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CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1

CNMI Public School System

Understanding by Design
Collaborative Curriculum Unit Planning
School: San ntonio !lem"Sch" #rade $evel: Second grade %rd &uarter 'March %1()ril *+,
Stage 1: Identify Desired -esults
Standard(s) and Benchmark(s):
. . : 2 MD 1 , Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers
, , . yardsticks meter sticks and measuring tapes
. . : 2 MD 2 , Measure the length of an object twice using length units of different lengths for the two
; . measurements describe how the two measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen
. . : 2 MD 3 , , , . Estimate lengths using units of inches feet centimeters and meters
. . : 2 MD 4 , Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another expressing the length
. difference in terms of a standard length unit
. . : 2 MD !ord problems in"ol"ing length
. . : 2 MD # $epresent whole numbers as length
. . : 2 MD % &enerate Measurement data
Content Objectie(s):
How to identify and recognize appropriate units and tools of measurement for weight, length,
capacity, time, and temperature.
How to measure length to the nearest centimeter and inch.
How to measure the capacity of different objects.
How to measure the weight of different objects.
Lan!"a!e Objectie(s):
Identify and recognize appropriate units and tools of measurement for weight, length,
capacity, time, and temperature.
Measure capacity, weight, and length to the nearest centimeter and inch.
I can choose measurement tools to use in measuring objects
I can identify what tools to use to measure objects.
Socia# St"dies Objectie(s)
'ee Daily lesson plan for (earning )bjecti"es
.ig Idea's,(Students /ill understand0
*e able to relate measurement in a real world situation
*e able to tell time to meet their needs
. *e able to measure and estimate lengths in standard units
$hat essentia# )"estions *i## be considered(
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1
- !hat acti"ities can + pro"ide for my students to ensure hands on exploration of measuring length of
!hat acti"ities and opportunities can + pro"ide that will allow students practice with using smaller
objects to measure the length of a larger object,
, - -ow can + use manipulati"e and other technologies that will allow for direct hands on exploration of
measuring the length of objects,
.an students identify and name the appropriate tools used to measure the length and weight of
, , , /re students capable of using yardsticks meter sticks measuring tapes and rulers to accurately
measure length,
.an students choose two different measurement units to measure the same object,
.an students accurately measure an object with two different units and explain the results,
" " .an students justify why the two measurement counts are different by accurate
, , , .an students find objects that they estimate are reasonably close in length to an inch foot yard
, centimeter and meter,
, , , .an students estimate the lengths of other objects reasonably closely in inches feet centimeters
and meters,
/re my students0 estimations reasonable in regard to the actual object length,
.an students choose the appropriate standard measuring tool,
.an students accurately measure the length of two objects in standard units,
, . ., " .an students state the difference in units of length i e 1he pencil is 2 inches longer than the
" crayon
.an students determine the difference in length between two objects and use an appropriate strategy
to express that difference,
, , " .an students state the difference in units of length for example the pencil is 2 inches longer than
" the crayon
Students /ill 2no//
-ow to identify and recognize appropriate
, units and tools of measurement for weight
, , , . length capacity time and temperature
-ow to measure length to the nearest
. centimeter and inch
-ow to measure the capacity of different
. objects
-ow to measure the weight of different
. objects
Students /ill be able to/
+dentify and recognize appropriate units and tools
, , , , of measurement for weight length capacity time and
. temperature
, , Measure capacity weight and length to the nearest
. centimeter and inch
+ can choose measurement tools to use in measuring
. + can identify what tools to use to measure objects
Sta!e 0: Determine Acce1tab#e Eidence
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services %
Performance 3as2's, 'summary in #-SPS form(See -eference,:
Other !vidence's,4 5ui66es4 tests4 )rom)ts4 observations4 dialogues4 /or2 sam)le:
"bser#ation $hec!list

Student Self(ssessment and -eflection:

(nd of &election Tests
o )ocabulary
o comprehension
Teacher Made *ssessments
&elf and +eer (#aluations
&ote: See .acet o3 %nderstandin! 'e3erence
Sta!e 4: 5#an Learnin! E61eriences and Instr"ction
Actiit7 Bank (See 'e3erence on $HE'ETO E#ements 3or !"ided )"estions to 1#an actiities): List a##
actiities 3or the *eek(s)8 c#ass *ork9 1rojects9 home*ork9 #earnin! tasks9 assessments9 etc:
$horal ,eading
,ead *loud integrated
&hare and &lide
ord *ttac! &trategies
o -se picture clues
o &ound out the word
o .oo! for chun!s in the word
o ,eread the sentence
Ma!e +redictions
*s! and *nswer Questions
$onnect the Te/t to .ife (/periences, "ther Te/ts, or +rior 0nowledge
$ooperati#e 1rouping
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services +
'ES5O&SE TO I&TE'2E&TIO& ('tI)
3ier I ctivities:
&mall 1roups
$ollaborati#e 1roup wor!
+articipate in class discussions
3ier II ctivities:
*dditional time gi#en to students in tier 2.
+icture cards for #ocabulary and concepts
)isual aids
+eer assistance
(/ploring nonfiction boo!s in relation to a topic.
3ier III ctivities:
"ne'on'one 3with teacher4teacher aide5
*dditional time gi#en to students in tier 6.
+icture cards for #ocabulary and concepts
)isual aids
+eer assistance
Student's, /7 Disabilities !$$ Student's,
$hat barriers are kee1in! the st"dents 3rom accessin! instr"ction9 1artici1atin! in actiities9 demonstratin! #earnin!9 etc(
Student 1: Student 1:
$hat s"11orts *i## red"ce identi3ied barriers(
Student 1:
8isual aids
Picture cards for vocabulary
One(on(one /ith teacher
Student 1:
Ho* *i## the s"11ort assist the st"dents in accessin! instr"ction9 1artici1atin! in actiities9 demonstratin! #earnin!9 etc(
Student 1:
Provide individuali6ed instruction"
Student 1:
THE %&IT (S5ED): .ist !ey words from 7(+ objecti#es and4or foundational s!ills and indicate which 7(+ objecti#es and
foundational s!ills can be addressed within each instructional acti#ity.
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 9
IE5 objecties =
3o"ndationa# ski##s
(*rite ke7 *ords)
%nit instr"ctiona#
actiities (*rite the
n"mber o3 the
actiit7 or ke7
Instr"ctiona# Strate!ies (CIT$) Techno#o!7 >ateria#s? 'eso"rces: St"dent $ork?Eidences:
Identi37in! Simi#arities =
Generatin! = Testin! H71othesis:
+roblem &ol#ing
&ystems *nalysis
&on8Lin!"istic 'e1resentation:
Mental 7magery4&enses
+hysical Model
$ues and Questions
8ote Ta!ing
+ro#iding 9eedbac!
+ro#iding ,ecognition
,einforcing (ffort
&etting "bjecti#es
:ata $ollection
;rainstorming4 7dea
Mapping &oftware
:iagnostic +rescripti#e
:isplay Tools
7nteracti#e hiteboard
$ollaborati#e *pplication
(ducational games
$ommunication Tools
)irtual manipulati#e
Multimedia 3watching5
Multimedia 3creating5
eb'based ,esearch
ord +rocessing
"ther 3ma!e note5
1roup discussion
+eer4&elf (#aluation
+eer Teaching
+roblem &ol#ing
$ompare < $ontrast
&tudent :emonstration
&ilent ,eading
"ral +resentations
.earning 1ames
8ote'ta!ing4 .isting
Hands'on .earning
@Be!innin!9 D"rin! EndA
&e=uence all acti#ities for the unit.
Da7 Actiities Home*ork
>arch 4B9
A. Introduce the Standards and Benchmarks:
. a 1he teacher will only introduce the standards that is targeted in the
/ daily lesson acti"ities
. . : 2 MD # $epresent whole numbers as length
. . : 2 MD % &enerate Measurement data
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services :
Materials List:
Math Common Core Standards:
. . a 2MD # $epresent whole numbers as lengths from 2 on a number
line diagram with e3ually spaced points corresponding to the
, , , , numbers 2 1 2 and represent
I can Statement:
. a + can represent whole numbers as lengths from 2 on a number
line diagram with e3ually spaced points corresponding to the
, , , numbers 2 1 2 and represent whole number sums and
. differences within 122 on a number line diagram
Previous lesson topic:
Connection statements:

Present Lesson
New information:
List examples you are using:
List at least 5 questions to ask for understanding:
List at least 2 how and why questions:
Guided Practice Whole Group
Example used:
List 3 explanation statements:
Small Group Activity
Hands on Element:
List at least 5 questions:
Independent Practice
Practice Worksheet:
Assistance Strategies:
List Review Questions:
Assessment Check for Understanding
List at least 5 questions to ask for understanding:
List at least 2 how and why questions:
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services ;
B. Introduce the Learning Objectives: The I can statements.
. a + can represent whole numbers as lengths from 2 on a number line
, , , diagram with e3ually spaced points corresponding to the numbers 2 1 2
and represent whole number sums and differences within 122 on a number
. line diagram
C. Introduce the Activities ! da"s#

Do Now
. : / Daily 1une 4p
. * $e"iew by asking students the different tools to measure the length of
. an object
. . . *riefly re"iew other Measurement concepts from pre"ious week
. 'tate today0s objecti"e
1ell students that today we will represent whole numbers as lengths from 2
on a number line diagram with e3ually spaced points corresponding to the
, , , numbers 2 1 2 and represent whole number sums and differences within
. 122 on a number line diagram ! ( - ) (et s use a number line 12 22
Teacher Input
. / Explicitly tell students that they will be using a number line and card
. acti"ities to represent whole number

Guided Practice/Independent Practice
! Distribute the guided practice sheet entitled (et s use number line
using the second$grade$common$core$%orkbook.&d' on &ages ()*$(!*.
. : &uide students through completion of each problem Direction 'tudents will
. shuffle cards and place in a pile 'tudents will begin at fifty on the
. number line and then mo"e based on the directions on the card /s students
, . mo"e on the number line they will write the e3uation on the score sheet
! 1he first player to 122 wins /llow time for students to respond and
. justify their answers
.all all the students back as a whole class and ha"e them share what they
. ha"e learned 5ust use the popsicle stick to randomly call at least or
. more students to share depending on time
A1ri# CB9
A. Introduce the Standards and Benchmarks:
. a 1he teacher will only introduce the standards that is targeted in the
/ daily lesson acti"ities
. . : 2 MD 1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate
, , , . tools such as rulers yardsticks meter sticks and measuring tapes
. . : 2 MD 2 , Measure the length of an object twice using length units of
; different lengths for the two measurements describe how the two
. measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen
. . : 2 MD 3 , , , Estimate lengths using units of inches feet centimeters and
. meters
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services <
. . : 2 MD 4 , Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another
. expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit
. . : 2 MD !ord problems in"ol"ing length
. . : 2 MD # $epresent whole numbers as length
. . : 2 MD % &enerate Measurement data
B. Introduce the Learning Objectives: The I can statements.
. a + can represent whole numbers as lengths from 2 on a number line
, , , diagram with e3ually spaced points corresponding to the numbers 2 1 2
and represent whole number sums and differences within 122 on a number
. line diagram
. b + can use number lines to add and subtract the numbers represented by
. pictures
C. Introduce the Activities ! da"s#

Do Now
. : / Daily 1une 4p
. * $e"iew by asking students the different tools to measure the length of
. an object
. . . *riefly re"iew other Measurement concepts from pre"ious week
. 'tate today0s objecti"e
1ell students that today we will represent whole numbers as lengths from 2
on a number line diagram with e3ually spaced points corresponding to the
, , , numbers 2 1 2 and represent whole number sums and differences within
. 122 on a number line diagram ! ( - ) (et s use a number line 21 22
Teacher Input
. / Explicitly tell students that they will be using a number line and card
. acti"ities to represent whole number

Guided Practice/Independent Practice
Distribute the guided practice sheet entitled 6nowing your 7umber (ine
and /dding and 'ubtraction on a 7umber (ine using the second$grade$
common$core$%orkbook.&d' on &ages (!)$(!!. &uide students through
. : . . completion of each problem Direction a (ook at the number line !hat
. numbers do the pictures represent, b 4se the number lines to add and
. subtract the number represented by the pictures /llow time for students
. to respond and justify their answers
.all all the students back as a whole class and ha"e them share what they
. ha"e learned 5ust use the popsicle stick to randomly call at least or
. more students to share depending on time
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services =
A1ri# C09
A. Introduce the Standards and Benchmarks:
. a 1he teacher will only introduce the standards that is targeted in the
/ daily lesson acti"ities
. . : 2 MD 1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate
, , , . tools such as rulers yardsticks meter sticks and measuring tapes
. . : 2 MD 2 , Measure the length of an object twice using length units of
; different lengths for the two measurements describe how the two
. measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen
. . : 2 MD 3 , , , Estimate lengths using units of inches feet centimeters and
. meters
. . : 2 MD 4 , Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another
. expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit
. . : 2 MD !ord problems in"ol"ing length
. . : 2 MD # $epresent whole numbers as length
. . : 2 MD % &enerate Measurement data
B. Introduce the Learning Objectives: The I can statements.
. a + can . organize a list of measurement using a line plot
C. Introduce the Activities ! da"s#

Do Now
$e"iew by asking students the different tools to measure the length of an
. object
. $e"iew pre"ious Measurement concepts that were taught

. 'tate today0s objecti"e
1ell students that today we will organize the different measurements using
. a line plot
Teacher Input
. . / Explicitly tell students step by step what they will be doing
Guided Practice/Independent Practice
- Distribute the guided practice sheet entitled Measure and 8lot )rganizing
Data using the second$grade$common$core$%orkbook.&d' on &ages (+,$
((). . / : Directions )rganize the measurements listed below into a line
. . plot 4se an 9 to mark the data &uide students through completion of each
. . problem * : Directions )rganize the measurements listed below into a
. . line plot 4se an 9 to mark the data /llow time for students to respond
. and justify their answers
.all all the students back as a whole class and ha"e them share their
. findings and measurement 1eacher will call on each group to share their
. work
CNMI PSS Office of Instructional Services 1*
A1ri# C49
A1ri# C;9
A. Introduce the Standards and Benchmarks:
. a 1he teacher will only introduce the standards that is targeted in the
/ daily lesson acti"ities
. . : 2 MD 1 Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate
, , , . tools such as rulers yardsticks meter sticks and measuring tapes
. . : 2 MD 2 , Measure the length of an object twice using length units of
; different lengths for the two measurements describe how the two
. measurements relate to the size of the unit chosen
. . : 2 MD 3 , , , Estimate lengths using units of inches feet centimeters and
. meters
. . : 2 MD 4 , Measure to determine how much longer one object is than another
. expressing the length difference in terms of a standard length unit
. . : 2 MD !ord problems in"ol"ing length
. . : 2 MD # $epresent whole numbers as length
. . : 2 MD % &enerate Measurement data
B. Introduce the Learning Objectives: The I can statements.
. a +
C. Introduce the Activities
. . a 1he students will be working in their (earning 'tations
. b
Station +: -ath
. , a +n this station each student will

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