Why Sub-Continent Is Is So Multi-Cultured?

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Why Sub-Continent is is so Multi-cultured?

Roll no s-13-3407
In the name of Allah, the beneficent and the merciful.
Sub-continent is an ancient place on this planet. But its history could not be written. Here in this part of
the world, people of different races with different cultures are living from prehistoric age. The matter is
very interesting, this land is still mystic and under the cloud due to its charming surroundings and
seminal geographical position. In this article, I endeavored to discuss on this topic according to my store
of knowledge.
The topic is as wide as Sub-Continent. Why this land is is so multi-cultured? According to the known
history of this mystic land, people of different races, with different cultures landed on this land from sea,
mountain and desert. They were colonizers. They spread their culture here and ruled over natives.
When the cultures clash, there emerges another culture but to somehow people keep their identity. But
after an interval, there is no difference except color and even this difference vanishes when a new
generation flourishes.
India is the most colonized land in this world. Native people always supported them as they were in
power. They brought their own culture and settled there; sank in the native people after some decades.
The colonizer became colonized after settling there. Then a new nation comes and the wheel runs as
Ariaa Tribes came from Persia or central Asia. They fought with native people and captured the most
fertile land for farming. They made people slave and ruled here for long time. They settled in the river
valleys. What type of language the spoke, not known but with the interaction with the native people,
there emerges another language which was understandable for both parties, after a clash, there came a
other culture that is called Ariaa civilization.
Then came the Greeks in the leadership of Alexander the Great. But here he faced a resistance. He could
not stay for a long time and returned wounded even dead, but he appointed his governors here. This
ruling class also became the part of these people. From this clue of Greeks, British supported their
ideology to rule on this land as an heir. Their footprint can be seen today, gods and goddess are example
with buildings.
India is a land of religions. Buddhism was an official religion of India in the age of Ashok. Hinduism was
offstage but gained power again in the age Gupt Family and became the official religion of this land. But
the effects of Buddhism were so deep that even today; there are new discoveries about this great
religion. Historical books are full of evidences. Temples all over the land can be seen as fresh as that was
time. Buddhist loved their Guru very much and they made statues everywhere. There is a great
civilization that is called Gundhara civilization, the centre was Peshawar Pakistan.
Muslim traders came here and settled at Malabar at the coast of sea. They mingled with the native
people. The native accepted Islam. The people from Arabia also sank in this society but keep their
identity as Muslim, emerges Urdu language with this flood of traders, the Muslim Saints came in a large
number on this land. They spreaded the message of Islam with love and peace even local religious
people started to sit in the meetings of these saints. Data Darbar Lahore, there is a grave of Hindu
person who was a ruler there become the devotee of Hazrat Ali Hajveri. Madhu Lal Hussain and many
other examples in all over the Sub-Continent.
Muslim rulers also attacked on this land and established a government in Sindh now in Pakistan which
were called Dabble. Before Muhammad Bin Qasim, a troop of Muslim soldiers also endeavored to set a
political system but local resistance by Raja Dahar defeated them. Then came Muhammad Bin Qasim
with devotees who defeated Raja Army and captured this land. Muslims settled here. They were also
colonizers. They ruled here and set an Islamic political system.
Tamer Lung and his successors ruled here violently and killed many people. They were looters who
returned after made this land full of with sad air.
Ghaznavi Tribes from Afghanistan attacked India and made it the part of their realm after seventeenth
attack. They set up a political system here and Lahore was capital, Mahmood Ayaz was governor. They
were also settlers and made the people their slave. The successors of Mahmood Ghaznavi ruled here
and affected the culture of plane with mountainous culture, but like other, they also assimilated in this
society and kept their identity as Muslims.
Then comes another wave of Mountaineers. This time the frontier tribes of Afghanistan attacked India
and set up government here. After the death of Muhammad Ghori, Slave family ruled here for long long
time. It was a feudal kind government.
Lodhi Tribes from Afghanistan landed on this land. They made settlements here and supported their
people over natives. Then came red Mughals from East Asia. They were defeated in their native land but
they defeated native people and set a long period of government. From Babar to Bahadar Shah Zafar.
During this another tribe Soori defeated Hamayun the son of Babar and made government here.
G.T.Road is their monument. But Mughals made a lot of buildings, Mosques, inns and forts here even
today you can see the grandeur of those rulers.But they did not made any service for Islam and
education. They were settlers affected the local culture with Persion language. People from Persia came
and settled here.
Late in the age of chaos, Ahmad shah Abdali and his successor also attacked here but did not stayed, but
left long term effects. The attack of Nasir Shah Durani from Persia shacked the Mighty Mughals. Then
came Dutch, French and Portuguese , but they did not stay here but left foot prints.
Sikh Religion was also emerges here from Hinduism. Baba Guru Nanak, in Nankana Punjab Pakistan
made his settlement. He spreaded his religion and Gormakhi Script. Raja Ranjeet Singh ruled over
Punjab with his successors till 1849.
Then came the white west wind disguised in the dress of traders like Muslims. They affected very deeply
this land but did not made settlement like Newzeeland,America and Austeralia. Their prints always will
affect for a long time as they have made people mentally slave through education, these white mughals
also colonized this land and made their country developed with the cheap raw material and labor.
These are the reasons that Sub-Continent called multi-cultured land where people settled and ruled all
over the world and now US is also working on the lines of old imperialists and affecting this land with its
ideology and idea of global government to fulfill the dream of Russel.

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