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SESSION 20 __________
Subject of Examination:
University Registration No:
Centre of Examination:
Field/Grou/!tion "aers !ffered:
#$ Name %in &loc' letters( Gender
)$ Fat*er+s Name %in bloc' letters(
,$ N$-$C No$ %.ttac* on attested Coy(
/$ "ermanent .ddress
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"*one No
1$ "assed &$.$ &Sc/&$2*/&$Com Examination in t*e year )3 under Roll No$ and
!btained mar's %.ttac* attested coy of 4egree or "rovisional Certificate and 45C(
6$ .eared in 5./5Sc %"rev( Examination in )3 under Roll No$ and failed in "aer%s(
#$ )$ ,$ /$ 1$
%.ttac*ed attested coy of 45C(
7$ Subject in 8*ic* to be examined #$ )$ ,$
/$ 1$ 6$
- *ereby solemnly declare t*at t*e articulars given above ate correct$ -n case of any 8rong information or
concealment of fact%s($ - s*all be *eld resonsible for t*e conse9uences$ Furt*er: - underta'e to abide t*e
Rules/Regulation ; olicies of t*e Examination as rescribed by t*e University of "es*a8ar
Signature of Candidate
C*ec'ed Eligible .llo8ed
4ealing .ssistant Suerintendent .$C$E/4$C$E
Remar's %if any(:
Roll No$ 000000000
on bac' side
No of C*ances
.vailable 8it* Session
C*ances Session
F!R C.N4-4.2ES .""E.R-NG F!R -5"R!>E5EN2 !N<=
=ear of "assing 5$./5$Sc %"rev( Exam %=ear Roll No$ 5ar's $
=ear of "assing 5$./5$Sc %Final( Exam %=ear Roll No$ 5ar's $
%.ttac* .ttested coies of 4$5$Cs of bot* "revious ; Final Examinations(
4$ No$ 0000
- certify t*at:
a$ 2*e candidate is 'no8n to me and t*at *is/*er articulars given overleaf are signed by
*im/*er and are correct$
b$ ?e/S*e is domiciled at 000000000000000000000000000000000000000%4istrict/.gency(
c$ ?e/S*e *as remitted Rs$ %-n figures( 00000000%-n 8ords(00000000000000000000000000
>ide receit No$00000000000000000000 dated 00000000000000000000 as examination
admission fee %Receit .ttac*ed($
Signature 000000000000000000000000000
Name 000000000000000000000000000000
4ated 000000000000000000000000000000
!ffice Seal 0000000000000000000000000000000000000
#$ Examination .dmission Form duly comleted in all resects toget*er 8it* fee receit s*ould reac*
t*e Controller of Examination: University of "es*a8ar on or before t*e last date 8it* Normal fee
notified for t*e urose failing 8*ic* late/double/trile fee s*all be c*arged$
)$ Examination fee s*ould be deosited in t*e nearest designated branc*es of National &an' of
"a'istan Fee remitted t*roug* 5oney order s*all not be acceted$
,$ Candidate 8*o *ave assed t*eir &$./&$Sc/&$2* examination from ot*er university and are not
registered 8it* t*e University of "es*a8ar 8ill be re9uired to ay Rs$ #)33/@ as Registration fee
along 8it* t*e examination admission fee$ .ll suc* candidate 8ill be re9uired to attac* !riginal
5igration Certificate and verified coy of degree along 8it* t*e form$
/$ 28o different examinations are not allo8ed in one session$ Excet examination for t*e imrovement
of division as ermissible under t*e rules$
1$ For imrovement of division: t*e candidates 8ill be re9uired to aear eit*er: bot* in t*e "revious
and Final examination simultaneously or in t*e Final examination only$ 2*ey 8ill *ave t8o suc*
c*anges to aear in t*e syllabus in vogue of t*e relevant examination 8it*in t8o consecutive years$
6$ Candidate are re9uired to attac* t*ree coies of assort siAe *otogra* and a coy of t*e National
-dentity Card or 4omicile Certificate duly attested by a GaAetted !fficer$
7$ Examination centre 8ill be allotted by t*e University 8*ere feasible and not on t*e c*oice of t*e
candidate care of addresses are not entertain able excet in cases of c*ange of centre ermissible
under t*e rules$
B$ Candidate 8*o are not ermanently residing in t*e jurisdiction of t*e University of "es*a8ar s*all
be re9uired to attac* service certificate of t*eir o8n or of t*eir arents along 8it* t*e admission
form$ Service certificate of rivate firms 8ill not be acceted$
C$ -ncomlete forms s*all not be entertained and s*all be returned on t*e cost/ris' of t*e candidate$
#3$ . candidate of 5$./5$Sc 8ill avail a maximum of five and four consecutive examination for
revious and final resectively including t*e initial one to clear all t*e aers: by scoring t*e
re9uired ass ercentage in individual subjects as 8ell as in aggregate: failing 8*ic* *e/s*e 8ill be
re9uired to aear in all subjects including "ractical+s and viva voce examination as a 8*ole$
Candidates Signature

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