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14 theSun | TUESDAY NOVEMBER 3 2009


Sunrise’s Q1 net profit

MAHB to take new Istanbul rises 24%
recorded a 17% year-on-year
as well as sales of 11 Mont’Kiara
and the completed Mont’Kiara

airport to greater heights

(y-o-y) increase in pre-tax profit Residence bungalows.”
to RM50.2 million for the quarter It said the y-o-y growth in
ended Sept 30, the first quarter profitability was also driven by
of its June 2010 financial year- lower operating costs.
end. Net profit for the quarter The strong sales momentum
increased 24% y-o-y to RM37.3 continued into the quarter, with
million on the back of turnover the company chalking up RM147
ISTANBUL: Malaysia Airports Hold- Recep Tayyip Erdogan, certainly has operate-transfer (BOT) model. totalling RM190.3 million. million in sale and purchase
ings Bhd (MAHB), which is involved all the features to emerge as a world- In his speech at the opening cer- Earnings per share for the agreement-signed sales.
in the development of the new Istanbul class entry point for Turkey. emony, Erdogan expressed satisfaction quarter was 7.52 sen, up from The company said sentiment
Sabiha Gokcen International Airport MAHB joined hands with GMR In- with the project, saying the govern- 6.37 sen a year earlier. for properties has been boosted
(ISGIA), is expected to take the airport frastructure Limited of India and Tur- ment would initiate a similiar concept The first and final dividend of by the global economic recovery,
to greater heights, making it a global key’s Limak Group to develop, manage encouraging foreign and Turkish firms 3 sen per share for financial year low interest rates and the global
premier airport for Turkey. and operate ISGIA on a 20:40:40 basis. to join forces to develop other airports 2009 was approved by share- stock market rally.
The new airport, which is another GMR chairman G.M. Rao said the in the country. holders of the company at the “Construction of our ongoing
feather in the cap for MAHB, was built consortium, which consisted of a good Malaysia’s Deputy Transport Minis- annual general meeting (AGM) projects is progressing well.
within 18 months. It was considered a combination of three leading compa- ter Datuk Abdul Rahim Bakri said the on Oct 29, and will be paid on “Solaris Dutamas and 10
“world record” and more so since it did nies, had incorporated each other’s international recognition and accolades Dec 10, the company said in a Mont’Kiara are due for comple-
not compromise on quality despite the superior expertise in the project. that the KL International Airport had statement yesterday. tion in the current financial year
short period. ISGIA, which chalked up the high- received throughout its 11 years of op- The AGM also saw sharehold- and 11 Mont’Kiara in 2011.
MAHB’s vast experience in manag- est passenger growth rate between eration was testament to MAHB’s ability ers voting favourably on the com- “Solaris Dutamas, our first in-
ing 39 airports in Malaysia besides 2002 and 2007, handled 4.5 million to compete with other more established pany’s “Say on Pay” proposal. tegrated commercial-residential
being involved in two projects in India passengers in 2007. international airports in the world. “The proposal, a first for development, will transform the
and one in Kazakhstan was crucial in It is expecting 6.1 million passengers “I am proud to say that ISGIA is corporate Malaysia, underscores Dutamas area into an engaging
the success of ISGIA. this year and more than 8.5 million in very good hands with Malaysia our commitment to corporate and lively hub.” Targeted for
The project will benefit Turkey by passengers next year, with passenger Airports, and together, we will soar governance and shareholder completion in stages up to mid-
contributing directly to the country’s traffic set to reach 25 million passenger to greater heights,” he said during the accountability,” said Sunrise. 2010, it will house an exciting dif-
economy and tourism industry by fly- by 2023. opening. “The company’s earnings con- ferentiated retail offering which
ing in tourists. Tourism is the number The new airport involved an invest- Abdul Rahim said the new airport tinue to be sustained by progress will open in end 2010.
one contributor to Turkey’s revenue. ment of €500 million (RM2.5 billion) launch reflected further success for billings for our ongoing develop- Sunrise said it has substantial
ISGIA, developed by a consortium in and will cater for 10 million passengers MAHB in spreading its wings in the ments, namely 10 Mont’Kiara, 11 unbilled sales of RM870 million
which MAHB was part of and opened annually. international aviation industry beyond Mont’Kiara and Solaris Dutamas, as at Sept 30.
on Saturday by Turkey Prime Minister The project was built under a build- Malaysian shores. – Bernama

Hai-O Energy set to become Teh not selling his stake,

new growth driver for group says Public Bank
KUALA LUMPUR: Hai-O Energy ment work in Beijing to develop better KUALA LUMPUR: Market rumours that Tan Sri Dr Teh
Sdn Bhd, the technology unit of Hai-O applications using Hai-O’s invention.” Getting Hong Piow (pix) is selling his stake in Public Bank are
Group, is expected to become a new The firm has teamed up with China’s totally unfounded and without basis.
growth driver with its new invention Institute of Engineering Thermophysics
each A statement yesterday by Public Bank said Teh, the
on heat transfer technology, according from the Chinese Academy of Sciences household single largest shareholder with a total interest of 24.08%
to OSK Research. to establish a joint laboratory on innova- to help in Public Bank, had stressed that he had absolutely no
“According to the management’s tive high intensity heat transfer technol- intention of selling his stake.
conservative guidance, the positive ogy to develop better technology.
save the He remains committed to Public Bank which he
earnings impact may be felt in two OSK Research said the collabora- environ- founded and has so passionately built to its present
years,” said the research house in a tion between the two parties signified ment stature over the past 43 years, the statement said.
statement yesterday. that Hai-O’s invention was of a certain Public Bank also disclosed that Teh, its non-executive
With the low investment cost of standard.
pg 28 chairman, had fully recovered from a minor operation
RM2.8 million compared to its net It also said Hai-O Energy had which he underwent recently. – Bernama
cash of RM52.1 million at first quarter submitted several patent applications
of 2010 to set up the technology unit, which were awaiting approval.
the investment return may be large, For the fiscal year ended April 30,
OSK Research said. 2009, Hai-O’s revenue increased 16%
“We understand that both parties to RM435.2 million from RM373.8 mil- International Trade and Industry Minister
have started their research and develop- lion in the previous year. – Bernama
briefs Datuk Mustapa Mohamed told reporters
He said he had been informed of the
development by MAS, which is now flying
four times a week on the route.
Public Mutual declares Indian businessmen have been
requesting for a daily flight between
distribution for five funds Bangalore and Kuala Lumpur in order to
KUALA LUMPUR: Public Bank Bhd’s wholly- boost trade and investment between the
owned subsidiary Public Mutual had declared two countries, pointing out that more
between 0.5 sen and 4.5 sen gross distribu- air connections were currently available
tion per unit for five of its funds for the year with Bangkok and Singapore than Kuala
ended Oct 31, 2009. Lumpur. – Bernama
It declared a distribution of 4.5 sen per unit
for the Public Industry Fund, 2.5 sen per unit for Maybank’s renminbi trade
the Public Equity Fund, 4.0 sen per unit for the
Public Islamic Bond Fund, 0.5 sen per unit for settlement service
the Public Asia Ittikal Fund and 1.0 sen per unit KUALA LUMPUR: Malayan Banking Bhd (May-
for the PB Asia Real Estate Income Fund. bank) yesterday introduced a renminbi (RMB)
“The funds have performed well and man- trade settlement service at its Malaysian
aged to deliver respectable double-digit returns branches as well as selected regional offices.
for the one-year period ended Oct 9, 2009,” said The service is available at all 387 Maybank
Public Mutual’s chief executive officer Yeoh Kim branches nationwide and 17 trade finance
Hong in a statement yesterday. centres, 39 business centres and 80 interna-
As at Sept 30, 2009, the total net asset tional offices in Labuan, Singapore, Brunei,
value of the funds managed by the company Hongkong, Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia and
was RM33.8 billion. – Bernama the Philippines.
It will enable importers and exporters in
MAS to increase flights on the region to settle cross-border trade trans-
actions with eligible companies located in
KL-Bangalore route Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai and
BANGALORE: Malaysian Airlines is ex- Shenzhen as well as external enterprises in
pected to increase the frequency on its designated countries, namely those in Asean,
Kuala Lumpur-Bangalore route gradually Hongkong and Macau.
starting April next year to meet needs of Mainland designated enterprises (MDEs),
businessmen and the tourism sector. which are registered with the Chinese authori-
The national carrier is expected to ties, are allowed to settle their cross-border
increase the number of flights to five trade transactions in RMB. To date, 365 MDEs
and gradually add more for flights to be are designated to undertake RMB trade set-
on a daily basis in about a year’s time, tlement. – Bernama

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