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For office use only;

Date Sent:
Date Rec'd:
Information from this form will appear in Horizons and other infor
mation formats published by Mission Services Association.
This form is prepared to help you give accurate background informa
tion about yourself and your mission work.
Please type or print clearly 'Do not abbreviate
Please do not write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you may want to provide.
This is not an application form. It is not an official form endorsing you and your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicize
your work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If any questions seem too personal or seem offensive
to you, please feel free to leave them blank.
Name in full .
Sps// oot all names
First Name
Middle Name
Date: October 7
(Month Day
Complete address on field: P0 Box 32184 Lusaka Zambia Africa
(Number Street - City State Zip number Country)
Phone number on field: In Case of Emergency call #: (812) 636-4995
Ask for: Linda Lee Alexander 313-a East Walnut St. Odon Indiana 47'Sfi7
(First - Middle - Last name and address)
Your complete address while In USA: P0 Box 509 Johnson Bible College
(Number Street State
Kimberlin Heights Station, Knoxville TN. 37920
Your USA phone number: area code
phone number 573-4841
Name and address of LIvinglink church or churches:
First Christian Chnrch
(Full name ol church)
Number &Street 202 South Spring St, Odon IN.
State Indiana zip 47562
(Full name ol church)
Number & Street
City: State
Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:
Sharps Chapel Christian Ch. Number &Street
(Full name Ol church)
City: Sharps Chapel State Tn,
Fotintaln City Christian Ch, Number &Street
(Full name ol church)
City: Fountain City, Knoxvllle State Tn.
Zip 3191^
Please send letters of recommendation from the elders in
your sponsoring churches which will encourage other
churches to support your missionary work. Certainly the
words of these elders will help to convince others
regarding the worthiness of your mission work. Please
help MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS by
sending these elders' letters from your sponsoring
churches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to help
you contact these elders If you will send the full
addresses of the churches.
Please sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the mission field
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.
Number & Street
Name: Larry Proctor
Hugh Carett
Zip 37q(?
NampJerry Osmon. Don Sears. MD
Roy DeMotte
City Qdon
Place of Birth Camp Lejeune _ mf-
(Number & Street)
Date of birth November 1^
(Month) (Day)
(Add date of arrival
Number & Street
IN. 7ip 47562
State North Carolina Zip
(Month) (Day) (Year)
and naturalization date
If applicable.)
Where baptized? Pearl Harbor Memorial Christian Ch.natP September 28. 1969
City Honolulu State Hawaii Zip 96818
On an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..
Married X Single Divorced Widowed
Please give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife Bough
Date of marriage June 5 ^ 1982 where married? Odon. Indiana
(Month) (Day) (Year)
Who solemnized your wedding? Mr. Brad Prldemore
List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and year Inthe order of your children's birth days. (Ifyour
children have been adopted please Indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name In
this space.
inn Alexanqer tsif
Nicole Alexander
Place of birth Month,
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Give
approximate dates:
Place Position
Johnson R1h1p> gt-tidftnr
Zambia Intern
Sharps Chapel TN. Minister
Antioch Christian, Summer minisi-fa-r
EDUCATION (high school and later):
Name of school Location
North Daviess Jr./ Sr# High Elnora ,Xru 3 ,
Vincennes Colfeftge Vincennes In 1 semester
Johnson Rihle nnllege
v/ Charles Delanev summer 1981
Number of years
4 Years
May 1982- Tlntil nnw
summer 1980
Degrees granted and date
(List honorary degrees)
nrarinarerl 1 Q78
(tr an.sf ered )
B. A. Missions 0982- Dec)
What influenced you to become a missionary? Mainly my work with Charlie Delaney during
the summer internship in Zambia*
What is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Your own explanation in some detail might be infiuential in leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets if
you need more space): X hold to a firm belief that one man with God can make a dif
ference. X don't believe that Isiah would have told the Lord to "send me" If
he felt that his going was to no avail. Many are lost and with God X can
really make a difference in their eternal destiny. Thats mv purpose- to make
a difference
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field: Teanhi ng Leaderahlp Training
Classes I Overseeing and helping mbegin new church wnrlc
Which of the foilowing terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher Pilot
Homemaker Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher Radio
ministry Radio foliow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment Maintenance
Correspondence Courses
Evangeiism X Name other:
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent)
Benevoient Office Work Production of Bible
Production of Christian literature in the National Language Village
Father's name and his home address: Ronald Robert Alexander
(First Middle Last name)
Living X Deceased Number &Street 27QQ Dakni-a AvAntm
City So, Sioux City state Nebraska zip Phone (402") 494- AT 02
His occupation Chamber of Commerce Is he a Christian? Yes X No
What positions of leadership has he heid in the locai church? _ DeSCOn
What Christian service does he now do? I don't KhOVf
Mother's full maiden name Linda Lee Plew AlQXandgC.
(First Middle - Last name)
Living X Deceased Number &Street 313-a East Walnut Street
City Odon , State Ind lana _ 7ip 47562 Phnni812) 636-4995
is she a Christian? Yes X No Her occupation if empioyed outside the
home works at a Naval Weapons Support Center- Crane Indiana
What ieadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the iocai church? Teacher/ Youth worker
Do you have reiatives in mission work? Yes No X
if so, piease iist their names, location, kinship and detaiis on a separate sheet with a brief expianation of their
missionary activity.
Name Pinhat-H and Alma Hoel
(First Middle - Last name. If applicable, list both Mr. and Mrs. lull names.)
Number and Street 101 RuT-rPn C^y ^^^n ^
State Indiana Zip ^7562 Phone (812^ 636-4902
Where attend church? First Christian Church
(Full name Of ctiurch)
Number &Street 202 s. Spring city Odon state Indiana zip ^7562
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent? Keeping records^ forwarding funds etc
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only? X6S
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary? No in v/hat form should funds be sent?
Piease give the full name of the mission: ,.2ainbia Christian Mission
Does the mission have official tax exempt status? I
Tc ZAtA'&fit /ri(i,/or)
Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission:
Sf\T To , ID I Burrtci 3fr5gr , Odon
if funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the mission field, piease explain the details of HOWto do it, so we
can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire "
Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.
Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.
if you have additional information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSA in preparing news stories about
your ministry, please fee! free to send it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.
For otfice use only:
Date Sent:
Date Rec'd:
information from this form will appear in Horizons and other infor- This form is prepared to help you giveaccurate background informa-
mation formats published by Mission Services Association. tion about yourself and your mission work.
Please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviate
please do not write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional Information you may want to provide.
This is not an application form. It is not an official form endorsing you and your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicize
your work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If any questions seem too personal or seem offensive
to you. please feel free to leave them blank.
Date: ,
(Month Day Year)
Name in full Rae Alexander
Spell out all names First Name Middle Name
Complete address on field: P0 Box 32184 Lusaka Zambia^ Africa
(Number Street City State - Zip number Counfry)
Phone number on field: In Case of Emergency call #: (812) 636-4995
kuida AlBK^^dres^^^'^ 47S6?
Your complete address while in USA: p.Oa Box 5Q9 Johnson Rihift College
(Number - Street City - State - Zip)
KimhPrlln Heights Station,Knoxvilloi IN*3792O
Your USA phone number: area code _6JU5 phone number 573*4841
Name and address of LIvinglink church or churches:
Churoh dumber &Street 20? South Spring St. Odon, IN
City Qdon State Indiana zip 47562
Number & Street
(Full name ol church)
City: State Zip
Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:
Sharps Chapel Number &Street
(Full TSme ol cnurchjr '
City: State Zip
Fountain City Christian
& Street
(Full name ol church)
City: Fountain CitVf Knoyvllle State
7ip 37918
Please send letters of recommendation from the elders In
your sponsoring churches which will encourage other
churchestosupportyourmlssionary work. Certainly the
words of these elders will help to convince others
regarding the worthiness of your mission work. Please
help MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS by
sending these elders' letters from your sponsoring
churches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to help
you contact these elders if you will send the full
addresses of the churches.
Please sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the mission field
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.)
Name: Larry Proctor
Hugh Garrett
City: Knoxville
Number & Street
Roy Demottee
Place of Birth
Date of birth April
Number & Street
21 1962
(Day) (Year)
State IN. Zip
(Add date of arrival and naturalization date
(Month) (Day) (Year)
if applicable.)
Where baptized? Odon, First Christian Church
City Odon State
_ Date Jan. 12, 1970
JK. Zip 47562
On an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..
Married Single Divorced Widowed
Please give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife Chris Allen Alexander
Date of marriage J^^ 5 1982 Where married? Odon. IN.
Who solemnized your wedding?
(Day) (Year)
Mr. Brad Pridemore
List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and year in the order of your children's birth days. (Ifyour
children have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name in
this space.
Name Place of birth Month, Day Year
if-VrV* *\#
SuT-.y Ci Rough
Wr rtiTi T". S^P 1
17 1QA3
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Give
approximate dates:
Place Position Service Dates
Johnson Bible -College Student
Zainhi a
Intern w/ Debbie Brown
.qiiimiJAr 1 Qfti
Dean Davis
cjharns Chanel , minister wife
EDUCATION (high school and later):
Name of school
Location Number of years
Degrees granted and date
(List honorary degrees)
CradtiAt-ftfi 1 980
Studying Elem. Ed.
North -Paviftss Klnnrfli TN
Johnson Bible Col. Knoxville, Tn.
What Influenced you to become a missionary? This has always been my desire
internship just reinforced this.
What is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on' the mission
Your own explanation in some detail might be influential in leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets If
you need more space):
puip05O is to bring pT* end's frpal-inn fn he^ar and know him,
My interest lies especiaily with the youth and helping them to become
strong> and dedicated followers of Christ.
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field: Most of T "ill
be a help mate to my husband. But Through my education in teaching I
hope to teach either in churches with the ladles and children, or
in a school situation. What ever I can do to be of service forthe
growl,ng of the kingdom.
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher X
Homemaker ^ Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher
ministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment Maintenance
Correspondence Courses
Evangelism Name other:
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent) fluent- Spanish
Office Work
X Production of Bible
Production of Christian literature in the National Language Village
Father's name and his home address: Donald Rae Bou^!;h
(First - Middle Last name)
Living X Deceased Number &Street 1 QQ S, Jojin St
Odon IN. 7. 47562 (812) 636-7688
City .State Zip Phone _2 i
His occupation Security Anavlists is he a Christian? Yes X No
What positions of leadership has he held In the local church? coi^ltjteeg
What Christian service does he now do? Deacon. Re,vi.vii3 andmissi-Qnboard.
Estella Ola Kennell
Mother's full maiden name
(First Middle Last name)
Living V Deceased Number &Street SAME AS FATHER *S
City SAME State SAME zip SAME phone
Is she a Christian? Yes X No Her occupation if employed outside the
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church? Teacher etc.
Do you have relatives in mission work? Yes No X
if so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet with a brief explanation of their
missionary activity.
Name ant^Jlma
'II applicable, list bothMr. and Mrs. full names.J ~
Number and Street 101 Burrell St. City Odon
IN. 7ip 47562 Phone (812) 636-4902
Where attend church?^_gj^^^t Chriotlan Church Odon T
Number &Street 202 S. Spring ci,y Odon gtate 47562
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent? Kssp-lUgr.QC_QIld3-i fordwardlng funds, etc.
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?
Does the forwarding agent receive a salary? In what form should funds be sent? nheck
Please give the full name of the mission: ZAmhi a P.hristian Mission
Does the mission have official tax exempt status? Yes.
Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission: SAME AS HUSBANDS
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the mission field, please explain the details of HOW to do it, so we
can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire
Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.
Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.
If you have additional information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSA in preparing news stories about
your ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.
But we said economical.
And that it is. Chris
and Donna will not have
all of the normal ex
penses of new missionary
1. Nothing will need to
be shipped. They will
only need to take their
luggage. All is pro
vided in the homes of
the Baughman's and
2. No money will need
to be raised for housing
(*with the exception of
a partial payment on
Ron's house if it is not
rented - if rented we
would use the guest
house). This is a very
substantial savings in
3. No money will need
to be raised for a
vehicle. In both in
stances a vehicle will
be provided free of charge
Needless to say this
amounts to a substan
tial part of a recruits
initial cost and we feel
it is good stewardship
of The Lord's money and
extremely practical.
How much will it cost?
ANS. The figures are -
1. For air-fare $6000
(2 round trip tickets-with some
extra for auto insurance and
things not thought of)
2. Living Link - a Salary
$600 month
(as maximum stated allowable
salary for new recruits to
3. Service Link $925
(as estimated by both Ron
Baughman and Dean Davis)
This covers working expenses
and inner country traveling
To contact Chris Write
Mr. Chris Alexander
P.O. Box 509, J.B.C.
Kimberlin Heights Station
Knoxville, TN 37920 /
or call
(615) 573-48Z1 3-4841 Forwarding
y^Vcc. Richard Hoel
101 Burrell St.
Odon, Indiana
Or Call 47562
(813 636-4902
Jesus said, "Therefore everyone
who hears these words of mine,
and acts upon them may be com
pared to a wise man. Who built
his house upon the rock".
Donna and 1 are going to Zambia
in search of such wise men.
Those who will hear the words of
Jesus and act upon them.
1. Who are you sending?
ANS. Chris and Donna
Alexander. Chris will
be a 1982 graduate of
Johnson Bible College
with a Bachelor of Arts
Degree in Missions.
Donna has completed her
Junior year in Christian
Education and plans to
continue by correspondence,
2. What will your ministry be?
ANS. The ministry is unique.
Chris and Donna upon arriving
in Zambia will stay with Ron
and Marti Baughman (present
Z.C.M. Missionaries) until
their furlough in Aug. 1983.
When they leave Chris will
work in Leadership Training
Classes, New Church Evangel
ism, and assist Dean Davis
with his work. When Ron
returns in 1984, Chris and
Donna will move to Dean and
Judy Davis's home. Chris's
main responsibility here will
be working with the English
speaking church scheduled
to begin in 1984. This work
will continue until the Davis's
return in 1985.
When are you scheduled to leave?
ANS- Chris and Donna are
planning to leave June 1, 1983.
This is two months before Ron
and Marti Baughmans scheduled
return and will enable them to
get reacquainted with the
churches and the work.
Where are you going?
ANS. The capital city of Zambia
is Luzaka and that is where
we will be staying. It is
located in the heart of the
continent of Africa and is
bounded by Zaire and Tanzania
(North), Malawi and Mozambique
(East), Zimbabwe (South) and
Angola (West).
5. Why are you going?
ANS. #1 - There is a
need. The Baughmans
and The Davis's are in
need of someone to con
tinue the work of the
church and to keep an
eye on things in their
absence. The Alexanders
in trying to follow the
command of Jesus Christ
see this need and oppor
tunity as an answer to
prayer. They desire to
go and feel this desire
is from The Lord.
Also -
#2 - It provides a very
economical way for them
to get valuable and
needed experience. Chris
and Donna both served
as interns in Zambia in
However - time went by
to quickly and much
needed experience in the
practical everyday life
of mission work was not
gained. This gives them
that opportunity.

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