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... through Bertha Dudde

Cycle ....
Concluding a period of Salvation ....
he circle i! co"pleted .... #t i! the end of a period of Salvation
$hich %egan a long ti"e ago and can %e !po&en of a! a very
!ignificant pha!e of Salvation %ecau!e # 'y!elf de!cended to
(arth in order to acco"pli!h the act of Salvation on %ehalf of all
fallen !piritual %eing!. )nd after thi! act of Salvation the first
fallen !pirit! $ere a%le to return* they ac&no$ledged 'e and $ill
re"ain $ith 'e forever %ecau!e they voluntarily !haped
the"!elve! %ac& into love ....
But no$ a ne$ period of Salvation $ill %egin .... )nd thi! fir!t
nece!!itate! the di!!olution of all "aterial creation! on* in and
a%ove the earth and a total tran!for"ation of the earth+! !urface.
)nd once again a ,udg"ent of !piritual %eing! in every degree of
"aturity $ill ta&e place* ne$ creation! $ill ari!e $hich $ill
receive the !piritual !u%!tance! according to their degree of
"aturity and $ill help the" to develop further-
and a ne$ hu"an generation $ill co"e forth fro" tho!e people
$ho re"ained faithful to 'e* $ho $ill !urvive the final %attle of
faith on thi! earth and thu! pa!! the la!t great te!t of $ill .... )nd
the!e people $ill for" the root of the ne$ hu"an generation
$hich $ill occupy the ne$ earth .... $herea! everything that i!
!till utterly oppo!ed to 'e $ill %e %ani!hed in !olid "atter to
!tart it! higher develop"ent again ....
)n earthly period co"e! to an end* and that "ean! that one
cycle ha! %een co"pleted again .... that "any !oul! $ill have left
their e.ternal cover for good and finally have returned into the
!piritual &ingdo" again .... that they thu! found co"plete
rede"ption through /e!u! Chri!t and then co"ply $ith their
purpo!e in the !piritual &ingdo"*
that they continue to a!cend ever higher %ecau!e there i! no
li"it in the &ingdo" of light and %ecau!e all 'y children $ill
eternally !trive to$ard! 'e* !ince it increa!e! their happine!! to
al$ay! find fulfil"ent of their love and never to le!!en their
de!ire for 'y love ....
)nd li&e$i!e the proce!! of returning the !pirit! on earth $ill
continue ....
For an infinitely long ti"e and countle!! period! of develop"ent
$ill !till have to pa!! %y until all !piritual %eing! are
redee"ed .... # !ay thi! to you* 'y !ervant! on (arth* %ecau!e #
can only initiate a fe$ people into 'y plan of Salvation* for only a
fe$ can gra!p thi! reign and activity of 'ine in order to guide the
fallen !piritual %eing! %ac& to %li!! ....
he connection! fro" (arth to 'e are e!ta%li!hed ever le!! often*
a living faith in 'e i! ever "ore infre0uently to %e found $hich i!
the re0uire"ent to convey thi! &no$ledge to people. 1o$ever*
$herever po!!i%le # $ill con!tantly influence people through the
"outh of tho!e $ho offer their active !ervice to 'e. hey find
little credence $ith their fello$ hu"an %eing! and yet # reveal 'y
plan of Salvation through 'y "e!!enger! to all people $ho $ant
to accept 'y revelation!.
)nd # infor" the" of the fact that once again one pha!e of
Salvation i! co"ing to conclu!ion and a ne$ one $ill %egin. )nd
thi! $ill %e an e.tre"ely painful proce!! for tho!e $ho do not
%elieve* $ho have handed the"!elve! over to 'y adver!ary* $ho
did not find rede"ption during thi! period of Salvation and $ho
therefore $ill have to go through the proce!! of develop"ent
once "ore ....
# $ould li&e to protect everyone fro" thi!* # $ould li&e to lead
the" %ac& and let the" enter the !phere! of the %li!!ful !pirit!
%ut # cannot let 'y love $or& contrary to la$ .... 2eople "u!t
enter the eternal order during the final !tage of their
develop"ent* only then $ill # %e a%le to accept the" again in 'y
&ingdo"* $hich they once left of their o$n free $ill.
hi! period of develop"ent* during $hich # 'y!elf lived on earth
in the hu"an %eing /e!u!* ha! %een e.tre"ely %eneficial .... )ll
people $ould have %een a%le to relea!e the"!elve! fro" 'y
adver!ary %y "erely availing the"!elve! of the %le!!ing! of 'y
act of Salvation* for 'y act of Salvation $a! acco"pli!hed for all
people pa!t* pre!ent and future.
)nd 'y !pirit $ill al!o convey thi! &no$ledge again to the people
on the ne$ earth .... For 'y i""ea!ura%le love $ant! to help all
fallen %eing! to a!cend* and a! !oon a! a per!on allo$! hi"!elf
to %e guided %y 'e* a! !oon a! he "erely !urrender! hi!
oppo!ition and ac&no$ledge! Me Myself in Jesus Christ he $ill
al!o have !tarted on the path of return to 'e* $hich the "an
/e!u! $al&ed a! a good e.a"ple to hi" ....
)nd then he $ill al!o enter the la$ of eternal order and the
proce!! acro!! the earth $ill one day %e over for hi" a! $ell* he
$ill !tep out of hi! phy!ical cover and pa!! into 'y &ingdo" of
light and %eatitude ....
2u%li!hed %y friend! of ne$ revelation! of God 3#nfor"ation*
do$nload of all tran!lated revelation!* the"e4%oo&let! at5
3 http566en.%ertha4dudde.org6

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