Section A: Pure Mathematics (40 Marks) 1 Given: y y y X y y y

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Yishun J unior College+ 2011 Preliminary Exam +H2 Maths 9740 Paper 2


Section A : Pure Mathematics [40 marks]

1 Given that ( )
0.2 4
y y
= , 0 4 y < < , and that 3 y = when 0 x = , express y in terms
of x. Hence find lim

. [6]

2 The four non-collinear points A, B, C, and D have coordinates ( ) 4,1, 2 , ( ) 5, 3,1 ,
( ) 7, 3,13 , and ( ) 5, 2, 8 respectively.

(i) Prove that the line AB and the line CD intersect. [5]

(ii) Hence find the vector equation of the plane ABCD in scalar product form. [2]

(iii) Find the perpendicular distance from the point ( ) 3, 0,1 to the plane ABCD. [2]

(iv) Find the exact area of the quadrilateral ABCD. [3]

3 (a) (i) By considering the area under an appropriate curve, find
2 2
a x x
terms of a, where 0 a > , giving your answer in an exact form. [2]

(ii) Hence find
2 2
a x
in terms of a, giving your answer in an exact form.
(b) Using the substitution 3 5 u x = + , find the exact value of ( )( )
2 3 5 d . x x x



4 (a) (i) Show that
( )
arg 2 2 3i
= . [1]

(ii) On a single Argand diagram, sketch the loci of
( )
arg 2 2 3i
+ + = and
( )
arg 2 2 3i 0 z + + = . [3]

(iii) Find the exact cartesian form of the complex number w, where the shortest
distance of w from both loci in (ii) is 3 units. [3]

(iv) Hence state the largest value of ( ) arg z w , given that

( )
0 arg 2 2 3i
s + + s . [1]

(b) Verify that 2i is a root of the equation ( ) ( )
3 2
2 2i 2 4i 4i 0 z z z + + + = and find
the other roots. Hence solve the equation ( ) ( )
3 2
4i 2 4i 2 2i 1 0 w w w + + + + = .
Yishun J unior College+ 2011 Preliminary Exam +H2 Maths 9740 Paper 2


Section B: Statistics [60 marks]

5 Given the word SUCCESS, find the number of arrangements of these letters such that

(i) there is no restriction, [1]

(ii) the three letters S are separated from one another, [2]

(iii)thetwo letters C are together and exactly two letters S are together. [2]

6 In this question, give each of your answers as a fraction in its lowest terms.

(a) A box contains ten objects: one red ball, two white balls, three red cubes and four
white cubes. Three objects are drawn at random from the box, in succession without
Events B and R are defined as follows:

B : Exactly two of the objects drawn are balls,
R : Exactly one of the objects drawn is red.

Show that P(B) =
and find P(R). [4]
Find also P(B|R). [3]

(b) In a certain sample space, it is known that events A and B are independent. Given
P( )
A B = and
P( ' )
A B = , where ' A is the complement of event A, find
P(A). [3]

7 The mass, x kg of the contents of each packet in a random sample of 80 cereal packets is
measured, and the results are summarized by

53 . 79 =

x , 4621 . 100

x .

The company claims that the population mean mass of the contents is at least
kg. A
test is carried out at 4 % significance level. Given that the companys claim is rejected,
find the set of possible values of
. [5]

The mass stated on a cereal packet is 1.1 kg. The company believes that using a new
machine to pack the contents of the cereal packets will increase the mean mass.
10 randomly chosen cereal packets yield a mean of 1.22 kg and a standard deviation of
0.25 kg. Assuming that the mass of each cereal packet follows a normal distribution, test,
at the 5 % significance level, whether the mean mass of a cereal packet has increased.

Yishun J unior College+ 2011 Preliminary Exam +H2 Maths 9740 Paper 2


8 A fruit seller grades apples according to their mass. It is given that the mass of a
randomly chosen apple follows a normal distribution with mean g and standard
deviation 30 g. Apples with a mass exceeding 150 g are graded as large while apples
with a mass less than 70 g are graded as small. The proportion of large apples is the
same as the proportion of small apples.

(i) Explain why is 110 g. [1]

(ii) Find the probability that the total mass of two randomly chosen apples exceeds 230g.

(iii) Using a suitable approximation, find the probability that a buyer who picks 50
apples randomly will have at least three apples which are graded as large.

The fruit seller also grades oranges according to their mass. It is given that the mass of a
randomly chosen orange has an independent normal distribution with mean 190 g and
standard deviation 24 g. The fruit seller sells the apples at $0.20 per 100 g and the
oranges at $0.15 per 100 g.

(iv) Find the probability that the average cost of an apple and two oranges exceeds $0.25.

9 The number of customers at a post office in a half-hour period during the peak period
follows a Poisson distribution with mean 5. The peak period for the post office on a
working day is from 12 pm to 1.30 pm.

(i) Find the probability that there are at least 7 customers in a randomly chosen
half-hour peak period. [2]

(ii) On a randomly chosen working day, there are 3 non-overlapping half-hour periods
during the peak period. Find the probability that two of them have at least 7
customers each and the other has at most 6 customers. [2]

(iii) Given that there are a total of 10 customers during the peak period, find the
probability that there are at least 9 customers during the first half-hour period.

(iv) A day is considered busy if there are more than 20 customers during the peak period.
By using a suitable approximation, find the probability that a day is considered busy.

(v) Find the probability that the average number of customers during the peak period
per day over 60 working days is between 12 and 16. [3]

Yishun J unior College+ 2011 Preliminary Exam +H2 Maths 9740 Paper 2


10 (a) For a given set of data for X and Y, it was found that the regression line of X on Y is
9 8 44 X Y + = and the linear product moment correlation coefficient r between X and
Y is given by
= r . Given that the regression lines of Y on X and X on Y intersect
at (4, 1), find the equation of the regression line of Y on X. [3]

(b) The college comprises male and female students who are either in J C1 or J C2 as
shown in the following table.

J C1 Students J C2 Students
Male 390 360
Female 340 410

A sample of 50 students is to be taken from the population to investigate the average
number of hours a student spent on doing mathematics questions per week.

(i) Describe how a stratified random sample of 50 students may be chosen. [2]

(ii) The students are now listed in alphabetical order and they are numbered from 1
to 1500 consecutively. A number between 1 and 30, inclusive, is selected at
random. The corresponding student and every 30
student thereafter is included
in this sample. Identify this method of sampling. [1]

(c) The mathematics department would like to study the relationship between the
average number of hours (x) spent on doing mathematics questions per week by
students and their percentage score for the mathematics final examination (y).
A survey yields the following results.

(i) Draw the scatter diagram for the given data. [2]

(ii) Identify the data pair which should be removed, and calculate the linear product
moment correlation coefficient for the revised data. [2]

(iii) By using a suitable regression line, estimate the average number of hours
required to do mathematics questions per week if a student wants to obtain 80
percent for the mathematics final examination. Comment on the choice of your
regression line. [3]

~ End of Paper ~

Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
x 8 5 7 13 5 14 16 10
y 40 16 32 15 28 70 85 60

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