People Pins: Materials

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People Pins

1 yards 24g Craft Wire
1 Large Teardrop Bead (body)
1 Large Round Bead (head)
!Beads ("#$ seed beads)
11#$ %eed Beads
%pa&er Beads
'irepolish Teardrops
'irepolish Bi&ones
Coil (in )# Clut&h
Round nose pliers
Chain nose pliers
%tep *ne
Cut )ire into four e+ual pie&es,
%tep T)o
'or the legs- &oil end of 2 )ires using the T!pin as &oiling tool,
.dd assorted beads for legs (about 1/ 0 1 in&h long)1
ending )ith a tapered bead so that the legs flo) s2oothly into
the body, Bring )ires up through the body bead,
%tep Three
Bring )ires up through the body bead,
%tep 'our
'or the ar2s- use a ne) pie&e of )ire1 add hand beads or
&har2 and fold )ire in half, .dd assorted beads to for2
ar2s ending )ith a tapered bead, Re2e2ber1 you are using
2 )ires1 so the hole si3e has to be slightly larger than the
legs, !Beads )or4 )ell, Bring leg and ar2 )ires up
through the head bead, 5ou 2ay need a bead &ap or tapered
bead as a ne&4 to help the transition fro2 body to head,
%tep 'i6e
(la&e pin do)n through the head, (ut the &lut&h on the end
of the pin, 7sing the head as le6erage1 bend the pin ba&4 to
a right angle, (la&e tip of &hain!nose pliers on pin at base of
head and bend straight do)n &reating a 8og in pin, This allo)s
the pin to hang properly )hen )orn,
.dd beads for hair 9 &oil off ends, :f you prefer &oiled hair
start at base of head 9 &oil )ire )ith T!pin,
%tep %i;
Coil the hair no) its ready to )ear,
WWW,Bead2e&&a,&o2 42< % Main %t1 Canyon6ille1 *R =>41> 1!???!""!B.@%

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