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Non-imprisonment for debt

Non-imprisonment for debt..................................................................................................1

Source: Cruz, Constitutional Law, 2007 d., p27!.............................................................1
1.No person s"all be imprisoned for debt or non-pa#ment of a poll ta$ %&rt. ''' Sec 20(...2
+.,oll ta$..............................................................................................................................*
Source: Cruz, Constitutional Law, 2007 Ed., p275
1. No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-payment of a
poll tax [Art. III Sec 20]
2. Debt
2.1. efers to any ci!il obli"ations arisin" from contracts# express or
2.2. No distinction is made in the $onstit%tion and may th%s incl%de
debts obtained thro%"h fra%d [&ana'ay !s. (%illen]
2.). An obli"ation to pay arisin" from extra contract% is considered a
pri!ate matter bet'een the creditor and the debtor and no criminal action
to enforce the former*s ri"ht to reco!er 'ill lie. +he remedy of the creditor
is a ci!il action for the reco!ery of the %npaid debt.
2.,. It 'as held that a 'arrant of arrest iss%ed based on a criminal
complaint 'here on its face no criminal offense has been committed sa!e
the fail%re to settle an obli"ation despite demand is !iolati!e of the
prohibition a"ainst imprisonment for non-payment of debt -Serafin !s.
.indaya"# /) S$A 1//0
2.1. In a ci!il case 'here the defendant 'as arrested for contempt of
co%rt for fail%re to pay the plaintiiff past and f%t%re s%pport 'as held to
be !iolati!e of the constit%tional prohibition -S%ra !s. 2artin0
). $rime
).1. 3hile no person may be imprisoned for nonpayment of debt# an
obli"ation ac4%ired thro%"h fra%d may be criminally prosec%ted. In s%ch
case# the fra%d%lent act of sec%rin" the debt# and not his defa%lt in payin"
it# is p%nishable. +he obli"ation arises from acts ex-delicto and is
therefore not considered a debt %nder the constit%tional pro!ision.
).2. 56 22 p%nishes the act of ma7in" and iss%in" a 'orthless chec7#
and not the nonpayment of an obli"ation. +he la' is not intended or
desi"ned to coerce a debtor to pay his debt. +he thr%st of the la' is to
prohibit# %nder pain of penal sanctions# the ma7in" of 'orthless chec7s
and p%ttin" them in circ%lation bein" an offense a"ainst p%blic order
-.o8ano $ase0
).). An employer circ%m!entin" the la' thro%"h deceit in not payin" the
salaries of his employees 'ithin the prescribed period 'as con!icted
based on said la'. +he S$ %pheld the la' declarin" 99'hat is bein"
p%nished is the fra%d or deceit of the employer# 'ho bein" able to ma7e
payment shall abstain or ref%se to do so 'itho%t :%stification -6eople !s.
2erillo# ;%ne 2<# 1=110
,. 6oll tax
,.1. +axes are not considered debts b%t arise from an obli"ation of e!ery
citi8en to contrib%te his share in the maintenance of "o!ernment and
fail%re to comply may be !alidly p%nished 'ith imprisonment.
,.2. +he only exception is non payment of a poll tax 'hich is defined as
a specific fixed s%m le!ied on e!ery indi!id%al belon"in" to a certain
class 'itho%t re"ard to his property or occ%pation.
,.). +he exception 'as adopted p%rs%ant to the social :%stice policy
'hich reflects the tender re"ard of the la' to the impo!erished millions
'ho cannot afford it.

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