VJC H2 Math P2

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Section A: Pure Mathematics [40 marks]

1 The equations of 3 planes p
, p
and p
are given by
2x 2y 3z = 5,
5x 5y 4z = 2,
x + 2y +5z =
(i) Find a vector equation of the line of intersection between p
and p
. [2]
(ii) Given that the 3 planes intersect in a line, find the values of and . [3]

2 The equation of a curve C is
( )
, 0 1.
x a
y a
= < <

(i) Write down the equations of any asymptotes of C. [2]

(ii) Find, in terms of a, the coordinates of any stationary points of C. [4]

(iii) Sketch C. [2]

3 A Global Positioning System (GPS) tracks the movement of a bullet train from point A to
point B using a Cartesian graph with A as the origin. The point (x, y) represents the
position of the train t hours after leaving A, where x hundred km is the distance travelled
in the east direction and y hundred km is the distance travelled in the north direction.
It is found that
sec tan
t t
= and
hours after the train has left A, ln(1 2). x = +
Solve the differential equation. [3]
Given further that
d 1
d tan
t y

= and B is 2 hundred km north of A, find the coordinates of

the point in the Cartesian graph that represents B. [5]

4 A graphic calculator is not to be used in answering this question.
Verify that
( )( )
( )
2 2 i i
e e 2 cos
z r z r z r z r
u u
u = + . [1]
Solve the equation
z = , expressing the solutions in the form
e r
, where 0 r > and
t u t < , giving u in exact form. [4]
Hence, or otherwise, express
64 1 z + as the product of three quadratic factors with real
coefficients, giving each factor in exact and non-trigonometrical form. [4]
5 The functions f and g are defined as follows.
2 1
f : e , 0,
x x s
g : ln(2 ), .
x x x >
(i) State, giving a reason, why

exists and find

f ( ). x

(ii) Determine the domain of

. [1]

(iii) Show that composite function gf exists, and find the values of such that
gf ( ) . = [5]

Section B: Probability and Statistics [60 marks]

6 The events A and B are such that
P( )
A = ,
P( | )
A B = and
P( | ' ) .
B A =
(i) P( ), A B

(ii) P( ). A B [3]

7 Research shows that children are less likely to develop myopia if they spend at least 14
hours a week outdoors.
See Bak suspects the mean time that children in Singapore spend outdoors is less than 14
hours a week. To verify this, he randomly selected 36 children and found out how much
time they spent outdoors the previous week. The results are summarized as follows.
( 14) 3.9 and ( 14) 2.7, x x = =

where x hours is the amount of time each child spent outdoors the previous week.
Assuming that the time spent outdoors each week by children in Singapore is normally
(i) test See Baks suspicion at the 5% level of significance, stating clearly the
hypotheses used, [5]
(ii) find the range of values of the sample mean of 36 children such that See Baks
suspicion will be supported, at the 5% significance level, if the standard deviation of
the time spent outdoors each week for children in Singapore is known to be 0.3 hours.
[Turn over
8 Men and children staying in a particular hotel have masses, in kg, that are normally
distributed with means and standard deviations as shown in the following table. Their
masses are independent of each other.
Mean mass (kg) Standard deviation (kg)
Men 68 10
Children 20 5

(i) A man and a child are randomly chosen from the hotel. Find the probability that the
mass of the man is less than three times the mass of the child. [2]

(ii) Two men and three children are randomly chosen from the hotel. Find the
probability that their average mass will lie within 60 kg from 100 kg. [3]

The safety limit of a hotel lift is 600 kg.
(iii) Nine men are chosen at random from the hotel. Find the probability that their total
mass exceeds the safety limit. [2]

(iv) Nine men from the hotel enter the lift, at a time when a large number of sumo
wrestlers are staying at the hotel. Give one reason why the probability that their total
mass exceeds the safety limit may be different from the value calculated in part (iii).

9 The Art Club of a certain school consists of 10 members, of whom 2 are from the IP 1
level, 2 are from the IP 2 level, 3 are from the JC 1 level and 3 are from the JC 2 level.
They have to take a group photo for the school magazine.

Find the number of ways of taking the photograph if all the members are to stand

(i) in a row such that the 2 IP 1 members are together and no JC 2 members are
together, [2]

(ii) in 2 equal rows, 1 row in front of the other, such that the 4 IP members are at the 4
corners. [2]

After the photo shoot, all the members went to the Art Room and sat at a round table.
Find the probability that the 2 IP 1 members are seated together. [2]

10 Nine healthy male recruits from an army camp were selected at random. The ratio x of the
length of the ring finger to that of the index finger was measured. A blood test was
conducted to determine their testosterone level, y ng/dl. The results are shown in the
following table.
x 0.97 0.98 0.99 1.01 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.07 1.08
y 260 321 456 599 630 696 787 881 1000

(i) Explain what is meant by at random within the context of the question. [1]

(ii) Calculate the product moment correlation coefficient between x and y and sketch a
scatter diagram for the data. Hence explain, with supporting reasons, how the ratio
of the length of the ring finger to that of the index finger and the testosterone level
are correlated. [4]

(iii) Estimate the testosterone level when the ratio is 0.95 and explain, with a reason, if
this estimate is valid. [2]

(iv) State the equation of the least squares regression line used in estimating the ratio
when the testosterone level is given. [1]

(v) Explain why it is not valid to conclude that a higher ratio of the length of the ring
finger to that of the index finger will cause the testosterone level in the blood to be
higher. [1]

11 In a certain factory, it is known that 100p% of all articles produced are defective.
(i) 10 articles are randomly selected. Find, in terms of p, the probability that there are
not more than 1 defective article, leaving your answer in factorised form. [2]

(ii) Assuming now that p = 0.1, 60 random samples, each of size 10, are drawn.

(a) Using a suitable approximation, find the probability that less than 53 samples
will each contain not more than 2 defective articles. [5]

(b) Find the probability that the sum of the defective articles in these samples
exceeds 80. [3]

[Turn over
12 The number of customers arriving at a service counter of bank A and the number of
customers arriving at a service counter of bank B are recorded separately. It is found that,
on average, 4 customers arrived at the service counter of bank A in an hour and 2
customers arrived at the service counter of bank B in an hour. The number of customers
arriving at the service counter of bank A is independent of the number of customers
arriving at the service counter of bank B.
(i) Find the probability that there are at least 8 customers arriving at the service
counters of both banks in one hour. [2]

(ii) Using a normal approximation, find the maximum value of n, correct to 1 decimal
place, such that the probability that there are at least 45 customers arriving at the
service counter of bank A is less than 0.01 over a period of 2n hours. [7]

(iii) Suppose that there are 7 service counters in Bank A and the numbers of customers
arriving at these service counters are independent of each other. Find the probability
that there are more than 2 but not more than 6 service counters with at least 4
customers arriving at each counter in an hour. [4]

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