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From Session 1986 87 i.e. annual Examination 1988 and onward.

Paper A.
Principles and Problems of International Politics:
1. Science of International Politics: Oriin and !e"elo#ment of International $elations
as an academic disci#line.
%. &'e !e"elo#ment of State S(stem.
). *ationalism and So"ereint(. Interaction amon States and State Power.
+. &'e nature of *ational Power and Elements of Power.
,. Instruments of international societ(- international tri.unals- international /aw and
International 0oralit(.
6. !e"elo#ment of international institutions.
7. International s(stem and su.s(stem: de"elo#ment of reionalism.
8. Instruments and tec'ni1ues of state interaction: di#lomac(- #ro#aandas- economic
and militar( #ower- .alance of #ower- war.
9. &'e ma2in of forein #olic(.
13. &'e role of ideoloies in International $elations.
Books Recommended:
Fran2el- 4ose#': International $elation- /ondon 196 5re1uired readin6.
/eon- P. 7radat: Political Ideolo( Oriin and Im#act- *. 4. 1979.
7urton- 4o'n: 8orld Societ(- 9am.ride- 197%.
7urton- 4o'n: S(stem- States- !i#lomac( and $ules- /ondon- 1968.
Fran2el- 4ose#': &'e ma2in of Forein Polic(- /ondon- 196%.
Friedmann- 8.: :n Introduction to 8orld Politics- /ondon- 1963.
;artmann- Frederic2: &'e $elations of *ation- *ew <or2- 1967.
0orent'au- ;ans 4. Politics amon *ations- /ondon.
Sc'umann- F. /.: International Politics- *. <. 1969.
Paper B
orld Affairs since! "#"#.
1. Paris Peace Settlement and 1uest for securit(.
%. *ationalism "ersus Internationalism.
). !ecline of 9olonialism.
+. =uestions of armaments.
,. 8ord econom(.
6. 9auses of Second 8orld 8ar.
7. Emerenc( of *ew International S(stems.
a. $ise of >S:. >SS$.
.. 9old 8ar- &ruman !octrine- 0ars'all Plan- Point Four Proramme. &'e $io
Pact- t'e :lliance S(stem 5O:S- *:&O- OI9- $9!- :*?>S- *eutralist 7loc26
8. &'e !e"elo#ment of >*@ Its role in world affairs- 8arsaw Pact- Euro#ean
Interation- collecti"e securit(.
9. 0aAor :froB:sian &rends and attitudes- 9ommunism- *ationalism. ?ionism and
$acialism- demand for new economic order.
13. &'e roll of Su#er Powers in world affairs.
Books Recommended.
1. 9arr- E. ;. International $elations- 1919 19)9- /ondon. 196+. 5$e1uired
%. ;artmann- $elations of *ation- *ew <or2- 1967. 5$e1uired $eadin6
). 7enns- /ec: Euro#e since 191+- /ondon- 19,+.
+. 9'aud'ri- Pa2istan and t'e $eional Pacts- Carac'i- 19,8.
,. ;ard(- 9at'erine: : S'ort ;istor( of International $elations- /ondon- 19,3.
6. Se'umann- Internations Politics- *ew <or2- 1969.

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