Sabha will maintain a Gram Sabha Kosh.
(2) This Kosh will consist of the contribution received in any form including
voluntary contributions of cash and goods and the labour of villagers; amount
received through the government from minor forest produce, minor minerals
etc; and surcharges imposed on the consumption of the resources or fines
levied by the Gram Sabha.
(3) The Kosh will be under the control of Gram Sabha. The Gram Sabha will
have the complete right of its usage as per its own decisions.
(4) The Kosh will be operated by a Gram Kosh Committee comprising at least
three members nominated with consensus or elected by the Gram Sabha. At
least one member out of the three members would be a woman. One member
will be incharge of the deposited amount of kosh. Another member will take
care of the accounts. The third member will take care of the transaction of
money or expenditure.

20. Cash box

(1) The cash available with the Gram Sabha may be kept in a box under lock and
key upto Rs.3000/- and in a bank for higher amounts.
(2) In case of the cash kept in a box, the box, and the key to the lock of the box
will be kept with different persons.

21.Accounts to be maintained

(1) The accounts of the Gram Sabha Kosh shall be maintained in a register by a
member of the Gram Kosh Committee.
(2) The accounts of the Kosh will be produced in the monthly meeting of Gram
Sabha every month.

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22. Gram Sabha wise accounts:

For every Gram Sabha, the Gram Panchayat will keep a separate account of the
expenditures incurred from the funds of the Panchayat, which would be certified only by
the concerned Gram Sabha.


23. Role of Gram Sabha in maintaining peace and dispute resolution

(a) In keeping with community traditions and the spirit of the Constitution, law and
relevant rules, it will be the fundamental duty of the Gram Sabha to maintain
peace and order in its area.

(b) Gram Sabha is competent for the following action/works in its region:

i) To maintain a peaceful atmosphere where there is no fear,
ii) To safeguard self respect and maintain the freedom of expression of
every citizen and
iii) To counter the vices of antisocial elements including indecent
behaviour with women, fighting/quarrelling in public place etc.
iv) Resolve disputes

24. Peace Committee

(1) The Gram Sabha may constitute a Peace Committee. The Peace Committee
shall have at least 33% women, and a minimum of 50% STs.
(2) The Peace Committee shall maintain a healthy relationship with the
neighbouring villages, and ensure that in matters of common interest and
interdependence of neighboring villages, any action taken will be based on
consultation with the neighbouring villages.
(3) The Gram Sabha may empower the Peace Committee to:
(i) Inquire into incidents that vitiate peace of the village and report to Gram
Sabha for a decision.
(ii) Counsel those breaking peace and arbitrate.
(iii)Take immediate action where necessary, and subsequently report to Gram
(iv) With the approval of the Gram Sabha make a report / request to the Sub
Divisional Magistrate for suitable action.

25. Peace and Security Corps

(1) Gram Sabha may constitute a Peace and Security Corps in order to protect life
and property. This team will function under the guidance of the Peace
(2) Youth of the village from the age-group 18 years to 30 years may voluntarily
join the Peace and Security Corps. But in any extraordinary situation or
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owing to any special reason, Gram Sabha on its own may induct any
youngster in the team.
(3) The leader of the Peace and Security team will be an ex-officio member of the
Peace Committee.
(4) The Peace and Security Corps will form small groups to fulfill their
responsibilities that may be allotted any work including night patrolling.
(5) If the members of the team come to know about any untoward incident or the
possibility of its occurrence, whether themselves or through any other
medium, then without making any delay they will take the matter to the
coordinator of the Peace Committee or any of its members, and act as per his
(6) The members of the team will not use force in any form except in
circumstance where they have to use their right of self-defence and that too
only when there is no other way out and they are completely helpless.

26. Matters relating to superstition, sorcery etc :

(1) Matters related to superstition sorcery or magic will be deliberated upon in
open meetings of the Gram Sabha.
(2) The matters of superstition will be discussed in two continuous meetings of
the Gram Sabha so that everyone gets an opportunity to think over the matter.
(3) When such matters are discussed, any member of the Gram Sabha may make
a request to the District Collector for the presence of an observer. Upon
receiving such a request, the District Collector shall depute an observer.
(4) It will be the duty of the observer so deputed to provide factual and scientific
information about the matter to the Gram Sabha.

27. Disputes to be heard by Gram Sabha:

(1) Whenever any dispute is brought to the Gram Sabha by the Peace
Committee or any person or persons, the Gram Sabha will consider it
immediately or fix a date to for hearing.
(2) The Gram Sabha or a Committee authorized by it will be competent to
hear cases and levy punishment as indicated in Annexure-I.

28. Justice Committee

(1) To carry out the proceedings/hearings of the disputes, Gram Sabha may constitute
a Justice Committee comprising of three to twelve members.
(2) Judicious senior citizens will be included in the Committee. At least 50% of the
members will be from among Scheduled Tribes and at least 50% will be women
and two persons will be from the Peace Committee who will act as its
(3) Cases will be heard by a bench of three members as decided among the Justice
Committee. There will be at least one woman in each bench.

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29. Process of dispute resolution

(1) While resolving a dispute, the Gram Sabha, Justice Committee or the Peace
Committee will take action as per its tradition, keeping in mind the principles of
natural justice.
(2) The hearing of any dispute will take place only in public. Before arriving at the
final decision, persons from both the parties and other people actively involved in
the proceedings, if any, will be given ample opportunity to express their views.
(3) After listening to the views of all the people, the bench of the Justice Committee,
after deliberating on the matter, shall present its conclusion and proposal for
further action to the Gram Sabha.
(4) All the members of the Gram Sabha will have an opportunity to give their views
on the conclusions and proposals of the Justice Committee.
(5) After getting the reactions of the Gram Sabha, the Justice Committee, after
making appropriate amendments if necessary, will present its conclusion and
proposal to the Gram Sabha again. These will be accepted as the decision of the
Gram Sabha on the basis of consensus or a majority vote as the case may be.
(6) If the conclusions or proposals of the Justice Committee do not get a majority
vote in the Gram Sabha, the matter shall be sent to the Peace Committee. After
having an informal talk with the parties, the Peace Committee shall, again present
the matter in the next meeting of Gram Sabha.
(7) In case the proposal of the peace Committee fails to get a majority, the Justice
Committee and Peace Committee will take a decision as per their discretion and
their decision will be considered to be the decision of the Gram Sabha and will
have to be accepted by both the parties.
(8) The main objective of resolving any dispute will be to eliminate the dispute
completely and create an atmosphere of harmony in the village.

30. Punishment by Gram Sabha

1. The Gram Sabha may provide for punishment as follows:
(i) In cases where there is no intent to cause harm, to accept ones mistake,
regretting it in front of the Gram Sabha, apologizing for the wrong
committed, and promising not to repeat the mistake will be considered a
suitable punishment.
(ii) In other cases, penalty may be levied by the Gram Sabha upto the
maximum limit indicated in Annexure-I. The penalty, will be in
proportion to the economic condition of the person found guilty.
(iii)In case the matter is extremely serious, a complaint may be made to the
Competent Authority with the approval of Gram Sabha.

31. Role of police:

(1) If the local police receives information regarding a possibility of disruption of
peace in the area of any Gram Sabha, then except in cases in which immediate
action by the police is mandatory, the police officer concerned will present a
detailed report of the matter to the Gram Sabha or to the Peace Committee.
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Arbitration in such matters or preventive measures against any person will be
taken only with the concurrence of the Gram Sabha.
(2) If the police receives information regarding any crime, then except in case of
serious crime or in an extraordinary situation where immediate action by the
police is required, after the report is registered in the police station, a copy of
the same will be sent to Gram Sabha or Peace Committee. If necessary, an
effort will be made to resolve the matter in Gram Sabhas special meeting or
in its forthcoming meeting. In case the matter is not resolved in three months,
the Gram Sabha will inform the police for further action.

Note: Those crimes shall be considered to be serious, for which there is a provision of
punishment of 2 or more years in the Indian Penal Code.

32. Arrest and bail:

(1) Before arresting any person as far as possible, the concerned officer will
present the matter in Gram Sabha for its views on the matter. If the Gram
Sabha is not in agreement with the police, the arrest would be made only after
stating the reason for it in writing.
(2) In cases where the police has to make arrests without consulting the Gram
Sabha or Peace Committee, it will be the responsibility of the police to present
the matter in detail to the Peace Committee or Gram Sabha at the earliest and
in any case in two weeks.
(3) At the time of arrest, the presence of the Coordinator of the Peace Committee
or any of its other members will be mandatory.
(4) The police will have to give full information within 48 hours regarding the
custody of any person to the Gram Sabha or well wisher of the person
concerned nominated by the Gram Sabha.

33. Action by a person or persons not satisfied with the decision of the Gram
Sabha regarding dispute resolution:
If a person or a group affected by any decision of the Gram Sabha feels that there has
been a violation of his human rights and in following the decision a punishable
offence and the affected person registers a report in the police station, then in such
cases, before initiating action as per normal procedure, the concerned officers shall
contact the Gram Sabha or Peace Committee for full information regarding the


34. Gram Sabha of safeguard Natural resources

(1) Gram Sabha is competent to safeguard and preserve the natural resources
located in its area as well as those over which it enjoys traditional rights
including water, forest, land and mineral as per local tradition and the spirit of
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the laws of the Central and State Governments. To fulfill this role, the Gram
Sabha may play active role in their management.
(2) The Gram Sabha will ensure that resources are utilized in such a way that :
(i) Livelihood means are sustained.
(ii) Inequality among the people does not increase.
(iii)Resources are not confined to a few people.
(iv) There is full utilization of local resources, in keeping with sustainability.

(3) Though as per the prevalent rules individual rights over natural and other
resources will be suitably honoured, their management will be done keeping
in view the inherent spirit of the community legacy.

35. Resource Planning and Management Committee

(1) There will be a Standing Resource Planning and Management Committee
(RPMC) of Gram Sabha. Representatives of all departments will function as
advisors to the RPMC and attend its meetings.
(2) RPMC will chalk out a plan for the best possible use of all the resources
within the territory of the village and those in the surrounding and will advise
and cooperate with Gram Sabha members to make use of them accordingly.
(3) The RPMC will consider all the aspects, including difference of opinion or
dispute about the management or use of the resources. The Gram Sabha may
authorize the RPMC to resolve such disputes. If the RPMC is not able to
resolve the same these will be considered in the meetings of Gram Sabha.
The decision of Gram Sabha will be final.
(4) The RPMC may constitute sub- committees on specific issues such as
farming, minor minerals, to assist it in its functions.

36. Gram Sabha to plan for farming

(1) Gram Sabha is competent to plan and take action about the farming of its
village in such a way make farming economically viable for the farmer.
(2) The decisions of Gram Sabha, inter-alia, may include the following major
(a) To prevent the soil erosion.
(b) To regulate grazing in order to protect crops and enhance the capacity of
(c) To accumulate rain water, use it for farming and provide for its
(d) With mutual cooperation or otherwise, to ensure provision of seeds,
manure etc. as well as knowledge sharing.
(e) Promotion of organic manures, fertilizers and insecticides.

37. Land Management

(1) The Gram Sabha may undertake the following activities with respect to the land
in the village:

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(a) Review of records of the entire land of the village in meetings of Gram
Sabha to ensure that the farmers names are correctly recorded and records
are properly maintained.
(b) Measures to ensure that farming land does not remain fallow due to any
reason and to provide for the farming on lands of migrating people,
dependents and minors etc. and to determine the conditions for the tillers
of such land.
(c) Make arrangements so that the lands of migrating people can be farmed by
landless or needy people and decide the conditions for such farming.

(2) It shall be mandatory for village officials to take permission from Gram Sabha
prior to any kind of transfer of land.

Note : Any kind of devolution includes sale, mortgage, lease-contract etc in which the
owner or tiller of the land changes.

(3) All matters regarding of mortgage of land will be put up before Gram Sabha.
Gram Sabha may take action to prevent such mortgage or decided the
conditions of such mortgage.

38. Prevention of land alienation
(1) The Gram Sabha will ensure that no land belonging to Scheduled Tribes is
transferred to non ST persons.
(2) The Gram Sabha shall be competent to enquire into any land transactions, or
authorize the Peace Committee to do so, on the basis of complaints or suo- motto.
(3) The Peace Committee shall place its findings before the Gram Sabha.
(4) If the Gram Sabha is of the opinion that attempts are being made to alienate
lands belonging to STs, it may issue instructions to prohibit the transaction.
(5) The decision of the Gram Sabha is such cases shall be final.

39. Restoration of alienated land

(1) If Gram Sabha finds that any person other than a member of the
aboriginal tribe, is in possession of any land of a Bhmiswami belonging
to an aboriginal tribe, without any lawful authority, it shall restore the
possession of such land to that person to whom it originally belonged
and if that person is dead to his legal heirs.
(2) In case of dispute regarding the land to be restored, the Gram Sabha will
follow its process of dispute resolution.

40. Consultation before land-acquisition

(1) When the government considers land acquisition under any Act, the government
or the concerned authority will submit to the Gram Sabha the following written
information along with the proposal:-
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(i) The complete outline of the proposed project including the possible impact
of the project.
(ii) Proposed land acquisition.
(iii) New people likely to settle in the village and possible impact on the area
and society, and
(iv) The proposed participation, amount of compensation, job opportunities,
for the people of the village.

(2) After getting complete information the concerned Gram Sabhas will be
competent to summon the representatives of the concerned authorities and the
government to examine them either individually or collectively. It will be
mandatory for all such persons summoned to furnish point-wise clear and correct
(3) The Gram Sabha after considering all the facts, shall make a recommendation
regarding the proposed land acquisition and rehabilitation plan of persons
(4) The recommendation of the Gram Sabha shall be considered by the land
Acquision Officer.
(5) In case the land Acquisitions Officer is not in agreement with the
recommendations of the Gram Sabha, he will send the case again to the Gram
Sabha for reconsideration.
(6) If after a second consultation, the Land Acquisition Officer passes an order
against the recommendations of the Gram Sabha, he shall record the reasons for
doing so in writing.
(7) In case of industrial projects, all the Gram Sabhas that are influenced by such
projects shall be consulted.

41. Planning and management of water resources

(1) The management and use of water resources will be such that these are kept
intact for future generations, and all the villagers have equal rights over this
(2) Water bodies within a Gram Panchayat will be managed by the Gram
Panchayat, those extending to more than one Gram Panchayat by the Block
Panchayat and those extending to more than one Block Panchayat by Zilla
(3) The Gram Panchayat or the Block or District Panchayat as the case may be,
after consulting the Gram Sabha, keeping in view its traditions and the spirit of
prevalent laws, will regulate the use of available water in the village for various
purposes and also decide about the priority of use.
(4) It will be mandatory for Panchayats at all levels to consult the RPMC or the
Gram consensus before taking any decision regarding water body.

42. Management of irrigation

(1) The Gram Panchayat or the Block or District Panchayat as the case may be,
regulate the use of water for irrigation after taking the advice of the RPMC.
(2) The use of water for irrigation will be such that equal access is allowed to all.
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(3) Any dispute will be put up before the RPMC or Gram Sabha. The decision of
Gram Sabha will be final and binding for all.

43. Management of land of ponds

The Gram Panchayat or the Block or District Panchayat as the case may be will
make arrangements for the farming of land available as a consequence of the
reduction of water level of ponds meant for the irrigation and other purposes, in
consultation with RPMC and concerned departments. It will also decide about the
levy rate on that land, keeping in view State Government rules.

44. Fishing etc. :

(1) All person will have equal rights to fishing as per the convention in the water
resources located within the territory of the village.
(2) Keeping in view the local traditions the Gram Panchayat will impose
necessary conditions regarding any aspect of fishing to ensure that one or
more persons do not increase their jurisdiction in an unjust manner and also to
maintain the availability of the fish.


45. Gram Sabha to plan for minor minerals

(1) Gram Sabha is competent to plan and control the excavation and use of all
the minor minerals including soil, stones, sands, etc to be found in its area.
(2) The RPMC shall discharge this responsibility.

46. Use by individual villagers

(1) The villagers may use minor minerals for their individual needs as per the
traditional practice. But

(i) The permission of Gram Sabha will be compulsory for use of

(ii) Gram Sabha may decide the extent of use of the local material such
as stone, sand, etc for making Pukka houses different from the
traditional dwellings and may also impose royalty.
(2) The Gram Sabha may fix the responsibilities such as filling up pits, planting
trees, constructing ponds etc. by persons undertaking excavation to
compensate for the general or special ill effects of excavation.

47. Mining lease for minor minerals

(1) The Panchayat or the Government department concerned may award mining
lease for minor minerals only in consultation with Gram Sabha.
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(2) Gram Sabha may impose conditions for protecting the environment,
employment, etc in the leases of minor minerals.

48. Protection of environment

(1) In villages having commercial feasibility of minor mineral production, before
permitting the minor minerals to be used commercially, it will be the
responsibility of the Mineral Department to consult Gram Sabha.
(2) If any condition has been imposed by the Government for the protection of the
environment etc. the concerned officer will provide complete information to
the Gram Sabha in this regard.
(3) The condition imposed by Gram Sabha about the environment can not be
relaxed at any level.
(4) The plan for exploitation of minor minerals. This will include arrangements
such as excavation area, the type of area, managing of ill effects of excavation
such as existence of pits, water shortage, reduction in vegetation, effect of ash
or smoke on fields, etc; the nullify all these effects by filling up the pits,
planting trees, etc.

49. Grant of concession for exploitation of minor minerals by auction

If any concession is given by any Government department for the exploitation of
minor minerals, it shall be mandatory of the said department to obtain the
permission of the Gram Sabha.


50. Gram Sabha to plan for labour force

(1) Gram Sabha is competent to undertake activities in order to ensure that there is
full utilization of the village labour force including under the National Rural
Employment Guarantee Scheme and forest related works.
(2) The Gram Sabha may take any action which encourages cooperation among the
people, sharing each others knowledge work etc.

51. Workers taken outside the village

(1) It will be mandatory for all persons taking workers outside the village for jobs to
provide complete information to Gram Sabha about the written or oral agreement
specifying nature and conditions of work, and take its permission before taking
any workers outside the village.
(2) Gram Sabha or Peace Committee will ensure that all persons going out for work
have complete and correct information about the work and any agreements made.
If they are to be given an advance sum of money as the condition of going out or
otherwise, the amount will be given before Gram Sabha or Peace Committee.
(3) Only after getting the permission of the Gram Sabha as per the procedure
mentioned above, will it be possible to take the people out for work.
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(4) Gram Sabha will be competent to make such an arrangement as it deems fit to
ensure that girls do not get entrapped. Apart from the establishments of the
governmental and organized sector, it will be mandatory for mangers of private or
unorganized sector to keep the Gram Sabha concerned informed from time to time
about the well being of the girls.

52. Accounting of birth, death etc.

(1) Gram Sabha is competent to maintain separate registers for the details of the
(i) births (ii) deaths (iii) marriages (iv) festivals (v) persons going outside the
village to make livelihood.
(2) The same will be certified by Chairperson and Secretary in meetings of the
Gram Sabha and the details of this certification will be recorded in the
proceedings of the meeting.

(3) In case of dispute, the particulars prepared by Gram Sabha will be treated as

53. Wages for work

(1) If in a village, the work is to be got done by a Government or non-
Governmental institution on the basis of measurement of work instead of daily
wages, the work rates will have to be submitted in the general meeting of the
Gram Sabha.
(2) Gram Sabha, inter-alia, will be informed about the name of the officer
deciding the rate, the name of the Act, data and modalities of how it was
(3) Gram Sabha, after taking into account those details, if required, may ask the
department to reconsider it citing the reasons for the same.
(4) These wage rates will be displayed on a board at a common place in the

54. Muster Roll to be submitted to Gram Sabha

Muster Roll of the labourers pertaining to all kinds of works to be conducted by
Deptt. or institution will be submitted in the monthly general meeting of the Gram
Sabha for its information, review and certification.


55. Regulation of intoxicants:

The Gram Sabha is competent to have full control over all the aspects related to
any type of intoxicant with in its jurisdiction. It means that the Gram Sabha may:

(a) completely stop the relaxation of allowing tribals to make local liquor for their
own use or impose any type of ban on it in the village.
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(b) give instructions to stop the sale of any type of intoxicant from a shop or in
any other manner. Provided that these instructions would come into force
from the forth coming financial year.
(c) impose a ban on bringing in any type of intoxicant or taking it outside the
village territory.
(d) prohibit or impose a limit on the storage of intoxicants at any place.
(e) completely stop the use of liquor or other intoxicants in its village territory or
impose any restriction.
(f) prohibit the sale of Mahua, Jaggrey etc. which are used in making liquor in the
village or in the market.
(g) regulate the use of Taadi, Sulphi etc.

56. Intoxication Control Committee

(1) The Gram Sabha may constitute an Intoxication Control Committee to inquire
into complaints related to intoxicants and either on the basis of complains or suo
motto, make suitable suggestions regarding the control of intoxicants for the benefit
of the people.
(2) At least half of the members of the Intoxication Control Committee shall be
(3) The responsibilities of the Intoxication Committee would include:
a. To ensure that the factories manufacturing any type of intoxicants adhere
to all the conditions mentioned in the license and in case of any
infringements, report to competent authorities.
b. To ask the owner of the concerned factory to present all matters related to
the welfare of the people including manufacture of liquor, distribution
system, its environmental impact etc. before the Gram Sabha.

(4) Gram Sabha may take advice and help from the Excise Department for the smooth
functioning of the Intoxication Control Committee.

57. Instructions by Gram Sabha to manufactures of intoxicants

(1) The Gram Sabha may give appropriate instructions to the owner of any factory
manufacturing intoxicants of any type on matters related to the welfare of people, and
also ask the Excise Department to intervene if it considers necessary.

(2) If the problems of the welfare are not solved even after departmental intervention,
the matter will be referred to the District Collector.

58. Opening a new factory or shop:

(1) Without the concurrence of the Gram Sabha, no new factory for
manufacturing liquor or other intoxicants may be established.
(2) All proposals to construct a factory to manufacture liquor or other intoxicants
or to open a new shop for the sale of liquor in the jurisdiction of a Gram
Sabha, by the Government or any other agency, would be required to be
presented to the Gram Sabha.
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(3) Such proposals will be presented for information in the Gram Sabha meeting,
but would be considered in the next meeting or in a special meeting by the
Gram Sabha.
(4) The decision of the Gram Sabha will be final.
(5) In case the Gram Sabha remains undecided on the issue or if the proposal is
not considered, then that proposal will be deemed to be unacceptable.
(6) In the absence of a complete quorum, the above mentioned proposal cannot be
considered in the meeting of the Gram Sabha.

59. Continuance of liquor shops:

(1) In order to continue a liquor shop for any year, a proposal would have to be
presented by the Excise Department in the Gram Sabha meeting before the
month of December of the previous year.
(2) A liquor shop may continue only if a resolution is passed in the Gram Sabha
to allow continuing the sale of liquor.
(3) If such a proposal is not received from the Excise Department till the Gram
Sabha meeting of the month of December or a proposal is received but there is
no decision in the Gram Sabha regarding allowing the shop to continue, then
this will be considered to be an order to close the shop from 1
April. In such
a case, it will be mandatory for the shopkeeper to close the shop from 1

(4) If such a shop is not closed by the shopkeeper voluntarily, the Intoxication
Control Committee by its own discretion will be competent to take
appropriate action to close the shop.

60. Views of women to be crucial:
(1) On any of the above mentioned topics, the views of the female members
present in the Gram Sabha will be considered to be the views of the Gram
Sabha and action will be taken in this regard according to those views.
(2) In the Intoxication Control Committee in case of any difference of views the
views of the women members will be held to be the views of the Committee.


61. Consultation with Gram Sabha for Departmental Programmes of Forests

Before chalking out the departmental programme for forests and exploitation of forest
produce, it will be compulsory for the Forest Department to consult the Gram Sabha.

Notes: In this consultation it will be ensured that the exploitation of the forest is
in consonance with the scheme chalked out with peoples consent, and no such plants/
trees are cut which are useful to the local people and there is no illegal export of the
forest yield.

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62. Management of minor forest produce

(1) Despite any provision about minor forest produce in any Act the management of
such produce will be done to protect the right of ownership access to collect, use and
dispose of minor forest produce which has been traditionally collected within or
outside village boundaries of forest dwelling Scheduled Tribes and other forest
dwellers in consonance with section 3 of Forest Rights Act, 2006.
(2) The Gram Sabha may chalk out an action plan about the use or exploitation of
small forest produce in consultation with the forest officer concerned.
(3) Gram Sabha may, in case of limited quantity of a minor forest produce, make a
cyclic arrangement for its collection and use by a few people such as re-sourceless
and economically weaker groups.
(4) Gram Sabha is competent to ensure strict compliance of rules in the exploitation
of minor forest produce and that collectors of minor forest produce do not commit
any act which damages the forest.

63. Gram Sabha to decide purchase of minor forest produce and royalty

(1) One or more Gram Sabhas together, in consultation with the Forest Department,
may decide the minimum price for the purchase of minor forest produce or exchange
rates for other commodities such as chiraunji and salt.
(2) Gram Sabha may determine the royalty payable by the collector or the trader on
minor forest produce. This amount will be deposited in Sabha Kosh.
(3) It will be mandatory to give details to Gram Sabha before taking any minor forest
produce outside the area of the Gram Sabha collected by any department or institution
on the basis of any Act, rule or administrative instructions, and obtain clearance from
it for the same.

64. Official management of minor forest produce

(1) If the State Government organizes the trade of any minor forest produce in order
to protect tribal interests, that trade will be treated as trade carried out on behalf of
But prior approval of the Gram Sabha will be needed for the proposed
arrangement. On the basis of suggestions of the Gram Sabha, necessary changes may
be carried out.
(2) In the above trade, Gram Sabha and the collectors will have complete right over
net profit..

65. Scheme for minor forests

(1) For meeting the villages requirements such as grazing, fuel wood making houses
and ploughs, Gram Sabha will chalk out a minor forest scheme for the use of forest
resources used traditionally by the people in consultation with the concerned Forest
Officers. Under this scheme every person will be able to use the resources after
getting permission letter from the RPMC.
(2) Gram Sabha may make rules to ensure that the interest of the poor persons for
picking up the fuel wood and livelihood are protected.
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(3) Gram Sabha may chalk out suitable programmes to conserve the forest, improve
the environment and enhance employment at local level in their respective areas.
(4) Gram Sabha is competent to make enquiries, despite the departmental permit,
about the wood or the forest produce passing through their areas.
(5) If there is a doubt of illegal operations on enquiry, Gram Sabha is competent to
stop it on the spot.


66. Control over Markets

Gram Sabha is competent to control and manage the markets within its territory,
including the following:

(a) make available water, sheds and other physical facilities to the
shopkeepers and the consumers in the market.
(b) prohibit the inflow and sale of harmful objects in the market.
(c) ensure that the weight, measurement and payment in the transactions are
(d) obtain and share information about the prices being charged.
(e) prohibit all unfair practices, including cheating or misinformation
regarding prices.
(f) prohibit gambling, betting, testing luck, cock-fighting etc. in the market
or its surrounding area.
(g) impose tax on the shopkeepers of the market.

Provided that no tax shall be levied on small vendors coming to the market to sell the
yield. The Gram Sabha will be competent to decide who qualifies as a small vender.

67. Market Committee

(1) Gram Sabhas of villages which share a common market may constitute a
Market Committee for the management of the market of the village. Market
Committee will be accountable for the arrangement of the market.
(2) Peace Crops of the village in which the market is held at the instructions of
Market Committee will be responsible for ensuring smooth functioning of the
market without any conflict or quarrel.
(3) In case of any dispute the decision of the Market Committee can be
challenged in Gram Sabha. The decision of Gram Sabha will be final.


68. Control over money lending transaction : scope and process.

(1) Despite any provisions in any Act or law, according to the spirit of section 4
(m) of the Extension Act, Gram Sabha is competent to control money lending
- 25 -
transactions of all the villagers. For this, it may institute a Debt Control

Note: Money lending transactions include loan etc. extended by Govt, co-operatives,
money lenders, banks and other institutions under an Act or privately or informally, as
per the convention or otherwise.

(2) Gram Sabha is competent to decide the condition of maximum interest and
repayment in the matters of private transaction.
(3) Gram Sabha may ask for any information regarding the loan extended by any
person or institution to the villagers, its conditions, repayment status etc. In these
matters, on being asked for the information, the concerned person or institution
will provide complete information to the Gram Sabha within the prescribed time.
(4) A villager may put up his case in writing or orally before the Gram Sabha or Debt
Control Committee regarding any kind of irregularity, corruption in transaction,
the recovery proceeding, inability to repay the loan etc. in respect of the loan
extended by any institution or person. If there is an oral complaint, it will be the
duty of Secretary of Gram Sabha or Debt Control Committee to prepare a memo
in this regard and to keep the same in records.
(5) After considering the application mentioned above if the Gram Sabha itself or on
the basis of the conclusions of the Debt Control Committee finds that there has
been injustice with the applicant, it may instruct the concerned institution/person
to redress the injustice.
(6) Gram Sabha, especially in the case of the tribals, may instruct a bank, society or
any lender that loans be disbursed only in presence of Gram Sabha or its Debt
Control Committee. The same instructions may be issued about the repayment of
the loan.
(7) Instructions of Gram Sabha will be binding.
(8) If the concerned institution has any doubt about it, it may appeal to the District
Collector. The District Collector shall appoint an arbiter, who will resolve the

69. Review of agreements

Gram Sabha is competent to review written, oral and informal agreements of all kinds
of labourers in the village and ensure that there is no forced labour as repayment of

70. Rescheduling of loan repayment

(1) A debtor may apply to the Gram Sabha for the rescheduling of his loan.
(2) While considering any application for waiver or concession regarding a loan
on the basis of the information and other facts submitted, Gram Sabha will
inter-alia, consider the following points:-
(a) The amount of loan and the date on which received by the applicant.
(b) The installments already paid.
(c) Whether the applicant has received the loan or grant in time and as per
his requirement for the programme concerned.
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(d) Whether the applicant has received any aid from the credit institution
or the Government department in circumstances beyond his
(e) Whether the applicant received desired benefit after taking the loan.
(f) Whether the social and economic condition of the applicant have been
considered while deciding the installments for recovery and
accordingly making the recovery.

(3) After considering all the aspects of the loan, the Gram Sabha may reschedule
the loan and decide installments for its repayment.
(4) The decision of the Gram Sabha will be final.

71. No attachment or auctioning of land without permission of Gram Sabha

No legal action including attachment of property for recovery of any loan may be
taken without the permission of Gram sabha. If such an action is being taken
against any person he may give application to Gram Sabha about it. After
considering the application, Gram Sabha may also instruct to stop that action till
the decision is taken.

72. Seeds and granary

(1) Gram Sabha is competent to store seeds granary in the village with mutual co-
operation for the following purposes:-

(i) To make available grains and other produce in the required quantity to
meet the requirements of the villagers and

Note: The requirements of a village includes the provision for emergency and seeds etc.
in case of crop failure due to any reason.

(ii) To provide facility of advance to those persons who have shortage of
(iii) To provide relief to the farmers from the compulsion of selling at low

(2) Gram Sabha may to make rules regarding the contribution in the storage by its
members and the purchase of the grains by granary.
(3) Gram Sabha is competent to decide conditions for providing grains etc. to its
members from the storage in the form of loan, as per conventions and
principles of natural justice.


- 27 -
73. Gram Sabha to identify beneficiaries:

(1) The Gram Sabha is competent to finalise rules and criteria for identification of
beneficiaries on the basis of the economic condition of the family for development
programmes from among the people of the village, in keeping with government rules.
(2) Beneficiaries for all developmental programmes will be selected by the Gram

74. Approval of programmes by Gram Sabha:

(1) It will be mandatory for the Gram Panchayat to obtain the approval of all the
Gram Sabhas on plans and projects for the village.
(2) Before beginning any programme or project in the village the Gram Panchayat,
any government department or any other institution will present it before the
Gram Sabha for its approval.
(3) The concerned institution will present complete information related with that
programme before the Gram Sabha including the following:
(a) The relevance and importance of the programme with reference to the
objectives finalized for the development of the village.
(b) The full financial details of the programme, such as expenditure by
government, loan or aid.
(c) In matters regarding construction works, their dimension, construction
material, use of technology and machines, participation of the local workers,
the role of contractors etc.

(4) It will be the right of the Gram Sabha to:
(a) Approve the plan, programme or project in the form in which it is
presented by the concerned institution or put conditions.
(b) While giving an approval for programme, make necessary modifications
keeping in mind the situation of the village.
(5) The decision of the Gram Sabha will be final.

75. Compliance of decision of Gram Sabha by Government Departments and
Gram Panchayat

(1) The Gram Panchayat and its committees will work under control and direction
of Gram Sabha and they will be wholly accountable to Gram Sabha.
(2) The functioning of Gram Panchayat will be carried out as per the general rules
if made, by the Government. But in case of conflict between these rules and
directives of the Gram Sabha, the latter will have supremacy.
(3) While using its rights, if the Gram Sabha takes a decision which causes
hindrance or there is possibility of hindrance in the official work of any
department or officer, then action will be taken as follows:
(a) The representative of the concerned department the officer will postpone
the action on the disputed matter and present his point of view to the Gram
Sabha and with a request

to it to reconsider its decision.
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(b) If the department is not satisfied with the decision of the Gram Sabha, it
will refer the matter to District Collector whose decision will be final.

76. Certification of expenses

(1) It will be mandatory for the Gram Panchayat to obtain a certification of
utilization of all funds from the Gram Sabha for works undertaken in its
(2) Gram Sabha is competent to give a certificate that the amount given in any
form or the work taken up by any department or institution under any head in
the village is spent properly.
(3) The certificate given by the Gram Sabha will be considered valid during the
audit process.

77. Details regarding works to be given to Gram Sabha

(1) In the meetings of the Gram Sabha the complete details regarding every work
going on in the village will be given by all the agencies working in the area.
(2) Any objection pertaining to the quality of the work, certification of the
expenditure etc. may be placed before Gram Sabha. Gram Sabha may
examine the issue and give proper instruction for improvement and its
decision will be final.
(3) On completion of any programme or the complete details thereof will be
produced before the next meeting of Gram Sabha.

78. Enquiries of Panchayat etc.:

(1) Any enquiry into the functioning of Gram Panchayat by any officer under
Panchayat Act or any other Act will not be made without consulting Gram
(2) Before finalizing the results of the enquiry undertaken after consulting Gram
Sabha, the results would be presented before Gram Sabha. Keeping in mind
the consultations with Gram Sabha in this regard, if found necessary, suitable
amendments would be made in the results and the report would be forwarded
for proper action.
(3) During the review of all institutions, the procedure described above in (2)
would be followed.

79. Review of Social Sector

(1) The Gram Sabha shall be competent to review social sector schemes as well
as local institutions such as schools, hospitals etc. from time the time.
(2) The Gram Sabha may constitute special Committees to assist in its reviews
(3) The instructions given by the Gram Sabha to improve the implementation
of social sector schemes of local institutions will have to be followed by the
concerned functionaries.

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80. State legislation to be in keeping with customary law, social, religious and
traditional management practices of community

(1) If a Gram Sabha is of the opinion that any State Legislation is not in
consonance with the customary law, social and religious practices and
traditional management practices of the community resources it may pass a
resolution to that effect.
(2) The resolution so passed shall be forwarded to the District Collector by the
Gram Sabha, who shall forward it to the State Government.
(3) All such resolutions of Gram Sabhas shall be considered by a Committee
constituted by the State Government chaired by the Minister for Tribal affairs,
and comprising Scheduled Tribe MLAs, and NGO representatives and
activists working in Scheduled Tribe areas. The Committee will make its
recommendations on the resolution of the Gram Sabha after due consideration
to the State Governments.
(4) The State Government shall take necessary action on the recommendations
made by the above mentioned Committee.


81. State Government to nominate Scheduled Tribe representatives in block and
district Panchayats

(1) The State Government may nominate members of Schedules Tribes to a
block or district Panchayats, provided that the number of persons so
nominated shall not exceed 10% of the total strength of the Panchayats.
(2) Provided members from among different tribes shall be nominated by
- 30 -

Offences under IPC triable by Gram Sabha under PESA Rules:

S. No. Sections
under IPC
Offences Maximum Punishment
1. 160


Fine not extending Rs 100
2. 264 Fraudulent use of false
instruments for weighting
Fine not exceeding Rs 500
3. 265 Fraudulent use of false weight
or measure
Fine not exceeding Rs 500
4. 266 Being in possession of false
weight or measure
Fine not exceeding Rs 200
5. 267 Making or selling false weight
or measure
Fine not exceeding Rs 1000
6. 269

Negligent act likely to spread
infection of disease dangerous
to life

Fine not exceeding Rs 500.
7. 277

Fouling water of public spring
or reservoir

Fine not extending Rs 500
8. 283

Danger or obstruction in public
way or line of navigation

Fine not exceeding Rs200
9. 285

Negligent conduct with respect
to fire or combustible matter

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
10. 286 Negligent conduct with respect
to explosive substance

Fine not exceeding Rs 1000
11. 288 Negligent conduct with respect
to pulling down or repairing

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
12. 289

Negligent conduct with respect
to animal

Fine not exceeding Rs. 500
13. 290

Public nuisance in cases not
otherwise provided for
Fine not exceeding Rs. 200
- 31 -
14. 294

Obscene acts and songs

Fine not exceeding Rs 200
15. 298 Uttering words, etc., with
deliberate intent to wound the
religious feelings of any person

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
16. 323

Voluntarily causing hurt

Fine not exceeding Rs 1000
17. 334 Voluntarily causing hurt on

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
18. 336

Act endangering life or
personal safety of others

Fine not exceeding Rs 250
19. 341 Wrongful Restraint

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
20. 352

Assault or criminal force
otherwise than on grave

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
21. 374

Unlawful compulsory labour.

Fine not exceeding Rs 1000
22. 379*

Theft Fine not exceeding Rs 1000
23. 403*

Dishonest misappropriation of

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
24. 411*

Dishonestly receiving stolen

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
25. 417* Cheating Fine not exceeding Rs 500
26. 426

Mischief Fine not exceeding Rs 200
27. 427 Mischief causing damage to the
amount of fifty rupees.

Fine not exceeding Rs 200
28. 428

Mischief by killing or maiming
animal of the value of ten

Fine not exceeding Rs 100
29. 429 Mischief by killing or maiming a
cattle etc. of any value or any
animal of the value of Rs 50

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
30. 447

Criminal trespass

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
- 32 -
31. 448


Fine not exceeding Rs 1000
32. 500 Defamation

Fine not exceeding Rs 500
33. 504 Intentional insult with intent to
provoke breach of the peace

Fine not exceeding Rs 200
34. 506 Criminal intimidation

Fine not exceeding Rs 1000
35. 509 Word, gesture or act intended
to insult the modesty of a

Fine not exceeding Rs 1000
36. 510

Misconduct in public by a
drunken person

Fine not exceeding Rs 10

*Provided that the amount of property does not exceed Rs 250.

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