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Anderson 1

Mya Anderson
March 17, 2014
5th hour
Historical Figure Paragraph
Sojourner Truth was a Civil Rights Activist, and a Womens Rights Activist. Her real
name is Isabella Baumfree. Three ways she showed perseverance was how she was born a slave,
How she had to be separated from her family, and how she lost her son. First way she showed it
was that she was born a slave Truth was born into slavery in Swartekill, New York, but escaped
with her infant daughter to freedom in 1826. Sojourner Truth was one of 12 kids born to James
Baumfree and Elizabeth Baumfree, Truths date of birth like many other slaves was not recorded.
The Baumfree family was owned by colonet hardenbergh, and lived at the colonels estate in
Esopus, New York they had to listen to whatever the colonel said and work for him. After he
died ownership of Truths family passed on to his son, Charles. No matter how tough life looked
Truth seemed to manage the second way she demonstrated perseverance was when she was
separated from her family over two times and beat harshly and violently. No one should have to
experience what many slaves do and thats being sold The Baumfrees were separated after the
death of Charles Hardenbergh in 1806. The 9-year-old Truth, known as belle at the time, was
sold at an auction with a flock of sheep for $100. at auctions slaves will stand in a line and let
owners come and touch them and pick them out and if the slave they choose is liked they will be
sold to work for their owner. Truth was taken away from her family at a young age and all she
remembered about her new owner was that he was violent and harsh she was sold two more
times after her time with John Neely. The final way Truth showed perseverance was when she
lost her son. Truth had four kids, 3 girls and a son, Peter, He was illegally sold when he was five
Anderson 2
years old she tried everything to get him back. Truth received three letters from her son between
1840 and 1841. When the ship returned to port in 1842, however, peter was not on board. Truth
never heard from him again. She lost him once and now she lost him again. Sojourner Truth was
a fighter she fought to make things right she had a long grateful life and through all her struggles
she still made the best of it.

Works Cited

Anderson 3
Sojourner Truth. 2014. The Biography Channel website. Mar 14 2014, 01:06

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